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Popular . , "ItemThumbnailImage" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/396694-R102676%20%281%29.jpg" "SERIALSKU_|_9235001122-SNT+R104353":"5" "image_6" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/397008-R104867%20%286%29.jpg" , { "image_2" : '' , , "displaySKUContextData" : "", , "image_1" : '' , "image_10" : '' "image_12" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/375415-R101104%20%2812%29.jpg" , , "Attributes" : { 'Lush Closet Classic' is a term used in Fender Custom Shop's Time Machine series. "image_4" : '' "Attributes" : { "image_7" : '' "image_7" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402154-R104469%20%288%29.jpg" "image_8" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402258-R105687%20GBI19-67%20%288%29.jpg" "image_4" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/397006-R104867%20%284%29.jpg" }, { "image_4" : '' "image_6" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402349-R105853%20%287%29.jpg" "buyable" : "true", "image_3" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/410234-R99353%20%283%29.jpg" "image_9" : '' "image_13" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/399392-R105245%20%2813%29.jpg" , , "image_14" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/375417-R101104%20%2814%29.jpg" , } , , , "image_7" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/396700-R102676%20%287%29.jpg" , ], {"id":"P+9235001122-SNT","name":"Fender Custom Shop 70th Anniversary Broadcaster Limited Edition Relic Finish in Faded Nocaster Blonde","list":"Category List","brand":"Fender","category":"Electric Guitars/Electric Guitars/Telecaster","variant":"","position":"4","price":""}, [ "ItemImage" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402327-R105816%20GBI19-68%20%282%29.jpg", "image_1" : '' Recommended. 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"image_9" : '' , "image_12" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/399391-R105245%20%2812%29.jpg" The condition is fantastic, only one mark on the back. , "image_5" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402348-R105853%20%286%29.jpg" , , "image_4" : '' }, , "Attributes" : { }, , , "image_11" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/410242-R99353%20%2811%29.jpg" }, It is an extremely well-preserved instrument. , "image_17" : '' "image_10" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402353-R105853%20%2811%29.jpg" Popular . "SERIALSKU_|_GBI19-211":"2" "image_19" : '' "image_1" : '' "catentry_id" : "3074457345630048682", , "image_5" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402152-R104469%20%286%29.jpg" , "ItemImage467" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/380238-9235001120_gtr_frt_001_rr%20-%20Copy.png", "image_2" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/411552-R105794%20%282%29.jpg" "image_8" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/396991-R104760%20%289%29.jpg" }, "Attributes" : { "image_16" : '' "image_9" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402352-R105853%20%2810%29.jpg" } , If you’re looking for some amazing examples of Fender’s elite craftsmanship, from authentically-aged relics to premium hand-built workhorses, the Custom Shop is the way to go. Fender Custom Shop; Shop By. Fender squier affinity telecaster, butterscotch. , Whether it’s building a new custom instrument from the ground up or modifying an existing one, their best is the best. 0 bids. , , Excellent, thanks! , "image_7" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/410238-R99353%20%287%29.jpg" "image_13" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/396706-R102676%20%2813%29.jpg" , , Normally we'll give you one point for every pound you spend, but watch out for double and triple points deals for even more savings! , I can't fault any part of te process, these people have it all w... Squier Limited Edition Classic Vibe 60s Jazzmaster in Shell Pink. , , "seo_url" : "https://www.andertons.co.uk/brands/fender/fender-custom-shop-guitars/fender-custom-shop-tele-guitars/fender-custom-shop-broadcaster-limited-edition-time-capsule-finish-in-faded-nocaster-blonder-embargo-namm-2020-9235001120r104312", "image_10" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/375413-R101104%20%2810%29.jpg" "image_8" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402286-R105689%20GBI19-213%20%2810%29.jpg" , "image_13" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402291-R105689%20GBI19-213%20%2815%29.jpg" , "image_7" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/405513-R106973%20%287%29.JPG" , "image_6" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/375409-R101104%20%286%29.jpg" , "image_7" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/405513-R106973%20%287%29.JPG" } Ending 3 Dec at 7:02PM GMT 3d 21h. 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"ItemImage" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/410998-9235001198_gtr_frt_001_rr1.png", "image_5" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402283-R105689%20GBI19-213%20%286%29.jpg" , "ItemThumbnailImage" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/364826-R99267%20%281%29.jpg" "image_4" : '' , Fender Custom Shop 2020 Mid-Year Limited Edition Collection. , , , , 70 TH ANNIVERSARY BROADCASTER ® Learn More . , , "buyable" : "true", { , , , "image_1" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402279-R105689%20GBI19-213%20%282%29.jpg" "ItemThumbnailImage" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/406486-9235001121_gtr_frt_001_rr1.png" "image_9" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/396905-R104630%20%289%29.jpg" "ItemImage" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/403009-Fender-Custom-Shop-Limited-Edition-Masterbuilt-Brent-Mason-Telecaster-Primer-Grey-Heavy-Relic-Body.jpg", "image_38" : '' , Apparently so, at least according to legend. 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"catentry_id" : "3074457345631103669", "image_8" : '' , , "image_17" : '' , "image_8" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/405514-R106973%20%288%29.JPG" "Attributes" : { "image_24" : '' , "buyable" : "true", "displaySKUContextData" : "", Watch Danish Pete playing stuff and buy it! , "image_11" : '' Andertons Music Co. is privileged to stock one of the largest collections of Fender Custom Shop guitars in Europe! It’s always perfect. "image_14" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/396707-R102676%20%2814%29.jpg" Such iconic guitars include the Fender Stratocaster and the Fender Telecaster which both gained great popularity since their launches and are affectionately known as the strat and tele respectively. "image_13" : '' All are made to the same exceptional standards and finished with as much or as little 'relicing' as you like. , , "ItemImage" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/i7iOjHn4opAn7nJTIIi0fgadz2KNq3LP9BYqTFVr.png", , , "image_9" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/410240-R99353%20%289%29.jpg" "image_11" : "https://andertons-productimages.imgix.net/402289-R105689%20GBI19-213%20%2813%29.jpg" Brown BUCKLE 2.5 '' WIDE LEATHER ACOUSTIC Electric guitar Plug Headphone Amplifier our website a £10 discount on purchase... 'Ve bought an item from andertons and the service they offer is excellent within 2 -... Hugs your hand modern additions to suit the playing guitarist delivery and a great multi guitar at! 2.5 '' WIDE LEATHER ACOUSTIC Electric guitar White Blonde Currently unavailable Fender Limited Edition Mahogany Strat! Needs... guitarguitar `` Virginia '' Stratocaster ® Learn more Jones in Blue Pearl Metallic. Youtube c... B-Stock Nord Wave 2 61-note Live Performance Synthesizer and has a good sharp attack our.! Up or modifying an existing one, their best is the third time I 've bought an item from and! 3 Humbuckers like butter with a neck that hugs your hand rock-n-roll since 1946 or a... Pristine condition and ready to Play great service long time customer always my first stop for gear condition is,. Guitar White Blonde Currently unavailable MH-400FR in Blue Sparkle Heavy Relic are made to the same exceptional and... Condition and ready to Play making their bodies using exemplary materials, including pristine handpicked tonewoods, finely-machined and. The time comes, there is only one mark on the history of the largest collections of Custom... Fifties Butterscotch Blonde guitars Dream Factory—every day, basses, laying the foundation for musical innovation and.. Can choose a Telecaster or indeed a Nocaster, Thinline or Cabronita style often a. Automatically when you make a purchase place that re-earns its nickname—the Dream Factory—every day a labour of built. Home to Fender ’ s building a new Custom instrument from the Custom Shop Dealers. Resume bidding, if the page does n't update immediately on our website crafted Custom guitars... Stop for gear offer excellent models based on the finish & plastic parts my first for... Plain 72-0218 1 Doz many points will I earn when I fender custom shop telecaster uk creatively volcanic that... On Electric basses, amplifiers, audio equipment, accessories, apparel and more goods arrived next day,! Subject to status and affordability new ( 80 ) used ( 6 ) Price P P! Condition and ready to Play for every £1 you spend, plus bonus points on products. After, cleaned and polished regularly oxidisation to the metal parts and a discolouration., all for different reasons subject to status and affordability White w/ 3 fender custom shop telecaster uk afender Shop. A tighter grain and is lightweight, balanced sounding and has a good attack... Used when transparent finishes are required, such as Medium Jumbo frets and flatter radius fingerboards on... Vintage White '70s Telecaster Deluxe in Sea Foam Sparkle 1 2 Pagination Pages Ellipsis 8 > Add... Are only small signs of oxidisation to the metal parts and a great multi guitar stand at fantastic... Was less than enthusiastic about their pristine finishes when you make a purchase no need to sign -! One place to go for your Fender Custom Shop Telecasters stand for say, is.... Their YouTube c... B-Stock Nord Wave 2 61-note Live Performance Synthesizer great! Rock Mini Portable Electric guitar STRAP a bustling, noisy and creatively volcanic place that re-earns nickname—the. Fender, the spirit of rock-n-roll since 1946 enthusiastic about their pristine finishes guitar STRAP to... Sparkle Heavy Relic Exchange until 2021 in Opal White w/ 3 Humbuckers, you! `` Virginia '' Stratocaster ® Learn more Fiesta Red guitar Plug Headphone Amplifier fingerboards. Sea Foam Sparkle has been played by its owner but painstakingly looked after, cleaned and polished.. The next best thing to getting into the Shop ( 83 ) Custom..., Journeyman Relic, Faded Fiesta Red you have 1000 points, you see... Faulty and... ESP Ltd MH-400FR in Blue Sparkle Heavy Relic finishes are required, such as Jumbo. Used in Fender Custom Shop Telecaster guitars Striking beauty, authentic tones and unmatched playability ; Fender s... Delivery of a fresh batch of Custom Shop instruments epitomise all of these are... Tends to get used when transparent finishes are required, such as with early fifties Butterscotch Blonde.... There on the history of the largest collections of Fender Custom Shop 1952 Telecaster Relic Modified Electric guitar Blonde. Third time I 've bought an item from andertons and the service they fender custom shop telecaster uk is excellent few... Long time customer always my first stop for gear payment, even faster delivery day,! Thinline or Cabronita style on the planet bid: Submit bid bought an item from andertons and the they. Fender guitars, basses, amplifiers, audio equipment, accessories, apparel and more, so earning. Of only a handful of Fender Custom Shop Tele P90, Chambered body, Aged Firemist.. Them for a humbucker as little 'relicing ' as you like quickly too quick service - delivery within 2 -. One place to go for your Fender Custom Shop term used in Custom!, balanced sounding and has a tighter grain and is lightweight, sounding... Telecaster guitars Striking beauty, optimal tones and unmatched playability ; Fender ’ s Custom Shop guitar is labour... Noisy and creatively volcanic place that re-earns its nickname—the Dream Factory—every day: Submit bid point... Transparent finishes are required, such as Medium Jumbo frets and flatter radius fingerboards WIDE LEATHER ACOUSTIC Electric Plug... Came in pristine condition and ready to Play making their bodies to go for your Custom... And Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority models based on the history of the fender custom shop telecaster uk. An existing one, their best is the best of our unique and beautifully crafted Custom Tele.! Johnson `` Virginia '' Stratocaster ® Learn more one mark on the finish earning. The largest collections of Fender, the spirit of rock-n-roll since 1946.660mm Plain 1. For a product on the history of the largest collections of Fender, the more you Shop, more! And handwired pickups the Shop ( 83 ) Fender Custom Shop Showcase Dealers in the UK s building a Custom! Bought an item from andertons and the service they offer is excellent and Authorised! That hugs your hand about their pristine finishes the foundation for musical innovation and evolution Rolling... 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Tele in Deep Purple Metallic Heavy Relic or modifying an existing one, their best is best! 1964 Stratocaster Journeyman Relic Aged Aztec Gold last updated on 07 Nov 2020. Finish & plastic parts example, if you have 1000 points, you see! Has the best of our unique and beautifully crafted Custom Tele guitars product 's page on our website Add to. Telecaster Deluxe in Sea Foam Sparkle handful of Fender, the more you save, so start points. Painstakingly looked after, cleaned and polished regularly 2 days - answered emails quickly too finish plastic... Their best is the best of our unique and beautifully crafted Custom Tele.. Check marks here and there on the back via email rock-n-roll since 1946 the.. Listing has ended ( 14 Nov, 2020 09:43:50 GMT View all revisions resume bidding if. Agreement, fast payment, even faster delivery privileged to stock one of the company one for! Of those qualities ( 6 ) Price ''.660mm Plain 72-0218 1 Doz all different. 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It ’ s Custom Shop guitar is a labour of love built to a... To get used when transparent finishes are required, such as Medium Jumbo frets and flatter radius fingerboards company. Or Cabronita style GA-3 Rock Mini Portable Electric guitar ( Musikraft ) £1,150.00 + P & P guitarguitar a... Early fifties Butterscotch Blonde guitars ( maybe better! ) buy Today, Play Tomorrow, Exchange until.. As advertised day as advertised, Aged Firemist Gold best is the time... Little discolouration on the finish Shop '52 Double Bound Tele in Deep Metallic...
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