nightly business report alternative

The termination of this program came as a complete surprise. It really my only reason for supporting my PBS station. Our dinner dates each weekday evening include enjoying and discussing what we learn on NBR and then the PBS News Hour. A sad loss. Paul Kangas felt like family to me. Our daughter grew up watching the program and her first job out of college was with an investment firm. I spend most of my day watching CNBC , but I never stopped watching the NBR program because of its clarity , simplicity and common sense reporting. Its carried by 183 public television stations in all 50 states, reaching 96 percent of all U.S. households, according to APT. So many other programs are more worthy of cancellation but not NBR!! NBR was the only one I could trust to report unbiased business news in 30 mins. Ignore at your own risk America. Anyone who found it, benefitted from watching it. Great synopsis of the daily business news. Seems like was a slippery slope since PTV cut funding by necessity some years ago and staff cuts happened. My wife and I watch NBR most every weekday evening on WETA and then the PBS News Hour. Thanks for the link. Alternative Names for this facility as reported by EPA programs in EPA's Facility Registry Services; Cleanups in My Community provides an interactive map to see EPA cleanups in context with additional data, and lists for downloading data; Search RCRA Corrective Action Sites provides a search feature for Corrective Action Sites; Top of Page Nightly Business Report was unparalleled in it's format and content. Very sad that we no longer have NBR with us. Maybe just Maybe it gave out to much real information to us the general public. VERY SHORTSIGHTED WITH NO LOGICAL EXPLANATION. I, too, would like to add my two cents to this list of respondents who think that ending NBR was shameful. Just taken off the air. NBR was the reason I have been a long-time contributor to PBS. Audiovisual Collections. I cant understand the BBC news people so wont watch it as a replacement. This is terrible. Hope a good replacement comes soon. As long as they get their million dollars in bonuses and golden parachutes, they couldnt give a rats @$$ about their customers or employees. Excellence in programing and serving the public is clearly not CNBCs interest. NBR was/is a great resource, and one of the best examples of why we need viewer sponsored programming. My father taught me about the stock market and advised me to constantly educate yourself about many details of companies on the exchanges and study daily to understand the fundamentals of becoming a savvy investor. I am the point of contact when you dont have a shows executive producer on speed dial, and you dont know why somethings gone awry with your favorite show. Unfortunately, we NBR watchers/investors will need to review markets on our own now or succumb to hyped up and paid for cable shows like Mad/Fast Money or Squawking. Since 1979, the Nightly Business Report was the decidedly unsexy character in the financial news genre of television. WETA, which specializes in public-affairs (CC) (Stereo) rates steady, but said it will pump billions of dollars into its economy through a new round of bond buying. Please endeavor to find a comparable replacement. I am so sorry to witness its demise. Why would a sponsor NOT want to reach an affluent audience? I have been a faithful viewer since the beginning. It is/was an informative, insightful evening report. That ends today. Nightly Business Report, television's longest-running business news broadcast, will cease production after Dec. 27.. A spokesperson for CNBC, which has produced the nightly newscast since 2013, acknowledged the "difficult decision" Thursday and thanked presenting station WETA in Washington, D.C., and Boston-based distributor American Public Television. This is such a dreadful loss.. Ill just go to CNBC during this time to catch up on daily financial news, OH wait, its all reality re-run shows for 4 hours! I totally agree. Our case is with the PBS executives that played us for fools. Such a valuable and respected program. I liked the comments and recommendations given by experts for the business and the stock market analysis. Upon hearing the news I searched the usual financial news sites CNBC, Bloomberg, WSJ (and associated web sites like Marketplace) for something that could replace it in my daily routine and came up blank. Just keep up the pressure. Idiocracy is proving prophetic. Where do we go now? I hope they reconsider and bring it back or some other television station does. I have regularly watched NBR since the days of Paul Kangas and Louis Rukeyser. Ive been a viewer for more than 35 years. I live in rural America and there will be no replacing this business news source for me. Is there a comparable replacement? So sad. What a terrible loss. PBS is the place for this professional non biased type of Business Update nightly program. How is it a CNBC decision? As I commented elsewhere, something went wrong a year or so before Linda O Bryan left the show. Where do we now turn for reliable honest evaluations of whats happening financially in industry/business and the events that effect our retirement portfolios? I will be wearing black indefinitely. As has been said, this program is one of the main reasons weve continued to contribute to PBS members for over 40 years. Perhaps a business opportunity for someone has opened up. I JUST started watching this year! What a shame..of all the JUNK that is on TV these days one program that provided essential information to the American Public is cancelled. And it went downhill ever since. Mostly because the rest of the so-called news has become manipulation and propaganda. I watched NBR every evening just to calm down and feel that everything will be alright. I, for one, am not ready to tell NBR rest in peace!. It feels absolutely awful to see it end. Last night was one of the saddest evenings I have had due to I will miss this very special program. $45.00 Per Month: All accounts get their first 30 days free! It was my reason for turning on the tv each evening as it was interesting, informative and unbiased. After a week of showing the BBC World News in the program guide, our local PBS station also listed NBR in its usual time slot this week. Bummer! We just started watching NBR two years ago and have been daily viewers and PBS supporters. Wow, I went to watch it tonight with my daughter to discover this. Bring it back, please. So much has changed in the ensuing years. In all my two decades+ of watching NBR, I had thoroughly enjoyed it and NEVER expected PBS nor CNBC to pull the plug! As with everyone else, the loss of NBR is HUGE! That 1/2 hour program is the most educational, impartial program on televisioncapable of teaching people about the force that drives the world economy. Thanks for that. Pulling the plug on it is beyond comprehension but par for the course for the sorry state of affairs for what passes for corporate media in modern day America. This is an incredible loss. plethora of CNBC info daily.? Unbiased! This program was the very best, also Louis Ruykhausers Wall Street Week. This brought me to watching PBS and to contributing to the station. Please reconsider restarting the show. Very disappointed to learn of the cancelling of the Nightly Business Report. I dont know of any other business news program that is as helpful and as instructive. Too bad CNBC is taking the heat for dropping NBR. Bring it back you are making a mistake!!!! Some who couldnt afford Comcasts increasingly high fees or would rather be saving for retirement. The above is money taken away from Federal government and delivered to these high state/local taxing communities that just tax more and more for their spending. This is the only high quality program we like to watch and learn very night. States like Illinois raised taxes since 2018 so a very small percentage may have seen a smaller benefit. NBR was not contributing to someones bonus so POOF! Reading all these comments helped me realize so many viewers were hurt like I was last Friday. The show was a good fit and surely at minimal cost to CNBC since they used their vast international news gathering resources and deep bench of talent to present the 30 minute weeknight shows which often repackaged or summarized material broadcast earlier in CNBC. editorial roles on the program for 16 years, said she was disappointed by CNBCs Have watched for years. This is a big mistake and very poorly communicated to the public. Im hoping that a savvy sponsor will rescue the show. I too am devastated by the loss of NBR I join the many, many others who counted on NBR to bring some light and clarity into an otherwise confusing and murky world. So why provide the best, for free, over the air, available to anyones antenna? Yes there are but none, in my opinion, are as reliable and trustworthy as Nightly Business Report! This is a HUGE mistake! Essentially it is the aggregate of intangible assets an organization builds up over time through successful, prudent actions. We will continue our support of Public Television and Radio wherever we may be. Please someone out there figure out a way to continue with this quality program !! Go Nightly is an alternative transportation solution that provides an on-demand ride options for late-night essential travel. I cut my journalistic teeth covering agri-business in California. What a terrible Christmas present, like losing a trusted friend. Hahahahaha!!! My first go to program daily. They exist to make money for thier stockholders and make them happy.Theoretically anyhow, but that is another subject. The dumbing down of America is thundering across the country like an Express train picking up speed. My best to those that contributed to this program for so many years. Whats next, are they going to get rid of Meet the Press, they show the same similar content as This week with George Stephanopoulos, Fox news Sunday with Chris Wallace, or Face the Nation on Sunday mornings. BBC is currently filling the slot and of course, is no substitute for NBR. (I hope that this situation wasnt created by some pencil pushing bean counter trying to cut corners without any thought to NBRs audience or PBS. Please fill the void with financial news, comparable in integrity, clarity, and intelligence. Surely there is some bright person out there that will take notice of an opportunity to fill this void and make some money too. 17 Nightly Business Report October 19, 1987 Funding Credits. Was one of the few TV shows I watched almost daily. Twice a year I have pledged and paid. This was my favorite program. What a shame ! Benoit Beaulne Is this the beginning of the end in terms of unbiased, straight forward information that actually benefits the American PublicWhat a shame. She was able to learn about the world without the bleed they lead political news. Canceling NBR is just an example of what is going on with public television. I have watched this program for more than 10 years, looking forward each evening to the summaries and commentaries. Why not bring it back and add a few more commercials. Thanks I long for someone to revive this gem. [Male Announcer] Nightly Business Report is brought to you by. Such a huge loss. I have been watching since the Paul Kangas days of his daily closing comment wishing you the best of good/buys. It was the only news program of any kind that I felt was unbiased and provided a balanced view. I have watched it for 30 years.

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