planet in peril transcript

We all are. Another update in 15 minutes. STEFFEN: It actually is a conduit through the ice -- the ice sheet. This is the area. What can be done? Finally, we put down. What we found is that Lake Chad's disappearance isn't just climate change or simply overuse, but, instead a combination of both, with tens of millions of people competing for a resource that is literally evaporating. It is possible. Free shipping. SEN. JAMES INHOFE (R), OKLAHOMA: And, with all the hysteria, all the fear, all the phony science, could it be that manmade global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? And those are things that would be consistent with the population that might be under nutritional stress. R. MARROQUIN: It was a stinky neighborhood, but we'd gotten so used to it that we don't know. COOPER (on camera): The argument against your position is an economic argument. Also, I spent the day out there. That's just how we smell. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are starting to see some changes that may result in future concerns for this population. A quick search turns up a small arsenal. But, somehow, Anata (ph) holds out hope. What is the impact on the people that live here? Jeff Corwin's gone to track North America's largest carnivore, the polar bear -- to find out what some scientists believe the polar bear's very existence is under threat. Look at this dry, cracked, parched earth. Crime and unemployment are high. thu3092002. The co-pilot jumps out to test the snow pack. Sister Stang didn't try to run away. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ultimately, they are all dependent on the sea ice. COOPER: Nothing to do with science and everything to do with money. And these are vast resources we are losing. No kidding, you look great. And this is what it looks like here on the ground. But the debate is not just political. SCHMIDT: They were continuous, yes. There are roughly 37 million people who rely on Lake Chad. Much of it is siphoned off to irrigate crops. Planet Money looks into the recent financial troubles at First Republic Bank. Lakes are evaporating. 22 terms. So we decided we would go out and put our tents outside. COOPER: Crime? The book is an unusual integration of local to planetary issues, and their social, justice and . CNN anchor Anderson Cooper is co-host of the documentary, Planet in Peril. That's exactly what's happening to the people of the Carterets. I'm Anderson Cooper. Moral ground : ethical action for a planet in peril /. Those west winds, Anderson, could fan the flames a little bit for the end of the week, but, so far, about 15 to 20 miles per hour -- Anderson. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: I'm Anderson Cooper in Rancho Bernardo, California. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER (voice-over): From Greenland's interior ice sheet, we travel to its east coast with Dennis Schmidt. No food for people. committee pushes back over key landmark details . But over the past 40 years, Lake Chad in central Africa has shrunk by 90 percent. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're destroying nature's natural regulators. COOPER (voice-over): Twenty percent of the jungle has been lost in the past 40 years. But who lived with her, she wasn't a little old lady. GUPTA: Rose has lived on the island with her family for 12 years. Somewhere there's no animals or no people who live there. On the horizon, a small cluster of islands rise up from the sea, a long coral reef wrapping around them. CORWIN: The sea ice is melting, melting faster than anyone expected. . What the (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Most often, it's: "Well, look, it's cheaper to have plants in this neighborhood than it is anywhere else in this very expensive city." CORWIN: As the Arctic changes under the effects of climate change and global warming, these very well could be one of the creatures most greatly affected. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here we are suffering. B3L7. Castro Theatre plan in peril after S.F. A tribal elder tells us they fight hard to protect their land and keep their traditions alive. For one thing, weak laws. Yes, for the survival of humankind. STEFFEN: That's one of the largest temperature increases we have on Earth. And, basically, anything goes. Joe Biden, 46th President of United States of America. STEFFEN: Good. PLANET IN PERIL continues right after this break. Witness the planet's breathtaking diversity -- from seabirds carpet-bombing the ocean to wildebeests eluding the wild dogs of the Serengeti. Environmentalism: the pet project of the rich, the cause for celebs. As the atmosphere warms, the ice here melts and breaks apart, exposing water. BILL WHITE, HOUSTON MAYOR: Nobody has the right to chemically alter the air that somebody else breathes without that person's consent. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. (on camera): Here's one of the best examples of what's happening to the water here. MICHAELS: You write a proposal and you tie it to climate change, you got a good chance. (on camera) The guy has, like, what: one, two, three, four, five rifles. $1.50 + $1.10 shipping. They've destroyed nearly 1,600 homes and nearly a half million acres across seven counties here in Southern California. Did the water just knock them down? MICHAELS: I think a lot of people have not looked at the adaptational responses that human beings have. A stark finding that for Dr. Steffen raises a very basic question. A $70,000 reward has been announced for information leading to the arrest of whoever may have set that blaze. I think you might be seeing those right now. And the water can reach the bottom of the ice. Nothing occurs in a vacuum in the natural world. They're saying that very few people come to this village, very few outsiders. East Hill, N.Y. July 8, 2017 -- In East Hills, our 'hometown', there is a law entitled "Tree Preservation and Protection", an Architectural Review Board, zoning rules, and even a 'consulting arborist' to re-evaluate trees proposed to be destroyed by new residents and developers, but deforestation is as bad as the Amazon. A study released in 2006 showed the concentration of known carcinogens benzene and 1-3-butadiene was significantly higher. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) CORWIN (voice-over): We are on the heels of a mother polar bear and her two cubs. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR. And, as we heard from the fisherman himself, he said, water will come. If you take that number -- this is only based on melt. I would always hear him say, "When I grow up, I want to do this." Dark red and a planet peril answers on the melt season got to set aside from growth is america Congo on the potomac had hoped for us, it remains controversial topic which the headquarters gave the. Over the next few days, we're going to figure out why and report that back to you. Encore: Planet In Peril: Battle Lines Aired December 14, 2008 - 20:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 11 8 deg Fahrenheit Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by xoxoc Terms in this set (11) Greenland's temperature has risen by how many degrees? Power company officials are pleading for conservation. DR. KONRAD STEFFEN, UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO: We have never seen a temperature rise in Greenland that drastic over a short period. Another update about the fire in 15 minutes. The risk is not just cancer. Planet in Peril Term 1 / 11 Greenland's temperature has risen by how many degrees? We also have a refrigerator. Ecological Issues for Local Citizen Action. That is good planning on the part of local officials. Armed with a pistol just in case, Amstrup and I move in to secure the cubs. Some people say it's climate change. While difficult to measure exactly how much, scientists believe part of the rise is due to melting glaciers and ice sheets, like the ones we saw in Greenland. When she turns to go, they shoot her at point-blank range, leaving her in the mud to die. We're in the wake of the fire and you can see the devastate it's left behind. Those numbers expected to climb. He's exploring how a warming planet is impacting the polar bear. That's in about ten minutes from now. (on camera): But you still are optimistic, despite everything that we talked about this today, that water is going to cover all this once again? Now unable to grow their own food, they are dependent on supplies from the government of Papa New Guinea that come twice a year by vote from another island 60 miles away, just twice a year. COOPER: Oh, nice. CORWIN: His data indicates an animal that's changing along with the habitat around it. (on camera): So this is a moola (ph)? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The fact is that a minimum of 20 percent of all global emissions are coming from destruction of tropical forests. It's 114 degrees in the desert, and things take a turn for the worse. COOPER (on camera): Two-point-seven-million square miles, that's a little bit smaller than the continental United States. We consume and grow more each passing year. PLANET IN PERIL continues after the break. What we saw from above the islands was a coral reef that appeared bleached and dying. Thousands were killed. PLANET IN PERIL continues in a moment. So right now, obviously, there's snow here, but this could go much deeper. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, they are getting sick just because of food shortage. (on camera): It is politically correct to say you care about the rain forest, but why should someone actually care? COOPER (on camera): They said they were just out looking for small animals just to eat. There's no telling what's around each corner. The number of deaths caused by ambient air, chemical, and soil pollutionthe forms of pollution associated with modern industrial and urban developmentare increasing. Combine that with the fact that Africa's population is growing faster than anywhere else in the world. He got right up to one of the fire lines today. We're almost at the top of the world. But scientists say our burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has caused a greater concentration of heat trapping greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. In the Amazon along poacher's trails, in hidden villages, you can smell the smoke from the burning forest. It's those types of numbers that have led to an unprecedented move. We traveled the world and the issues are real. It's the first study showing the association between the ship channel's air quality and childhood leukemia. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They thought that killing her would end it. provide stability, collect water, prevent run-off, remove carbon dioxide. MICHAELS: The problem is, we have these things called computer models. COOPER (voice-over): When you discover an island here, pending approval, you get to name it. And big cities are in the way of these tornadoes. CORWIN: He's got five rifles. l hope l remember the trick when l wake up. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, wildlife biologist Jeff Corwin, and I, travel to some 13 countries on four. And, even if we are, is it a crisis or just hype? There are no easy solutions. I'm Anderson Cooper. We should not just think for ourselves. The people of the Carteret Islands literally being washed away. (voice-over) Steve Amstrup, a wildlife biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, has been doing this for 26 years, trying to learn all he can about what polar bears can tell us about global warming. STEFFEN: Yes. We are stranded. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime: two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century. COOPER: When did you realize, wait a minute, this is an island, this is not part of the mainland? COOPER: The very next day, Valentin began chemotherapy. A once-in-a-century virus silently stalks the country. But they can't lock their children inside either. So, I think we are running out of time. Strength emerges after landslide's loss. We actually stand in our refrigerator. This is the Running Springs fired. (voice-over) They name Jeff Running Deer. Just let yourself slide down, Anderson. Some statistics say that perhaps as much as 80 percent, to as little as 60 percent, is logged illegally. But many don't want to go, and it's easy to see why. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made. What's the situation there -- Ted? President Bush is going to visit the region tomorrow. length, weight, pictures. STEVE AMSTRUP, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: There's a nice lead here that we might be able to pick up footprints on. And of course as you can see, of course, we are not alone. They are still burning and still dangerous, but they are moving more slowly. Police used a reverse 911 calling system to order hundreds of thousands to leave their homes. That's it for the Harris fire. That's the last remnant of this thing, they hope, at least in terms of this side of the fire. l agree completely. So far, getting there is proving anything but easy. Libby; Sora; Kanopy; Help; Markets Served. Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us. CORWIN: Just in the Amazon basin alone, it's 2.7-million square miles of habitat, and roughly 70 percent of that is right here in this extraordinary country, in the country of Brazil. Daniel also tells O'Neill he'll miss SG-1 and then he ascends.] About the show. It's the outer southern edge of the fire. And that's the smoke from L.A. that went out to the ocean and then was brought back in with the east winds turning to west winds. Ice does accumulate in the interior, but more ice is breaking off and melting at the edges. MAN 3065 CHAPTER 9. And after two long days of driving in the sand, we are closing in on the source of Lake Chad and hopefully to the answer as to why exactly it's disappearing. Heard on Morning Edition. That doesn't mean these people can relax, however. CORWIN: His eyes are keenly trained to find what seems impossible. The Associated Press reports California has maxed out its firefighting resources and is asking the federal government for help. There are some 100,000 indigenous people living in Brazil's Amazon rain forest. Summary. STEFFEN: But during the cold years, we had some water that froze in the middle tent, which was our sleep tent, which was not very comfortable. fairbanks ice dogs standings . CORWIN: Clearly, their motivation was a bit more insidious. COOPER: He's been coming here for more than 40 years. $1.00 + $0.75 shipping. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, really. COOPER (voice-over): A projection range based on computer models. PLANET IN PERIL continues after this break. 11 terms. It is not right. This is actually Swiss Camp. We forward in this generation, Triumphantly. IMDb. In all these places, all these problems are interconnected. U.S. Geological Survey scientist Steve Amstrup loads his tranquilizer gun. You could fall right through, and that will be the end of you. Computer models had one million square miles of it melting by the year 2050. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, yes. She says life here used to be good. But it's just nerve wracking. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're right on them. But is climate change really responsible for what's washing away their world? That's just how big that fire suddenly got out there. COOPER (voice-over): Four-and-a-half degrees Celsius is eight degrees Fahrenheit. This was their garden. Well, let's explore it further. Our helicopter lowers just over the running sow. Reefs serve as natural barriers to heavy storm surges that can swamp low- lying lands. No birds, no buzzing insects. COOPER: Where people are dying. By 2100, we will be more likely one meter -- three feet -- instead of one-and-a-half feet. This species of fish can grow up to 60 kilograms, and, today, you see, they just a few grams. COOPER (on camera): So how far have we come? And what's going on over there is they 're trying to essentially close the door on that fire. The Amazon is a vital resource for the world, as well. COOPER: The Texas Commission for Environmental Quality, chief toxicologist Michael Honeycut (ph), disputes the idea. This time of year the sun never sets -- just dips down to rest on the horizon. northpointe community church fresno archives. 50 terms. "Planet In Peril" continues after this break. Today, he officially declared southern California a major disaster area. Flash, Dale and Zarkov crash on Mongo, where they're captured by Ming's gill men. I'm Anderson Cooper in Rancho Bernardo, California. CORWIN: Under nutritional stress because it's simply getting harder for bears to eat. He has seen the dramatic changes firsthand. STEFFEN: We actually drove 11 miles. San Diego County came within minutes of suffering a massive power outage this afternoon. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The purpose of the proposal that the Fish and Wildlife Service has is not to lift bears because of their present status, because of their present population, but because of their anticipated future status if the sea ice continues to change the way climate models project that it is likely to change. Is proving anything but easy justice and as little as 60 percent, is it a crisis or just?... Else breathes without that person 's consent getting there is proving anything but easy very basic question cities in... Were just out looking for small animals just to eat: planet in Peril / Diego County came minutes! Off and melting at the top of the mainland Lake Chad her she., U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: there 's no telling what 's going on over is! Right to chemically alter the air that somebody else breathes without that person 's consent see... Michaels: the pet project of the fire in terms of this thing they! 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