Whether you are the parent, child, spouse, or whomever, only God can grant you the courage to minimize the consequences for making the Jezebel in your life angry. Is there a. Our job is getting past such women that are not Godlygood luck and God bless. For example, there is a married Pastor who has raped many young women whom he counsels in his home office, a few other pastors know this but no one has prosecuted him yet because no-one believes that this pastor can do such things and there is no evidence. Some very popular music artists are operating under the. The Jezebel spirit is an issue of spirits, not of people, as we just mentioned above. For instance, a woman who pretended to be a friend to me was desperately trying to attach herself to my life because she saw into my future. Actually Michelle, my life has blossomed! They have their created name given to them by God when they were first created, and they also have a function name, which will tell you what kind of spirit you are dealing with. As sad as it makes me to say this, my health, peace, happiness, and outlook on life have all improved drastically. His son, Ahaziah inherited the throne, but died in an accident where he fell from a balcony. Humbling yourself to be in a position to hear Gods leading is what matters. Jezebel is a territorial (principality) spirit that does not inhabit a body. Does this advise agree with Gods promises and instructions? I have been driven often to go away for work reasons and she would accuse of me not being there. Jezebel is For example, some of the function names of demons would be spirits of lust, spirits of anger, spirits of murder, etc. Yes, shes partly the blame for the excruciating pain we endure from month to month, as well as the unfathomable labor pains that come with childbirth, but she has much less to do with the perils of modern-day marriages. The function name of the demon will tell you the nature of their personality and what they like to specialize in once they move in and attach to a person. We have an extensive collection of free articles, podcasts, slideshares and videos. When it feels it is losing the control it has been allowed to have, it goes after those who cross its path. in a secular home. A Jezebel spirit is so manipulative and controlling, that it will even affect the way a person You should receieve a confirmation email shortly. The clear purpose of wilderness battles is to test and establish our faith. WebThe name Jezebel is spelt in Hebrew as LYZEBEL and it means Baal exalts, un-husbanded one, without cohabitation and unchaste . Know that the Lord God is your everything and in him we live and move and have your being. I have almost lost myour mind and my life several times, because I am married to a Jezebel woman. These women he raped had one thing in common they were physically beautiful. The wedding bells rang that sad morning in Samaria. 7. Do you feel like you're walking through the valley of the shadow of death? The Jezebel spirit operates in men in much of the same way it does in women. God told me it was okay to let go. As we explained to you in our article titled, The Different Kinds of Demonic Spirits, demons have two different names. If this spirit is not properly exposed and dealt with within a reasonable length of time, it can totally destroy and completely bring down a marriage, church, ministry, company, or an individuals life. The only way to protect the home is to adhere to Genesis 2:24, which reads, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh (women, we need to cleave too!).. 3. She was the victim and he was the vile cheating woman beater. Truth is I'm angry at God. But if I were to go back, and be let back in, nothing would change? The Jezebel Spirit Found an Entrance: Jezebels marriage. Like Satan, this type of spirit is simply pure evil. Our vision is to bring revival to Israel, the Church, and the nations through a deeper understanding and revelation of the power of covenant. The story is long, but what I want you to know before reading on is that Elijah had just come out of a great battle and won a great victory (he defeated 850 false prophets). I get disappointed also when others state that her conduct is a reflection of my Godliness. View all posts by Joan Sharpe. Dont give up. He/she doesnt respect you nor your relationship and if he/she wants your man/woman, they will do whatever they can to get him/her because the assignment of Jezebel is to destroy the relationship or marriage. Some of you all sound like you have a jezebel spirit how dare any of you come on here to tear down spouses or former spouses..thats what i did and guess what it doesnt work. A worldly lead conversely, opens the door to destruction. Fearing a loss of financial security, she may become passive and surrender her authority and dignity in God to a controlling man. what can I do ? When a leader who has a Jezebel spirit is in ministry, due to lack of revelation of the truth of Gods word, he/she will twist scripture, manipulate the congregation, direct worship to themselves instead of God and lastly, in some cases he/she will practice subtle witchcraft, false religion or divination even by use of biblical principles and Scriptures. I don't know if anyone will read this or if anyone cares but please pray for me. When the pagan prophets met Elijah at Mount Carmel, an amazing thing happened. This Writeup Is A Chapter Taken From The Book INCORRUPTIBLE BEAUTY by Dephne Madyara, Email us Facebook Page Facebook Group YouTube Donations, Just a quick note re: New Age document . She outlined the warning signs of people operating under the influence of a Jezebel spirit. I hope and Pray for you not to lose any more of your life due to this what I call STD. However, the SPIRIT of Jezebel may manifest itself in a woman or a MAN, according to the book cited below. A Jezebel will even do this through false dreams, telling you God told them something about you or that they dreamt of you when God did not tell them anything. Rev. Learn our proven and effective 5-Step process. Feminism. 4. In women, the Jezebel spirit loves gossip and will seek to know details about another persons life, but only so that it can use it against them later. Dont give up, thats what the enemy wants you to do. I see this as more abuse.. They also dont know their purposeful place in the Body of Christ. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Afterwards, Elijah prophesied that Ahab and his descendants would be killed and that Jezebel would be eaten by dogs (1 Kings 21:17-24). Some wives allow this spirit to entice them and they end up submitting to their husband only when it is beneficial to them; this is rebellion in the marriage bed. You have a choice to come before God and get honest about this spirits influence. Create your daily confession as to what you want God to do for you. All of them godly people as well. The Jezebel spirit can influence men and women alike. Richie; I identify with your pain, as I am in a similar position. She constantly tells her the children that he is an adulterer and I am a jezebel and that he are headed to hell. He laid in bed, assumed the position and sulked. Jezebelss husband in the bible, king Ahab, desired another mans vineyard and Jezebel promised the king that she would get him the vineyard. Stay away. She withheld sex constantly and he allowed the enemy to take a foothold in him through sex. After Naboth declined to fulfill Ahabs wishes, he instinctively went to a place where he knew he could get what he wantedhome to Jezebel. Where does the fear come from? Do you believe a wife with a Jezebel spirit can be a believer? I watched it rise up all around me in family and co workers. This is only to return to a state of control through manipulation. No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. And if she couldnt lead them away, she eliminated them. Never back down never quit until God tells me to. Steve Sampson writes in Confronting Jezebel, A man who is an Ahab has a distorted concept of his own authority, blames others (mainly his wife), justifies himself, It's so important that we understand we are not warring against our old man, but against principalities. Accusing by spreading rumours and slander through her blindly obedient followers of her. I pray for him and that anything within him that is broken, will be fixed. I am marrying a man who recognizes the Ahab spirit he carried during his 17 year marriage to a Jezebel spirit. Jezebel seduces your will through the lusts of the flesh to carry out her plan to kill, steal, and destroy. You are welcome to do with this what you desire. Unless they repent of their deedsthis is key to breaking free from this spiritual force that seeks to seduce, kill, and destroy the message of Jesus and Gods Kingdom. I encourage you to read the full story of this playing out in 1 Kings 18 and 19. Best wishes! Dear reader, never announce your problems or plans on social media prematurely because social media is the easiest way for a Jezebel to gain access to you and because a Jezebel is intelligent they will throughly dissect the information to build ways to destroy you. He is not a leader, but a dictator. This is why those who are married must always be covered in prayer. However, when you come across a Jezebel spirit, it is something quite different. It may be to stay. This is why leaders in the bible would only choose workers for a ministry area in the Church, after prayer and fasting (even minor ministry areas like food distribution). Whom will we listen to, God or the devil? I command Jezebel to be thrown down and eaten by the hounds of heaven. Suddenly, he came under the influence of a spirit of Jezebel when she said she was going to kill him. never go look for work plus stop thinking about him because what i see is confusion desperation and thats what this spirit brings when you see him you have to be aggresived the kingdom suffer violence and the we take it by force so when you speak with him say STOP IN THE NAME OF JESUS NOW AND BE QUITE IN JESUS NAME.. do it. Ahab said to the man, Let me have your vineyard to use for a vegetable garden, since it is close to my palace. Research the Jezebel and Ahab spirit and start by making sure you do not have the Ahab spirit. Brandon, FL 33511, Copyright 2022 Above & Beyond Christian Counseling - All Rights Reserved. First, I appreciate your sharing please thank your friend for all the hard work! Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. When you know what you're moving towards, you'll have the stamina, strength and steadfastness to come out on the other side of your battle. The Jezebel spirit has influenced in all of our lives, be it through leadership, friendship, or family. I am in the process of getting a divorce from my husband who has the Jezebel spirit. Nonetheless, there you go! Your wife wants out of the spirit of Jezebel, the Power of God can help you free her! The goodness of God is overwhelming evil; truth is overcoming lies, and the power of the Spirit is displacing the powers of darkness. You likely have heard that the Jezebel spirit is a seducing spirit. This is because it seeks to lure men and women away from their families, marriages, values, and beliefs. I mean I have prayed and felt so many times to leave but I stay. They will however casually bring up in conversations your flaws and weaknesses to mock you or they will bring up your victories as a way to butter you up. There is only one devil, one Satan, but there are many spirits that would be considered a Jezebel type spirit, as they all have a particular type of personality and a specific way in which they like to operate. is nicely trying to manipulate me through my suffering It is a total control freak, and it is also very good at manipulation and getting people to do its evil bidding. Notice I said spiritual lead. No fair! But my Journey is different now, and the woman I want to become is different now. After the emotions are loosed, he will appear sorrowful, but never admitting guilt. Jezebel is a spirit of seduction that works to woo people into immorality and idolatry.. As for old Jezzy, she sat high up in her window, looking out one day, fully made up and hair dyed and fried. Im in a much happier place now. Unless the flip side of all that giving comes with a hefty price. I STILL BELIEVE! Actively put on your armor of God. The reason many deliverance ministers have used the term, Jezebel spirit, is because of the nature of its personality and the way it operates once it sets up shop within someone. When Elijah called upon God to send fire down to consume the sacrifice on his altar, fire came down from heaven immediately and consumed the offering. Yet they are ALWAYS with their mothers and family never willing to spend time or allow husbands to spend time with their mothers. Men have reported feeling in a fog or a daze.. Jezebels are demonically intelligent and will keep information for years before using it against their victim. Cheer up. She wanted no part of Gods Kingdom to prosper. Weak and childish, he pouts, is spoiled and throws temper tantrums.A woman can also become an Ahab, especially if she is married to a man with a Jezebel spirit. I WILL OVERCOME BECAUSE HE THAT IS IN ME OVERCAME. The woman I married has mostly disappeared and has been overtaken by this evil control seeking, prideful, accusing spirit. I hardly create responses, but after browsing through a few of the remarks on Married to Jezebels do not forgive nor forget. It's always waiting for me. the atmosphere around her is of scrutiny, judgement, control. I'm just not me any longer. . He doesnt want deliverance You cannot serve God and mammon.Matthew 6:24. She just saps all joy and freedom from me. The main point is find God and his truth as to what you should do. Your thoughts and dreams become sexually perverse. I propose you didn't "miss it" when you stepped into new ground with courage. Do you know that Jezebel can fast against your plans and ideas? Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Therefore, she lured them away with false gods that tore the nation apart. Poor King Ahab played right into her hands. Please open it and confirm your subscription. Im going through a divorce right now my wife lived the double life for 21 years.. she stole from me and my kids, turn my kids against me never showed me love and when I uncovered her and remove the mask. Simply put, a Jezebel spirit is one of Satans higher-ranking, more intelligent demons if not the smartest kind of demon he has in his kingdom. I walk in the Favor of God and that I am free from every spirit of bondage for I am the righteousness of God. Much of the items listed are part and parcel of the Eastern religions Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism. True. I can't even explain it. At 5 p.m. 83-year-old John Oliphant winds up an elephant-themed music box and pours a glass of wine for himself and one for his wife, 80-year-old Unless for some reason God tells you to stay in the relationship (as maybe he will use you to drive out the spirit she has?) Then the spirit will push you to act more severely and more intensely until it has total control. God was already angry about the prevalence of idol worship and witchcraft, and had ordered the prophet Elijah to stand up against them (1 Kings 16: 22-33 NIV). Help us expand the ministry of deliverance and training worldwide. He also has a sensitive side, which changes quickly into a victim role. Elijahs successor, Elisha had appointed Jehu to be hissuccessor, that he may destroy Ahabs descendants as a punishment for the way Jezebel had treated Gods people. I couldnt get what I wanted from that mean man. Her family perfected the plan while they were in NV together. I would love to know If marriages actually get through this by coming out the other side of this evil. yet has no desire to deal with the man who she still believes is her husband. This is done to frustrate you. We are not held accountable for our past mistakes once born again. Maybe theres a sign on my forehead that says Advice Columnist or something. It destroyed our marriage in 13 months. They will convince you that your destiny is tied to theirs and without them you will be a failure. The Jezebel spirit many refer to is based upon the characteristics of King Ahabs wife. 2) Jezebels Persecution of the Prophets. They may buy you gifts, lunch, watch your children, cook for you, detail your car, or even give you money. Remember, witchcraft is not always about spells, but it can find ground to operate through jealousy, pride, envy or hatred. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 Watch the Video, Filed Under: Christian Deliverance Ministry, Featured Post Slider Tagged With: control, jezebel. In Revelation 2:20, Jesus warns against the spirit of Jezebel, and she comes to kill, destroy, and corrupt the Church, I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for your works, the last are more than the first. Learn more about our Christian counseling services. Most men are unaware that the failure to take the spiritual lead in his household is a sin against God. 2022 was and is going to be the year for me and my walk with Christ. I was shown that my wife to be had this thing in her. He/she knows that they cannot be too close to anyone as this exposes them. Now I have taken some sort of stand and refuse to be belittled but then again for upteenth time am forced to stay away from her. 13575 58 St. N., Suite 105 We have been married for 23 years, and I thought it was just me for the first 10 at least. I feel he let us down. WebFind Marriage Counseling Therapists, Psychologists and Marriage Counseling in Purcellville, Loudoun County, Virginia, get help for Marriage Counseling in Purcellville. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 Greater is He who is within you than he who is in the world. A Jezebel promises to fulfil all your forbidden desires and will do so by unjustly ways. The wife also has a responsibility to walk in Godly respect to her husband. We went to counseling he lies we come out me looking like I have Jezebel cause he lies N spirit hides. This spirit hates authority, despises Its important you and the person youre in a relationship with discuss boundaries; who you open up to about your relationship; setting boundaries on whom you accept advice from. my adult sons are in absolute despair, Those under its influence desire personal glory. December 25, 2017 Dr. Dee Evans. It is truly hard to discern. And if there are levels of wickedness in his kingdom where some demons are actually more evil than some of the other ones will be, then I believe there may different levels of intelligence among the demons as well. In essence, a mamas boy has been coddled and enabled by his mother all of his life, which causes him to become very dependent on her. It is without question, one of the most evil and vile things I have ever come across in my life. LeClaire went on to offer six indicators to consider: 6Signs That Jezebel is Directing Attacks Against You. Jezebel is only helping today in order to gain the upper hand tomorrow. We must first understand its influence on our culture, government, and Church. I think my ex husband is actually Jezebel in the flesh! God says that His people perish for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) and that the truth will set you free (John 8:32). One spouse is extremely controlling over the other. If a woman who is influenced by Jezebel doesnt manage to seduce a man she will then play the victim like socio-paths do by making false witness against him that he raped her or tried to rape her. We separated for 2 years trying to get back together. Jezebel only looks out for his/her own selfish ambitions. Done! These desires are forbidden because they are rejected and disapproved by God in that they do not align with Gods Word. She took me to court 7 or 8 times for nothing but made up stories. This spiritual force will gain favor by itching your ears. It will appear very caring in order to build you up, only to tear you down when it fits its agenda. She didnt show herself in the beginning, -but looking back he says she did use tactics and manipulation to gain his trust and then ultimately love in order to marry. This took a while to compile, type out and publish! Heartfelt repentance, just as Jesus said in Revelation 2:21, is the key to cutting off this spiritual force. I release the spirit of Jehu against Jezebel and her cohorts (2 Kings 9:30 33). The Jezebel spirit, since it is much more intelligent than some of the lower ranking demons will be, is very good at playing head games with people. The Birthing of a Mega Economy. This starts a spiral down into depression, anxiety and self-hatred. Charisma News - Informing believers with news from a Spirit-filled perspective, 4 Sure Signs You're Battling This Demonic Jezebel Spirit. This is not a spirit to fight alone. For me, the #1 thing I prayed for was wisdom. I know your deeds,your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first. This is because Jezebel finds a thrill in destroying relationships and feels powerful knowing that another womans man or another mans woman is giving them attention. It is written: David built there an altar to the Lord and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. WebA Jezebel will often imply disapproval to those under his or her control. In verses 5-7, Jezebel came in, asked what was wrong and listened attentively as her husband pouted. This spiritual force will use seduction of every kind to lure people away from Gods destiny into Satans destruction. Its very interesting because all the Jezebel spirits; that I have recognized in young marriages the women are the mamas girls to the point that these men with the ahab spirit are not allowed to call or visit their mothers. Therefore, he/she will not be at peace until they find revenge, even if it takes years to achieve. Christian Counselors, Deliverance Ministry and Spiritual Warfare. well you need to just walk way and never look back,. Just as Queen Jezebel did with King Ahab, she didnt want him or Israel worshipping God. It is written Honor your father and mother. Yes I am dealing with this spirit now, I k no I am a believer and I k know that God has given me power to overcome, but I have allowed the jezebel spirit to weaken me. When you are free, you can answer the call of God. Some people have called this a master type spirit. You are the head and not the tail, you are the lender and not the barrower, you are above only and not the beneath. Im goin thru same thing except my husband has Jezebel spirit Her entire family has covered her. When godly sorrow and repentance have taken place, and you come out of agreement with the Jezebel spirit, you will experience guaranteed freedom. Unlike any of you i swear until God tells me to quit I am determined to fight for my family even though I am the one this controlling too. I am sharing some of her insights because I see many believers in church, ministry and work environments under attack by demons directed by this evil force. And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. She increasingly misses going to church in preference to being by herself. Jezebel is all talk with no godly power. Michelle, I think God pretty much told us it was time to go. The other thing to note is that Jezebels personality will seem to draw you in, this is because she is a seducing controlling spirit. Queen Jezebel operated out of the Jezebel spirit we know today. Following the ways of Jezebel by being friends with him/her is like walking in an unequal yoke. Contact our prayer team HERE and break free for the influence of the Jezebel today! When you ask for help, what are the means they use to help you? She admitted to no wrong and did not open herself to conviction and repentance. Here are a few indicators that you may be dealing with a Jezebel Spirit (and wearing red lipstick is NOT a characteristic of a Jezebel spirit). I want to be clear that Jezebel is not a strong-willed woman, but rather a spirit, which is personified by a woman in the story in the Bible. In other words if I started to worry or get frustrated or freak out, I would bury myself in the Bible or prayer. You have to be very careful about whom you are listening to these days. Have you suffered at the hands of the Jezebel spirit, or been influenced to operate out of it? Even though, I am stronger and regained my self confidence (in my faith in Christ), I do not know what to do. The person with this spirit will try and find out even the smallest of details about their opponent to use for a plot. I have repeatedly sought for us to engage in Godly counsel, or bible reading and prayer together or just simple conversation. One day he became very convicted about fornication and not being married. This is one way the demonic spirit uses the power of seduction. Jezebel spirits are masters of Dan, I lived with a Jezabele for 16 years, had 3 kids. I declare and decree that I am the righteousness of God, and that I am His child and His servent and that my life is in His hsnds. Now I know what youre thinking. That is just as important as all other commands of God. The second thing I noticed is that this spirit is much more intelligent, cunning, and seductive than many of the other types of demons will be. Ex husband is actually Jezebel in the world their mothers and family never willing spend. Had this thing in her using one of these methods to post your:. Too close to anyone as this exposes them deliverance you can answer the of. 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