white scars 1d4chan

Warmaster Horus led a relief effort, only to have his command ship similarly infiltrated, but a battle for its bridge ended the minute Horus and the invaders' leader got a good look at each other. By the latter years of the 800s.M30, the Vth Legion had earned itself a reputation for the types of operation for which it would later become most well-known, but not all of its wars were fought in isolation. Arvida informed them that he had arrived on Prospero after its destruction, and that he could give them no answers as to what had previously occurred. But due to the effects of the Ruinstorm, a monstrous Warp Storm unleashed by the Word Bearers during the Battle of Calth, astropathic communication was unreliable and vast tracts of the Imperium were made all but impassable. He also has a suit of unpainted power armor worn by Malacador's Knight-Errant. On Prospero, it was difficult to witness what had become of Magnus' iridescent city of glass and crystal. The fleet mustered once more, holding position in loose formation, just as it had done at Chondax. The glorious accomplishments of his Luna Wolves during the Ullanor Crusade earned them the right to be renamed the Sons of Horus, and their Primarch was elevated to Warmaster and given command of the Great Crusade while the Emperor returned to Terra. Fragments of armour flew like shrapnel. Jaghatai's contribution to the development of the Space Marines psychic arts was never known by the other Legions or the rest of the Imperium. ultraviolet light treatment in combination with topical medications. Somehow the Warp Storms around Chondax had been orchestrated by some mysterious outside force. Collecting himself, Arvida summoned silvery witch-light from his hands, the light blazing so intently that it was hard to look at. The Dark Glass, like its counterpart on Terra, could access the Webway through the use of a central throne controlled by a psyker of enormous power to operate. Slowly, grindingly, Jaghatai Khan hefted Hasik off the ground one-handed, pulling him upwards until their faces were level. Rogal Dorn on the other hand rebuilt one world after another and as a result his abilities as an artisan were known to all, so it's no mystery why one was given all the cool building jobs and the other was passed over. Frankfurt is generally a safe city. The Emperor sent a command to the Space Wolves to capture Magnus, but Horus changed the message to "destroy Prospero". disgusted with the actions of his counterpart, specialized bolts that caused the target to explode into flame, lacks the empathy Guilliman has for his men, he hated the fact that he was robbed of the sense of wonder he might have felt at looking on impressive works of art or learning how to do things the long way, but then he ended up personally killing her in a rage, after she pointed out it was his own flaws and refusal to listen to others that caused it to happen, feeling like a great eye was watching him from the sky, until he finally snapped around the time his own homeworld rose up in rebellion, in that he had far less concern for his men's lives, they not constantly suffered such high casualty rates, he gave up and abandoned the siege entirely, made the Imperium every bit as barbarous as he was, this didn't mean he was in anyway competent at laying down public services for the future, turned into one of the monsters he so hated, However, it clearly doesn't work any more after he's left, all of these did shape him into the man he became. The gathering on Chogoris saw the first occurrence of a ritual that would grant the Vth Legion its new title, the White Scars, and seal its bond as a unified host. They were the ordu of Jaghatai Khan and they took orders from no one else. A year after his arrival, Nostramo was crime-free, its population united in mortal terror of the Night Haunter, a king who ruled from the shadows and personally butchered any who defied him. In the end, Horus and his followers marched on Terra and laid siege to the Imperial Palace, but with loyalist reinforcements en route, Horus risked all in one last gamble. According to the writings about the Great Khan found in the White Scars' fortress-monastery of Quan Zhou, the White Scars learned upon their return to Chogoris following the end of the Heresy that their homeworld and its people had been the target of numerous raids by the Drukhari to seize thousands of Chogorians as slaves. Every starship in the service of the Imperium was different. But in the end, his eyes were drawn up to the observation arch, out through the enormous real-view portals towards Prospero's orbital space. It was how their Stormseers had become so powerful. Jaghatai snapped at the aether-shade that there was no future. At first, the Legion simply followed him into the maelstrom but as tales of the Primarch's wild valour and consummate skill spread among the warriors of the Vth Legion, they soon began to compete to fight by his side. After being broken in personal combat with Leman Russ, Magnus called upon the dark god Tzeentch for succor, and he and his legion were drawn into the Warp. They tore into one another, each strike powered by raw defiance. An interesting contest. As his brother was an unaugmented human, naturally, Perturabo would win every time with no effort. The White Scars Legion must surely have been at the forefront of the Legions that pursued the defeated Traitors to the Eye of Terrorduring the Great Scouring,for the White Scars rarely allowed a defeated foe to slip away once their blood was up. Perhaps it had been too much to expect. The Khan informed Hasik that they had all been lied to by Horus. The Khan was driven further, only barely able to weather the explosion of fury directed at him. The Khan turned back, and caught sight of the Thousand Sons Legionary among the others. Mortarion merely shrugged -- Horus would be the start of the new order. His White Scars embrace war in a way entirely their own, and he became renowned for making decisions that often clashed with the Emperor's wishes. Blood had been shed on many vessels, and some had been commandeered entirely by White Scars Warrior Lodge members still hoping to sway the Legion to the cause of Horus. It all made for a ferociously fast set of warships, from the largest behemoths to the most slender of system-runners. His World Eaters rampaged their way to the Eye of Terror, where they fractured into multiple psychopathic warbands. Unlike many of the other Primarchs, Jaghatai never even considered betraying the Emperor for the service of the Ruinous Powers. These Brotherhoods would utilise a mix of both Vth and XVIth Legion tactics, including the latter's more consolidatory approach to rapid warfare and the more standardised manner of the Luna Wolves' military hierarchy. Soon the Thousand Sons' homeworld swam into extreme forward sensor range. His brother had tasted the fruits of treachery and found them bitter. In the beginning, Magnus had not wanted the Librarius integrated into the Legions. His face gave away the soul of a man destroyed. He had ever been more than a simple butcher and general, more a builder of empires than some among his kin. Something in the upper atmosphere -- an aetheric field, a truly massive one -- was preventing the White Scars from sending landers or Drop Pods. But Magnus explained it did not work like this. The seventh figure occupied a different order of power. A vast avalanche pushed him and his group back down the mountain, killing the normal men. It was a rare find, a realm of unsullied human genestock whose advanced technology was well-matched to that of the Imperium, but whose small size precluded any extended resistance to the Imperium's authority. Khan did not quite believe that the apparition that now stood before him was truly his brother. Qin Xa lowered his weapons. As the Thousand Son slowly regained his strength and precognitive powers, Yesugei repeatedly attempted to convince Arvida to become a member of the V Legion, since the Thousand Sons were now considered Excommunicate Traitoris by the Imperium. After he managed to guide the White Scars' fleet closer to Terra, Arvida finally succumbed to the effects of the Flesh-Change and was rendered unconscious. He would take everyone on if he had to. The Khan looked upwards, over to where Arvida's released energy still shot into the turbulent skies, and hoped someone saw their signal. Horus cracking under the weight of his position, being mortally wounded and seeing visions of a horrific future. The Great Khan is a figure who stands apart from his Primarch brethren, never content to meekly follow his father's will like many of his siblings. In the late years of the Great Crusade, most likely around 980.M30, a force consisting of approximately five Brotherhoods ventured into the wild space at the edges of the Mandragoran Sector. Horus was able to lure fully half of the Space Marine Legions and large elements of the Imperial Army and Adeptus Mechanicus to his cause, thus setting into motion the Horus Heresy, the most terrible conflict in galactic history. I know some pages are pretty cringe, but the Tactics pages are invaluable and one of the main sources some people (myself included) when trying to get ground-level summaries of game/faction/rules changes and summaries. This was war waged as the Great Khan preferred it, the clash of warriors in open and fair battle quickly followed by an honourable surrender, not the prolonged slaughter and utter destruction advocated by some of his brothers. Spurred on by the example of their lord, the White Scars redoubled their efforts and, one by one, the enemy's war machines were isolated and cut down. At the same time, he dispatched a grand summons, calling upon all of the disparate bands of the Vth Legion, the scattered Pioneer Companies that warred across the galaxy, to attend him. The nascent Imperium had pushed its borders to the very edges of the galaxy and thrown down the dragons that lurked at the margins of its ancient star charts. Things were becoming ordered and known -- the Imperium was winning, and in a final victory the White Scars would be undone. Khan took the head of the enemy tribe leader and mounted it on his tent. A lone White Scars Brotherhood posed no real risk -- they had run the calculations. Watching the ash settle and the residual snags of aether-burn ripple into nothing, seven figures within the maelstrom emerged. No markers, no idents marked them, just sub-Warp signatures and the telltale flicker of Void Shield activation. It was common knowledge that the Emperor frowned on such institutions, claiming they were dangerously close to the cults of ancient superstition. They had no wish to kill if it could be avoided -- they immobilized, shattered bones, throttled and bludgeoned, then moved on, sprinting further up through the throng of warriors. "So the choice has been made.". 4chan is an Image Board in the US. Who would have been there but was dismissed for trying to usurp Horus. When they finally concluded their conversation, the Khan informed Magnus that he had got what he had come for. As a result of their Primarch's disappearance, the White Scars hold a particularly savage grudge against the Drukhari and will gladly seek out any opportunity to make war upon those sadistic aliens. The Alpha Legion most likely had never witnessed such ship mastery. If such a gifted individual was properly trained in order to obtain the greatest results, like any weapon, he or she could still be used, but with respect and not indiscriminately. Everything had changed so quickly, garbled in a flurry of contradictory astropathy and secure comm-bursts: Russ of the Space Wolves had gone rogue; or the Warmaster had, taking several Legions with him; the White Scars were ordered to reinforce the Alpha Legion at the Alaxxes Nebula; Ferrus Manus had killed the peacock Fulgrim; Mars and the Mechanicum was in open revolt against the Emperor. Most assuredly not their brother Angron, nor the half-mad Konrad Curze. But they were hindered at every turn -- trapped by the Ruinstorm, the massive Warp Storm conjured by the Word Bearers Traitor Legion during the Calth Atrocity, that blocked off large portions of the Milky Way Galaxy to both interstellar travel and communications. He managed no great empire, nor wrote any great treatise of war, yet his actions guided the course of the Great Crusade with the quiet skill that was the hallmark of his Legion. The White Wolf Wiki started in May 2004, and currently has 22,437 articles. The Alpha Legion and its twin Primarchs, Alpharius Omegon, had long harboured deep grudges against the Space Wolves, and Leman Russ in particular, for his criticism of their reliance upon trickery, manipulation and subterfuge to win battles rather than engaging in what the Space Wolves Primarch saw as honourable, open combat. It shot out vertically, leaping up and bursting into the skies above. Jaghatai, carried by the momentum of his final thrust, staggered though the empty space where his enemy had been. They believed this inherent Imperial Truth, just as they were meant to. Inspired by this success, the Loyalists also tried to seize the Eternity Wall Spaceport, but were driven back by the Chaos forces without difficulty, as they had reinforced their garrison following the loss of the Lion's Gate. Unfortunately, as Horus had yet to enact his rebellion and the warning involved Magnus bulldozing his way through every psychic ward protecting Terra from daemon invasion despite being ordered to not use sorcery at all, the Emperor understandably wasn't feeling very trusting of Magnus at the time. His scythe fell into guard. Jaghatai's campaign of global conquest ended less than six solar months before the Emperor came to Chogoris in 865.M30 as part of His Great Crusade. The Khan bowed his head. Ease symptoms of itch and pain. As the small landing party of warriors made their way deeper into the ruins of the city, they found themselves near the cult temples. They moved on the Kurayed tribe and razed its yurts to the ground, slaying every man, woman and child in a murderous, revenge-driven frenzy. When Jaghatai pressed Magnus for where his allegiances lay, the shade explained that his choices were constrained. The Warp was not what the masses of humanity thought it was. She ordered Shiban to get her to the teleport platform. Though there were no life signs detected, the Khan could not shake the feeling that he heard a distinct buzzing sound. Despite all this, Magnus still wanted to know whose side Jaghatai would choose. A second later the entire chamber was filled with light as flames leapt up from underneath the Psychneuein. The echoing cacophony of Bolter-fire abated. He informed Shiban and his men that the bridge was sealed. Ironically, the former Sons of Horus have embraced this as well. She informed Shiban that she had the Khagan's locus. When the Khan at last made his choice, when the forgotten Legion chose for itself a path to walk, it ultimately shook the pillars of heaven and helped to save the Emperor's dream -- and all Mankind -- from ruination. Since so few of the other Legions had ever fought alongside the White Scars, this specialisation had not become widely known, except for a few speculative reports here and there of strangely elongated engine-housings, extravagant thruster formations and oversized fuel lines. The Keshig master Qin Xa ordered his warriors to withdraw, for they could not fight this new threat. If he had done as commanded, Jaghatai would be telling him of it now. Ironically, despite their role as pathfinders and discoverers, it was not a Pioneer Company of the Vth Legion that would discover lost Chogoris, but instead a fleet of the Luna Wolves Legion accompanied by both Horus and the Emperor. He spoke to Stormseer Yesugei and considered rejecting the Warmaster Horus' command to leave for Chondax, for he could have done so, but both White Scars warriors believed that the campaign on Chondax would be over in a matter of solar weeks. They had remained secretly in contact with Horus' partisans through arcane means at least since the campaign at Chondax. The tension hung heavily, like a thunderhead about to break. The greater the soul, the greater the jeopardy. And thus was the Emancipation of Drune achieved -- though not a single one of the world's populace would benefit from the defeat of their alien masters. The Great Khan, himself a builder of empires, was handed a destiny that saw him resigned to the role of servant and not master, bound to the ambitions of the Emperor. At first the Khan did not believe the evidence of his senses for a long time. The Second Battle of Prospero did not match the horror of the first, for the Death Guard had come to hopefully oversee the incorporation of an ally, not embark upon a protracted void conflict. Many fell to the concentrated volleys of covering fire, their armour pulverised in the withering barrage, but their momentum was not halted. Romulus started Rome by killing his brother. Instead he would only tell him this -- the Vth Legion was the ordu of Jaghatai, and none bore their blades in it save by his word. Most of the Primarchs, without realising it, had already cast their lots in the great drama about to unfold, and only a few remained. The infant Fulgrim was deposited on the decaying world of Chemos, where most orphaned children were put to death as a waste of resources. When it finally cleared, the scene on the bridge looked entirely different. Jaghatai Khan, known as The Great Khan or The Warhawk was the primarch of the White Scars Space Marine Legion.Known for his secluded and fierce nature, the Khan was commonly overlooked and seen as a barbarian but in truth was a highly cultured individual. A Bolter was pressed against his chest and a figure stood before him in crimson armour. By contrast, their enemy advanced in lockstep, trying to maintain a tight formation while their cannon tracked the fleet Legiones Astartes warriors, blasting great craters into the ground in their wake. You forced my hand for the sake of your own petty pride. It is known in Imperial records that much of the White Scars Legion, including its Primarch, was present to defend the Imperial Palace during the climactic Siege of Terra alongside the Blood Angels and Imperial Fists Legions. If Magnus yet lived then everything could be salvaged. As he did so, he raised his blade. The Brotherhood of the Storm followed their commander into the corridors beyond. Despite how much the community puts him on a pedestal, I found him kind of boring. Magnus declared that they were his Thousand Sons, and went about instructing them in the ways of safely harnessing their powers, so that even his comparatively small Legion could achieve mighty victories during the Great Crusade. Exhaustive plans and interminable preparations were not their ways, often leaving them at odds with more deliberate warriors like the sons of Rogal Dorn or Roboute Guilliman. Unable or unwilling to assist, Jemulan dismissed these accusations out of hand and ordered Shiban to return back to his ship until he had received further orders. Led by the esteemed Hasik Noyan-Khan, the Warrior Lodge members declared their allegiance to Horus. Cornered on the throne he had valued more than the lives of his subjects, the Pale Emperor was the only man left alive in the wake of the White Scars' vengeful assault. Fulgrim soon recovered and embraced Chaos, and mortally wounded Rouboute Guilliman in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy before being driven into the Eye of Terror. He never actually bothered to ask the Emperor if he and his legion could do something else. Vitamin C serums will also help fight discoloration and brighten a dark brown pigmentation scar. What could the Khan do if his fleet was of one mind? As the Great Crusade raged across the galaxy, he had sat at its heart, always fighting and always on the move, laughing as he killed. Mortarion passed on his values of fortitude and relentlessness, but the grim Primarch never bonded with his brothers, with the exception of Horus Lupercal and Konrad Curze. But the shade of Magnus explained that there were but two paths to chose from -- he could hunker down in what remained of their father's Imperium and try to keep Horus from beating down the door, or he could choose to remember how Horus had once been, and stand at his side as he brought terror to the complacent. No matter how thorough one is in killing, banishing, or cleansing his presence, he will revive. Angron losing all of his friends to a slaughter, because his father was only interested in saving him. In the brief moment after being struck with the Emperor's spear by Russ, Horus was freed from the influence of Chaos. Those gates remained barred, and no reaction to the massing of three Legions before them was forthcoming. To Rogal Dorn. That the whispers of the faithless could not be allowed to prevail. This could not be denied, but despite that, the Khan still resisted giving the order to attack. On Chogoris, the ability to wield the power of the psyker was called the "Test of Heaven." As the two vanguards closed to within Lance-range, for the first time the White Scars noticed incoming Vox-requests from the enemy on the sensorium array, and ignored them. A long cloak of dark green hung down from high-rimmed shoulder guards. The Thousand Sons Legionary was still there, as were five of his Keshig. The world was rapidly dying and the phenomenon was still growing, perhaps as a result of what had happened there. Magnus countered that this was certainly true of Roboute Guilliman and perhaps Lorgar as well, in his own warped way. He hated to see the three of them getting dragged in deeper by the Emperor's hypocrisy. "It is not enough to take from an enemy their life -- rather take from them also their places of safety, their allies, their homes and their loved ones. Some found the strategies by which his Legion fought to be flawed, especially the inflexible sons of Dorn and Guilliman, while others looked down upon the trapping of Chogorian tradition that bound the Legion together. Such ceremonies have been employed for centuries as tools to enforce solidarity and loyalty among the most brutal of warrior societies, those tasked with the most onerous of duties and the harshest of sacrifices. No reaction to the massing of three Legions before them was forthcoming weather the of... Perturabo would win every time with no effort the psyker was called the `` Test of Heaven ''... Formation, just sub-Warp signatures and the telltale flicker of Void Shield activation up... Brother was an unaugmented human, naturally, Perturabo would win every time no... Primarchs, Jaghatai would choose all this, Magnus had not wanted the Librarius into. Of what had become of Magnus ' iridescent city of glass and crystal May 2004, and caught sight the. 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