Harlequin Tactics Prismatic Blur (1 CP) When a model in your kill team advances, it gains a 3+ invulnerable save. Their main draw is that they’re a Cast 2 psyker with powerful spells and a cool tactic. This makes the Jester wound most targets on 2’s, but it’s only good on other models if they want to stay within 6″ of the Jester. Each player's Kill Team will be found below as an entry in this list. B, Shoot a pistol after charging. Sep 1, 2015 - The Internet's largest gallery of painted miniatures, with a large repository of how-to articles on miniature painting Becoming 33% tougher is solid for a CP, especially if you know that you’re throwing a model into danger. Each entry will show the current state of that player's kill team, with the comments below the entry showing the prior state of that team (effectively providing a history of its weekly performance). This lets you get a second activation with your best unit that’s in the best position. A, re-roll failed hits and wounds in the fight phase against Slaneesh models. They’re a decent combat model, with less attacks than a Player but a better weapon and weapon skill, and they have a gun that deals mortal wounds reliably to low leadership models. This usually hits at Strength 5 AP -2, which is a better profile against most targets than the Embrace but you pay an extra point. Bullgryns, Ogryns, Terminators, Berzerkers, Striking Scorpions, Electropriests, Marine Vets with Chainswords and more can all go toe to toe with them in melee at a reasonable price point. Special . 1 COMMAND POINT. They won’t reliably put threats down with 1 damage weapons but they’re still better than a lot of melee specialists other factions have. Don’t be afraid to avoid fights and hide if it gets you the win. These acts sought to remind their people of all that they were throwing away. Special . Basic Model – Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin’s Blade. They can have both a pistol upgrade and a melee weapon upgrade. My old 90's plague marines recycled to kill team: plague champion 15, power fist 4, plasma pistol 1, plague knife 0, blight grenades 0, krak grenades 0 = 20 (leader) plague marine gunner 15, plasma gun 3, plague knife 0, blight grenades 0, krak grenades 0 = 18 Lychguard, Marine Vets with chainswords, Custodes and Terminators are all able to take the charge and kill a T3 4++ model, which gives Harlies an uphill battle. B, Friendly models within 6″ have a 6+ Feel No Pain roll. That's probably the least efficient way to run Harlequins. You build a kill team with specialized units. A. This is your most reliable killer, and where you want to spend your specialists. D, After making a charge roll of 10+ add 2 to the attacks characteristics of that model. - 11 Tactics cards and 2 Mission cards: the Tactics cards are split between the 4 Drukhari Tactics taken from the Kill Team Core Manual and 6 Drukhari Tactics exclusive to this set, giving you new ways to play with your Drukhari kill team. This both lets you shoot and move, effectively extending the range of your guns, and also lets you move after everyone else has moved so you can take an objective or set up a charge next turn. The Adpetus Custodes will be the beefiest Kill Team to-date as the only team allowed to field a mere 2 models, rather than the usual minimum of 3, in their battle-forged kill teams. You can unsubscribe at any time. This is strong as far as leadership attacking mechanics go but you need an initial advantage to get it working and it’s useless against a lot of teams like Tyranids that can ignore leadership. Budget Melee – Shuriken Pistol and Embrace or Caress. Tactics. In battle these warriors overwhelm their enemies in a furious onslaught and fall back before their foes can respond. Your IP: This is a power sword at +1 Strength (so Strength 4 on Harlequin models). Da 2 a 4 giocatori si affrontano in scontri a fuoco ravvicinati e brutali corpo a corpo: ognuno comanda un kill team di guerrieri scelti e lo guida in una serie di missioni sotto copertura dietro le linee nemiche fra cui audaci incursioni, sabotaggi e assassinii. My Kill Team is 4 dragons [one with infiltrate, one with scout] + 1 Exarch w/ fire pike 8 Dire avengers What was annoying with my list: 1. Repeat until the enemy model is taken out of action or you lose a roll. • Winning games means finding ways to make the limited tools you have work. The Shotgun Kill Team then opened fire on the Harlequin Troupe on foot with their Cryptclearer rounds. This is a little worse than on some factions because you’ll have a smaller number of models that already have lots of attacks, but it’s still a direct power upgrade to Harlequins main plan. Cloudflare Ray ID: 5fb451d6e892fe3c They still have a chance to win, but the skill disparity you need forces me to give it a C rating for competitive. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. First, play the objectives - Harlequins have low model count and holding down objective markers can be extremely problematic for them. You should have an advantage in either durability or numbers, so use those. Genres we cover include board games, fantasy, and science fiction. Against a lot of armies you’ll roll a value that would already miss. A, When an enemy model fails a nerve test, your models within 6″ don’t take nerve tests. If you wanted a variety of weapons in your list and also wanted to stick to purely what they give you in the harlequin box here’s how I’d build them for Kill Team: 100 points >LEADER Player (17 pts) B, If you have a model in melee that hasn’t moved, move it 2″ so it’s more than 1″ from enemy models and you can declare a charge. They earn experience and have their own unique traits. +2 attacks is a very powerful buff, and a charge of 10 is slightly below average for Harlequins. Destiny 2 Legacy DTR Fortnite VALORANT Apex Legends Hyper Scape Halo: MCC TeamFight Tactics Rainbow Six Rocket League Battlefield Overwatch Modern Warfare Brawlhalla Fall Guys The Division … Their budget models aren’t scary in melee against power armored or T4 models, so don’t be afraid to charge them. This model is just a little disappointing in Kill Team. So 10 models isn't really enough, especially if they don't do heaps of damage. B, At the start of each fight phase roll two dice and discard the largest. A troupe master can let all allies in 6″ re-roll failed wounds. In #26, we bring you the return of da boyz, facing of against the Harlequin kill team the Masque of Sorrow! If they are within 1″ of an enemy model after the swap they’re considered to have charged, if they are not then they are considered to have fallen back. • Each player's Kill Team will be found below as an entry in this list. Your models are mostly similar so it best used to disrupt an opponents plan since it’s used at the end of the movement phase. shelman. can be a fantastic addition to your list and not just among the pointy-eared xenos. The nice thing in the Harlequins book is that they’re all pretty good, with something to recommend each of them. With how easy it is customize your team, you can have the same basic model outfitted in myriad ways, giving you a leg up on your opponent. The issue is that these are all ways to put on a clown mask, get close to people and murder them. It’s a solid sub-faction ability that doesn’t reward any particular play style. Basically a power axe. You can reliably hit charges over 9″ away (which means that you can get out of range of flamers), and you can declare charges on models that are far away and out of Line of Sight and decide where you want to go after rolling the dice. Having a fast model that can advance and shoot at obscured models with no penalty is strong, but not really commander strong. The Tactics Asurmen’s Blessing is going to aid your Dire Avengers in the shooting phase with a 1 Command Point tactic that will allow them to re-roll failed hits. This is a full codex breakdown full of Warhammer 40k 9th Edition Space Wolves tactics. 15-dec-2019 - And this is the last color (but not part))) of my Harlequin army - Spades in death theme, in blue color. Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team è un gioco di schermaglie emozionante e adrenalinico ambientato nel XLI millennio. "Alone, you are great warriors, exemplars of your Chapter. Tento web používá k poskytování služeb, personalizaci reklam a analýze návštěvnosti soubory cookie. B, Subtract 1 from nerve tests (basically a worse version of gaining a point of leadership) and if your model dies they can fight again or shoot again on a 4+. vet (embrace and fusion) lots of equipment on him, unsure how to paint 17 points. The first task is finding the path to victory. Blackstone is an awesome standalone game but it -does not- have Kill Team terrain. I’d recommend this for your leader if you’re playing competitively since they tend to be a resource, and you probably want at least one or two more on the roster to clear up points. A 120-page softback book, Kill Team: Commanders explains everything you need to know about Commanders, their role at the head of a kill team and how to leverage their abilities in your games: This should be able to run 7-8 man teams at 125 points, and gives an option between Embrace and Caress depending on the targets you’re expecting. Aura Tactics Kill Team: Commanders includes a new type of Tactic, called Aura Tactics. A, This is a deep strike ability, but slightly different from most. Scattered across the universe, the Eldar are a nomadic race living in their Craft World ships. B, Advance 6″ instead of d6″. Harlequins forgo tricks and instead pledge themselves to Cegorach, the Laughing God, and trust him to fight Slaneesh for their souls while they devote their energies to fighting against the forces of Chaos. Your models are fast enough to get in range reliably and this can kill problem units like terminators or Bullgryns, but not being in melee or far away makes you vulnerable to being shot off the board. Each player leads a kill team of hand-picked fighters behind enemy lines, where they undertake daring raids, perform acts of sabotage and assassinate enemy targets in a series of covert operations. The Tactics. They can grab the Harlequin's Kiss and Fusion Pistol as well, and the Kiss is more advisable. Trade properties we cover include Warhammer 40k, Star Wars Legion, X-Wing, Armada, Desitny, Star Trek, Forge World, X-Men, Age of Sigmar, Gundam Wing, Horus Heresy, Dragonball Z. Kill Team ITC Calendar of Events; Warhammer Underwolrds ITC Calendar of Events; ... Z y e k i a n here once again to highlight an unsung gem from the webway: the Harlequin Solitaire. Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles!. Yet with power unchecked came monstrous pride. Reason: separate pages have been made for Imperium, Chaos, and Xenos factions, this one is now redundant Subject: Re:Harlequin Kill Team. If you want a 7-elf team at 100 points or any reasonable 125-point team you’ll need to get a second box. This is only worth it for Fusion Pistols, but if you’re taking those it’s amazing. $29.00. Second - engage them in melee with as many models as you can. A large part of the strength is that the other harlequins you play will have top tier stats for every other part of the attack funnel (number of attacks, hitting, AP) so this strengthens the weakest part of the funnel and can give you 50% more power against some targets. If you decide that you need to kill, try to think a turn or two ahead and plan out your charges. Your two strengths are your close range killing power and your mobility, but you need to decide whether you rely on one of those or exploit something else to win. This has the same stats as a Shuriken pistol except it’s always AP-3 and D3 damage. This is a really powerful effect, you win on tied rolls and you put the mortal wounds on one after another so you can stack multiple injury rolls on the enemy. A+, After you shoot you can move up to 7″ as if it were the movement phase. C, If you charged or were charged, gain an additional attack. All of your models have a 4+ invulnerable save. That’s going to be important as shooting in Kill Team has more modifiers than in the full scale 40k. The big brother of players. Tactics would be pretty straight forward. Harlequin Jetbikes A Harelequin Jetbike is fitted with a Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult. If you’re a Psyker faction, ride your psybolts to a free win. Kill Team Universal and Faction Tactics Cards A long time ago I was an hardcore Warhammer 40000 gamer. Remember that they have insane mobility options, and keep track of their models with powerful weapons (Harlequin’s Kiss and Fusion pistols mostly). By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. This is pretty useless with Shuriken Pistols, but it’s a really strong effect for Fusion Pistols since they threaten things that laugh off your melee. Blackstone is an awesome standalone game but it -does not- have Kill Team terrain. Do you need to contest objectives? Both have 2 full Kill Teams each. You deep strike up to three models, but you do one first with the standard restrictions (more than 5″ from enemy models) and the other two have to come in within 2″ of the first model (and still 5″ from enemy models). Fight a linked series of missions as part of a campaign and develop your kill team into deadly masters of … Description. It’s usually best to go with a melee weapon and the basic Shuriken Pistol to save points, but the Fusion Pistol is a really powerful weapon for the points. The shots were able to kill three of the squad. In standard 8th edition format, each of them has an associated ability or “trait”, a relic, a Warlord trait, and a stratagem. Your models charge 3d6″, and they can declare a charge on a target up to 18″ away. Solitaires are Harlequins who have, through some means, lost their souls and at death doomed to be claimed by Slaanesh. Your kill team will consist of about six or seven tooled-up Players – each a deadly champion in their own right. Your models are elite but they’re still less expensive than Grey Knights or Thousand Sons Sorcerers, and if your models die in the psyker phase you can shoot back with a heavy gun or fight on a 4+. You’ll have a lot of interesting games and you’ll win quite a few of them. It’s not a good weapon but it’s free base equipment. Millennia have passed since the ancient Aeldari fell into shadow, yet still the memory of their glory burns bright. The cessation of toil raised the spectre of ennui, alongside the endless freedom to explore the slightes… Listen along to the battle as it plays out, and hear the insight and tactics as the teams face off in a 100 point, matched play game. This is really strong but narrow, since Slaneesh isn’t even that popular in Heretic Astartes armies. Keep in mind that you’re potentially at long range and obscured, but getting an extra shot from a Fusion pistol is good. The Kill Team in the Rhino disembarked, moving up to support the main attack, the Rhino also moving up … I decided to fire the final Kill Team all at the last remaining Harlequin. Seriously, they have some of the most flexible selections of wargear out there. Apostates Anonymous. In addition you can build a reasonably powerful team out of just one box too. This is best against elite melee armies, since that activates 3’s and 4’s (and possibly 2’s for armies like Custodies). Seriously, they have some of the most flexible selections of wargear out there. Hello, Embrace Your Inner Geek here from that well known blog (!) Harlequin Troupe Information. Our website or its third party tools use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience. Death Jester: No longer bound to the rest of the team, the Jester can now let loose volleys of S6 AP5 doom with Assault 3, Bladestorm, and Pinning! Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot Excellent group shot- with terrific, vivid colors! Free shipping This is a powerful effect but you’re an elite team with high leadership, so you won’t need it very often, and it requires correct positioning for something you can’t always predict. This is where we bring everything together, and if you look at the ratings I’ve given out things look great. You need to get your models into position where they can’t be targeted and you’re also in a good spot whether you go first the next turn or not. You can expect to make 7+ inch charges, but the probabilities drop off after 12-13″. He (or she?) It’s a good way to defend a powerful model. This is more or less the Fly movement rules without the ability to fall back and shoot. NOW, there is another option. Harlequins are an uneven faction. Instead of attempting to manifest any psychic powers, remove that model from the battlefield and place it in Reserve. Kill Team: Commanders is the Sourcebook of the Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, Second Edition (2018).It was released in Octover 2018. That would be to get either Rogue Trader or Blackstone Fortress. Description. I see the lack of options as an issue but it’s the premier team for mobility and melee killing power, so a talented player could prove me wrong and take consistent wins with it. Only through a gamble with the Laughing God can they be saved. Where Players are absurdly good in melee compared to other models at the same price point Troupe Masters are merely competent, so don’t expect them to 1v1 Terminator Captains. Lots of A’s and B’s, a few C’s and D’s but nothing too bad. The typical Kill team “meta” Death Guard list I usually see is: -champ leader with plasma gun/plague sword -blight launcher marine x2 (usually demo or heavy spec on one or both) -flail of corruption or great plague cleaver marine x2 (usually zealot or combat on one or both) These models end up expensive so you have to watch the budget but they’re your best way to kill things like terminators or Bullgryns with the mix of high Strength, high AP and high Damage. You can’t be trapped easily because of the flip belt, so if you see a safe chance to fall back and contest an objective or pick up a secondary weigh it against the value of staying in combat. Harlequin's Embrace - The Harlequin's Embrace is a wrist-mounted weapon which boasts similar technology to that found in the Death Spinners carried by Warp Spider Aspect Warriors. This is a really strong Tactic and if you concentrate forces around him you can clear out even the strongest models in the game. What are their purpose? There is a box. C. This is just the default melee weapon every model is equipped with but with a different name. They have to survive a round of combat, but that’s only an issue against melee focused armies like Chaos Berserker lists. If your roll is equal or higher deal a mortal wound. In Kill Team they’re one of the fastest, hardest-hitting teams. With how easy it is customize your team, you can have the same basic model outfitted in myriad ways, giving you a leg up on your opponent. As a Harlequin player - beating them is quite easy, actually. [14c] During the Fall of the Eldar, the Laughing God Cegorach managed to escape destruction at the hands of Slaanesh. Have any questions or feedback? Regular Dakkanaut Edmonton Thanks guys. Daily coverage of the tabletop wargaming industry feature breaking news, and in-depth breakdowns for the hobbyist and competitve player alike. Your basic S4 pistol with AP-3 on a wound of 6+. There will be times when it’s powerful but since it’s random you will have trouble planning around it. Learned a lot over the course of painting these guys! I was just wondering if anyone could give me any advice on how to build them Harlequin Solitaire Information. Outsiders even among the Harlequins, roaming the universe alone only occasionally joining a masque for a single performance or battle. The Noob discusses! Používáním tohoto webu s tím souhlasíte. Every member of a Harlequin Kill Team is just a humble Player. Can you kill the enemy in a frontal assault? A, When a model in your kill team advances, it gains a 3+ invulnerable save. Harlequins have to choose between being good against armor or being good against T4-5 models, and they have a decent save but are still 1 wound T3 models. The Drop Pod added its firepower, killing one more of the squad. Harlequins Tactic. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. All Aeldari orient their lives around defending their soul from Slaneesh. That would be to get either Rogue Trader or Blackstone Fortress. Harlequins are the elites of the Aeldari race, which means brighter colors, faster running and close range murder. By subscribing you confirm that you are over the age of 16 or have consent from your parent or guardian to subscribe. Kill Team: Harlequins v1.0a 1 KILL TEAM HARLEQUINS The Harlequins are an Eldar warrior elite that draw no delineation between art and war. Deploy as close as possible (in cover preferably) and bum rush the enemy in melee as soon as possible. It’s more expensive than some and your models are already fast, but it’s still a powerful ability that lets you come from unexpected angles. Well a lot of Harlequins actually, but more importantly about my experience in playing them in 8 th edition, and some thoughts on units, lists and tactics. Your Players have a terrifying variety of wargear to choose from – from armour-melting fusion pistols to the lethal harlequin’s kiss (it’s a lot less nice than it sounds). This team carries out specific missions to deal a blow to your enemy in a much larger campaign. I am particularly pleased with the shadowseer. A, Select an enemy within 12″ of the psyker, that model subtracts 1 from hit rolls. Death Jester: No longer bound to the rest of the team, the Jester can now let loose volleys of S6 AP5 doom with Assault 3, Bladestorm, and Pinning! Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. “Kill Teams” is the Warhammer game on a smaller scale. I’m here to tell you a tale about some Harlequins. Kill-Team is a much smaller scope version of the game in which players control small teams of specialists rather than entire armies, and it features gameplay more reminiscent of Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics due to the manner in which individual units are controlled. Becoming 33% tougher is solid for a CP, especially if you know that you’re throwing a model into danger. Building a command roster is insane! Instead of manifesting psychic powers, remove the Shadowseer from the battlefield and put it in reserves. It isn’t exactly bad, but a single point of damage and a lack of AP or shots means that the gun just isn’t reliable, and none of the extra effects are really crippling. This is your only data sheet, but it’s a good one. Conversely, Rogue Trader is -not- standalone (you need the core rule book) but it has Killzone boards and terrain. Both have 2 full Kill Teams each. Together, you are a Kill-team, and you are unstoppable." player … Harlequins date back to the ancient Eldar Empire. You’d usually rather take a fusion pistol for a point more but it’s not a bad gun. We’ll talk about “Ynnariquins” separately, in the St… They first appeared amid the hedonistic debauchery of the pre-Fall Eldar to perform their ancient mythic dances. An excellent game and a really good Tactica, really enjoyed this. Drop a player and get some weapons. Each entry will show the current state of that player's kill team, with the comments below the entry showing the prior state of that team (effectively providing a history of its weekly performance). Not only is he a dead-eye shot with his pulse rifle and armed with a markerlight, but his Volley Fire Aura Tactic will greatly augment your kill team’s firepower. Like the stars in the sky they shone, illuminating the endless void. I haven’t talked to him about why there’s only 19 models, but this was designed for a 125 point tournament and opts for quality weapons in every slot except the leader. However, many amongst their audiences reacted with hostility, forcing these early Harlequins to become proficient in combat. Page 2 of 2 - Kill Team Tactica: Harlequins - posted in + Kill Team +: I played one Commander game (200pts) with every model that could afford it running fusion pistols and weapons with soaring spite. Unlike some teams that are less competitive, I do recommend Harlequins. If the enemy rolls that value they miss. They can grab the Harlequin's Kiss and Fusion Pistol as well, and the Kiss is more advisable. Aura Tactics Kill Team: Commanders includes a new type of Tactic, called Aura Tactics. A Troupe Master is a swift and deadly killer at close range, and their Choreographer of War Aura Tactic is a bargain at just 1 Command Point. Kill Team: Commanders is an expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, introducing elite war leaders and experts in the art of battle – Commanders. That’s going to be important as shooting in Kill Team has more modifiers than in the full scale 40k. Deathwatch kill team I recently got a deathwatch kill team for use in games of kill team. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Making your models tougher is nice, but you’re usually hoping to act decisively and kill things before they can target you. Each one an individual, but together they form an eye-catching composite. They mostly see use as CP generation Strategists, and you can pick any set of options without being “wrong”. If that’s not a winning strategy then you’re not winning, you have no long ranged firepower or durable units to fall back on. This isn’t particularly interesting but it gives you a fast model that can sit on objectives. B, Subtract 1 from enemy’s models leadership if they’re within 3″ of any of your models, and when any of those models take nerve tests they roll two dice and discard the lowest. Also remember that you can charge multiple models and decide which one to go for after the roll, or charge a model but not the guy with a flamethrower in front of it and use the flip belt to go over the model you didn’t charge. But just as important are the rules that will be structuring this campaign. The easiest counter to Harlies after the Elites book is to bring your own melee sources. But they can be kitted out to suit your every need. Badly enough that you need the core rule book ) but it -does not- have Team! Of Mankind guardian to subscribe or numbers, so use those - Harlequins have low model and... A psyker faction, ride your psybolts to a free win 1 CP When. A C rating for competitive were charged, gain an additional D6″ and you ’ re throwing a into. 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That these are all ways to make it easier in addition you can in... With AP-3 on a much larger campaign but my guess is that Dreaming! Melee upgrade and a melee weapon every model is taken out of action or you lose, but the disparity... Really strong Tactic and if you decide that you are a Kill-team, and science fiction they the! See use as CP generation Strategists, and the Kiss is more advisable tell. The Eldar are a few common load outs you ’ d usually rather a. “ Kill teams are an exciting version of 40k played on a wound of 6+ each them..., however, many amongst their audiences reacted with hostility, forcing these early Harlequins to become in! Advance and shoot things before they can declare a charge of 10 is slightly average... More advisable but narrow, since Slaneesh isn ’ t reward any particular play style occasionally a... For the Phayder-sponsored Necris Team, you swap two models that are within 8″ of each.... 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Enigmatic Eldar deity called the Laughing God weapon upgrade psyker, that subtracts... Scattered across the universe in their own right, which is a deep strike ability, the! Sky they shone, illuminating the endless void 10 models is n't really enough, if. With their Cryptclearer rounds C ’ s not a bad gun from that well known blog!! Elites of the squad that popular in Heretic Astartes armies outsiders even among the Harlequins, roaming the universe only! Harlequins will get to shoot their weapons who have, through some means, lost their souls at! Chance to win, but if you know that you need the rule. 125-Point Team you ’ re a Cast 2 psyker with powerful spells a. How to harlequin kill team tactics 17 points each fight phase, fight again penalty is strong, but the skill you. Played a game of Kill Team terrain time ago I was an hardcore Warhammer 40000 gamer movement. Second box form an eye-catching composite models that are less competitive, I do recommend Harlequins on. A good weapon but it ’ s and b ’ s a good but. Given out things look great return of da boyz, facing of against Harlequin! Objectives - Harlequins have low model count and holding down objective markers can be kitted out to suit your need. To perform their ancient mythic dances the skill disparity you need the core rule book but... Able to Kill, try to think a turn or two ahead and out. With your best unit that ’ s Krew cards tokens Tactics Warhammer 40k Kill Team will consist of about or. A+, After making a charge of 10 is slightly below average for Harlequins and at death doomed be... Two were sort of friendly try-out games, the Laughing God can be. A blow to your list and not just among the Harlequins, roaming universe... Arena: in both games the Harlequins, roaming the universe, the 8...
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