The murder was committed by two men, a Rom. The general impression left with the archeologist and historian, who peer into the crowded past of the great city, is that the guild-master was not unjustified in his claim that “all Asia and the world” (Acts 19:27) reverenced the Ephesian Artemis. Ephesus is twice mentioned in the Apocalypse (1:11; 2:1). Acts 18:21 | View whole chapter | See verse in context But bade them farewell, saying, I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in Jerusalem: but I will return again unto you, if God will. The six gates which pierced the wall are now marked by mounds of rubbish. Ephesus was the largest city in the province, with a population of 300,000. 1 Corinthians 16:8 But I will stay at Ephesus until Pentecost. The greater part, says Luke in one ironical phrase, “did not know why they had come together” (19:32). D. The harbor, which frequently silted up, made Ephesus the most favorable seaport in the province of Asia. Perhaps, too, they saw in the Caesar-cult only a harmless ritual of loyalty, and not an issue of man-worship on which a Christian need stake life and livelihood. Their lapse from first ardor and enthusiasm was due, according to Ramsay’s famous thesis, to an infiltration of the Christian minority by the weariness of a civic community that had passed its prime and was living on its fading splendor. imperial dominance of the Aegean coast of Asia Minor. According to some, John the Apostle brought the Virgin Mary hereafter Jesus’ crucifixion in 33 AD. The church died with the city. of the Christian era. At the sight of Alexander, who had taken some risk by his public appearance, the crowd broke into their chant, a rhythmic din that they kept up for two hours. Upon the death of Attalus II (Philadelphus), king of Pergamos, it was bequeathed to the Roman Empire; and in 190, when the Roman province of Asia was formed, it became a part of it. Under Claudius in the middle of the 1st cent. First, there is the vivid story already examined. EPHESUS ĕf’ ə səs (̓́Εφεσος, G2387, possible meaning, desirable).The city of Ephesus lay at the mouth of the Cayster, between the Koressos Range and the sea, on the western coast of Asia Minor. This temple, first sign of the international importance of the Artemis cult of Ephesus, stood right through the Pers. The coast, with continual soil erosion of the hinterland, became malarial. The city turned, as any anxious community might in such circumstances, to the equivalent of her tourist trade. The noisy group swept along with them the flotsam of the town, the idlers, the visitors, the mob of any great eastern city, and flowed toward the common place of assembly—the theater on the low hillside. It became a seat of bishops, where a notable council was held as late as a.d. 431. He sent many letters to Timothy and advised him to stay in Ephesus in 1 Timothy 1:3. And he sailed from Ephesus. Its foundation, which alone remained, enabled Mr. Wood to reconstruct the entire temple plan. A part of the site of this once famous city is now occupied by a small Turkish village, Ayasaluk, which is regarded as a corruption of the two Greek words, hagios theologos; i.e., "the holy divine." It was also a sanctuary for the criminal, a kind of city of refuge, for none might be arrested for any crime whatever when within a bowshot of its walls. "The apostle John, according to tradition, spent many years in "Ephesus, where he died and was buried." Ephesus (permitted), the capital of the Roman province of Asia, and an illustrious city in the district of Ionia, nearly opposite the island of Samos.Buildings.--Conspicuous at the head of the harbor of Ephesus was the great temple of Diana or Artemis, the tutelary divinity of the city. Acts 18:21 but taking his leave of them, and saying, "I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem, but I will return again to you if God wills," he set sail from Ephesus. The Turks came with ruin for Asia. Paul was, in fact, assaulting a stronghold of pagan religion, together with the active life and commerce associated with a vast heathen cult, in a key city of the central Mediterranean and a focal point of communication. In the center of Artemis worship, in a city known for paganism, immorality, and greed, the light of Jesus Christ shone brightly. There was much for which John could commend the Ephesian Christians; their toil, endurance, discernment, and vigor. Because of its strength the people stored there their money for safe-keeping; and it became to the ancient world practically all that the Bank of England is to the modern world.In 356 B.C., on the very night when Alexander the Great was born, it was burned; and when he grew to manhood he offered to rebuild it at his own expense if his name might be inscribed upon its portals. The name Ayasaluk is the corruption of three Greek words meaning "the Holy Word of God." written when Domitian’s persecution was raging. It is significant that the church of Saint John gave its name to the place. Almost by accident it was then found in the valley outside the city walls, several feet below the present surface. A riot ensued, so vividly and ironically described in Acts 19. There sprang up, therefore, about the temple a village in which the thieves and murderers and other criminals made their homes. Search, however, did not reveal the site of the temple until January 1, 1870, after six years of faithful work. The name Ephesus in the Bible Ephesus was a splendid Greek city of Asia Minor, situated half-way up the western coast of modern-day Turkey, on the river Cayster. Acts 19:1 It happened that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul, having passed through the upper country, came to Ephesus, and found certain disciples. Ephesus, as was proper, was the first church addressed, and the subject matter is light on the city, and its church, a generation after its founding. Paul’s ship made no call there in a.d. 57. Ephesus became a Christian city, and in 341 AD a council of the Christian church was held there. Ask God to open your heart to hear what He wants to say to you through the message to the church at Ephesus. Like all the river valleys around the great blunt end of the Asian continent’s westward protrusion, that of the Cayster was a highway into the interior, the terminal of a trade route that linked with other roads converging and branching out toward the separated civilizations of the E and the Asian steppes. With an artificial harbor accessible to the largest ships, and rivaling the harbor at Miletus, standing at the entrance of the valley which reaches far into the interior of Asia Minor, and connected by highways with the chief cities of the province, Ephesus was the most easily accessible city in Asia, both by land and sea. That the trouble came is evident from John’s letter to the Ephesian church, most prob. These officials were members of a corporation, built on the model of an earlier Gr. They were joined by the Ionian colonists (Greeks from Athens) by the 10th century B.C. Introduction The story of the evangelization of Ephesus does not begin in chapter 19, or even in chapter 18 of the Book of Acts. Ephesus played a vital role in the spread of Christianity. Ephesus, taught by two apostles, rejected all accommodation with paganism and those who advocated the softer policy. Acts 18:24 Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus. Another incident is the apostle’s advice to the elders. Acts 20:22 Now, behold, I go bound by the Spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there; 1 Corinthians 15:32 If I fought with animals at Ephesus for human purposes, what does it profit me? Ephesus was one of the largest and wealthiest cities in the eastern Mediterranean area. If the dead are not raised, then "let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.". The next time Paul came through the city, he found that some people, including “about twelve” men, had become disciples (Acts 19:1, 7).Paul then spent three years in Ephesus (Acts 20:31)—a comparatively long time compared to the lengths of his stays in other areas—preaching the gospel. All the seven churches mentioned in the apocalyptic letters (Rev 2 and 3) were no doubt established during the same period of apostolic ministry. The ruins have been identified in a marsh, one and a half miles NE of the city, after the discovery of Ephesus’ main boulevard in 1870. And he came to Ephesus, and left them there: but he himself entered into the synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews. Not only was the temple of Diana a place of worship, and a treasure-house, but it was also a museum in which the best statuary and most beautiful paintings were preserved. A. It would appear probable that there was a measure of rivalry between those in charge of the newer ritual, a cult that was not yet deeply founded in Ephesus, and the custodians and champions of the vast commercialized worship of Artemis. If anything illegal had been done to rouse the just resentment of the silversmiths’ guild, he said “there are proconsuls” (Acts 19:38). Though Paul was probably not the first to bring Christianity to Ephesus, for Jews had long lived there (2:9; 6:9), he was the first to make progress against the worship of Diana. Go to List of places in the Bible. The city stood upon the sloping sides and at the base of two hills, Prion and Coressus, commanding a beautiful view; its climate was exceptionally fine, and the soil of the valley was unusually fertile.Tradition says that in early times near the place where the mother goddess of the earth was born, the Amazons built a city and a temple in which they might worship. b.c. It was a perilous situation, not only for Paul and his little party, but also for the Jews at large, who had every reason to fear a pogrom. citizenship may have weighed a little with the officers of Caesar. The city wall of Lysimachus was found to be 36,000 ft. in length, enclosing an area of 1,027 acres. "A part of the site of this once famous city is now occupied by a "small Turkish village, Ayasaluk, which is regarded as a" "corruption of the two Greek words, hagios theologos; i.e., "the" "holy divine." Multitudes came to visit the temple of Artemis, a cult that requires explanation. Ephesus, in the Roman province of Asia, is 56 kilometers (35 miles) from Smyrna.Located opposite the island of Samos, it is the closest of Revelation's seven churches to the island of Patmos where the apostle John wrote the book of Revelation.. Ephesus, founded primarily by those from the city of Athens, was the capital of both Ionia and proconsular Asia. Fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. Exact Match. A fine street ran through the city from the harbor wharves at the river mouth to the great theater where the level land began to rise toward Mount Pion, a boulevard of some beauty and lined by fine buildings and columned porticoes. He passed along the Asia Minor coast three or four years after the riot in Ephesus. This building was raised on immense substructions, in consequence of the swampy nature of the ground. of the official’s speech is accounted for; otherwise it is without explanation. In time the pilgrims, with decreasing faith in Diana, came in fewer numbers; the sales of the shrines of the goddess fell off; Diana of the Ephesians was no longer great; a Christian church was rounded there and flourished, and one of its first leaders was the apostle John. It was the main artery of Ephesian life, destined in later years to be even more richly adorned. knight and a freedman who held the post of steward of the imperial estates in Asia. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. Ephesus is twice mentioned in the Apocalypse (1:11; 2:1). Ephesus was known for its amphitheater, the largest in the world, designed to hold up to 50,000 spectators. Like her rival Miletus, similarly located at the end of the Maeander Valley thirty m. to the S, Ephesus had difficulty with her harbor, the essential gateway to the sea. Another phrase in the story is illuminating. Deepening economic depression and decline must have been a feature of Ephesus’ life over the last cent. It was natural enough in the religious capital of Asia that the sect of the Nicolaitans should be in evidence. The last glimpse of Ephesus in the NT reveals an aging church in need of an infusion of new life, hence, the closing detail of imagery in the apocalyptic letter (Rev 2:1-7). As the guild master by implication admitted, the temple was the core of Ephesus’ commercial prosperity. Starting in the first century A.D., notable Christians such as Saint Paul and Saint John visited and rebuked the cults of Artemis, winning many Christian converts in the process.Mary, the mother of Jesus, is thought to have spent her last years in Ephesus with Saint John. In 1863 Mr. J. T. Wood, for the British Museum, obtained permission from the Turkish government to search for the site of the lost temple of Diana. It endured until the Goths sacked Ephesus in a.d. 263. BIBLE LANDS NOTES: The Seven Churches of Asia - EPHESUS 2 name of Asia Minor). This little city of the Amazons, bearing at different times the names of Samorna, Trachea, Ortygia and Ptelea, flourished until in the early Greek days it aroused the cupidity of Androclus, a prince of Athens. Deforestation was mankind’s ancient folly, and no part of the Mediterranean world suffered worse than Asia Minor. Not only did the temple bring vast numbers of pilgrims to the city, as does the Kaaba at Mecca at the present time, but it employed hosts of people apart from the priests and priestesses; among them were the large number of artisans who manufactured images of the goddess Diana, or shrines to sell to the visiting strangers.Such was Ephesus when Paul on his 2nd missionary journey in Acts (18:19-21) first visited the city, and when, on his 3rd journey (19:8-10; 20:31), he remained there for two years preaching in the synagogue (19:8, 10), in the school of Tyrannus (19:9) and in private houses (20:20). XIV. As the fame of his teachings was carried by the pilgrims to their distant homes, his influence extended to every part of Asia Minor. The preaching of Christianity in the school of Tyrannus was hitting the Artemis cult hard, so hard that the turnover in dependent trades was visibly showing the adverse effects. and under Trajan at the beginning of the 2nd, the great theater was remodeled. Finally, Alexander the Great took it; and at his death it fell to Lysimachus, who gave it the name of Arsinoe, from his second wife. They had much to lose; hence the venture of Alexander whom the Jews “put forward,” doubtless to make sure that their community as a whole was not blamed for the revolutionary views of the rabbi from Tarsus. Acts 18:21 | View whole chapter | See verse in context But bade them farewell, saying, I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in Jerusalem: but I will return again unto you, if God will. Ephesus in the Bible: Mary and Paul in Ephesus Ephesus is a very prominent city in the Bible and has remained a place of pilgrimage for Christians since the late 1st century. Topsoil slipped from the bare hillsides reft of their cover, streams became swamps, and the storm waters reached the sea laden with silt that choked the harbors. However, under Greek rule the Greek civilization gradually supplanted that of the Orientals, the Greek language was spoken in place of the Asiatic; and the Asiatic goddess of the temple assumed more or less the character of the Greek Artemis. “A wide door for effective work has opened to me,” wrote Paul, “and there are many adversaries” (1 Cor 16:9). An easygoing Christianity could never have survived; it could not have conquered and trained the world; only the most convinced, resolute, almost bigoted adherence to the most uncompromising interpretation of its principles could have given the Christians the courage and self-reliance that were needed. The apostle John, according to tradition, spent many years in Ephesus, where he died and was buried. Acts 20:16 For Paul had determined to sail past Ephesus, that he might not have to spend time in Asia; for he was hastening, if it were possible for him, to be in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost. Ephesus City lived it’s Golden age in Roman Empire and christianized during 1 centry AD by visits of Apostle St. John and St. Paul. Among the paintings was one by the famous Apelles, a native of Ephesus, representing Alexander the Great hurling a thunderbolt. Whatever happened, Paul was rescued and, perhaps under some official pressure, withdrew before the irate guildsmen had the opportunity to file a formal indictment. A city of the Roman province of Asia, near the mouth of the Cayster river, 3 miles from the western coast of Asia Minor, and opposite the island of Samos. It is, perhaps, not without significance that the same coin bears the image of a small oar-propelled boat, an official’s “barge,” not the deep-hulled merchantmen that mark the city’s pride in her sea-borne trade on the coins of earlier centuries. • Ephesus was conquered by Croesus in 560 B.C. At the time this letter was written, Ephesus was a major city of Asia Minor and a seaport. Paul conversed with them, and from the intimacy of almost three years’ experience, warned the little community of tensions to come. Ephesus. This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of God’s word. It is said that the building was four times the size of Athens’ magnificent Parthenon. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Ephesus . The city was proud of its name, “the Landing Place,” and the title is found on a coin as late as the 3rd cent. The peculiar feature in the case of Ephesus was that the cult was associated with a meteoric stone, the “image which fell down from Jupiter” of the guild-master’s clever speech reported by Luke (Acts 19 ASV). It had a population of about 250,000 people. St John wrote the Gospel in during his stay in Ephesus. The city of Ephesus lay at the mouth of the Cayster, between the Koressos Range and the sea, on the western coast of Asia Minor. at the beginning of his mighty “drive to the East,” contributed largely to the new temple, which was destined to be a shrine of unrivaled splendor and to rank as one of the wonders of the world. Ephesus was an important city for Christianity because it was strategically located so that the gospel could be spread via the many trade routes of commerce that passed through and beyond Ephesus. He captured it and made it a Greek city. Fragments of the columns that he donated, inscribed with his name, are in the British Museum. (See Asiarchs.) They became the forefathers of all true Christianity. During the eleven years of his excavations at Ephesus, 80,000 were spent, and few cities of antiquity have been more thoroughly explored. Bibliography W. M. Ramsay, The Letters to the Seven Churches (1904); A. H. M. Jones, Cities in the Eastern Provinces (1937); E. M. Blaiklock, The Christian in Pagan Society (1951); The Cities of the New Testament (1965). The Jews had a large colony at Ephesus, and considerable privileges (Jos., Antiq. For more information about Ephesus , check out the Easton Bible dictionary entry as well. To compromise would ultimately have set Christ, where Emperor Severus ultimately placed him—in a chapel along with the images of Jupiter, Augustus, and Abraham. Inflamed by the speech of the rabble-rouser Demetrius, delivered no doubt in the meeting house of the silversmith’s guild, the audience, says Beza’s version, poured “into the street.” It is surely the great central boulevard that is mentioned. Revelation 2:1 "To the angel of the assembly in Ephesus write: "He who holds the seven stars in his right hand, he who walks among the seven golden lampstands says these things: ef'-e-sus (Ephesos, "desirable"):A city of the Roman province of Asia, near the mouth of the Cayster river, 3 miles from the western coast of Asia Minor, and opposite the island of Samos. Acts 20:17 From Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called to himself the elders of the assembly. The kings of Pergamum, most dynamic and powerful of the lesser successor states of Alexander’s divided empire, did much for Ephesus, and when the Romans inherited the kingdom of Pergamum by the will of its last ruler, Attalus III, they continued the policy of promoting Ephesian trade. It is, as Ramsay says (St. Paul the Traveller and Roman Citizen, p. 277, 278), “the most instructive picture of society in an Asian city at this period that has come down to us....In the speech of Demetrius are concentrated most of the feelings and motives that, from the beginning to the end, made the mob so hostile to the Christians in the great oriental cities.” It required all the political art of the grammateus, no mere “town-clerk,” but the city’s leading official and obviously a most able man, to restore quiet and order. It is possible from the NT to gain some idea of the progress of the Ephesian church. temples, and perhaps was some consolation for the loss of her independence, for it was Croesus who made Ephesus subject to Sardis. Dr. Mark D. The city itself soon lost its importance and decreased in population. The emperor Constantine I, rebuilt much of the city.Sackings by the Arabs first in the year 654-655 by caliph Muawiyah I, and later in 700 and 716 hastened the decline further. Paul had visited Ephesus around A.D. 53, about 43 years before this letter in Revelation was sent to them. This the priests of Ephesus were unwilling to permit, and they politely rejected his offer by saying that it was not fitting for one god to build a temple to another. Banks. Led by the silversmiths, the mob poured down this highway. Major roads connected Ephesus to all the other significant cities in Asia Minor. The Romans assumed the legacy of Pergamum in 133 b.c. But a church had been established. Of this group it is fair to assume that they were Greeks who saw in their own cults a measure of true revelation, a position that might have arguments to commend it, but who carried this belief to the point of advocating unwise compromise with the debased forms of those cults in such prominence around them. New International Version (NIV), Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus, and access. This was perhaps in the 10th, 11th, or 12th cent. Ephesus and Pergamos, the capital of Asia, were the two great rival cities of the province. She was never, in fact, independent again. It was founded in the tenth century BC (probably on or near the ruins of an even older settlement) and prior to the Roman conquest was ruled alternately by Ionians, Cimmerians, Lydians , Persians and finally the Greeks under … And he came to Ephesus, and left them there: but he himself entered into the synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews. Ephesus was the prosperous capital of the Roman province of Asia. This assumption would fix the date of the incident at a.d. 54. In 1308 the Turks took possession of the little that remained of the city, and deported or murdered its inhabitants. Ephesus, therefore, and all that pertained to it, was a mixture of oriental and Greek Though the early history of the city is obscure, it seems that at different times it was in the hands of the Carians, the Leleges and Ionians; in the early historical period it was one of a league of twelve Ionfan cities. What does the Bible say about Ephesus? Domitian, at the end of the 1st cent., appears to have been the last ruler to attempt to repair the harbor of Ephesus, but trade had obviously declined two centuries before. History and description of the various attractions in Ephesus by a local tour agency that offers day trips at a reasonable cost. Ancient Ephesus and the New Testament How our knowledge of the ancient city of Ephesus enriches our knowledge of the New Testament by Rev. Concise, accurate description of the site and its history. Ann. The Greeks called a colony an “emporion,” or a “way in,” because their concept of such settlement was that of a gateway by which an active self-governing community could tap the trade and resources of a foreign hinterland. The city lay in a long, fertile valley. This was why Ephesus was chosen by the early Ionian colonists from Athens as a site for their colony. Acts 19:17 This became known to all, both Jews and Greeks, who lived at Ephesus. 12, 25). Ignatius, writing a generation later, still accorded the church high praise. “To him who conquers I will grant,” wrote John, “to eat of the tree of life.” The church, however, did not survive. Why did the “Asiarchs” seek to protect Paul? Tools. John’s letter was one of seven addressed to the Asian circuit, and prudently couched in the style of Jewish apocalyptic lit. When the son of Codrus, last king of Athens, founded the city, he placed his colonists near the shrine of an ancient Anatolian goddess whom the Greeks, following the religious syncretism common in the ancient world, called after their own goddess Artemis. Paul soon left Ephesus to continue his third missionary journey. She was, none the less, over many centuries, fortunate in her engineers. It’s name written in Holy Bible 16 times and known as one of the most important Early Christian City. The Apo stle John was called in Gr. x. J. Justinian, to be sure, built a church to Saint John on the site, in part compensation perhaps for the looting of the columns from the temple of Artemis for St. Sophia in Byzantium, where they may still be seen in the vast basilica. I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. XIII, 1). Initially colonized by the Athenians, it grew to 250,000+ inhabitants in the first century B.C., making it the second largest populated area in the known world. institution, and charged with the maintenance and protection of the Caesar cult (see Emperor Worship) in Asia. The Cayster river, overflowing its banks, gradually covered with its muddy deposit the spot where the temple of Diana had once stood, and at last its very site was forgotten.The small village of Ayasaluk, 36 miles from Smyrna on the Aidin R. R., does not mark the site of the ancient city of Ephesus, yet it stands nearest to its ruins. Still another tradition says that Androclus was its founder. Act 18:19 . Ephesus, Turkey (Sacred Destinations). They laid in their suffering the foundations on which all true religion has since built. “Hagios Theologos”—“The Holy Theologian.” This was corrupted into Ayasoluk, the modern Turkish name for the village that stands near the site of ancient Ephesus. Plato likened the mob to wild animals. it came into the possession of the Lydians; 3 years later, in 557, it was taken by the Persians; and during the following years the Greeks and Persians were constantly disputing for its possession. In time the temple possessed valuable lands; it controlled the fishcries; its priests were the bankers of its enormous revenues. Ephesians 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God, to the saints who are at Ephesus, and the faithful in Christ Jesus: 1 Timothy 1:3 As I urged you when I was going into Macedonia, stay at Ephesus that you might command certain men not to teach a different doctrine. A Greek city of active life accounted for ; otherwise it is from... Conversed with them, and in 341 a.d. a council of the most favorable seaport in the 5th 6th... All the other significant cities in the eastern Mediterranean area possession of the progress the! 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