rabbit losing fur

If you notice your rabbit has developed dark patches on their fur, its important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. Like people, rabbits can occasionally contract a bacterial infection that causes irritated skin and fur loss. Overgrooming in rabbits is not normal behavior and is often a sign of boredom or stress. You can use the button below to see some of the best options for buying hair brushes for rabbits: A female rabbit losing fur might have some specific health issues which are related to alopecia (hair loss). Over time, this can cause fur loss on the affected areas. In most cases, abnormal hair loss will be the result of parasites (like fleas or mites), an infection, or excessive stress and anxiety. Fur that is wet for long periods of time can eventually lead to hair loss. Mange is caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei or all other Sarcoptes species. This can be caused by a number of things, including stress, poor diet, and parasites. The treatment will be vastly different depending on the ultimate cause of the hair loss, so its best to see someone who will help you make the right treatment decisions. Protect yourself and your pet. The flaked fur will eventually fall off if not treated in time, leaving behind bald skin. When a rabbit has been eating improperly for too long, then it is possible they have other dietary related problems such as obesity. This can vary among rabbits, with some being more willing to eat pellets but not hay, others refusing to eat pellets and some even avoiding water. It can be red or brown, which means dehydration, but it is still nothing to worry about. Hormonal imbalances: Hormonal imbalances (e.g., due to pregnancy or puberty) can cause hair loss in rabbits (as well as other animals). Anxiety: Rabbits are very sensitive animals and can get anxious easily. culture/sensitivity testing and appropriate antibiotics. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If a rabbit is suffering from a particular nutritional deficiency, it can affect them in different ways. You need to take your bunny to the vet to have its teeth trimmed and then change its diet of roughages to a higher one to help trim its teeth. This happens because it is losing old fur faster than it is growing new fur. This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. If our rabbit is losing an abundant amount of hair, it could be due to nutritional deficiencies. Its unusual, but occasionally youll find a rabbit who sheds large patches of fur before their new coat starts to grow. There are many potential reasons why your rabbit may be losing patches of fur. Many rabbits who are overly stressed or anxious will end up comforting themselves by self-grooming. Dental issues can cause fur loss because it prevents the rabbit from being able to clean themselves properly. Second, your rabbit may be shedding more because of stress or illness. A fly may lay its eggs on infected skin and fur and cause a life-threatening situation within 12 hours. Mange mites (Sarcoptes scabiei or Chorioptes sp), Saliva burn (fur loss on the dewlap, under the chin and on the chest), Urine burn (hair loss on the hindquarters), Your rabbit may dislike being touched at the ears due to pain. This leads to urine being absorbed by its skin and fur. There are many reasons why your rabbit may be losing patches of fur, but here are 15 possible causes: 1. Symptoms may progress suddenly or slowly. Tropical rat mite In these cases, you will notice cuts or scabs where the injury occurred. Rabbits have long teeth, with equally lengthy roots. Over time, however, your rabbit will start to slow down and sleep more. If your rabbit comes into contact with something that irritates his skin, like shampoo or soap, he may start to lose fur around his eyes. Fur mites often occur 4. Leaving the condition untreated causes the crustiness to progress until raw lesions cover extensive regions of the body, causing itching and subsequent hair loss. We discover the causes and treatment options available for hair loss in rabbits to know what to do if your pet experiences this problem. A rabbit losing fur around their eyes is much a result of eyepiece free. 3. The more the crust, the more the pain and discomfort your bunny feels. When you have more than one rabbit living together as a pair, one of them might be overgrooming the other rabbit, causing patches of hair loss (especially around the ears and eyes). This will eventually cause saliva burn, where the wet fur around their mouth, chin, and eyes can eventually wear away the fur and cause irritated, bald patches. If this happens, they will usually have inflamed skin or scratch marks due to the itching as well. If your rabbit is losing fur around his eyes, it could be due to a number of reasons. Adequate intake of fiber will also help to avoid other gastrointestinal issues. Often this will be right above or below the tail. If your rabbit is losing a whole lot of fur, but their coat is still intact, then you probably have nothing to worry about. The crust, especially around the ear, would have an unpleasant musky smell. If the rabbit licks themselves continuously, they can ingest a large amount of hair, something particularly common in longhaired rabbits. Rabbits will also begin to lose fur in their old age (starting at around 6-8 years). Stress Induced Acral Lick Dermatitis in a Domestic Rabbit: A Case Report. If youre used to caring for a pet cat or dog, it may seem like an excessive amount and have you worried your rabbit is losing too much fur. Rabbits that do not receive a correct handling from their caretaker or which have hygiene issues in their environment are likely to develop eye issues. They will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment which may include antifungal medication. If you think your rabbit may have this condition, its important to take them to the vet right away. own. Your email address will not be published. Rabbits lose fur for a variety of reasons, both physical and psychological. Dental problems will cause a loss of appetite as well as saliva burn (responsible for hair loss). A natural molting pattern is consistent: rabbits tend to lose and grow back fur at a uniform rate. Daily brushing is advised during this time. Rabbits can catch ringworm from a cat, dog, or other animals that have access to the outdoors since it spreads from direct contact. Itching can cause loss of fur when the rabbit scratches its skin repeatedly. From 393 quotes ranging from $100 - $300. The exposed skin will often be dry, scaly or may even display reddish lesions. Therefore, the transmission of the mites to your rabbits and other companion animals will continue until the primary hosts (rats or pigeons) are removed from your local environment. parasites are not difficult to eliminate and treatment often leads to immediate Its not just the chemicals themselves. Fortunately, alopecia in rabbits is often treatable and rarely permanent. gives rise to severe complications, making treatment more difficult. Longer hair breeds may simply shed more noticeably, but all rabbits will need to be brushed during their molting season. another. Fur loss in rabbits with no other lesions can have many different causes, including fur-plucking, barbering, hormonal problems, and previous localized inflammation. Jackson, R., Rogers, A. D., & Lukefahr, S. D. (2006). fleece toweling that cannot be chewed on can help. These With their teeth in the way, they may end up developing urine scalding. If your rabbit has a tooth that is abscessed or infected, it can cause them to lose fur in the area around the tooth. One common reason for hair loss in rabbits is due to moulting. If it doesnt start to grow back, then there may be an abnormal loss of fur. fur throughout their life cycle and there is no limit to how much fur a rabbit It seems going to be better. needed. Some of these conditions can even be contagious to other species. Many mammals go through a natural hair loss process annually, some even more than once a year. Read all my blogs and reviews about rabbits. Rabbits with thin fur on the bottoms of their feet, such as the rex rabbit, may also be predisposed to this condition. 1. Therefore, it is For example, an upper respiratory bacterial infection called snuffles can lead to alopecia around the eyes and nose. Additionally, if your rabbit has molar spurs (overgrown teeth), they may also rub off the fur around their mouths. Rabbits lose patches of fur due to parasite infections (lice, fleas, mites, and fungus), urinary tract disorders, dental issues, hormonal imbalances, and bacterial infections. When a rabbit molts all its fur in two weeks, you can expect . 2. However, it is coming out in clumps when we pet her. central nervous system. The molting or shedding season can last between two and six weeks. The fur loss can be extremely itchy and irritating for the rabbit. If the situation doesnt change, you might have to keep them separated. As the infestation progresses, There are many reasons why your rabbit might be losing patches of fur. Why is My Rabbit Losing Fur around His Eyes, What are the 15 Reasons Your Rabbit is Losing Patches of Fur, How Can You Tell If Your Rabbit is Losing Fur, Is It Normal for a Rabbit to Lose Patches of Fur, What Could Be Causing My Rabbit to Lose Patches of Fur, Should I Be Worried If My Rabbit is Losing Patches of Fur, Hair Loss in Rabbits: Causes Diagnosis and Treatment, Why Do White Rabbits Have Red Eyes? Bullet points. In fact, they shed their entire coat twice a year in response to changes in the weather. 4. Rabbits are commonly known for their overgrown teeth. Rabbits that havent been fixed are more territorial and are likely to exhibit their dominance in a shared space. 5. In one study, it was seen that regardless of the material used for nest bedding, the majority used a mixture of the material and their own fur[2]. As an associate to Amazon, Small Pet Select, and Chewy.com, I may receive a small commission from qualifying purchases. In pathological conditions, the rabbits fur will likely fall out in patches, often with skin showing. Tropical rat mites (Ornithonyssus bacoti ) are found in both subtropical and temperate regions. Rabbits lose patches of fur due to parasite infections (lice, fleas, mites, and fungus), urinary tract disorders, dental issues, hormonal imbalances, and bacterial . Your vet will be able to accurately diagnose the problem and help your rabbit recover. He stop drinking water and just eats carrots. This is because the infection can cause inflammation and irritation of the skin. Underlying conditions may include physical or behavioral health issues. Follow the Bunny Lady and her bunny partner Elusive and they seek to educate rabbit caretakers and make sure everyone is able to have a happy and healthy bunny in their home. The somewhat permanent wet spots around these areas would wear away the fur and cause bald irritated skin. Different bacteria can cause snuffles, but the most common is Pasteurella multocida. Their ever-growing teeth could become a problem if they dont get enough roughages or fiber to nib on since rabbits often groom themselves. It usually causes less itching than the ear cankers and mange, but a bunny would itch if this parasite is present. But what if your doe isnt pregnant yet its losing hair? consistent process. Special rabbit grooming brushes can be purchased for this purpose, but often brushes for small dogs or cats will also work if they have rounded tips. This is when the rabbit sheds its old fur in preparation for new growth. The first thing to know about rabbit hair shedding (also known as molting) is that it is a perfectly normal. to determine if the infection has reached the bone, along with It is common for rabbits to suffer stress during certain instances in their lives. In the meantime, here are some possible causes of hair loss . Apart from the dental issues that accompany snuffles, it leads to fur loss around the mouth, chin, and eyes due to saliva burn from drooling. A doe (female rabbit) would nest by pulling its hair out and lining it with hay to prepare for her litter. During the purchase, the rabbit have already had a wound on his back. can lose at a time. Normal molting in rabbits follows a distinctive pattern. If your rabbit is losing patches of fur, its important to take them to the vet to rule out any medical causes and get treatment if necessary. If your rabbit is outdoors, you must regularly check for signs of moisture or skin irritation around the areas where your rabbit cannot reach easily. Allergies: Just like humans, rabbits can suffer from allergies. Eventually, the acidity of the urine causes the fur to fall away and the skin underneath to become red and irritated. In this case, you might notice some bald spots where the fur has fallen out. If you notice your rabbit losing patches of fur, take them to the vet to rule out any medical causes. Always seek help from a veterinarian who has experience with rabbits for keep in mind that natural molting is a seasonal process in rabbits. Generally speaking, once you start seeing no crust anywhere, it's a good sign the infection is gone. ; False or Pseudo- Pregnancy: Some confused females . Fur-plucking in the neck or dewlap, belly, and leg areas occurs in pregnant females who are close to delivery, to line their nest. If you suspect your bunny has a parasite infection, you should take it to a vet to be looked at. Simply brush your rabbit's coat regularly during periods of heavy shedding to help loosen the dead hair, and make sure to wipe down the bunny's food and water bowls daily to keep them clean. Hair Loss Average Cost. If your rabbit has ringworm, it will cause them to lose patches of fur. Saliva burn is caused by dental problems in rabbits. If the condition is not addressed, it can cause an infection on the skin. My Dog's Poop Starts Solid Then Goes Soft, Why Is My Dog Bleeding From Its Anus? 3. This article is purely informative. Theyll have two big shedding seasons with a whirlwind of fur, and two smaller shedding seasons. Other causes include false pregnancies, overgrooming partners, and fighting between rabbits. Urine scalding is a condition that occurs when urine gets onto a rabbits fur and skin and sits there for long periods of time. Other times it may seem like a strange or random behavior that is not connected to any obvious health problems. These are often indications of a fight going on while youre away. Rabbits do shed a lot during normal molting seasons. To confirm that its a dental issue, check for signs of teeth grinding, reduced appetite, diarrhea, and a dirty bottom, among other things. Its important to treat this condition promptly with antibiotics to avoid serious complications. Urine is caustic, causing burning in the underlying skin and subsequent hair loss. As they drink, the water can collect on their dewlap, eventually causing fur loss and skin irritation. You should also never use the flea control product, Frontline, on your rabbit. These may include: If a rabbit is stressed and they pull their hair out as a consequence, you are likely to see clumps of fur on their front paws falling out. The primary sign of alopecia is unusual hair loss. Here are 15 possible causes: Moulting usually occurs twice a year and can last for several weeks. A pregnant rabbit will only pull out her fur if for a nest if there are no suitable materials in her environment. types of mites. If the infection has penetrated the bone and only one foot is Fur loss may be restricted to the region under the chin, in the folds of the dewlap or down the chest. 4. - Causes and Treatment, forming hairballs (trichobezoars) in rabbits, https://doi.org/10.1080/10495398.2021.1895186, https://www.hindawi.com/journals/crivem/2014/142813/, https://riunet.upv.es/bitstream/handle/10251/9587/559-1047-1-SM.pdf, My Dog Keeps Licking Her Private Area - All Possible Reasons. rabbits behind if burnt badly, you may have to keep it dry and protected and Finally, as rabbits age their fur can start to thin out and fall out more easily. To treat overgrooming, try letting your rabbits have more Their teeth continuously grow, so they need to be trimmed by a vet or constantly nibbling on roughages. If your rabbit isnt getting enough nutrients from its food, this can lead to poor coat condition and excessive shedding. An center contagion, respiratory discipline or blocked tear duct may be causing this. With barbering, the pregnant rabbit is removing fur to make a comfortable next for the arrival of her kittens. One major symptom of stress in rabbits is hair loss which can affect certain parts of the rabbit. The skin itself may be visibly damaged and open wounds can develop. These can be corrected by filing them smooth. Its also helpful to have your rabbits have large running spaces so that the rabbit getting groomed can keep away from the groomer if needed. EGC can lead to hair loss, itching, and ulceration of the skin. Here are a few reasons why your rabbit may be losing patches of fur and what you can do about it. 3. restricted to the area around the tail, between the hind legs and sometimes on We find out more in the video below on signs a rabbit is dying. World rabbit science, 18(4).https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2010.776, 3. For example, a lack of vitamin A can lead to dry/brittle fur and hair loss. The rabbit cage should have plenty of space. Even though dental problems, such as molar spurs, can occur in any rabbit, theyre more common in dwarf rabbits and short-faced rabbit breeds, such as lops. If its a major injury, you should bring your rabbit to a small animal veterinarian right away. -The most common type of infection that leads to fur loss around the eyes and nose is an upper respiratory infection. Some self-grooming is a completely normal behavior for rabbits, but anxious rabbits can groom themselves so much that they cause bald patches and fur loss. Even with a skin Mange crusts give off an unpleasant, musky smell, particularly in the ears. Treatment can return affected rabbits to their normal health, behavior, and energy levels. If your rabbit scratches its skin frequently, then it could be the reason for hair loss. This is also called fur mite. The larger seasons last a little longer than the smaller shedding seasons. Fighting: Fighting with other rabbits (aka bunny boxing or bunny Jiu Jitsu) can lead to patchy hair loss as rabbits scrape, bite and wrestle (bunny MMA in the bunny octagon).Bunny bullying is also known as "Barbering" - when one bunny picks on or bullies another. This doesn't mean you won't see the rabbit pull hair from other parts of the body. It is important to know that alopecia is a symptom and not a disease. Though less common, rabbits can also be infested with other parasites, such as lice, rat mites, and feather mites. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In the long-term, ear mites can cause skin This can mean that one rabbit is anxious in the pair and trying to appease the other, more dominant rabbit, but its not necessarily indicative of any behavioral or health problems. Symptoms of ear mites include: More helping your rabbits skin heal with a dry butt bath for rabbits. You can tell if your bunny has a urinary tract infection from its urine. This makes the wet areas sore and itchy, causing the fur to fall out. After your rabbit has finished shedding, their coat will return to normal. For this reason, we should provide suitable alternatives which means she won't need to pull out her own hair. World Rabbit Sci., 14, 147-155.https://riunet.upv.es/bitstream/handle/10251/9587/559-1047-1-SM.pdf, Click to attach a photo related to your comment. Worsening of the symptoms As rabbits reach elderly status, their fur will start to thin, especially around the eyes, nose, and ears. The next day, he started to lose fur around his eyes. This is a normal reason why a rabbit is losing fur and is known as barbering in rabbits. During this time, you may notice that your rabbit is shedding more than usual and that bald spots are starting to form. So you might notice this even if you have a single female rabbit who could not possibly be having babies. biopsy, burrowing mange mites can be difficult to visualize. Does experience a phenomenon called false pregnancy, in which the hormones and ovary of your female bunny trick it into believing that it is pregnant. Blocked tear ducts are often a result of dental issues. Allergies are another possible cause of fur loss in rabbits. Domestic rabbits might shed moderately every 3 months. As the molting state is influenced by changing seasons, the amount of light they receive affects how much fur they develop and shed. Below are seven reasons your bunny could be losing its fur and what to do in each case. Mange mites will also cause fur loss around the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and forepaws. If you want to either treat a rabbit which is already stressed or reduce the chances of becoming stressed in the first place, you should consider the following: If a rabbit has been stressed to the point where they have removed hair from their body in clumps or patches, then they should be take to the vet for assessment. 6. Would you like to know about me? The treatment for ear canker in rabbits is 3 treatments of ivermectin injections once every 10-14 days, or one moxidectin injection every 10 days for two treatments. When they hatch, the maggots burrow into the rabbits skin and cause their condition to decline very quickly. positive results. Treatment with miconazole or ketoconazole-containing creams prescribed by a vet is often effective for small lesions. The more dominant bunny might begin to pluck out hair (barbering) from the other in the guise of harmless grooming. in clumps, resulting in bald patches. If you shave the fur on your rabbit's tail, the fur will grow back. There can be complications involved in the rabbi's self-grooming. You need to become more attentive to its behaviors to decipher what the cause could be. This could be caused by stress or being mounted by another rabbit, even a doe. If your vet finds a bacterial skin infection during diagnosis, your rabbit may have to be shaved down in all the affected areas. 2023 RabbitCareTips.com. This is a normal reason why a rabbit is losing fur and is known as barbering in rabbits.With barbering, the pregnant rabbit is removing fur to make a comfortable next . It commonly occurs on the face, head, and ears in rabbits. Alternatively, bald patches could be a sign that the two rabbits are fighting when youre not looking. The above signs are often related to dental issues such as molar spurs or molar abscess. mange. 1. Rabbits may shed differently depending on the amount of natural light in their environment. 5. Dental problems are one of the most common reasons for rabbits to lose fur around their mouths. rabbits. Your rabbit has a mite infestation. There are no recognized hairless rabbit breeds, but if the genetic discrepancies can be addressed, then it is possible such a breed may exist in the future. Compare top pet insurance plans. Their breathing is different Image Credit: Xaya, Pixabay. Flystrike is a condition that occurs rapidly. I then treated her with Ivermicin liquid (Advocat in my case) I use one drop per kg to the back of the neck between the shoulders and repeat it once a month for 3 months. Just make sure youre providing your rabbit with plenty of good quality hay and fresh vegetables to help keep his coat healthy. Abscesses can also be an indication of infection or even cancer, so its best to get your rabbit checked out if you notice one of these bumps. In rabbits, mange appears as whitish or beige crusts that usually start around the edges of the eyelids, borders of the eyes, the mouth, nose, and toes. severely affected, amputation may be the only way to alleviate the pain. A lack of dietary fiber might lead to a rabbit pulling their fur out. If you believe your rabbit is suffering from abnormal fur loss, the first step you should take is visiting your rabbits veterinarian. Your email address will not be published. selamectin may alleviate physical and behavioral issues. If your rabbit isnt getting enough fiber in their diet, they may shed more fur. that your rabbit is molting normally and is not pulling out its own fur as a Like humans, rabbits could also get bacterial infections that affect the urinary tract (kidneys and bladders). If you suspect your rabbits fur loss is associated with an underlying health condition, proper treatment can be highly beneficial. associated with the following: Such types of fur loss Your rabbit has an allergy to something in their environment (including their food). Slipper is not pulling out her own hair. This is especially common among rabbits with a large dewlap (what is a dewlap?). Amy Pratt is a lifelong rabbit owner who has been specializing with rabbits at the Humane Rescue Alliance. These infestations and infections can often result in a dermatological disease such as ringworm. Third, diet can also influence how much your rabbit sheds. Rabbit alopecia can be very serious and even life-threatening if not treated properly. mildest cases of mange should be treated immediately. If you need to know how to tell if your rabbit is getting old, there are some obvious signs. Irritated or reddened eyes. Its not a deadly condition but its highly contagious, even to humans, and can cause painful and sensitive skin. However, some rabbits seem not to have any set pattern and will lose fur in patches from all over their body at the same time. rabbit loses excessive amounts of fur throughout the year, a trip to the vet is One of the most important aspects is the breed as some long haired rabbit breeds will have more to shed. It really is expected for rabbits to lose a lot of fur during their molting seasons. Other Causes of Hair Loss in Lionhead Rabbits. An eye infection, respiratory condition or blocked tear duct may be causing this. Your rabbit will groom itself to keep clean, but grooming could also cause alopecia. Faster than it is important to take them to the vet to out... Both physical and psychological losing an abundant amount of natural light in their environment rabbits shed. Lot of fur as barbering in rabbits, a lack of dietary might... 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