In difficult cases, it could be time to seek an experienced professionals help. But, of course, every dog is different, and if you socialize the Mal to other pets right away, it shouldnt be too much of an issue. Poorly trained dogs can be destructive or develop neurotic behaviors if not provided with enough stimulation and exercise. youll save yourself a ton of time and effort. And in most cases, its still going to be: Just imagine how great it will feel to finally be able to trust your Belgian Malinois completely and never worry whether theyll be naughty or not. Teach your Malinois to obey different kinds of commands. LUCY- Belgian Malinois mix- Don't know what she is mixed with. It occurs most commonly when in contact with new stranger dogs and other animals they meet. She has adjusted well. ), Are Belgian Malinois Naturally Protective? Has the run of the house. However, you must note that aggression in Belgian Malinois is not a breed-specific trait. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. They are watchful, alert, and loyal. Belgian Malinoises love their masters and families; its not like them to bite for no reason. The more your dog trusts you, the more confident he will feel about doing the things you ask him to do. They will not respond well to yelling, hitting, or spanking. Sometimes, a Belgian Malinois will be aggressive because they received it as a genetic trait from their parents. Happy dog, happy owner. Belgian Malinois can be friendly and well-behaved pets with proper socialization and training. That includes genetics, environment, and training. My Dog Ate a Chicken Bone! The dog involved, a Belgian Malinois, was a family pet and was taken by the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society. Malinois are lovers of the outdoors, family, and fun activities. Finally, Belgian Malinois dogs may chase other animals or people. We were actually told she was a German shepherd, but she came from the pound and our vet confirmed she is not, but a Belgian mix. They can attack an intruder or bite if their family is in potential danger. Are Belgian Malinois naturally aggressive? Also the most affectionate and loving. Stop Biting By Ignoringing Your Belgian Malinois, Stop Biting By Pulling Your Belgian Malinois Head Away, Stop Biting By Making Your Belgian Malinois Aware That It Hurts. They are fawn colored with a black mask. These characteristics can sometimes manifest as aggression. This could quickly get out of hand and become a real problem. This is not a behavior you want your Belgian Malinois showing. About Puplore Contact Us Privacy Policy Disclosure. However, the longer you wait, the harder the training becomes. Belgian Malinois temperament includes high levels of intelligence that need focussing and channelling with socialization and positive reinforcement training methods. At the same time, boredom and having nothing to do could also move these dogs to nip or bite. It originated in the area around the city of Malines, Belgium. They could even chase other dogs, cats, rabbits, or squirrels, as a result of naturally possessing a high prey drive. Being forceful shows a lack of regard for the dogs intelligence and ability to understand. The Belgian Malinois is ideal as a family protection dog due to being trainable and obedient. Of course, you can train the dog yourself, but that will need a lot of time, effort, and devotion. Undesirable character traits and behaviors develop if an owner fails to train them or meet their needs. And in case you spot any bad behavior in Malinois, such as barking at night or growling at strangers, make sure to consult a professional for help. Two adults, no kids. This would show your dog that [amazon link=B00CPDWT2M title=chew toys link_icon=amazon /] are better for biting than your hand. They're tallup to 2 feet at the shoulders!and always alert, with perked-up ears; kind, dark chocolate eyes; and a slightly bushy tail. Belgian Malinois also make great pets because of their devotion to their family. To deny a Mal activity and the pleasure of your company is to deprive him of his very reasons for being. Thus its a bad idea to keep a malinois if you have children at home. Play with the dog by providing games, balls, and other toys you can use together. Even though the genetic make up of the dog cannot be altered, training can be put into place to tame aggressive behavior. Bitches are 22 to 24 inches and weigh 40 to 60 pounds. 2012. They may need longer to properly socialize with them and to adapt. Initially bred for herding and guarding livestock, they have also provided service for various types of work. The first step to ensuring your Belgian Malinois isnt aggressive is to get your dog from a reputable breeder known for providing dogs with a good temperament. Furthermore, they can make them great pets if trained them right. (10 Companion, Are Beagles Aggressive? So if a Mali starts making some noises without any apparent reason, it might just want to spend some time and play with the owner. Malinois are best suited with a family that has older children that understand how to treat a dog properly. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. This makes them an unwise choice for apartment owners, as they do not like to stay indoors or do well in small spaces. This type of training can sometimes result in aggressive behavior. There is no substitute for this opinion, regardless of what you read on our website. Are Belgian Malinois Naturally Aggressive? Noise master tv. Are Belgian Malinoises Known to Be Aggressive? I also recommend maintaining a schedule for each activity so that your dog knows what to expect at which time. To help your dog avoid aggression, follow the tips mentioned below. Overall, Belgian Malinois dogs seem to do better in a household with no other pets, or just one pet which is not a small breed. Being stranger and thinking that this dog will play with you was a very stupid idea. They also do better in families that lead an active lifestyle and engage in much exercise and physical activity. This is why it is vital to keep Belgian Malinois under close supervision while they interact with unfamiliar humans or animals. Both dogs, however, will be an outstanding guard dog that will protect their family, and make sure they come to no harm. This can cause them to be wary of unfamiliar people. But they can be tamed with positive reinforcement, Alpha, scientific methods, mental and physical stimulation. They are also active and competitive in conformation, obedience, herding, sledding, agility, therapy, and tracking. Malinois Police Dogs - Belgian malinois protection training. (Solved! However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. Mals are very active, intelligent, and hard-working dogs. In the right circumstances, well-trained dogs can use their strength to protect their owners. However, they have a reputation for being highly trained and protective animals. Doggie door. The Belgian Malinois is a high-energy, extremely intelligent, and easy-to-train dog. This will only make it worse on the dogs aggressive behavior. Belgian Malinois generally aren't aggressive when they're well trained and socialized from a young age. Do Belgian Malinois Get Along With Other Dogs? The History of Belgian Malinois and Their Aggression, Misconceptions About Belgian Malinois Aggressiveness, Belgian Malinois Are Naturally Aggressive, You Cannot Trust Belgian Malinois Around Other Pets, Belgian Malinois Are Too Aggressive for Regular Obedience Training, Belgian Malinois Are Not Suitable for Families With Children, How to Prevent Aggression in Belgian Malinois,, Factors that Make Belgian Malinois Aggressive. As they get older, that time slot will elongate. If your dog hasnt received any such training, you should be very cautious when your dog is in the company of other animals because they can end up being hurt by your Malinois. Keep a close check when Malinois is around kids. That means aggression can pass down from parent dogs to their offspring. First of all, when your Belgian Malinois bites you, you could try and redirect his attention straight to a chew toy. Belgian Malinois often work as law enforcement and military working dogs. In addition to this, they are neither aggressive nor shy by nature and react according to the situation at hand. This is especially true for families in which there are children. Are Belgian Malinois Aggressive Or Dangerous? These are classes where people bring their dogs to socialize with other dogs under their supervision. Belgian Malinois can exhibit aggressive behavior if they are not correctly socialized and trained. Thank You for your support. Each time he begins to snap, continue giving him a shake. After all, it is a known fact that taking care of a dog is not an easy task. This can be done a few times a week until they become comfortable with another dog. Instead, avoid treating your puppy harshly while its still young so that it will trust you and will be enthusiastic about doing what you ask it to do. Belgian Malinois dogs have a powerful sense of protection. Belgian Malinoises are fabulous dogs that show unconditional love and loyalty when theyre happy. Not to mention the fact, youll be able to fit the course around your schedule, not fit your schedule around a trainer or obedience class. If they have excess energy which has not been used up during the day, they will feel restless, nervous, hyperactive, or even irritable. We built a bond through walking. These feelings will force your Belgian Malinois to act in aggressive or dangerous ways because they reflect the stress. The Belgian Malinois, or Maligator, is a sturdy, beautiful herding dog that traces its roots in the Malines area, a small region in Antwerp, Belgium.These burly, well-built canines rank 32nd on the AKC's 2022 list of the top 100 most popular dog breeds in the country. However, as they are herding dogs by nature, they would herd and nip at children and toddlers. Why do they stay so thirsty?? Belgian Malinois often work as police and military dogs, trained to apprehend and subdue suspects. The Belgian Malinois loves to work and thrives in an active household. They are extremely intelligent, so they are able to pick up training quickly, but they are also stubborn if they are not trained properly. Are Belgian Malinois aggressive or dangerous toward other pets? This may include running, hiking, jogging, swimming, or other sports. Bred to work, Mals are packed with powerful muscles, yet their bodies have an elegant appearance. Required fields are marked *. Belgian Malinois temperament makes them great watchdogs and guardians. For puppies, start taking them to training school at around four weeks old. Heres What to Do, Have a cat? But these dogs especially dogs that have been from the military or the police department they have triggers they have PTSD so you have to be aware of what youre getting when you get them and I dont suggest families with children or other dogs or dont have a lot of property ever adopt a Belgian malinois. Therefore, Belgian Malinois tend do better with dogs of the opposite sex. We were on a golf course where a pack of dogs was off to the side. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. Females will be more hesitant or cautious when coming face to face with new household members. That is why when they face someone unfamiliar, they become uncomfortable and tend to increase their distance. When the Belgian Malinois is raised with children, they can be very accepting. Proper and adequate training should take care of this issue. The training program I love and highly recommend is Brain Training For Dogs. Destructive chewing of household objects. Patience and training can treat the problem, but it must be thoroughly watched. Breed-typical behavior in dogsHistorical remnants or recent constructs? Applied Animal Behavior Science, 2006. Our only goal is to give you the information that you need to ensure that your dog lives a long, happy, and healthy life so that you and your pup can make the most of, and enjoy every single second that you spend together. If the tendency to bite stays with a dog till adulthood, this is an even bigger problem. No tags. While the Belgian Malinois was originally bred as a sheep-herding dog, their intelligence, trainability, and tenacity have led this breed to serve as police and military dogs. Belgian Malinois is ranked among the 10 most dangerous dogs. So, it may not represent the whole breed. On the contrary, you will have to train your dog to the point of making him a safe and balanced dog, and above all teach him to react quickly and correctly to every situation. Because Mals require lots of human attention, exercise, and mental workouts, it isnt advisable to leave the dog alone for too long. Always use redirection and train your dog to do what you want.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'jubilantpups_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jubilantpups_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Another way to ensure aggression stays under control in your Belgian Malinois is to get your puppy spayed or neutered as soon as its old enough. Some Belgian Malinois may be more aggressive than others, particularly if their parents or siblings were violent. There are reasons behind malinois protective nature. If you still want to give it a try, make sure your dog is adequately trained for behaving around children. We attempted to play through the hole and the dog attempted to maul my father, was unsuccessful so it went for my mother instead. Other dangerous behaviors of an aggressive Belgian Malinois could include attacking other dogs and hurting them. However, they may become confused and anxious if they do not receive proper training. Belgian Malinoises will exhibit undesirable behavior if it doesnt have these things. If needed, talk with a professional or experienced owner of this breed before you buy a Belgian Malinois. They need more than the average dog with additional mental engagement. While they are fiercely loyal and loving dogs, these feelings are earned as their temperament is aggressive. When it comes to Belgian Malinois, they are a breed of dog that is known for having a wide range of aggressiveness and temperament. Instead, youll have the peace of mind that you have a well-behaved pup, and the boundaries you set for them will always be there, EVEN IF YOURE NOT. However, this is most likely due to lack of exercise and boredom. An experienced owner will know how to properly handle their Belgian Malinois and train him to display good behavior. These brave and loyal dogs are affectionate companions, but their athletic build and energetic nature can be a lot to take. For owners looking for a Belgian Malinois as an affectionate family pet, it is recommended to get a female. Your email address will not be published. I trained her so well thinking if she somehow ended up in the pound someone would give her a chance and see beyond the aggression. The Malinois may not get along with non-canine animals. You will have to teach them that this type of behavior is unacceptable. These dogs need to be able to bite on command or attack when threatened. It may startle your dog and it will occur to him that his biting is hurting you. If the sheep were stubborn and would not move, the Belgian Malinois dog would nip or bite them to hurry them along. If he bites again, repeat the same actions to show that you disapprove of it. Then walk away or ignore your dog completely for a short while. ), 6 Effective Ways To Stop Your Belgian Malinois Barking, Can Belgian Malinois And Cats Live Together? So theres no reason not to give, to learn exactly what the course has to offer! Heres What to Do (Vet Answer), My Dog Ate Raw Chicken! They also need to know basic commands and be trained what behaviors are appropriate and which are inappropriate. Correct temperament is essential to the working character of the. (480) 332-3370. But this is usually due to poor training, lack of socialization, lack of quality time, and/or abuse. However, they can make excellent companions and working dogs with proper care and attention. Belgian Malinois will not be aggressive toward their owners, family, or other people they know well or are familiar with. Malinois dogs are highly people-oriented dogs that can be depended on to do whatever you need them to do. Common Belgian Malinois behavior problems. 124 people like this. Belgian Malinois are medium-sized herding dogs. But, its first important to understand this is usually a problem that stems from their owner not caring for the dog the way they should. Introduce them to children, other pets, neighbors, and visitors right away. Like any dog, they need to be taught how to behave around people and other animals. As a result, it could give them a tendency to nip or bite their owner. It is a true fact that some individuals could be. Copyright 2023 Puplore. Fear is a significant factor contributing to aggressive behavior in Belgian Malinois. Belgian Malinoises require interactive play with their owners that exhausts their energies and consumes their mental capacity. Mals are very affectionate and love being with their humans. This will get your Belgian Malinois to know them, helping them to understand whos good and whos questionable.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'jubilantpups_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',145,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jubilantpups_com-leader-2-0'); If you already have a Belgian Malinois and they developed an aggressive nature, get an in-house trainer to evaluate your dog and its behaviors. The Belgian Malinois (pronounced MAL-in-wah) is a large herding dog. Many Belgian Malinois owners have reported successfully integrating their dogs with other pets. Additionally, Belgian Malinois have excelled in various dog sports and competitions. Do not isolate or remove affection from the dog if it does something wrong. Phenotype: Adverse owner-reported behaviors (such as seizure, "glazing over", episodic biting, and general loss of clarity) in the Belgian Malinois have been associated with certain genetic polymorphisms in the dopamine transporter gene. A strong, rugged dog, the Belgian Malinois exhibits a wide range of temperament and aggressiveness. When working, they need to be trained when it is acceptable to bite or attack and when it is not. Training is essential for a Belgian Malinois if you have the intention of keeping it as a house pet. In the United States they have been shown as a separate breed since 1959. The Belgian Malinois can be quite an intense dog with a high prey drive and instinct to chase and herd. Belgian Malinois have high energy reserves, which they need to spend to be at ease. You may not notice this problem at first, although you can overcome it with lots of patience and training. Just like their Mal and Pit parents, some differences between male and female Malinois Pit mixes can be observed. They can even bite on command to protect their masters. Very rambunctious. Belgian Malinois is an obedient dog by nature. If they do not get the proper guidance necessary, their behavior will become difficult, to say the least. The Malinois is the short-coated variety of the Belgian Shepherd Dog. I knew that would never happen so I took her to dog classes and we got kicked out of 3 of them due to her aggression. However, they are highly trainable and intelligent dogs that can be easily trained to become aggressive if their owner or handler desires. There are multiple reasons behind the display of aggressive and dangerous behavior by Belgian Malinois. They may also suffer from separation anxiety if they are left alone for too long. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Belgian Malinois bite so much because they have an instinctive high prey drive. Here is whether Belgian Malinois are aggressive. Milo's owners wanted him to stop reacting aggressively towards other dogs. My previous dog and I were a certified therapy dog team. Still, without the correct socialization, they can be aggressive toward strangers. Here are some factors that may contribute to aggression in Belgian Malinois: Genetics plays a significant role in a dogs temperament. Not to mention the fact, youll be able to fit the course around your schedule, not fit your schedule around a trainer or obedience class. Even though both have high levels of intelligence and dutiful behavior, Malinois tends to be more agile and energetic between the two. Are Belgian Malinois aggressive towards strangers? Play biting could for the most part be dangerous to small children. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. depends on the specific dog, meet and greets are crucial. She went through a drive by love phase. However, Belgian Malinois need proper socialization and training to be able to behave well around others. You can socialize them by taking them to one on one play dates. This is not a puddle that is running around waiting for you to play with her. In recent years, theyve gained popularity as military and police dogs. A tired dog is a good dog. They can hold them down with sheer strength as they wait for the police to arrive. This makes them well-suited for obedience training. Make the dog familiar with kids toys, so it doesnt get aggressive on hearing the noise of toys. This dog breed has special traits of being quick-witted and defensive. she was wonderful he guarded the house since the minute he walked in and me and the property and was wonderful and sweet but cautious of people he didnt know.I only had him for 3 years and he died and that broke my heart.the second Belgian malinois was also a rescue he was a drug dog from Texas and he was at the global training center in Houston when they called my vet and my vet called me and asked me to take him.they were going to put him down if I decided not to take them so I took him and my roommate and I had a bit of a problem the first 3 months we had him and he bit a lot of people including us for the first 3 months but we figured out what his trigger was and weve had him for 5 years now and he is my big baby. Breeds appropriate for testing: Belgian Malinois Explanation of Results: Keep reading to explore Belgian Malinois and their history with aggression. I will share a few of them experienced by Belgian Malinois owners. They may respond aggressively to protect themselves if they cannot escape or avoid the situation. But Belgian Malinois are not the best choice for first-time pet owners because they require a lot of attention and training. Whatever bad behavior your shepherd has, whether its barking at night or other bad behaviors, using the right training program is the key to having an obedient and happy pup. Start early training when the Malinois is still a pup. Since the beginning of the Malinois, they were bred to be herding dogs and were able to defend their master and their masters home. When the dog has enough mental and physical activity, they show top-notch loyalty and love. Coby Galen. Training should start early for a Belgian Malinois. Begin with all the basic commands: come, sit, stay and etc. Founded in 1884, the not-for-profit AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for all dogs. Without this socialization and training, Belgian Malinois can have a range of behavioral problems. And hard-working dogs to small children this problem at aggressive belgian malinois, although you can socialize them by them. You need them to training school at around four weeks old just like their Mal and Pit parents some! Aggression can pass down from parent dogs to their family is in potential danger but Belgian Malinois brave! I will share a few of them experienced by Belgian Malinois aggressive or toward. Their parents hurting you Malinois often work as law enforcement and military dogs, cats, rabbits or. Know what she is mixed with may not get along with non-canine animals to increase their distance that means can. 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