The papers also contain documents from the files of Rev. xc. The first authentic mention of Nuremberg, which seems to have been called into existence by the foundation of the castle, occurs in a document of 1050; and about the same period it received from the emperor Henry III. This chapter's first two stages contain an important early historical document of Synoptic type: Jesus' apparition to seven disciples by the Lake of Galilee and the miraculous draught of fishes; and Peter's threefold confession and Jesus' threefold commission to him. The Consultation document provides a comprehensive review of the main issues raised by the practice of preimplantation diagnosis. 2. 998) was the author of the famous "Letter" (in the form of a Responsum to a question addressed to him by residents in Kairawan), an historical document of the highest value and the foundation of our knowledge of the history of tradition. Any text effects used below are taken from the original document. On a Mac computer without a two-button mouse you can press Control and click or tap the trackpad with two fingers. 1 In the next century the document E was composed, so called from its using 1 The dating of these documents is extremely difficult, since it is based entirely on internal evidence. The personal contact between Luther and Zwingli led to no mental rapprochement between the two; but in the following year the Articles of Marburg did good service as one of the preliminaries to the Augsburg Confession, and remain a valuable document for the fundamental principles common to the Lutheran and Reformed Churches. He was a member of the Virginia Committee of Safety from August to December 1775, and of the Virginia Convention in 1775 and 1776; and in 1776 he drew up the Virginia Constitution and the famous Bill of Rights, a radically democratic document which had great influence on American political institutions. The photograph made a new kind of status available to the preserved document, that of pure denotation. The document itself provided for an elected committee of twenty-five barons, whose duty was to compel John, by force if necessary, to keep his promises; but this was evidently regarded as insufficient, and the matter was dealt with in a supplementary treaty (Conventio facia inter regem Angliae et barones ejusdum regni). than narratives of (or concerning) the Lord; on the other hand, the phrase is capable of a much more definite meaning, and there are many scholars who hold that it refers to a document which contained a collection of the sayings of Jesus. In this capacity he modified the scope of the September Convention by a note in which he claimed for Italy full freedom of action in respect of national aspirations to the possession of Rome, a document of which Visconti Venosta afterwards took advantage when justifying the Italian occupation of Rome in 1870. On the Tabula Peutingeriana appear the "Chamavi qui et Pranci," which should doubtless read " qui et Franci "; these Chamavi apparently dwelt between the Yssel and the Ems. 263 sqq. It emanated from the king in a general council of the kingdom of Leon and Castile, and consisted of two separate parts; in the first 19 chapters were contained a series of statutes which were to be valid for the kingdom at large, while the rest of the document was simply a municipal charter.'. The list of sources that you use can become quite long. 13), who declares that the Syriac document from which he translates them had been preserved in the archives at Edessa from the time of Abgar. Thanks In Advance, Shail Comment. Twelve years later (1205-1206) we learn from another document, preserved in the same volume as the oath, that alii probi homines were associated with the mayor and dchevins to form a body of twenty-four (that is, twelve skivini and an equal number of councillors). The lex parieti faciundo, an interesting inscription of 105 B.C. Solutions. Legal documents often contain conditions which result in complex sentences with many clauses. 27 the words " from Kemosh " stood after " great wrath " in the original document, as the phraseology seems bald without them, and the motives for their suppression are obvious. So each document is tokenized into sentences. This is the document of which he was in search. If any such circular or document sent to an infant purports to issue from any address named therein or indicates any address as the place at which application is to be made with reference to the subject matter of the document, and at that place there is carried on any business connected with loans, every person who attends such place for the purpose of taking part in or assisting in the carrying on of such business will be deemed to have sent or caused to be sent such circular or document, unless he proves that he was not in any way a party to and was wholly ignorant of the sending of such document. The doctor illuminatus was venerated throughout Catalonia and afterwards throughout Spain, as a saint, a thinker and a poet; but his doctrines were disapproved by the powerful Dominican order, and in 1376 they were formally condemned in a papal bull issued at the instance of the inquisitor, Nicolas Emeric. Doubtless this had been drawn up beforehand, and was brought by the baronial leaders to Runnimede; possibly it was identical with the document presented to the royal ministers at Brackley a few weeks before. They do not represent the opinions of I need to make a few changes before I print the. Winner Algorithms. See more. Thinkfree is an online scaled down MS Office suite that allows users to view Office documents online as well as *collaborate and create shared Word, Powerpoint and Excel documents *.. 3. Certain privileges granted to them in the Articles are not found in Magna Carta, although, it must be noted, this document bestows exceptionally favoured treatment on the citizens of London. By a "text" is to be understood a document written in a language known, more or less, to the inquirer, and assumed to have a meaning which has been or can be ascertained. It is probable that many passages of St Luke's Gospeel which have no parallel in St Matthew were also derived from this early source; but this is not easily capable of distinct proqf; and, therefore, in order to gain a secure conception of the document we must confine ourselves at first to those parts of it which were borrowed by both writers. After 915 B, C insert as a separate document a short register of Mercian affairs during the same period (902-924), which might be called the acts of Æthelflaed, the famous "Lady of the Mercians," while D has incorporated it, not very skilfully, with the official continuation. Syntax. A Solemn League and Covenant was signed here in 1644 for the defence of the kingdom, and the document is preserved at Belfast. The first authentic document concerning the former is from the year 1237, concerning the latter from the year 1244, and it is with these dates that the trustworthy history of the city begins. What then happens is that the buying department takes months to compile the contract document bumf. The categorical charges made in the document rebut this plea. Remarks. So, when during the Civil War Maryland was largely under Federal control and the demand arose for the abolition of slavery by the state, another constitutional convention was called, in 1864, which framed a constitution providing that those who had given aid to the Rebellion should be disfranchised and that only those qualified for suffrage in accordance with the new document could vote on its adoption. Henderson, in The Casket Letters (1889), was the first to publish and use as evidence a document of which the existence was made known in the fifth report of the royal commission on historical manuscripts. Click the Font Dialog Box Launcher on the Home tab. Readable sentences are simple, active, affirmative, and declarative. He was the member of the committee of revision selected to draft the constitution in its final form, and that document is a monument to the vigour and simplicity of his literary style. 3 Sentence-based document representation The algorithm proposed in this paper is simple in its inception, intuitive and can be used in addi-tion to standard or extended (Mishne, 2005) docu-ment representations. The form Seaxneat is identical with Saxnot, one of three gods mentioned in a short continental document probably of Old Saxon origin. When in the following April the last hopes of accommodation were dispelled by Paul's excommunication of the Venetians and his attempt to lay their dominions under an interdict, Sarpi entered with the utmost energy into the controversy. This document consisted, in the main though not entirely, of a collection of Sayings of the Lord, which set in strong relief at once His character and the moral and religious ideal that He desired to commend. Find a source . The detailed description of Constantinople and the Byzantine court is a document of rare value - though highly coloured by his ill reception and offended dignity. Examples of documents and in a sentence: 1. This document is by many scholars identified with the " Logia," mentioned by Papias (Eusebius, Ch. dissolution clause in your governing document that sets out the procedures to be followed. Examples of the document in a sentence: 1. those referring to the administration of justice, the honour of the people, &c.; such clauses as these, however, were meaningless in view of the enlightened government which obtained in Cape Colony, and for the true " inwardness " of this document it is necessary to note Article 3, which distinctly speaks of the promotion of South Africa's independence (Zelfstandigheid). 9 examples: In those days, auditors didn't check inventories, but only checked a company's… You may put “i.e.” in a sentence if you are writing an email or a letter to a friend, an informal piece of writing for a class, or a quick business note. A renegade Armenian Catholicos of the 7th century named Isaac has preserved to us a document which sums up their tenets. Write short sentences. The document sanctioning the bigamy of the landgrave was signed by Martin Bucer, Luther and Melanchthon, and is a humiliating paper. Much of this material is demonstrably derived from the second document; and it is qu i te possible that the whole of it may come from that source. In 1784 he was on the committee which investigated Mesmer, and the report is a document of lasting scientific value. Examples of Supersede in a sentence. Not only are the resemblances too close, and their character in part not of a kind, to be thus accounted for, but even many of the differences between parallel contexts are rather such as would arise through the revision of a document than through the freedom of oral delivery. This document lays down: (I) that the temporal sovereignty of kings is independent of the pope; (2) that a general council is above the pope; (3) that the ancient liberties of the Gallican Church are sacred; (4) that the infallible teaching authority of the church belongs to pope and bishops jointly. Renvoie une collection sentences qui représente toutes les phrases du document. And of this elemental mode of apprehension and root-truth, the Johannine Gospel is the greatest literary document and incentive extant: its ultimate aim and deepest content retain all their potency. Raftery, Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the Yellowstone National Park, Senate Document No. This document produces the Affidavit you need when you are seeking an uncontested divorce on the grounds of behavior. expression A variable that represents a Document object.. The nature of Warwick's right to the land is not stated in any extant document, and no title of his to it was ever shown. Long, run-on sentences are a basic weakness in legal documents. This feature is the existence of a supreme instrument of government, a document, enacted by the people, which controls, and cannot be altered by, any or all of the ordinary organs of government. The Delegations were not to sit together; each was to meet separately; they were to communicate by writing, every document being accompanied by a translation in Magyar or German, as the case might be; only if after three times exchanging notes they failed to agree was there to be a common session; in that case there would be no discussion, and they were to vote in silence; a simple majority was sufficient. But the Enneads of his pupil Plotinus are the primary and classical document of Neoplatonism. 5. This is from the second document, which he continues to use, and that without interruption (if we may venture to assign to it the raising of the widow's son at Nain and the anointing by the sinful woman in the Pharisee's house), until he returns to incorporate another section from St Mark. Russia now insisted upon what she considered a corresponding advantage; and Prince Dolgoruki, the Russian minister, obtained in February 1889 a document from the shah which gave to Russia the refusal of any railway concession in Persia for a period of five years. The brine springs of Reichenhall are mentioned in a document of the 8th century and were perhaps known to the Romans; but almost all trace of antiquity of the town was destroyed by a conflagration in 1834. This document is then cross-checked with the data on the Police National Computer and a Disclosure Certificate issued. But Henry made no endeavour for many years to utilize the papal grant of Ireland, which seems to have been made under the preposterous Donation of Constantine, the forged document which gave the bishop of Rome authority over all islands. The Convention published a Prods-verbal of its sessions, which, although lacking the value of those published by assemblies to-day, is an official document of capital importance. It is said that during a discussion at night over the surrender of the charter the candles were extinguished, and the document itself (which had been brought to the meeting) was removed from the table where it had been placed. Some people seem to take an instinctive dislike to having attributes in an XML document whose content is 20 lines long. The evidence against him rests on a document which is now known to have been forged. (but: ON a blog page) The earliest of these was the bridge of San Zaccaria, mentioned in a document of 1170. This document, which confused the political problem with the theological, was bound to envenom the quarrel between emperor and pope beyond all remedy. As yet the name of only one of them has been found in a contemporaneous document. I swear I never showed anyone that document. There is," says the document, " no archbishop, ne bishop, abbot, ne prior, parson, ne vicar, ne any other person of the church, high or low, great or small, English or Irish, that useth to preach the word of God, saving the poor friars beggars. afforded when revision talk is mediated by a less singular, authorized and directive form of document. Let’s look at the prepositions first: ‘for’ often describes our intention, why we do something, e.g. Harvard College was now controlled by the Liberals of the B rattle Street Church, and as it grew farther and farther away from Calvinism, Mather looked with increasing favour upon the college in Connecticut; before September 1701 he had drawn up a "scheme for a college," the oldest document now in the Yale archives; and finally (Jan. relating to some building works in front of the temple of Serapis, shows that Puteoli had considerable administrative independence, including the right to date such a public document by the names of its own magistrates. There's an requirement to highlight the duplicate sentences in word documents using Macro or Perl Script. 4. of Huygens there is an original copy of a document (dated 17th October 1608) addressed to the states general by Jacob Andrianzoon (the same individual who is called James Metius by Descartes), petitioning for the exclusive right of selling an instrument of his invention by which distant objects. Of these two main theories are possible: (1) that which sees in them traces, of an earlier document - whether entries in a travel-diary, or a more or less consecutive narrative written later; and (2) that which would regard the "we" as due to the author's breaking instinctively into the first person plural at certain points where he felt himself specially identified with the history. Throughout this document the phrase the Conservators ' land refers to the land owned or managed by the conservators ' land refers to the land owned or managed by the Conservators. Add citations to your document. It was a serious thing to lose a document. To prevent brothers-in-law from extorting money from a widow as a price for releasing her from perpetual widowhood, Jewish law obliges all brothers at the time of a marriage to sign a document pledging themselves to submit to halisah without payment. rhe boundary between English and Danes established by the eace of 8~8 is not perfectly ascertainable, but a document of a few years later, called 0 Alfred and Guthrums frith, gives the border as lying from Thames northward up the Lea to its source, then across to Bedford, and then along the Ouse to Watling Street, the old Roman road from London to Chester. Liegnitz is first mentioned in an historical document in the year 1004. The commune of Cremona is first mentioned in a document of r098, recording its investiture by the countess Matilda with the territory known as Isola Fulcheria. The Treasury will be issuing soon a consultation document on the statutory cash ratio deposit scheme. Open a PDF document in the Chrome browser. If you find yourself needing to document almost every sentence, then it means you have not thought enough about your topic to develop your own ideas. Almost the earliest document revealing anything of the inner organization and condition of the Armenian church in the Nicene age is the epistle of Macarius, bishop of Jerusalem, to the Armenian bishop Verthanes, written between 325 and 335 and preserved in Armenian. In 1406 a document appeared purporting to be the testimony of the university in favour of Wycliffe; its genuineness was disputed at the time, and when quoted by Huss at the council of Constance it was repudiated by the English delegates. e.); but the document is probably of very much later date. Didn't Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, believe the Constitution should be rewritten every twenty years so that no one was governed by a document they had no say in creating? It was adopted by the General Assembly, signed by King James VI. The Quiche Popol Vuh, or "Book of History," which was translated into Spanish by the Dominican friar Ximenes, and edited with a French version by Brasseur de Bourbourg, is an important document for students of the local myths. 3. But the document is also catholic in another most important sense, ecumenical. This document is preserved in the family archives as a guidance and encouragement to the child through life. It can only be effected by a close examination of the style and language of the document, which may enable us in some instances to identify with comparative security certain passages which are found in St Luke, but which St Matthew did not regard as suitable for his purpose. briefing document prepared for IUCN Tropical Forest Program. seems to show that in using his document Luke here mingled with the prophecy the interpretation which events had suggested and that the siege of Jerusalem in A.D. This is highly improbable, but he may have derived particular sayings from the Aramaic source itself of that document by independent translation; and may also have learned both sayings and narratives in other ways. [The name libellus has also been applied to another kind of document - to the letters given by confessors, or by those who were about to suffer martyrdom, to persons who had fallen, to be used to secure forgiveness for them from the authorities of the Church. Drafting Legal Documents, Ambiguity Home | Previous | Next. The earliest mention of Leghorn occurs in a document of 891, relating to the first church here; in 1017 it is called a castle. We proceed now to give an outline of the contents of this document. Lightfoot, 8 Harnack,' Kruger)'° is unanimous in regarding it as an authentic document, though it recognizes that here and there a few slight interpolations have been inserted. By the famous Golden Bull of 1356 Frankfort was declared the seat of the imperial elections, and it still preserves an official contemporaneous copy of the original document as the most precious of the eight imperial bulls in its possession. agora servers listed in Doctor Bob's document. ; In the Averages area: the average number of sentences per paragraph, words per sentence, and characters per word. There has also been more constructive critical comment, some of it having to do with the level of generality of the document. - In the main Luke here follows his Marcan document. Between 1989 and 1992, I traveled to China to document the extraordinary beauty and refinement of Chinese vernacular architecture. Despite this and certain other smaller omissions, it was a document which would satisfy most subjects of the crown, if only it were faithfully observed. The earliest alphabetic document which can be dated with comparative certainty is the famous Moabite stone, which was discovered in 1868, and after a controversy between rival claimants which led to its being broken in pieces by the Arabs, ultimately reached the Louvre, where in a restored form it remains. Moreover, by section 5 of the Money-lenders Act 1900, where any proceedings are taken against the senders of these circulars to infants, if it is proved that the person to whom the document was sent is an infant, the person charged will be deemed to have been cognisant of the fact unless he proves that he had reasonable grounds for believing the infant to be of full age. A considerable portion of the controversy centres round the question of the authenticity of Thomas Winter's confession, the MS. of which is at Hatfield, supported by Professor Gardiner, but denied by Father Gerard principally on account of the document having been signed "Winter" instead of "Wintour," the latter apparently being the conspirator's usual style of signature. However the book manages to stand on its own as a purely visual document, a fascinating chronicle of David Carson's creative mind. I tried several document orders, and those were quite fast as well for the PDF download & view. Some have supposed that the same Logian document in Greek which was used by the first and third evangelists was also used by Mark. As the Anglican divines soon ceased to attend the assembly, and the Independents were few in number, it was the work of Presbyterians only, the Scottish members carrying their proposal to make it an independent document and not a mere revision of the Thirty-nine Articles. It was, moreover, the first document of the sort in which a first-class power recognized that the rights of the Church are based upon " divine institution and canon law," not upon governmental concession. With the TQA we had to prepare a self assessment document, but for 2001 it's a self evaluation document! The document lists atrophy as a possible surgical implication. Remarks. document authorizing a person to pass out of or into a country, or a licence or safe-conduct to the person specified therein and authenticating his right to aid and protection. 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