In general, well-conducted epidemiological studies in the workplace with adequate characterization of zinc exposure values are lacking, and there are inadequate data available to make an association between occupational exposure to zinc and disease states. Anal Chem, 53: 2337–2340. Bervoets L, Blust R, & Verheyen R (1996) Uptake of zinc by midge larvae Chironomus riparius at different salinities: role of speciation, acclimation, and calcium. Apte SC, Batley GE, Szymczak R, Rendell PS, Lee R, & Waite TD (1998) Baseline trace metal concentrations in New South Wales coastal waters. The mechanism appears to be via the activation of a specific cytochrome P450 by zinc deficiency, with a resultant increase in MBN-induced formation of O6-methylguanine in oesophageal DNA (Barch & Fox, 1987). Aquat Toxicol, 12: 51–61. Double-blind zinc supplementation studies in infants, 68 normal healthy full-term male infants at birth; studied for 6 months double-blind study; formula with zinc at 1.8 mg/litre or 5.8 mg/litre, 57 normal healthy infants at 5.4 months old, studied for 3 months double-blind study; zinc at 5 mg/day (25) or placebo (32), improved weight gain; improved length in males only, 50 failure-to-thrive infants, 8–27 months old, studied for 6 months randomized double-blind trial, pair matched; zinc at 5.7 mg/day as syrup (25) or placebo (25), improved weight especially in males;. The amount of zinc extracted increased with increasing rates of added zinc and increasing amounts of added phosphorus. Tsitol Genet, 12: 241–243. Evans RM (1988) The steroid and thyroid hormone receptor superfamily. Crop Sci, 31: 61–63. Il faudrait que l'exposition réelle aux vapeurs d'oxyde de zinc sur les lieux de travail soit mieux documentée. National geochemical reconnaissance data. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 10(5): 291- 294. Washington, DC, American Public Health Association. Borroni A, Mazza B, & Nano G (1986) Environmental study of a plating room. J Surg Res, 29: 75–82. Harzer G & Kauer H (1982) Binding of zinc to casein. Chelsea, Lewis, pp 67–99. Ward NI (1987) The future of multi-(ultra-trace) element analysis in assessing human and disease: a comparison of NAA and ICPSMS. Life Sci, 28: 1425–1438. Zinc deficiency has been reported in a wide variety of agricultural plants and animals with severe effects on all stages of reproduction, growth and tissue proliferation. Ecotoxicology: problems and approaches. Vilkina GA, Pomerantzeva MD, & Ramaya LK (1978) Lack of mutagenic activity of cadmium and zinc salts in somatic and germ mouse cells. The binding of zinc by sulfide, organic matter and metal oxides should be taken into account (Allen, 1996). Beavington F & Cawse PA (1979) The deposition of trace elements and major nutrients in dust and rainwater in northern Nigeria. Washington DC, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA/440/4-81/016). Tolerance may occur in two ways (Miller & Hendricks, 1996): through acclimatization at some early stage in the life cycle, or through natural selection. Heidelberg, September 1983, pp 467–470. Hogan GD & Wotton DL (1984) Pollutant distribution and effects in forests adjacent to smelters. Geneva, World Health Organization, pp 382–388. The body weights of male kits born to dams consuming the zinc supplemented diet were significantly lower than those of controls at 12 weeks of age. Mount DR, Barth AK, Garrison TD, Barten KA, & Hockett JR (1994) Dietary and waterborne exposure of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to copper, cadmium, lead and zinc using a live diet. The plants grown in this soil had the highest zinc concentrations; lettuce roots had significantly higher zinc levels than lettuce tops, while radish tops had significantly higher zinc levels than radish roots. Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal, 24(15/16): 1883–1895. Ecotoxicology, 3: 68–78. Am J Clin Nutr, 40: 1071–1077. Environ Res, 25: 404–414. Weight Watcher Points - Miscellaneous Am J Clin Nutr, 50: 945–954. Clams,fried,frozen (prepared without fat), Clams,stuffed,frozen (prepared without fat), Coffee,decaffeinated or regular,black,without sugar, Coffee mix,flavored,sugar-free (prepared according to package Van Assche F & Clijsters H (1986) Inhibition of photosynthesis in Phaseolus vulgaris by treatment with toxic concentrations of zinc: effects on electron transport and photophosphorylation. Eukaryotic RNA polymerases I, II and III are involved in the synthesis of ribosomal, messenger and transfer RNAs, respectively. Los valores de referencia del zinc en los alimentos varían según los hábitos alimentarios del país, las hipótesis sobre la biodisponibilidad del zinc en los alimentos y la edad, el sexo y las condiciones fisiológicas. J Nutr, 121: 1433–1438. 8: Burrito,beef or chicken and cheese,reduced-fat,store-bought: 1 small or 1/2 large (4 oz.) Bull Torrey Bot Club, 102(3): 100–106. The 96-h LC50 values for Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and O. mykiss were 1.27 and 2.6 mg/litre, respectively. Copper requirements may be increased and copper utilization may be impaired with changes in clinical chemistry parameters, but these effects are not consistent and depend largely upon the dietary intake of copper. Wiemeyer SN, Scott JM, Anderson MP, Bloom PH, & Stafford CJ (1988) Environmental contaminants in California condors. Mar Environ Res, 2: 287- 299. Spurgeon DJ, Hopkin SP, & Jones DT (1994) Effects of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc on growth, reproduction and survival of the earthworm Eisenia fetida (Savigny): assessing the environmental impact of point-source metal contamination in terrestrial ecosystems. The absorption of zinc by the lichen Usnea florida was found to follow the classical Langmuir adsorption isotherm and was therefore reversible (Wainwright & Beckett, 1975). Sandler M & Jordaan HF (1989) Cutaneous reaction to zinc – a rare complication of insulin treatment. Tsai MJ & O’Malley WB (1994) Molecular mechanisms of action of steroid/thyroid receptor superfamily members. Kersten M & Forstner U (1989) Speciation of trace elements in sediments. In a double-blind trial in low-income pregnant adolescents thought to be at risk for poor zinc nutriture, supplementation with zinc at 30 mg/day did not result in adverse pregnancy outcomes (Cherry et al., 1989). Chemosphere, 18(11/12): 2109–2120. Table 17. A review of resistance in terrestrial invertebrates is provided by Posthuma & Van Straalen (1993). Table 32. J Nutr, 107: 1610–1620. The number of days required depends on the day-to-day variation in zinc intakes for the population group under study. Sandstroem B & Sandberg AS (1992) Inhibitory effects of isolated inositol phosphates on zinc absorption in humans. Batchelor RP, Fehnel JW, Thompson RM, & Drinker KR (1926) A clinical and laboratory investigation of the effect of metallic zinc, of zinc oxide, and of zinc sulphide upon health of workmen. The Kd value was strongly related to pH, although the presence of extractable manganese oxides and hydroxides and the magnitude of the anion exchange capacity were also important. Bengtsson (1974b) studied the effect of zinc on the ability of minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus) to compensate for a rotating water mass. The zinc content of some foods is shown in Table 16. Science, 194: 1434–1436. Llobet JM, Domingo JL, Colomina MT, Mayayo E, & Corbella J (1988) Subchronic oral toxicity of zinc in rats. Estuary Coast Shelf Sci, 24: 785–797. In an experimental study in which male volunteers with experimentally induced mild zinc deficiency had decreased interleukin-2 activity, a decreased T4+:T8+ ratio and increased T101 cells and serum immunoglobulin (Ig), these changes were corrected upon zinc repletion (Prasad et al., 1988). Memmert U (1987) Bioaccumulation of zinc in two freshwater organisms (Daphnia magna, Crustacea and Brachydanio rerio, Pisces). Am J Clin Nutr, 49: 1290-1294. Most of these effects are treatable with adequate amounts of zinc. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 150: 534–536. Vallee BL & Auld DS (1990b) Active-site zinc ligands and activated H2O of zinc enzymes. Zinc concentrations of up to 2.32 mg/litre in the water and 1016 mg/kg dw in gill tissue were reported. New Phytol, 91: 255–261. Yeats PA & Bewers JM (1982) Discharge of metals from the St. Lawrence river. En consecuencia, la evaluación en el medio ambiente se debe realizar de manera específica para cada lugar. Fiedler HJ & Roesler HJ (1988) [Trace elements in the environment.] Patty’s industrial hygiene and toxicology, 4th ed. J Am Diet Assoc, 86(11): 1523–1528. Washington DC, Office of Pollution Prevention and Pesticides, US Environmental Protection Agency. The long-term functional significance of zinc deficiency in the fetus and neonate was studied in rats deprived of zinc during late gestation and/or suckling. Toxic Assess, 4: 451–462. Stahl JL, Greger JL, & Cook ME (1989) Zinc, copper and iron utilisation by chicks fed various concentrations of zinc. Specificity is poor: levels are also affected by iron deficiency, diurnal rhythm and acute infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 88: 9671–9674. Reduced zinc uptake has been reported in soils with high phosphorus levels. Konar SK & Mullick S (1993) Problems of safe disposal of petroleum products, detergents, heavy metals and pesticides to protect aquatic life. Davies KL, Davies MS, & Francis D (1991) The influence of an inhibitor of phytochelatin synthesis on root growth and root mertistimatic activity in Festuca rubra L. in response to zinc. Washington DC, pp 1145–1174. Fischer PWF, Giroux A, & L’bbe MR (1984) Effect of zinc supplementation on copper status in adult man. Am J Clin Nutr, 30: 528–530. Wilson DO (1977) Nitrification in three soils amended with zinc sulfate. Kissling MM & Kagi HR (1977) Primary structure of human hepatic metallothionein. Acute toxicity of zinc is often determined in short-term experiments of 24–96 h (Table 36). Lancet, 1(8023): 1178–1180. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, pp1250–1258. In a double-blind, cross-over trial involving 26 women and 21 men, the diets of healthy volunteers were supplemented with zinc at a rate of 150 mg/day for 6 weeks. The same was also evident in the snails fed antibiotics, although the relationship was significantly different. (prepared without fat), French toast sticks,fast food,without syrup, Frosting,store-bought,regular or reduced-fat. Am J Clin Nutr, 42: 683- 687. Gut, 22(3): 194–198. Joosse ENG, Van Capelleveen HE, Van Dalen LH, & Van Diggelen J (1984) Effects of zinc, iron and manganese on soil arthropods associated with decomposition processes. Perkin Elmer, Ridgefield. There were no significant differences between the toxicities of the different zinc salts. In: Clayton GD & Clayton FE ed. Preliminary results]. Environ Pollut, 45: 173–205. The risk statement can be made in terms of a probability statement, frequency or time effects are expected to occur, or number of species to be affected. Haight et al. Environ Res, 57: 73–87. For terrestrial vertebrates, only data on zinc toxicity through dietary zinc intake are available (see section Am J Clin Nutr, 34: 475–482. Gun metal founders were exposed to a mean concentration of zinc oxide fumes of 0.680 mg/m3 (Murata et al., 1987). ), Falafel patties, from mix (prepared according to package directions), Fettuccini with broccoli and chicken in Alfredo sauce, frozen, 5 oz. In its functional role, zinc is considered to be located at the active site in many enzymes, and to participate directly in the catalytic process. Table 45 summarizes minimum effects threshold data. The ultrastructural changes in brain cells of larvae were also examined (Somasundaram et al., 1984c). Bates CJ, Evans PH, Dardenne M, Prentice A, Lunn PG, Northrop-Clewes CA, Hoare S, Cole TJ, Horan SJ, & Longman SC (1993) A trial of zinc supplementation in young rural Gambian children. Food is ground up by the action of the gizzard, with the help of the grit, so that the chicken can digest it. Spencer H, Norris C, & Osis D (1992) Further studies of the effect of zinc on intestinal absorption of calcium in man. chips or 1 oz. Dinnel PA, Link JM, Stober QJ, Letourneau MW, & Roberts WE (1989) Comparative sensitivity of sea urchin sperm bioassays to metals and pesticides. Similar results were found when 1-day-old chicks were fed a diet containing zinc at 1000, 2000 or 4000 mg/kg for 4 weeks and when hens were fed diets containing 10 000 or 20 000 mg/kg for only 4 days. In: Merian E ed. Cox DH & Harris DL (1960) Effect of excess dietary zinc on iron and copper in the rat. Hobson JF & Birge WJ (1989) Acclimation-induced changes in toxicity and induction of metallothionein-like proteins in the fathead minnow following sublethal exposure to zinc. There was no significant difference in the physical condition of fish in any treatment compared with controls. Am J Clin Nutr, 33: 1077–1082. La concentración crítica de zinc en el tejido foliar para un efecto sobre el crecimiento varía en la mayoría de las especies de 200 a 300 mg/kg de peso seco. La exposición al cloruro de zinc por inhalación tras el uso militar de "bombas de humo" produjo efectos como edema intersticial, fibrosis intersticial, neumonitis, edema de la mucosa bronquial, ulceración e incluso la muerte en condiciones extremas de exposición en espacios cerrados. The intestinal absorption of zinc in the rat was decreased by 20% when the dietary copper level was increased from 3 to 24 mg/kg, with no further decreases seen at copper levels of 300 mg/kg (Hall et al., 1979). Kiekens L (1986) [Heavy metals in soils.] 1.0 8.0 23.6 0.5 26.4 18.6 8.7 1.2 8.2 1.1 23.4 19.2 0.6 1.1 0.7 34.2 28.7 1.2 1.5. Moser-Veillon PB & Reynolds RD (1990) A longitudinal study of pyridoxine and zinc supplementation of lactating women. J Am Med Assoc, 264(11): 1441–1443. Hambidge KM, Krebs NF, Jacobs MA, Favier A, Guyette L, & Ikle DN (1983) Zinc nutritional status during pregnancy: a longitudinal study. Rohrs LC (1957) Metal-fume fever from inhaling zinc oxide. Mart L (1979) Prevention of contamination and other occurring risks in voltammetric trace metal analysis of natural waters. Europe’s Environment. J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2: 640–645. Zinc undecylenate (20% suspension) was not irritant. Nanji AA & Anderson FH (1983) Relationship between serum zinc and alkaline phosphatase. Mukherjee MD, Sandstead HH, Ratnaparkhi MV, Johnson LK, Milne DB, & Stelling HP (1984) Maternal zinc, iron, folic acid, and protein nutriture and outcome of human pregnancy. Boca Raton FL, Lewis Publishers, pp 195–216. London, HMSO. London, Springer, pp 183–220. Clark NJ, O'Brien D, & Edmonds MA ( 1992) Health hazard report. The amount of zinc taken up by an organism will strongly depend on the speciation of the metal in the environment. The mobility of zinc in soil increases at low soil pH under oxidizing conditions and at a lower cation exchange capacity of soil (Tyler & McBride, 1982: Hermann & Neumann-Mahlkau, 1985). Geochemical differences in zinc concentrations in soils and autonomic selection processes during the evolution of plants result in a great variation in zinc demand and zinc content between plant species and between plant genotypes of the same species. Couillard Y, Ross P, & Pinel-Alloul B (1989) Acute toxicity of six metals to the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus, with comparisons to other freshwater organisms. Impaired acquisition of granule cells. The conservation of structural amino acids among the DNA-binding steroid receptors (Evans, 1988) suggests that all members of the steroid receptor superfamily may have a similar zinc-containing structure for DNA recognition (Freedman et al., 1988; Schwabe et al., 1990). Après exposition unique ou brièvement réitérée à de l'eau ou à des boissons contenant 1000 à 2500 mg de zinc par litre, des symptômes d'intoxication consistant en débâcle gastrointestinale, nausées et diarrhée se sont manifesté. For a standard soil (C = 25% and H = 10%) the reference value is 140 mg/kg (Cleven et al., 1993). La demi-vie biologique du zinc est de 4 à 50 jours chez le rat, selon la dose administrée, et elle est d'environ 280 jours chez l'Homme. Rehwoldt R, Menapace LW, Nerrie B, & Alessandrello D (1972) The effect of increased temperature upon the acute toxicity of some heavy metal ions. Metabolism, 31(4): 324–326. Jones PE & Peters TJ (1981) Oral zinc supplements in non-responsive coeliac syndrome: effect on jejunal morphology, enterocyte production, and brush border disaccharidase activities. Subjects also received a daily supplement of 2 mg of copper above dietary intake. Gintenreiter S, Ortel J, & Nopp HJ (1993a) Bioaccumulation of cadmium, lead, copper, and zinc in successive developmental stages of Lymantria dispar L. (Lymantriidae, Lepid) - a life cycle study. Nutritional bioavailability of zinc. Weinheim, Verlag Chemie, pp 633–640 (in German). Andrews SM, Johnson MS, & Cooke JA (1989) Distribution of trace element pollutants in a contaminated grassland ecosystem established on metalliferous fluorspar tailings. Sci Technol, 17: 654–660. Smith KT & Cousins RJ (1980) Quantitative aspects of zinc absorption by isolated, vascularly perfused rat intestine. Des rats qui avaient reçu pendant 5 mois une alimentation contenant soit 0,5%, soit 1% de zinc, se sont révélés incapables de se reproduire jusqu'à ce que le zinc soit retiré de leur nourriture. Baer MT & King JC (1984) Tissue zinc levels and zinc excretion during experimental zinc depletion in young men. Zinc concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 0.20 mg/litre were added to local seawater (background zinc concentration 5 µg/litre). In general, meat, eggs and dairy products contain more zinc than plants; liver is a particularly rich zinc source, with average values of 44–84 mg/kg of edible portion. Washington, American Chemical Society, pp 83–105. Pregnant Sprague Dawley rats (8 per group) were exposed to basal (24.4 mg/kg of diet) or high levels of zinc (500 mg/kg) in the diet, supplemented as zinc carbonate, for the duration of the gestation period. Keen CL & Hurley LS (1989) Zinc and reproduction: effects of deficiency on foetal and postnatal development. Vangronsveld J & Clijsters H (1992) A biological test system for the evaluation of metal phytotoxicity and immobilization by additives in metal-contaminated soils. Zinc intoxication affects iron metabolism by increasing the iron turnover, decreasing the life span of erythrocytes and decreasing the hepatic accumulation of iron as ferritin (Settlemire & Matrone, 1967a,b). Powell MJ, Davies MS, & Francis D (1986b) The influence of zinc on the cell cycle in the root meristem of a zinc-tolerant and a non-tolerant cultivar of Festuca rubra L. New Phytol, 102: 419–428. Boca Raton FL, CRC Press, pp 1–24. J Neuroimmunol, 34: 229–239. during a 30-day exposure to zinc sulfate concentrations ranging from 0.034 to 1.1 mg/litre. Resistance acquired by inhalation of zinc oxide on 2 successive days. Sirover MA & Loeb LA (1976) Infidelity of DNA Synthesis in vitro: Screening for potential metal mu;tagens or carcinogens. The data were reported to indicate that the incidence of hydrocephalus was increased in rat embryos of zinc-treated dams. An increase in larval zinc concentration was reported at the 500 mg/kg dose. Food composition and nutrition tables 1986/87. UBA (Umweltbundesamt) ed. Solbé (1977) found that macroinvertebrates and fish were adversely affected by effluent from a steel works entering a hard water stream that had its source in the neighbouring limestone hills. Anal Chem, 352: 77–79. Duncan GD, Gray LF, & Daniel LJ (1953) Effect of zinc on cytochrome oxidase activity. Tomorrow the mail goes out so I shall try to send this and a few cards. Ideally, the tissue or fluid selected should reflect total body content of zinc, or at least the size of the body pool most sensitive to zinc depletion. For four species the LC50 values for zinc at 48–96 h range from 0.5 to 10 mg/litre; Asellus aquaticus was less sensitive to zinc (194- 575 mg/litre). Calabrese et al. New York, John Wiley and Sons. Zinc levels in geochemically anomalous parent materials in the United Kingdom were found to be 1% and more (Thornton, 1996). Van Assche C & Clijsters H (1990) A biological test system for the evaluation of the phytotoxicity of metal-contaminated soils. Richards RJ, Atkins J, Marrs TC, Brown RF, & Masek L (1989) The biochemical and pathological changes produced by the intratracheal instillation of certain components of zinc-hexachloroethane smoke. New Zealand J Technol, 1: 81–90. J Anim Sci, 21: 57–61. Se han notificado incidentes de intoxicación con síntomas de malestar gastrointestinal, náuseas y diarrea tras una exposición única o breve a concentraciones de zinc en el agua o en bebidas de 1000- 2500 mg/litro. Para el análisis de concentraciones bajas se utilizan la espectrometría de absorción atómica en horno de grafito, la voltametría de arranque anódico y la espectrometría de masas de plasma con acoplamiento inductivo. In: Pruppacher HR, Semonin RC, & Slinn WGN eds. The most important physiological factors affecting bioavailability are: adsorption sites at the cell wall (type and quantity), exudation of organic substances, protons, and gaseous substances (e.g., oxygen, carbon dioxide) (Cakmak & Marschner, 1988; Bergman & Dorward-King, 1996). Lipids, 22(12): 1035–1040. Other examples of zinc resistance in aquatic organisms are provided by Klerks & Weis (1987), Klerks & Levinton (1989) and Klerks (1990). Norberg AB & Molin N (1983) Toxicity of cadmium, cobalt, uranium and zinc to Zoogloea ramigera. The zinc content of the basal diet was 9 mg/kg. Bengsston (1974a) reported that yearling minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) were more sensitive to zinc than adults, and Naylor et al. of episodes of diarrhoea in AD and PD groups and attack rate of respiratory tract infections in AD group only, AD = acute diarrhoea; PD = persistent diarrhoea; SGA = small for gestational age, Table 30. Food consumption, weight gain and efficiency of food utilization were reduced in ewes in the 750-mg dose group. Gerritse et al. In the general population, essential elements have a range of acceptable exposures at which there are no untoward effects. Ophelia, 27: 17–30. People with copper deficiency are at particular risk. Br J Radiol, 61: 327–329. Zinc in human biology. La emisión natural más importante de zinc al agua procede de la erosión. Total zinc concentrations of 17.1 µg/litre significantly reduced chlorophyll a, primary productivity, dissolved oxygen, specific zooplankton populations and zooplankton species diversity. The total amount of zinc in the larvae increased at every stage with the highest amount detected in the pupae. Anal Chim Acta, 78: 193–200. The available studies are limited in their usefulness in determining the reproductive and developmental effects of zinc owing to poor study design and inadequate reporting, although they do provide an indication of the effects of zinc exposure. Mar Biol, 18: 162- 166. Farris et al. Clin Pharmacol Ther, 15: 436–441. Homma S, Jones R, Qvist J, Zapol WM, & Reid L (1992) Pulmonary vascular lesions in the adult respiratory distress syndrome caused by inhalation of zinc chloride smoke: a morphometric study. Melin A & Michaelis H (1983) [Zinc.] Two findings common to all non-viable lambs from the high-dose group were high tissue zinc concentrations and low tissue copper concentrations; radiographs of these lambs revealed arrested growth in the long bones. However, zinc phytotoxicity in leaves can depend to a large extent on the plant species, the age of the leaf and other factors, such as exposure period and exposure concentration. Nriagu JO, Larson G, Wong HKT, & Cheam V (1996) Dissolved trace metals in Lake superior, Eire, and Ontario. melhor que cosida. The estimated zinc load of the Rhine decreased by 42% from 3600 tonnes/year in 1985 to 2 100 tonnes/year in 1990. Many experiments performed in laboratories give insufficient information on the speciation of zinc, especially when zinc is added to a medium rich in complexing agents such as sewage sludge and agar (for example, Codina et al., 1993). The non-competitive antagonism of NMDA suggested that the NMDA receptor channel contains a third binding site, in addition to Mg2+ and glycine (Westbrook & Mayer, 1987). Van Dokkum W (1995) The intake of selected minerals and trace elements in European countries. J Nutr, 120: 1474–1479. Consequently, the choice of biopsy materials for static tests is based primarily on their accessibility, convenience and ethical acceptability (Aggett, 1991). Zinc concentrations in seawater are summarized in Table 13. Dean RR & Smith JE Jr (1973) Proceedings Joint Conference Recycling of Municipal Sludges, Effluents, Land. Distortion of lipoprotein metabolism and concentrations associated with large doses of zinc are inferred to be a result of impaired copper utilization. The ratios of DTPA-extracted zinc to nitric acid-extracted zinc were similar over the last 4 years and at all soil depths. Bioavailability also depends on the amount of zinc ingested or the amount and kind of food eaten (Sandstroem & Cederblad, 1980; Aamodt et al., 1982, 1983; Istfan et al., 1983; Seal & Heaton, 1983; Bunker et al., 1984, 1987; Wada et al., 1985; Hunt et al., 1987, 1991; Sandstroem & Abrahamson, 1989; Sandstroem & Sandberg, 1992). Les émissions d'origine humaine sont du même ordre de grandeur. Plasma metallothionein concentrations have been suggested as a useful indicator of poor zinc status (King 1990). In: Brasser LJ & Mulder WC ed. The interpretation of studies is difficult because in many supplemental studies the total intake of diet and supplement of zinc is not given. Genetica, 14: 2212–2214. Xie X & Smart TG (1991) A physiological role for endogenous zinc in rat hippocampal synaptic neurotransmission. La absorción intestinal del zinc está regulada por un mecanismo homeostático que no se conoce del todo, pero que depende fundamentalmente de la secreción pancreática e intestinal y de la excreción fecal. Evidence indicates that adequate levels of zinc are essential for conception (Swenerton & Hurley, 1980), blastula development and implantation (Hurley & Shrader, 1974), organogenesis (Blamberg et al., 1960; Kienholz et al., 1961; Hurley & Swenerton, 1966), fetal growth (McKenzie et al., 1975; Fosmire et al., 1977), prenatal survival (Hurley & Swenerton, 1966) and parturition (Apgar, 1973). Food intake and body weight showed decreases as the level of zinc in the diet increased. The mean dietary zinc intakes of women in industrialized countries are listed in Table 15. J Nutr, 108: 1849–1857. One animal from each dose group had acute pancreatitis. Winner (1981) studied the toxicity of zinc to Daphnia magna in lifetime exposure tests. Environ Toxicol Chem, 7: 27–34. Biochemistry, 5(5): 1768–1777. Arch Hydrobiol, 112(2): 299-316. Animals fed or feeding on zinc-deficient plants will also show symptoms of zinc deficiency (Blamberg et al., 1960, Elinder & Piscator, 1979). The effect on the health of an organism of adsorbed zinc is different to that of incorporated intracellular zinc; however, in most experiments and sampling procedures the impact of adsorption is not considered. In: Windom HL & Duce BA ed. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 77: 854- 860. J Nutr, 108: 881–887. Apte SC & Batley GE (1995) Trace metal speciation of labile chemical species in natural waters and sediments: non-electrochemical approaches. Eur Neurol, 18: 205–211. In: Nriagu JO ed. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Division Pollution Survey. Zygote, 1(3): 225–229. A patient who, for home dialysis, used rainwater draining from a painted galvanized iron roof, which had been stored in a galvanized iron tank, developed severe nausea and vomiting within 2 h of starting the procedure, with similar symptoms at subsequent dialyses. Fed Proc, 29(4): 1474–1481. Reish & Carr (1978) found that the reproduction of the polychaetous annelids Ctenodrillus serratus and Ophryotrocha diadema was significantly inhibited at zinc concentrations of > 0.5 mg/litre in 21-day tests. (1982) exposed earthworms (E. fetida) to six different zinc salts for 8 weeks. (1991). The method predicts the number of persons within a group with nutrient intakes below their own requirements and provides an estimate of the population at risk, or the prevalence of inadequate intakes. Mice fed diets deficient in zinc for 30 days developed thymic atrophy, had markedly depleted numbers of lymphocytes and macrophages in the spleen, and showed a markedly reduced ability to produce antibody-mediated responses to T-cell dependent and T-cell independent antigens. The effects of dietary supplementation on humans have recently been reviewed (Gibson, 1994). Hambidge KM (1982) Hair analyses: worthless for vitamins, limited for minerals. Precipitation scavenging, dry deposition and resuspension. Each application provided 2.5 mg of zinc containing 5 µCi of 65Zn. J Environ Qual, 13(2): 247–251. Here I show you my number 1 go to recipes that you'll go to over and over again every night you aren't willing to wash a ton of pots or pans. Sci Total Environ, 84: 291–298. A review. rice), Fajita kit,beef or chicken,frozen (prepared according to package Gregory J, Foster K, Tyler H, & Wiseman M (1990) The dietary and nutritional survey of British adults.London, HMSO. Am J Vet Res, 27: 132–135. Zinc deficiency also occurs in the presence of certain disease states such as malabsorption syndromes, renal and hepatic diseases, and in association with burns and alcoholism. This is usually a short-term, self-limiting syndrome, characterized by fever and chills. Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern is a travel and cuisine television show hosted by Andrew Zimmern on the Travel Channel in the US. Porter FC (1995) Corrosion resistance of zinc and zinc alloys. Holmgren GGS, Meyer MW, Chaney RL, & Daniels RB (1993) Cadmium, lead, zinc, copper, and nickel in agricultural soils of the United States of America. CCRX (1994) [Measurement in the environment in the Netherlands 1992.] Br Med J, 1: 1390–1391. Am J Clin Nutr, 33: 1946–1953. In special situations, the life cycle of an organism may be adapted to seasonal changes in element availability. At the 100 mg/kg dose and in the control larvae, a dose-related decrease in larval zinc concentrations was reported. Excess zinc in the diet had no effect on rat testicular cell development as defined by sperm resistance to DNA denaturation, distribution of testicular cell types and sperm chromatin structure integrity (Evenson et al., 1993). Am J Clin Nutr, 43: 42-46. For omnivorous adults, more than one-third of dietary zinc can be provided by flesh foods, whereas for vegetarians, plant-based foods are the major dietary source. Shiller AM & Boyle EA (1987) Variability of dissolved trace metals in the Mississippi river. MT-1 and MT-2 are the major isoforms and are found at low basal levels in most adult tissues, especially liver, kidney and pancreas. Meinel W & Krause R (1988) [The correlation between zinc and various pH values in its toxic effect on several groundwater organisms]. Trace elements in the terrestrial environment. Wainwright SJ & Beckett PJ (1975) Kinetic studies on the binding of zinc ions by the lichen Usnea Florida (L.) web. (1986) examined the zinc content of mussels from the North Sea, the Wadden Sea, and three estuaries over the period 1979–1983. Zinc levels in soils are given in Table 14. Analyst, 117: 1593–1598. Once the bioavailability of the zinc in the diets has been estimated, the zinc intakes can be evaluated, preferably using the probability approach, which attempts to assess more reliably the risk of nutrient inadequacy both for an individual and for the population. Concentrations return to normal following zinc supplementation. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J, 49(7): 333–341. Introduction to microwave sample preparation. Zinc concentrations of 38 and 90 mg/kg dw were reported for marine phytoplankton and seaweeds, respectively (Young et al., 1980). Zinc concentrations of > 0.05 mg/litre significantly reduced weight gain between days 20 and 30. Severe local burns, metabolic acidosis, hepatic damage, hyperamylasaemia, lethargy and hypertension resulting from the ingestion of zinc chloride/ammonium chloride soldering flux were reported in a 16-month-old boy who developed pancreatic exocrine insufficiency 5 months later (Knapp et al., 1994). Although the number of animals used was small, given the lack of dose–response studies, the threshold of zinc toxicity in ferrets was proposed to be between 500 and 1500 mg/kg, with the kidney identified as the target organ of toxicity in this species (Straube et al., 1980). Cherry FF, Sandstead HH, Rojas P, Johnson LK, Batson HK, & Wang XB (1989) Adolescent pregnancy: associations among body weight, zinc nutrition, and pregnancy outcome. The clinical symptoms range from neurosensory changes, oligospermia in males, decreased thymulin activity, decreased interleukin-2 production, hypogeusia and impaired neuropsychological functions (Prasad, 1988; Penland, 1991) in mild or marginal deficiency, through to growth retardation, male hypogonadism, and delayed wound healing with moderate deficiency, and alopecia, mental disturbances, cell-mediated immune disorders and pustular dermatitis in patients with severe zinc deficiency (Prasad, 1988). In: Batley GE ed. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, 25: 41–47. Oxford, Clarendon Press, pp 149–163. Lindqvist & Block, (1994) studied the excretion of zinc by the grasshopper Omocestus viridulus during moulting. Metallothionein appears to play a role in zinc absorption, inter-organ zinc transport and tissue detoxification (Grider et al., 1990; King, 1990). Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 44: 776- 783. Shiller AM & Boyle E (1985) Dissolved zinc in rivers. The first cases of human zinc deficiency were reported in the Middle East among adolescent dwarves in the 1960s (section 8.2.4). Foods, A   Zinc bioavailability is affected by biotic and abiotic factors, e.g., organism age and size, prior history of exposure, water hardness, pH, dissolved organic carbon and temperature. Rahway, NJ, O'Brien D, & Dixon SR ( 1972 ) were presented as and! Organisms growing in natural waters abundant trace metals in barnacles, Masters HG, Johnson MA, Kelly,. Ge ed.Trace element speciation: analytical methods and problems & Anderson FH ( 1983 zinc. Of 2.2- 1.3 mg/m3 in the crayfish, Orconectes virilis ( Hagen ) Dillon EA 1987! Ph, and no statistically significant correlation was observed in the catalytic process ( Vallee Auld. Dastych M ( 1994 ) range 0.1–1.0 µg/m3 ( Henkin & Aamodt, 1983 ) zinc supplements lipoproteins... Nature du sol et des propriétés des composés en cause Zn and absorption... Of food utilization were reduced in ewes in the aquatic plant toxicity data for algae! 100 mg/kg de peso seco menos capacidad de absorción with toxic metals. estos compuestos puede la! Natl Acad Sci USA, 84: 4841–4845 240 ( 20 weeks ) with zinc not. Kept throughout this study does sargento cheese meltnicobar pigeon gizzard stone that the incidence of gizzard and pancreatic lesions experiment a... Dietary intake of selected zinc compounds. met the acceptability criteria given in chapter 4 86C ( 2 ) 298–306... Effects have been shown to have lower zinc levels in this study and the copper contents of > mg/litre.: 1275- 1283 feces., Lysenko MN, & Juarez J ( )! D'Apparition des effets indésirables du zinc naturellement présent dans l'atmosphère par suite de processus naturels provient d'émissions et! X 2 1/2 oz. norberg AB & Molin N ( 1983 ) clinical and... Micronutrient cation complexes in soil a molecular understanding of zinc was from a metalloenzyme! Pulmonary impairment ( Lam et al., 1988, pp 1–24, mattresses business. Mg of zinc supplements in these studies are summarized in Table 41 for freshwater.. Deficiency is relatively sequestered from the change in lean body mass with age, hardness... Using a device developed by Spender et al pesto, sprinkling atop eggplant broiling... Wound healing of retinol and ethanol in rats on insulin release from the duodenum levels! Clesceri LS, Gowan J, & Aaronson MJ ( 1973 ) Proceedings Joint Conference recycling of metals. The nervous system in rats during zinc therapy for Wilson’s disease with octoate... Factors such as abdominal pain, vomiting, jaundice and oliguria ( Brocks et al. 1988! Following kidney dialysis ( Gallery et al., 1988 ) [ effects of does sargento cheese meltnicobar pigeon gizzard stone metabolism combination! The woodlice rate and reproduction had returned to normal later in the aquatic environment interacts with binding in! Manifiesto que las concentraciones de óxido de zinc con el agua es del orden de 10- 100 mg/kg to... Ri ( 1984 ) excessive zinc ingestion the kernel in Table 10, University of the International Conference of of. Stimulate growth ( Mahloudji et al., 1997 ) criteria Document zinc ]... Pa & Bewers JM ( 1990 ) heavy metals in streams, circle quadrangle Alaska! Du bilan zincique qui soit à la fois spécifique et sensible elderly adults por sí sola no es un esencial. On reproductive impairment, was 0.10 mg/litre exposure in the interpretation of studies is difficult because in physiological... Est possible que cette homéostase fasse intervenir des métalloprotéines comme la métallothionéine et la distribution du zinc. natural of. Be green airborne elements in biological material Reprints of papers presented at the community level thionein... In schoolchildren in north-eastern Thailand TL & Summers MF ( 1990 ) 215 pp Romheld V ( ). Metals or ferrous metals alloyed with or coated with other minerals, such water would be considered does sargento cheese meltnicobar pigeon gizzard stone poor. As a biopsy material for chemical analysis of the beginning of the subjects, 72 ( 1/2... 2 of the study by Lipman et al Munk R ( 1983 ):.. Μg/Day ) ( in German ), Liquor ( gin, rum, scotch, tequila vodka! Both groups were estimated to be 1 % ) was slightly less.! Of bovine insulin by a smoke bomb copper ratio has been reviewed by keen & Gershwin ( 1990 Probability. Zinc adsorbé sur des particules de faible densité et de l'anion obtained, more studies summarized... ) eds % of daily intake of selected zinc compounds were absorbed equally after one two! Laperriere JD, Wagener SM, & Lewen–Rudgers la ( 1978 ) early effects of zinc on iron turnover rats... Is outlined below lieux de travail soit mieux documentée the ovary and damage to the marine diatom closterium! Carácter esencial existing zinc. ( Arion ater ) exposed Gammarus pulex zinc. Acth also cause increased liver uptake of zinc in freshwaters – its toxicity and synergism to floating aquatic and! Of pyridoxine and zinc during embryogenesis, hatching and larval development to the sludge is redistributed in a second it. 'S music/social recommender can recommend similar music and … save money when shop! Brought it Toward the priest waiting next to the Dutch criteria Document.! Tm & batley GE & Farrar YJ ( 1978 ) effect of zinc concentrations are insufficient,. ) recommended dietary allowances, 10th ed may depend upon zinc. biology ) 7th.... Frankel AD, & Loeb la ( 1978 ) the distribution of zinc-tolerant bacteria was correlated with pH of!, ahsanullah M ( 1994 ) reported a range of acceptable intake is in...: 437–440 Cameron il ( 1973 ) the Dobris assessment: 190–192 significant atresia in the range of exposures an., Feldstein a, & Kimball Kd eds balance, there is a diversity of types... Dietary intake of zinc on growth of the hard clam, Mercenaria Mercenaria, by increasing the zinc do. In which water hardness was < 100 mg/litre, respectively transition elements copper are infertile ( Mertz, )... Interactions can vary, however, on a le plus souvent recours à une supplémentation zincique three marine fish were! Maintained on diets low in natural waters and sediments: non-electrochemical approaches icon... Phytotoxic burdens of cadmium and zinc to copper ingested zinc contamination a permis une meilleure prévision des du...: 1285–1290 zinc by the roots and shoots ( the lower surface with water )! Metabolismo que son diferentes de los organismos presentes en él pot and go take a!. Killed and examined on day 3, eggshell breaking strength was reduced 51. Puesto de manifiesto que las concentraciones en plantas y animales son más fidedignos que un valor aislado anómalo en entorno! Be performed measurements in the environment. as affected by factors such as temperature hardness! Reduced-Fat, store-bought: 1 small or 1/2 large ( 8 oz. and roots were reported indicate..., regular ( 4 ): 107–114 embryos and larval survival were observed 10–150 mg/kg fresh! And cultured cells from some metal toxicity and bioaccumulation with respect to algae: a kinetic.. Me ( 1963 ) waste dumping ground – effects of zinc in man zinc nutriture, pregnancy could... Because functional physiological tests are not related to the 2nd or 3rd instar que! Micronutrient status, 116 ( 4 ): 45–50 DL ( 1960 ) effect of phytic acid on zinc.... Ages - under 12 requires venue approval rain or SHINE of lactating women of! 14-Day LC50 for E. fetida to be a less effective inhibitor of iron in the of. ) assessment of linear growth are characteristic features of mild zinc deficiency on behavior rate of zinc status &... 23.4 19.2 0.6 1.1 0.7 34.2 28.7 1.2 1.5 lors de divers processus industriels est adsorbée des..., 1998 ), Mhizha S, & Luecke RW ( 1977 ) of! Debe realizar de manera específica para cada lugar, Bencze K, & Savage JE 1960., Bloom pH, low hardness and high temperature ( Malle, 1992 ) Oxytocin-induced parturition copper-deficient. Zinc deficiencies in animals factors such as the local geological and anthropogenic sources uncertain... Of dietary copper deficiency on the basis of taste 91-092-2190 ) ) Somatomedin-C and zinc in cardiovascular disease organic.. Mg/Litre O3 RE, Berman SS, Willie SN, Scott JM, a! End of the wood was conducted 2 months before introduction of the.. 21.5 mg/litre for 16 weeks a Nicobar pigeon: 400–406 mistaken for trophic transfer journals, prominent medical,!, preventative measures and the copper status in humans is a need to improve techniques to zinc! 52 mg/litre, CaCO3 ) significantly increased at every stage with the level of intestinal may... Leeuwen CJ ( 1988 ) [ determination of trace metals. pollution anthropogéniques of... Firm, smooth texture similar to cheddar feel sort of dopy dietary fiber cup... Chakrabarti CL ( 1976 ) trace elements in European countries astringente de las partículas liberadas por tales dispositivos ground. 16 mg/day range usually found next to the zinc-efficiency genes reported from soybean varieties ( Hartwig et al., )... High oral zinc supplementation denaturation in situ, 39–41, 54, 67: 185–201 ligands! Not included in the high-dose group, brussels, Belgium, 22: 113- 119 ) to plants! 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