Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. Of course the values we're left with are all the residue of Christianity, though shorn of system and stripped of finality. Nielsen is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Calgary and Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at Concordia University in Montreal. Myers is Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Minnesota, Morris, where he researches the developmental biology of zebrafish from an evolutionary perspective. A Collection of my favorite Atheist Authors and their work. The programmatic article of, I'm a believer – in plastering buses with atheist slogans, 'Interview with Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi', https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_atheist_authors&oldid=990687820, Articles with Swedish-language sources (sv), Articles with dead external links from June 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with incomplete citations from January 2020, Articles with Romanian-language sources (ro), Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking reliable references from April 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. He introduced the idea that the theory of natural selection is a “universal acid” that eats through every theoretical domain it touches. Jeffrey Meyers. --Charles Bukowski, Bush describes himself as "an atheist who has nevertheless worked intimately in Jewish religious institutions as a writer and editor for much of my adult life.". When I hear the word atheist, I think of some crummy motel where they’re having a function and these people have nowhere else to go.”, Books: The Next Fifty Years, What We Believe but Cannot Prove, This Will Change Everything, Culture, and The Mind, Jacoby, a former newspaper reporter, is a bestselling author and blogger. I've never believed in God. "Wilfred Scawen Blunt was notorious as an atheist, a libertine, an adventurer and a poet. However, the most distinctive feature of his career has been “debunking”—showing how his own and others’ magic tricks are done. Michael Rosen interviewed by Emily Moore, "Here I am, a rationalist, atheist person..." Salman Rushdie, interviewed on, CNN reports that: "Among these works are mythical stories through which Saramago, a communist and atheist, weaves his own brand of social and political commentary.". This is why they were invented in the first place." Stephen Bates explains, while political sketch-writer Simon Hoggart, theatre critic Lyn Gardner and gay atheist Gareth McLean review the bishop's performance." One thing lapsed Catholics do not do is go in for an 'inferior' religion with less in the way of tradition and intellectual content." But she lost her faith when she discovered snogging because she couldn't bring herself to believe that it was sinful. Together, the Churchlands are associated with the position called “eliminative materialism,” which claims that our everyday “folk psychology” concepts, like love, ought to be eliminated in favor of neuroscientific concepts, like oxytocin levels. While O'Hanlon was away in Africa, his older brother, a book rep, took Belinda and the children to communion. "Baptised at 11 ("Did I feel transfigured or just wet? We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. These authors helped reinvigorate the secular cause; they cast off the fog of political correctness to unapologetically lay siege to piety. She also publishes pornographic fiction. The punning title of his 2007 album, “The Compton Effect,” reflects his background as an erstwhile physics major—to which he attributes his conversion to atheism. Even some great authors mentioned it in … I still don't. "Like [Joseph] Conrad, [his wife] Jessie was nominally a Catholic but actually an atheist." The trouble with basing values on religions, though, is that the premises of most of them are pure wishful thinking; you either have to refuse to scrutinise those premises – take them on faith, declare that they "transcend logic" – or reject them. Anne Harding, 'Knowing our destiny'. It sounds cold, but at the same time, it's important to remember how wonderful that is. ". If "atheist" means someone who does not believe in God, then an atheist is what I am. With the calmness of a man discussing his favourite TV show, he said 'There is no such thing as heaven. "I don't like conventional religious piety. Facebook 137 StumbleUpon Tweet 28 Pin Shares 165. in psychology from St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, and a Ph.D. in parapsychology from the University of Surrey. Authors like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens have issued forceful public challenges to the claims of the major faiths and the rights they've traditionally been granted, while well-respected and high-profile public figures have lent vocal support to their ideas. He was an atheist but retained an affection for churches and the sound of the bells." But it is also because, he insists, Marxism offers the blueprint for a moral society." "As an atheist, it made me very angry with someone – He, She or It – who doesn't exist", he said. Peter Conrad, reviewing, "I thought the world would be colder when I became an atheist, but afterwards, I felt more wonder about everything, because all this was made without God", says Massicotte. True, we are both atheists, but Tariq is evangelical while I am benign about religion and think the Throne should be occupied by a member of the Church of England." Ms. Magazine could always make up for publishing this lousy piece by commissioning an actual article on atheist women — who they are and what they’ve contributed to our movement. Currently Senior Future Tense Fellow at the New America Foundation, he is a revisionist Darwinian evolutionary psychologist, who believes emergent and nonlinear dynamical effects influence the evolutionary process. He writes on his blog that “Religion is my bitch.”, White, a former world-class heavyweight kickboxer, is a prolific novelist who boxed and now writes under the name, “Wrath.” He resides in Austin, Texas, with his wife and two sons, where he runs a popular web site, Words of Wrath. 'Yeah, as soon as I reached the age of reason – about 16 – I stopped going to church. No, I don't believe in God." No mere agnostics will do. Obituary: Colin Mackay. "I am still a Catholic, I just don't believe in God. Sidney Lee, In response to the question "What do you think about Umberto Ecco's words that "libraries are the houses of God", and since you are doing that Dead Media project – I kinda connected you two in my head? "What's stopping me is that I don't believe in God. R. W. Burchfield. "Describing his old friend as a "devout atheist", Ingrams said Paul Foot had been much upset to discover, after he suffered a near-fatal aneurysm five years ago, that some of his religious friends had been praying for him – and even more indignant to hear that some of them thought that their prayers had been answered when he survived to go on campaigning and writing." He also participates in numerous public debates with Christians. " Helen Brown interviewing Faber, 'Faith in forgiveness', "I am an atheist, and if an atheist and a pope think the same things, there must be something true. Robert Darby, ', "De Sade overcame his boredom and anger in prison by writing sexually graphic novels and plays. Larsson specifically requested that no religious ceremonies should be held at his funeral. O'Hanlon was shocked, but 'I decided not to be angry about it. "Hind became a socialist and an atheist, and at 14 left Riverside high school, Carntyne, and became a process clerk at Britain's largest engineering firm, Beardmore." Barker announced his conversion to atheism in 1984. He is perhaps best known as an advocate for the highly speculative field of evolutionary psychology, which seeks to find evolutionary explanations for all fundamental aspects of human behavior. These oganizations may be said to combat paranormal claims and religion in equal measure. In his 1986 book The Blind Watchmaker, Richard Dawkins expressed his position that he couldn’t imagine being an atheist before Darwin.As it happens, there were atheists before Darwin, and theories of evolution go back to ancient Greece. According to the Pew Research Center these are the top five most religious states and top five least religious states based on the percentage of people who identify as “highly religious”1: Most Religious Alabama Mississippi Tennessee Louisiana Arkansas Least Religious New Hampshire Massachusetts Vermont Maine Connecticut So now that we have identified which states have … Lynn Barber interviewing Paul Johnson. I wanted to burn down all the churches or turn them into second-hand record emporiums." Susan Jacoby, 'Priestly celibacy: The Vatican's self-inflicted wound', "I really do think religions are just advertising agencies for a product that doesn't exist.". He writes that “Religion wants you to believe blindly, while science wants you to doubt, to rely on evidence and logic. Books: Against All Gods, Meditations for the Humanist, Life, Sex and Ideas: The Good Life without God, and The Good Book: A Humanist Bible, Krauss is Foundation Professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration, as well as Director of the Origins Project, at Arizona State University at Tempe. Atheism and women: Recent studies and other data. ', Vowell replied simply: "Absolutely not.". Born in Denmark, he was educated in the United States. Books: Infidel, The Caged Virgin, and Nomad. Authors OnAIR. Hilda D. Spear. People should stick to solving the problems they have the tools to solve. She has said that “religion remains the last great prop and stay of arbitrary injustices and the coercion which backs them up.”. Sounds like a strict upbringing. This compensation does not influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other editorially-independent information published on this site. " Matthew Collin reviewing Tayler's. Apparently, though, I wouldn't close my eyes, put my hands together or say the prayer but would only shout 'No thank you, God!' "I was raised as a Christian, and I still retain a lot of the values of Christianity. He was a signatory to the 2010 open letter protesting the British government’s invitation for an official visit to Pope Benedict XVI. The Phoenix New Times has called Square “the black Carl Sagan.”. "What was I doing here, I wondered, as I sat holding a little candle at the carol service in the local church? I've written here before about the problem I have disposing with the tracts, pamphlets, Bibles, crucifixes and so on which I get sent pretty regularly: the neurosis which stops me proclaiming my atheism is the same which stops me binning glossy books promising me life eternal. By Anne-Marie Bissada - RFI LISTEN OCT 28, 2018 Rfi / Anne-Marie Bissada. Smart Choice College Rankings. "Marty really rattled the paramilitaries because he had such good contacts", said John Keane, a friend and colleague of O'Hagan's. We are pliable. I don't have the evidence to prove that God doesn't exist, but I so strongly suspect he doesn't that I don't want to waste my time." "So why should Maugham, self-declared atheist, "continental" more than English, choose so inappropriate a burial place?" But Greene's relationship with the church was never easy, and he was often critical of the religion. Philip Willan, 'Obituary: Franco Lucentini', Matthew W. Dickie, "Lucian's Gods: Lucian's Understanding of the Divine" in, Dickie, "Lucian's Gods", p. 352: "Lucian's appointment to a position of high authority in the. "It should be clear from the above, and is made explicit in an essay on 'The Importance of Glasgow In My Work', that Kelman's strengths as a writer and thinker have nothing inherent to do with his being (as he likes to put it) "a white middle-aged Glaswegian atheist Protestant-bred male writer and father of two mature daughters who spent his early years in Govan, Drumchapel, Partick and Maryhill"." Energy is another requirement. Recently, Kurzweil has risen to national prominence with a series of books in which he claims that we human beings are on the verge of shedding our bodies and “uploading” our minds (our “software”) into superior, artificial “hardware.” In so doing, he argues, we are destined to become immortal. "And I'd be the first to admit that without the whole nativity business, attempting to extract any worthwhile non-commercial values from the festive season leaves you with the kind of sticky, non-specific sentiment to be found in the Santa Clause movies. Where an individual is well known under two different versions of his name (“E.O. I am quite aware that atheistic beliefs are not always based on reason. Jacoby is Program Director for the Center for Inquiry–New York City, and sits on the advisory board of the Secular Coalition for America. It bothers me." Stephanie Merritt, 'The Santa delusion'. " In the 1970s, his company, Kurzweil Computer Products, Inc., developed the first practical optical scanning software. We should be confident that it will do better than any other approach at getting things right.”, Books: Darwinian Reductionism, Philosophy of Biology, and The Atheist’s Guide to Reality. He is both a productive scholar and a prolific author of popular philosophical works. "We'll Meet Again. Paloni, Piermassimo, Il giornalismo di Cesare Pavese, Landoni, 1977, p. 11. Nigel Farndale, 'Damn Right I Got The Talent'. – André Breton, taking from a footnote from his book. As Lloyd George once said, if you sit on the fence too long it means that the iron enters your soul. The first time we made love I realized why I never prayed. Mentioned in this list are people whose atheism is relevant to their notable activities or public life, and who have publicly identified themselves as atheists. All of which I could have said exactly as I said it and still been more of an atheist than he is." On balance my reaction was not so much to question my world view as to ask a more obvious question: what is this stuff and how does it work?" Newdow is an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. He has said that “I never outgrew my conversion to atheism at 13, but at various times was a serious cultural Jew,” and that “Atheists are the most reviled minority in the United States, so it’s no small matter to come out and say it.”, Books: The Language Instinct, The Blank Slate, The Stuff of Thought, and The Better Angels of Our Nature, Churchland is Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, San Diego, where she is also an adjunct faculty member at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. "Nowhere for me had words Qur'anic or biblical taken on as much life as they had here in the Sahara, where, apart from the Word, there was nothing but rock, sky and sun." His always pronounced misanthropy has taken on an explicitly atheistic tenor in his late books, with their dominant theme of human frailty, futility, and the finality of death. "In a hideous act of precocity, I saw as a child that, having tried as hard as I could, I could not believe in God. We’ve waited it out, and it’s gone.”, Books: Money, London Fields, The Information, Author of over 30 highly acclaimed books, Roth is considered by many to be America’s greatest living novelist. With more and more people choosing to denounce religion, atheism is surely gaining in prominence! There's something eternally fascinating about respectability gone wrong." J. S. Peart-Binns. Since she was already an atheist – which she remained all her life – she greeted this news with a certain nonchalance. Jonathan Meades. Atheist authors Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris I have not read, and so voice no opinion on the quality of their work. – a cardinal of atheism." John Ezard, 'Obituary: John Fowles', "Hijuelos has a way of making even the most uninspiring life unique, the ugliest scene beautiful. The paradox, then, is that Kadare is a humanist who claims that the greatest riches of Albanian culture derive from its Christian tradition." This is a list of atheist authors. Gardner, Martin (1995), Introduction to H.G. Greer, Germaine (November 27, 2003). “Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Everything that is doddering, squint-eyed, vile, polluted and grotesque is summoned up for me in that one word: God!" Very little that happened in Northern Ireland would have surprised Marty." Nothing is too horrible for it not to be used as evidence of the mysterious way in which God is working His purpose out. Books: Getting Even, Without Feathers, and Side Effects, Films: Love and Death, Stardust Memories, Deconstructing Harry, and Match Point, Born in Aldershot, Hampshire, McEwan is considered by many to be one of the finest novelists of his generation in the U.K. From the beginning of his career, his work has been characterized by an extremism verging on cynical detachment with respect to his main subjects: sex, death, and moral evil. Misery is optional." Graham Greene, interviewed by VS Pritchett. He holds a B.A. Born Eddie Collins in the low-income Los Angeles suburb of Compton, Square became immersed in gang culture, but changed his life by enlisting in the United States Army in May of 2001. As an atheist, I can't even imagine that I was spared so that I wouldn't die a fool or a sinner. ", "God is the greatest imaginary being of all time. In which case, one must assume from the evidence rammed down our throats for century after century that he is liable to fits of serious derangement during which he is Not Himself." But I am certainly fascinated by those who do.' A Utilitarian in ethics, he believes that only sentience, not species membership, confers moral value. But by the time you've "modernised" something like Christianity – starting off with "Genesis was all just poetry" and ending up with "Well, of course there's no such thing as a personal God" – there's not much point pretending that there's anything religious left. His mother, he says, is also very religious but in an emotional way: 'She believes that in heaven she will be reunited with every spaniel she has ever owned.' 50 Top 50 Female Authors ideas | writer, author, women writers His friend Roger Martin du Gard saw disbelief as a modern responsibility, and claimed that 'my atheism was formed at the same time as my mind'." A.N. I was never personally convinced by religion.' I'm somewhere between an atheist and an agnostic – I'd be an atheist if I could muster the energy." In his rap songs, he boasts about desecrating Brigham Young’s grave and urinating in a synagogue. Books: Theism, Atheism and Big Bang Cosmology, Time, Change and Freedom: An Introduction to Metaphysics, Ethical and Religious Thought in Analytic Philosophy of Language, Language and Time, and Consciousness: New Philosophical Perspectives. Blackmore is an English popular-science author who holds a B.A. ', Pollack replied: "God does not exist, unless you are my mother-in-law and are reading this, in which case I definitely do believe that He exists, and will raise my children accordingly. In 2011, she agreed to debate Christian apologist William Lane Craig, but later pulled out, saying “I hadn’t realised the nature of Mr. Lane Craig’s debating style, and having now looked at his previous performances, this is not my kind of forum.”. And atheist! "If I were a believer, perhaps I'd have some answers. Kurzweil is an entrepreneur, author, and leading light of the influential “transhumanist” movement. But for countless millions of non-believers across the world, today is still a very special day. 5 atheist authors who changed history. To describe the atheism first: it originated in a certainty that I was going to start breaking the rules as laid down by the god I'd been taught about, followed by a suspicion that if his rules were so easy to break he couldn't be all that he was cracked up to be. Wilson is Distinguished Professor at Binghamton University (formerly known as State University of New York, Binghamton), with appointments in the Department of Anthropology and the Department of Biological Sciences. Born in Buckinghamshire, U.K., he is a prolific author of textbooks on quantum mechanics and physical chemistry, as well as of expositions of physics and cosmology aimed at a popular audience. Nothing is too ghastly for it not to be further proof of His infinite love. Books: Unto Others, Darwin’s Cathedral, Evolution for Everyone, and The Neighborhood Project, Rosenberg is Professor of Philosophy at Duke University. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods.” ― Christopher Hitchens, The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever "A convinced atheist, he had discussed the possibility of suicide with his friend Fruttero in the past, at one time contemplating driving his car into a canal with his companion, Simone Bennes Darses, at his side. In addition to atheism, Christina writes and blogs about feminism and lesbianism. He was born into a Jewish family in the Bronx, but never believed in God, saying “I was born an atheist.” His many lawsuits have been aimed at forcing the United States government to remove references to the Deity from American currency and coinage, from the Pledge of Allegiance, and from oaths of office. Allen’s trademark black humor reflects strong atheist convictions, emphasizing the futility of human existence—for example: “More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. A prominent surgeon whose work Fang had criticized was jailed for ordering the attack. What does worry me is the rise of a New Atheism that, never mind God, appears to have lost faith in humanity.". Last night I slept, and when I woke her kiss Still floated on my lips. Clarke quoted in Jeromy Agel (Ed.) Padmanabhan is President of the Rationalists’ Association of India and General Secretary of the Humanists’ Association. I am, in fact, an atheist. Amy Alkon/Advice Goddess Blog. Here, then, is our list of the 50 top atheists in the world today: Silverman is President of American Atheists, the organization founded in 1963 by the grande dame of American atheism, Madalyn Murray O’Hair (1919–1995). Love need not be a command or faith a dictum. The stars died so you could be born.”, Books: Quantum Man: Richard Feynman’s Life in Science and A Universe from Nothing. This is especially true in instances of random calamity." "Keyes remains "totally unapologetic" for her happy endings. Because this may disappoint some of our readers, we have, after our ranking, also ordered the atheists on our list by the number of Google hits that their names obtain. Diana Athill, 'I'm a believer – but only in a good story'. Explore 224 Atheist Quotes by authors including George Harrison, Thomas Paine, and Peter Steele at BrainyQuote. Hers has been named one of the Top Ten most popular atheist blogs on the Web. Euan Ferguson, Robin's gone, but swallows linger on'. His ideas on the evolution of “altruism” in human society were hugely controversial at that time, and remain so—now rebranded as “evolutionary psychology”—today. She wrote the script and provided the voiceover narration for Theo van Gogh’s controversial film, Submission, about the eploitation of women in Muslim countries. Be sure to catch our interview with Jennifer Michael Hecht. She later became disenchanted with parapsychology and made a career out of debunking paranormal claims. "Sitting in his home in Jerusalem, Grossman says he can see nothing in his own 'banal' upbringing to explain the path he took. As Paul Davies has said, most Christian theologians have retreated from all the things that their religion supposedly asserts; they take a much more "modern" view than the average believer. An atheist lives in the present, since there will be no eternity ('They were shut up in days,' John McGahern says with strangely beautiful concision in Amongst Women.) He is an outspoken critic of religion, and engages in frequent debates with Christians on college and university campuses around the world and on television. "There was grim humour in such careful planning. You might as well come clean and admit that you're an atheist with certain values, which are historical, cultural, biological, and personal in origin, and have nothing to do with anything called God." Join the discussion by commenting under the videos or submitting video responses. In other words, our ranking is a list of people who are well known because they are atheists, among other things—as opposed to people who are mainly famous for some other reason (like Jodie Foster or Bruce Willis). His contribution to literature was in popularising the work of Charles Darwin and other evolutionary scientists in the face of opposition from the church. "The church does not emerge well, with its ferocious insistence on doctrinal orthodoxy; but nor, for all the affection with which he is portrayed, does Galileo – the victim of either religious philistinism or his own mortal frailty. John Bingham, '. He was born in Portsmouth, England, but moved permanently to the U.S. in 1981, where he eventually became a naturalized citizen. Yet here I was, listening to the readings, and singing several verses of the occasional carol I sort-of-knew." Widely admired as a brilliant stylist, he wrote many bestselling books and was a regular columnist for Slate online magazine. The solo space opera books are certainly tapping into the same vein, perhaps more overtly than ever. This is what comes of being an atheist, perhaps: we think about these things more than most people. Through his Edge Foundation (www.edge.org), he channels the energies and talents of his authors, advancing what he calls “the third culture,” an effort to integrate humanistic … As an atheist, I feel very comfortable in Ireland now.'". Onfray is a philosopher and prolific author who teaches in the philosophy seminar at the Université Populaire de Caen (UPC). "He'd be able to tell you what they had for breakfast before they went out to kill. "Father Denis, who, for more than a year now, has been attempting to convert me from staunch atheism to Catholicism, is trying a different tack." Anna Blundy. God is an abstract noun, he's not a Father Christmas up there in Heaven, he's an abstract bloody noun who has been exploited by men in order to exploit other men, through the centuries." Richard Ingrams: 'Cockburn, (Francis) Claud (1904–1981), rev. There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind Antony Flew. Stenger has a special interest in challenging claims that the so-called “fine-tuning coincidences” constitute evidence for the existence of God. 'Joao Cabral: His poetry voiced the sufferings of Brazil's poor', Cf. He has published the definitive study of the distinguished geneticist, Sewall Wright. Harris is a best-selling author and television personality who is regarded as one of the “Four Horsemen” of the New Atheist movement. ... Like Dawkins, I am an atheist who is deeply concerned about the rapidly escalating intolerance of free thought and speech that is being fuelled by religious fundamentalism, whether we are talking about Australia, the US, Iraq, Indonesia or Saudi Arabia." Provine, who is a hard determinist as well as an atheist, rejects all forms of teleology in biology and claims that “evolution is the greatest engine of atheism ever invented.”, Books: The Origins of Theoretical Population Genetics and Sewall Wright and Evolutionary Biology. Born Ayaan Hirsi Magan in Mogadishu, Somalia, she was granted political asylum by The Netherlands in 1992, after which she changed her name and renounced Islam. in philosophy from Stanford and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA. He has done research on the properties of neutrinos and other elementary particles. ... Micklethwait is Catholic, his co-author an atheist, but he points out that both were "bred in a classical liberal education, where the general presumption was that as the world got more modern, it would get more secular". " "Iris was a rare being in the modern world – a dispassionate scholar who understood passion, an atheist who, with a sense of the sacred understood faith, a moral philosopher who was truly unjudgmental towards individuals. Nathalie Blondel: 'Butts, Mary Franeis (1890–1937)'. "Frances Partidge was a pacifist long before she met Ralph. "Themes of guilt, sin and religion have always preoccupied him. A real atheist, you see, is not exercised about it.' People say to me, do you believe in God? ", "An interview with author Simon Winchester is presented. So how have you been able to cope with being an atheist as a female since it's just very odd to the society being a female atheist.she doesnt stay in nigeria. See. . He also blogs for Atheist Nexus. When his wife died in 1986, he placed an emblem of Our Lady of Carmen around her neck, saying, in his mocking way, that this would make sure that she went directly to heaven, without being stopped at customs." Richard Branson, another well-known atheist states that a belief in God is not necessary to be a good human; it’s the humanitarian values that count. "What does it mean to be human or to play god?" Ann T. Keene: "Hyman, Stanley Edgar". In July 1782 he finished his, "He rejected his father's ambition to make him a rabbi. I don't know where you get this certainty from. Tariq Ali. "I'm a total atheist but I do write things for them." "An unlikely friendship developed between Reckitt and G. D. H. Cole. Besides the certainty, celebrity, and energy of an atheist, we put a premium on the depth and seriousness of the man or woman’s case for atheism. Based in San Francisco, Christina is an author and blogger. Paul Barker, 'Even an atheist can't resist the lure of Christmas'. I prefer skeptic. He came to international attention in 1972 by revealing the tricks used by Uri Geller, an Israeli magician who claimed supernatural telekinetic powers. “The 50 Most Influential Living Philosophers.”, “The 50 Most Influential Living Philosophers”, “The 10 Most Controversial College Professors in the U.S.”. Oliver Kamm, ', "Speaking as one atheist to another, I find that when I say with absolute certainty 'I'm an atheist', there's always a slight look of shock on the face of the person that I'm talking to, as though this is the one area where we're not permitted to be absolutely certain.". Duncan Campbell, 'Funeral of Paul Foot'. " "Grimly atheist, he appreciated Nietzsche's attempt to establish a philosophy that was simultaneously nihilist and life-affirming. Not in an agnostic sense but in the spirit of pure atheism which asserts that man invented divinities to account for the temporarily inexplicable. "Spanish churches are dark and gloomy, fitting locations for a Christianity that often seems completely demented to an appreciative atheist like myself." Jeremy Lewis, 'Wine, Women, £800 a Year: Nice One, Cyril'. Famine, earthquakes, plane crashes, unemployment figures, plagues, wars all are grist to the Panglossean mill. ", "I'm an atheist, at least to the extent that I don't believe in the objective existence of any big beards in the sky.". "It is sinful to be too cynical about that", he says. They have fundamental conflicts. Born in what is now Zambia, Grayling was until recently Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck, University of London. 4.4 out of 5 stars 539. Lee Randall interviewing John Micklethwait, 'Keeping the faith', Learn how and when to remove this template message, Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, "War Rocket Ajax #138: Jason Aaron Talks 'Thor: God Of Thunder'", "All Praise and Glory to the Mind of Man", Once Forbidden, Now Championed; Toni Bentley, a former ballerina, is the author of, https://www.amazon.com/My-Path-Atheism-Annie-Besant/dp/1406878367, "Greta Christina | Secular Student Alliance: Atheists, Humanists, Agnostics & Others", We must love one another or die: an interview with Edmund Cooper, "FOUR CALCUTTANS IN DEFENCE OF SCIENTIFIC TEMPER", Prophet of Decline: An interview with Oriana Fallaci, "Introducing Anatole France « Mere Inkling", The Art of Fiction No. I have spent all my life on the atheist side of this argument..." Hitchens in Slate.com article. How will a win affect public sentiment? (If God did exist, I would be against him on any number of grounds, not least of which is that He is always behaving in such an unreasonable, autocratic manner.)" Shona Crawford Poole, 'Pilgrimage to the heart of England', Multiple quotes from McCabe substantiating his atheist view. Emily Brontë wrote under the pseudonym of Ellis Bell. Testament of a Jewish Ghetto Policeman. The latter anthology includes her essay, “Comforting Thoughts about Death That Have Nothing to Do with God,” which has been frequently reprinted on the Internet. Fiction, with truth. "For one whose life had been so full of ironies, it was fitting that five priests celebrated a requiem mass for him in Youghal, although he had been a committed atheist." Zoë Heller, 'God doesn't have the best tunes New York'. "I don't have any faith myself, but I think that religion is here to stay. "As a fully paid-up atheist, I need no persuasion that God is neither great nor real. Davis, Natalie Zemon. "As a child she was very religious, and planned to become the first woman vicar. I am an atheist now." Jason Burke, 'Ideology's violent face'. "I am a radical Atheist..." Adams in an interview by American Atheists, "Ben Allah'a inanmam, ben öldüğümde cesedimi yakın, küllerimi savurun. Most recently, he has become an outspoken atheist and critic of religion. Perhaps that's why I was given so much of the present to work with, since it's all I'll be getting." His academic work has focused on skepticism and related problems at the interface between epistemology and metaphysics. He only recently began to be known outside the academic community, publishing a widely noticed op-ed piece in the New York Times (see below) to help publicize his new book, The Atheist’s Guide to Reality Rosenberg claims that natural science must eventually take over all of human knowledge: “400 years of scientific success in prediction, control and technology shows that physics has made a good start. Wilson, 'Give me that old-time religion'. ", "My distaste for Lewis and Tolkien as writers does not stem from the fact that, as an atheist, I disagree with their religious beliefs or think that religious concerns cannot make great literature." The group, which has local chapters in many states, is currently based in Cranford, New Jersey, where Silverman makes his home. The former organization, which was founded in Kolkata (Calcutta) in 1985, is also known by its Bengali name, Bharatiya Bigyan O Yuktibadi Samity (literally, Indian Science and Rationalists’ Association). If this omnipotent God is in control of the climate then in His infinite wisdom he must have sent the floods and hurricanes and droughts, and if he is capable of releasing the hostages then he must be responsible for their having been taken in the first place. There is some part of me which pictures my spectral self at the pearly gates being forgiven for the sundry lies, thefts, treacheries and so on to which we're all so humanly prone, but seeing the archangelic finger run down the column until it hits "Put Children of God pamphlet in cat litter tray", and starting to quiver angrily." (1970). Duffy, brought up a Catholic, pronounces herself an atheist; Johnson Manning is a committed Christian." At the age of 14, however, she sharpened her critical thinking skills, questioned her faith and concluded that there was no God. Learn more about atheism and add some new atheist authors to your book collection! What if, however, every incarnation for eternity was just a life of disappointment. "I tell you something, in case anyone wonders, not a single out-of-body experience, no long corridors of light, I was an atheist when it started and I've remained one. "I get criticised for it, but I just think life is hard enough. Above all, Gessen says, she wishes she could believe the decision was not hers to make. It seems sad that these products acted as life-lines, but I suppose this is the reality of life in a secular age." "Now I'm a pretty hardened atheist – not to mention something of a metropolitan sceptic – but I do appreciate the human need to believe that, behind life's important happenstantial events, there is a larger meaning. With his frequent collaborator and Economist colleague Adrian Wooldridge, Micklethwait has written God is Back, a thought-provoking exploration of, as the subtitle summarises, the way in which the global rise of faith is changing the world. The more rounds we feel the person would last in such an imagined intellectual match-up, the higher on our list he or she appears. It is a funny kind of Christianity where the loudest things we hear from it are sexism, homophobia etc etc that I would much rather Christianity... re rooted itself back to what I, in my atheistic way, understand to being the central tenets of what Jesus had to say." He also served as a missionary for two years in Mexico. He admitted it was a "strange" piece for him to have written.". He was an atheist, he reiterated, but his disappointment with the world – with failed and brutal Communism, with crass capitalist consumerism – moved him towards "prophecy" in the Judaeo-Christian tradition." Wilson, 'This is the time when Larkin comes into his own'. I have always wagered against God and I regard the little that I have won in this world as simply the outcome of this bet. Do you identify as an atheist? Secular humanists disbelieve in the supernatural and prefer to use reason, compassion, and the methods of science to build the good life in this life. "But the 21st century has done nothing to prevent two others from the Manchester area from reshaping and modernising the Christmas story -the poet Carol Ann Duffy and the composer Sasha Johnson Manning, who have written 16 new carols. She now describes herself as an atheist, but with "a penchant for the pagan gods"." Born in Melbourne, he is one of the world’s most controversial philosophers. "As a boy he attended a nonconformist chapel, and later an Anglican church, but in later life was to declare himself an atheist." Ann Margaret Ridler. I’m sure there’s no afterlife. I have met Christopher Hitchens once or twice, and he has a book that I'm sure you've either read or are aware of titled God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. Howard Jacobson. I rejoice wholeheartedly as an atheist that I live in a Christian culture". Weinberg has also made many other seminal contributions to today’s Standard Model in physics. "A republican, atheist and socialist, she is married, has four children and five grandchildren, and lives in Leicester." But the god we Europeans are supposed to believe in a) created us as well as everything else that is; b) is omnipotent; c) is Love. It has been announced that Pinker will join the faculty of the New College of the Humanities in London, the all-star university founded by A.C. Grayling. I know the Book of Common Prayer and Hymns Ancient and Modern and the King James Bible practically backwards, and I'm very fond of them all." Born Allen Konigsberg in Brooklyn, he began selling jokes to newspapers while still in his teens. If God existed, He would have certainly not permitted that human beings be thrown alive into furnaces, and the heads of little toddlers be smashed with gun butts or shoved into sacks and gassed to death." Carol Diethe, 'Obituary: RJ Hollingdale'. But all these years in I still don't know what to do about the evangelists. Faber recently attended an art exhibition at his local church and was moved when the rector told him: 'If you see anybody else out there who looks hungry, just bring them in.' grandmother was a macro” (a software module). When I tried, it was all I'd get to talk about. Barker makes frequent appearances on Phil Donahue, Oprah Winfrey, and similar TV shows. But for a great many people who don't have those advantages a religious framework is very important." "For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. Harlan Ellison in clue book for the computer version of. I don't believe in God – I wish I did – so the only way for me is through other people: a connection with other people is what makes us whole. The other, to total extinction. '", Interviewer: "Are the Baudelaires Jewish?" Aron Heller, "New Pages of Past Horror: Writings depict the innocence of a Jewish teen coming of age – and Nazi brutality", Associated Press, June 6, 2006. Perhaps it is a step beyond nontheist or humanist. The interest I have to 'fess up to is being an honorary fellow of the National Secular Society. He or she must exhibit some desire to win others over to atheism. In 1998 his second novel, Les particules é l é mentaires, enjoyed an enormous succès de scandale. I don't put this down to any superior being, I put it down to the superb training and skill of the people looking after me. Claire Rayner, interviewed by Libby Brooks. Smith is University Distinguished Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Western Michigan University (WMU) in Kalamazoo. "I can't make myself believe in something. $14.59 #17. He won the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics, jointly with Abdus Salam and Sheldon Glashow, for his work on the unification of the electromagnetic and weak forces of nature. She was an English novelist and poet who produced but one novel, Wuthering Heights (1847), a highly imaginative novel of passion and hate set on the Yorkshire moors. ", "A decadent dandy who envied the manly Victorian achievements of his family, a professed atheist haunted by religious terrors, a generous and loving man who fell out with many of his friends – the Robert Louis Stevenson of Claire Harman's biography is all of these and, of course, a bed-ridden invalid who wrote some of the finest adventure stories in the language. Incorrect Book The list contains an … 5. William S. Peterson. But if you're not my mother-in-law, and she's not reading this, then He does not exist. To make our list, someone has to be very sure of him- or herself. His masterwork is generally considered to be the “London trilogy” (see below), published between 1984 and 1995. However, he only achieved real celebrity with the publication of his best-selling trilogy, His Dark Materials, between 1994 and 2001. Nicci Gerrard, 'Beyond belief', From an interview with Steven Pinker and Rebecca Goldstein by Steve Paulson for, "I have no religion – I'm an atheist, and I don't believe in any afterlife...", "I am an atheist. Lewis’s Narnia series, which Pullman has denounced as religious propaganda. Myers also has a flair for attention-getting stunts, like piercing a consecrated host with a rusty nail. In today’s world, we are presented with many choices… often so … He is given to provocative statements like “Forget Jesus. "Follett, who is 58, was born in Cardiff, the son of a tax inspector. The searches were conducted on December 8, 2011.*. She was amused when, in later life, she was designated as a patron saint of Australian writers." John Brockman is the literary agent and publicist for all the leading atheist authors. His three children attend secular state schools, and he welcomes the widening 'rift between Church and state. Hecht is a true polymath: she pursued advanced studies in France and received her Ph.D. in the history of science from Columbia University; she has published two well-received volumes of poetry and three meticulously researched but popular books (one of them a bestseller) in the esoteric field of the history of ideas; and she currently teaches writing at Columbia University and New School University in New York. Tom Humphries, 'Decent finale to the annual diminuendo'. Hirsi Ali, a vocal critic of Islam, is a feminist and atheist activist, author, and Fellow of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in Washington, DC. He is both prized as a stylist (of the “postmodern” school) by other writers and appreciated as a chronicler of men behaving badly by the broader readingpublic. Jerzy Urban, quoted in 'Pope John Paul II 1920–2005: The world pays tribute', "I am a devout atheist but can't explain why the moon is exactly the right size, and gets positioned so precisely between the Earth and the sun, that total solar eclipses are perfect. She remained an atheist." Fang, who holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry, is a poet, popular-science author, and blogger who made his name by publicizing corruption in Chinese academia and by debunking Chinese traditional medicine. I am my own God. His neuroscience research focused on the neural basis of belief, using fMRI technology. Smith’s work on the “natural selection of universes” has had an impact within physics itself, and he has also collaborated with the prominent Christian apologist, William Lane Craig. I perennially underwent this exchange: REPORTER/HOST: Are you an atheist? Yet for an atheist to make our ranking of the 50 top atheists in the world—given in ascending order—it is not enough merely to deny that God exists. Books: Ethics without God, Naturalism without Foundations, Naturalism and Religion, and Atheism and Philosophy, Martin is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at Boston University. Although an unapproachable cold atheist, and at root an anarchist, Cole joined forces with Reckitt, the clubbable, romantic medievalist, archetypal bourgeois, and unswerving Anglican with a dogmatic faith, to found the National Guilds League in 1915." Patrick Lyons: 'Burnett, Dame Ivy Compton- (1884–1969)'. " It is, clearly, hard to be sure. It's a book with a magical plot that involves witchcraft, communists, a military revolution and a passionate love story. Jenny Turner, 'Some Recent Attacks: Essays Cultural and Political'. This was run by Anglican nuns who, she said, informed her she would never enter the kingdom of heaven. Re: Are There Female Atheist? ", "But despite his own atheism and his distaste at his companion's relentless evangelising, he comes to understand the appeal of religion to desert dwellers. Yet he seemed in good humor for a brief, "He does appreciate the new and confident pluralism that has loosened the grip of the Roman Catholic hierarchy on education. To make the cut, one has to do more than merely question God’s existence or even deny that knowledge of God’s existence is possible. And even if we don't buy the "controlling hand of God", we often try to console ourselves with the "to everything a purpose" theory of chance. Probably, his most significant contributions have been to the philosophy of quantum cosmology and the philosophy of time. "Constance became a lifelong sceptic and atheist." He received a Ph.D. in ancient history from Columbia University in 2008. Nielsen, who is the author of more than 30 books and 400 scholarly articles, is one of the founders of the Canadian Journal of Philosophy. At the risk of sounding like a smug wagon, my life was horrible and now it's not. "My feelings are a bit schizophrenic. "I don't believe in God in the way believers believe in God, but I suddenly don't want to call myself an atheist, because atheists talk with such certainty. But since I started dying so publicly I get something more than random evangelism. I am not remotely religious. In recent years, the group has sponsored the Christmas-season “You Know It’s a Myth” billboard campaign in the New York City area. In 2009, Myers was named “Humanist of the Year” by the American Humanist Association. Caroline Brandenburger, 'Obituary: Frances Vernon', In response to the question 'Is there a God? "However, approaching moments of being as a version of theological mysticism is complicated by Woolf's atheism: in 'A Sketch of the Past', she declares that 'certainly and emphatically there is no God' (MB,72)." In 2003, aged 33, Hirsi Ali was elected to the Dutch parliament. Kathy D. Hadley: "McCarthy, Mary", " I am certainly an atheist, but prefer the description rationalist or even better, normal" The Times (London), June 25, 1986, page 15, "Yes, I am an atheist, and probably Briony is, too. He runs a web site called Why Evolution Is True, and has published a bestselling book by the same name. Somehow he also found time to be a diplomat – one of the earliest in this country to make a real attempt to understand Islam – and an anti-imperialist, becoming the first British-born person to go to jail for Irish independence." "The story of creation", wrote Clodd, " is the story of gas into genius"." I get increasingly respectful of people who have faith and increasingly creeped out by them." Paul Levy, 'Penning-Rowsell: surely the most conservative Communist ever', "The Meeting is a about the afterlife, despite Pinter being well known as an atheist. We are here to drink beer. "Political Autobiography of a Young Man" and "Objective Biographical Notice" in, David Simpson writes that Camus affirmed "a defiantly atheistic creed.". "I am an atheist who married in a register office, but I can sympathise with those who don't want the clerkish atmosphere of the civic ceremony, the threadbare, legalistic words." ... Now even if I didn't think that the Bible was just a book – one that's thousands of years old, that is made-up, that was compiled, edited, translated and has had bits omitted over the years – we all know that, for centuries, it's been cherry-picked to justify all sorts of abhorrent thought and behaviour. " Rosanna Greenstreet, 'Q&A: William Boyd', "Passionate and enthusiastic, Lily was converted to atheism, pacifism, and feminism by Georg von Gizycki, whom she married in 1893." I suppose I'd now call myself a Catholic atheist." He was an atheist and a Marxist, liable to start spouting Hegel if you gave him a chance. It would seem to me that after having so recently escaped our slavemasters that we would have had enough of masters.”. Interview with Francis Wheen by Simon Jones for. Authors J Scott Tonigan 1 , W R Miller, Carol Schermer. " John Cunningham interviewing Lawson, 'Stirrer with a silver spoon'. Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. He understood Nietzsche's keen wit, and was very funny in his own fashion, cracking many a joke, often at his own expense. Feminist, writer and noted atheist Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) originally wanted to become a nun—as a child, she was educated in a convent school, at the direction of her devoutly Catholic mother. His novels are horror stories with an atheist slant. He is best known for advancing the “language instinct” hypothesis, and for promoting a version of Darwinian evolutionary psychology. Wright is also a critic of the dogmatism of the New Atheist authors, qualifying his own atheism as follows: “I would say there’s reason to believe there is some sort of purpose unfolding through the natural workings of the world. "For those of us without religious faith, there are awful questions to be faced about living well in a world that we are still struggling to understand. "Throughout her childhood, McCarthy took refuge in Catholicism, but, although she was schooled in convents and considered herself a devout Catholic, she tried to call attention to herself as a teenager by pretending to have lost her faith. The number of results (in parentheses) for each atheist was obtained by searching on the exact name, using quotes (“Richard Dawkins”). We ask ourselves this question: How many rounds could this person go in the ring (so to speak) with a top-notch defender of religious belief? This is a compilation of the various lists of atheists with articles in Wikipedia. It's a big step to take, but it was becoming difficult to cling to the agnostic fig-leaf any longer. I couldn't sidestep the "A" word. "Cook was an atheist, but he described his probes into abjection and despair with almost religious intensity." ", Savage declared in his syndicated sex advice column: "I'm, "I am an atheist. Jay Rayner, 'Salt beef of the earth', "I love Christmas. James Kirkup, 'Obituary: Terenci Moix'. Like all great sci fi and fantasy, it creates another worlds that mirrors our own. Lewis and J.R.R. "As an atheist and an ex-Catholic, I cannot claim to be displeased at the spectacle of the Roman Catholic Church continuing to shoot itself in the foot by refusing to ordain women or to allow priests to marry." Almost all of them are illustrations of religious subjects, and I have been an atheist almost since the day I was confirmed in the Christian faith by the Bishop of Norwich in 1931. "By this time she had become an atheist and socialist." I don't believe in God, when I die, burn my remains and scatter my ashes.). Books: The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, and The Moral Landscape. "I'm an atheist. His career then became more and more dedicated to debunking paranormal claims. He has written: “My object is to show that atheism is a rational position and that belief in God is not. Lanvin just sent me its latest, Rumeur. But I think one has to be a, a little bit careful of that, that there are sudden reversals that can happen in people's lives, sudden epiphanies. See also our interview with Michael Shermer. The trilogy is loosely based on Milton’s Paradise Lost—except that the Satan figure is the hero, while God is the villain. She also maintains a busy schedule of interviews, lectures, and poetry readings. No thanks', "My name is Nick Cohen, and I think I'm turning into a Jew. James Kirkup, 'Obituary: Miguel Torga'. Singer is Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University and Laureate Professor at the University of Melbourne, Australia. But I have never suffered from them myself. Would it have been easier for her, and for them, if they hadn't been? (Eng. His father emigrated from Poland to Palestine in 1933, working as a bus driver and raising his family along traditional lines. "By early 1890 Steevens had broken with his family's Brethrenism, and he described himself as 'a discontented atheist' (Steevens to Browning; Oscar Browning MSS)." "She was educated at home, by correspondence and at Perth College. Unlike national labels, religious labels carry a baggage of personal opinion. Books: The Transcendental Temptation, Living without Religion, Humanist Manifesto 2000, and What Is Secular Humanism? Mother goddesses are just as silly a notion as father gods. He claims that human beings are “gigantic lumbering robots” controlled by our “selfish genes.” In recent years, he has instigated a series of publicity campaigns against religion in the U.K. Books: The Selfish Gene, The Blind Watchmaker, Unweaving the Rainbow, The God Delusion, and The Magic of Reality, Wilson, a native of Alabama and one of the world’s foremost experts on ants, is Emeritus University Professor at Harvard University. He is a proponent of philosophical naturalism—the idea that natural science, when complete, will describe reality exhaustively. Lynn Barber interviewing Pitt-Kethley, In response to the question 'Is there a God? "Once, filming in Italy with the American director John Huston and a US army crew, Ambler and his colleagues were shelled so fiercely that his unconscious 'played a nasty trick on him' (Ambler. Catholics believe Jesus was born of a virgin mother who never died but was “assumed” bodily into heaven. But I detest all such labels. My parents were very upset. Laskier wrote: "The little faith I used to have has been completely shattered. He has also taught at the University of Oregon, the University of Utah, and Temple University. "Sinclair Lewis was...town atheist..." p. 118, "Religion was to her but the go-kart of the infant race; to be cast aside so soon as it could walk alone.". However, Brockman is perhaps best known as the founder of Edge.org, a web site promoting speculative thought … He was at Marlborough at the same time as John Betjeman, where his disposition to dissent first showed itself when he was the only boy to refuse to join the Corps." He states that the book. Our rankings include programs students can only find online. A.N. He was formerly Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University. For we … In later years, Wilson became deeply involved with the movement to save endangered species and thus preserve the Earth’s biodiversity. Shermer is an Adjunct Professor at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California, as well as a journalist, prolific author, TV personality, and cycling enthusiast. Books: The End of the Soul, Doubt: A History, and The Happiness Myth. Inappropriate The list (including its title or description) facilitates illegal activity, or contains hate speech or ad hominem attacks on a fellow Goodreads member or author. Certainty. ", "Look, I'm an atheist. He died one week after this ranking was first published. I believe that you shouldn't be allowed to impose morality on people because a book written several thousand years ago says so." The Atheist Voice “The Atheist Voice provides a platform for discussion for atheist leaders, authors, bloggers, activists, and everybody else who is passionate about atheism, and secularism. Jim Page, the chairman of the Housman Society, said: ... "He writes about church bells in his poems and his ashes are buried at the church in Ludlow. Phil Baker: 'Cook, Robert William Arthur (1931–1994)'. A native of British Columbia, she is married to the philosopher, Paul Churchland. "Come on, somebody tell me I can't possibly have morals because I'm an atheist." With respect to God, he has said: “When you look at the vast size of the universe, and how accidental and insignificant human life is in it, that seems most implausible.”, Books: The Universe in a Nutshell, The Theory of Everything, The Grand Design, and The Dreams That Stuff Is Made Of, Weinberg occupies the Regents Chair in Science at the University of Texas at Austin, where he also leads the Theory Group in the Department of Physics. Two years in Mexico discussing his favourite TV show, he has every! We come from? a software module ). was jailed for ordering the attack somewhat disgusted by the idea. Atheist blog at the University of Surrey born near the Greek border in in... The Russian poet ) Yevtushenko asked him 'Are you an atheist, be turned away I! 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