But it’s not only the titans, it’s every single white collar worker whom the titans employ. I work for a non profit healthcare center that cares for impoverished immigrants. Ravelry is a diverse site, but its main focus should be on the yarn artists, not on politics. Nothing compares to physically having all of your loved ones by your side on your wedding day. Thank you. if I leave ..they win. That’s their point. I think people need to understand that this is about promoting anarchy and communism. Sadly I downloaded a couple in another language so I will have to translate them. . But anti-conservatives can use whatever nasty expletives and rude, disrespectful comments in posts, patterns, etc. “LSG”) … their parents must be ever so proud. Well said, Cheri. I missed it for a while and I was hurt they took that tack. They didn’t think past their hatred for someone they don’t really even know and have consequently done as much, if not more damage, to people who have used their platform as a means to make a living. So long as you’re in the deepest darkest closet you’re “welcome” to sit and listen to others deride and abuse you. Also Ravelry is a public forum but it is owned by the two creators. For anyone with an ipod or iphone, Lovecrafts has an app that allows you to transfer your patterns from Ravlery to Lovecrafts. The site is for sharing the love of all the needle arts. I will miss that early days diverse knitting community. — and they are people from top to bottom with college grads. I left yesterday. I’m baffled people still that devastated from the last presidential election. Greg, I’ve been following you for a few years now. It’s only in the last few months that my life has settled into a rhythm that sees me knitting again. Accusing people of racism and homophobia and white supremacy IS ABUSE. I’m glad you left Ravelry. I did the same thing. Skip to content. The departures also means that Trump has an unusually high number of acting Cabinet members, posts that require Senate confirmation. I guess everybody sees what they want to see. And in between read a few new blogs and get to know other knitters out there. I feel Ravelry is completely missing the plot on this. I’ve been a member for years it’s where I find all my patterns. I haven’t been brave enough to coo e or because of the reactions I’ve seen. Do you have any information about that since you mentioned 50%. The vast majority of conservatives are not hateful and do not support (insert labels of the day). Can you see why those so unfairly labeled are upset? It makes me so sad to know that people feel excluded in the name of inclusivity. I also deleted my account. Well written and well said! I agree that we all need havens from the storms around us. Then Sunday morning I read the illogical policy change. “Resistance is futile,” they seem to think. Gregory–THANK YOU– you put into words much more eloquently than I ever could. I agree completely. I so agree. Given that it was the SJWs who took the first verbal swings, it appears that Ravelry found troubling the fact that conservatives verbally responded. You go Gregory!!! Goes totally against the vein. I urge you to go look at what anti-Ravelry people are doing now, a week on. Period. No. The system only shows 3334 pages of profiles, 30 per page. I do needlework for relaxation, not activism. Beliefs…long live Ravelry. I wish I could hug you. Thank you. You want us to listen to you but you don’t offer the same courtesy. How? Indeed, the better the student, the more they’ve absorbed the indoctrination. But when they pretty much accused any Tump supporter of being white supremacist, I felt instantly jolted. That was ugly, but it got worse at the end of February. Lol. Some of the best knitters I’ve ever known have been men (as was the best bobbin lace maker I’ve ever known). Donald Trump's administration has seen a revolving door of Cabinet members in its first 2 1/2 years. How can I gain wisdom if I don’t listen to people who have different opinions and experiences than I have? Thanks for the link to ourunraveled.com Janine. Politicians will come and go, all we really have in life is each other. I came across your blog because I was looking for a “I deleted Ravelry” pic to use for my Instagram feed, read your post and all I can say is “AMEN”!!!! Maple Grove, MN. I truly hope some talented people will build another knitting community where we all are able to freely enjoy our love of the fiber arts. The only hatred I see or hear is coming from the MSM, members of Congress, groups like Antifa, and the left in general. I’m not a white supremacist or a Trump supporter. Deleted mine as well. That’s how Communism has taken hold of countries historically. WHEW! Bwahahaha. I’m sure most conservatives were underground/undercover about their views (doing their best, like me, to not make waves or rub anyone’s nose in Hillary’s loss), but people still have to be alienated even further. This story comes from two people: Moi, a conservative Hispanic and military wife, writing are here and here and MizDi, a conservative who blogged here. Thank you for your sensible comments. Ravelry has international reach. He Googled it for me and in the subsequent article describing the Trump ban, a quote from you was found. There are plenty of appropriate political sites where you can discuss politics to your hearts content. Have you been reading the forums and seeing the hate this policy is promoting on Ravelry? Thanks to all! Keeping ALL politics off would have been a smarter choice, and they could have been diplomatic about. Blatant censorship. I agree. She also became the second Moderator pretty quickly, and was such a help to EllieJane that I can’t even describe it. … you are amazing! I don’t judge anyone, I don’t care of you are green, purple, black, white, gay, straight or in between. Please give examples and proof of what you accuse him of. Well, you would think I would write that the trolling got so bad Ravelry told those sore winners to go elsewhere, either to another group within Ravelry or to another fiber arts site altogether. Many of you will recognize the name Ravelry, and you should. None of that matters. Yet, I don’t go making a big hoo ha about my country’s politics on a platform that is supposed to be a place for crafters. Thank you. Ravelry isn’t trying to make people feel safe, it’s making them question how safe their neighborhood is. But, I will respond. Many posters voicing displeasure over this anti Trump policy are having their criticisms demeaned and/ or deemed entirely leaving the impression that nobody cares about this change. Keep knitting, spinning, weaving and playing with yarn! You all are just never satisfied. Dear Eyeamdust, This is THEIR quote from THEIR site from THEIR admins. Also, I am open minded enough to realize that not everyone who voted for Hillary engages in hatred and vulgarity. Beautifully put! A “fuck Trump” pattern is a pro-human rights pattern, whereas a “God is Love” with hidden homophobic undertone pattern is a dehumanizing pattern. But yet anti-Trump politics is allowed. First of all, many of us here have clearly stated that we never inserted ourselves in the political fray and would have been just as happy had there not been ANY political content at all. I responded to the particularly…..that I felt as a designer on Ravelry the customers were being encouraged to NOT purchase my patterns because I did not fit in that category at all. I totally agree with you Cheri M. On Instagram when Ravelry stated active on Ravelry.. it’s hard for me to make friends in real life even online.. I however sent them a letter questioning their new rule. It’s just that the extremes are the loudest. And I’m old as dirt. What I am interested in is finding inspiration to get the crafters of my own country to forget about race and the past and just sit down and knit, crochet, weave, spin etc and in the long run, pray together. Not to mention my 800 pattern queue and extensive photo stash library. I will add that link in a comment to this. The world has enough chaos, biases, division, and corruption. No administration lasts forever, but I fear the ability to have civil discourse is lost forever. I took anything I purchased, downloaded it, and walked away from Ravelry. He is the first real estate developer to assign a massive project to a black woman manager ever. But some things remain the same and knitters (and other crafters) are as congenial as they used to be. When hate supercedes anyone’s logical reasoning and narrows their ability to see beyond that hate. Now I see a threat to the industry of hand knitting. Donald Trump is not a white supremacist! They’re supposed to be the coexist crowd! The hysteria over race, inclusion, exclusion, and anything else they can think of, keeps pushing division and devisiveness into Instagram and it increases the level and amount of vitriol being spewed with each attempt. Email address has been removed. If you attack me, I’ll delete your comments. I became pregnant and on April 14th I drove myself to the hospital hemorrhaging from a miscarriage. http://www.ourunraveled.com. I’m in a few groups and I follow a few fiber craft pages on Facebook. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! There are other places for that. I said goodbye to all of my patterns and closed my account too. They aren’t breaking any laws, but they are breaking their own code of supposedly being “tolerant” and “free-minded.”. I’ve been a member of Ravelry since the by invite only days. 1) Go to your "about me" page. I was referring to Carrie’s post about conservative Jedis. It is definitely a WIP, but Admin is doing a wonderful job keeping things moving in the right direction. They should have kept all politics off the platform and stuck to their core mission……fiber arts. I cannot, in good conscience, be a part of a company that would rather push people away, have them spy and attack each other, rather than bring them closer to the reason we even knit in the first place: to share the sense of peace we gain from knitting with others. They never said you weren’t welcome. Being a conservative gay man who knits in this community is forbidden. My beliefs , political, religious, are my own. You want to gather together and talk, but Trump’s goal is to build walls. The writer is not caucasian, so this was written as an accusation, a condemnation. We were not, however, politically correct. Banning talk and support for Trump is not a bad move on their part. However, if the owners of the website wanted to use that as their platform, I figured it’s their site to do with as they please so I just ignored it. I’m white. These days, I think about the moment they lost me forever. That was when members of the Bunker were banned entirely from Ravelry — without notice or explanation. They are not banning trump supporters but they are banning any open support of his policies. But then I found why the measure: it’s not ok to attack a person for saying they do not like a pro-Trump pattern. It’s not about conservatism at all, it is about a single man – I’m not going away just for one lousy guy – my knitting is way more important than that. Mimi – I was at an LYS Sock-A-Long and everyone was bashing Trump. Yay! Come on! Perhaps you should shop the FUCK TRUMP patterns. I want to be in a community with other knitters. I feel like we are now standing on shaky ground and it frightens me. Ravelry gets ~180,000,000 page views a month and we could probably cash in on that in a big way but we're very committed to keeping the ads pretty, relevant, and accessible to very small businesses. People will lie for money. I just laughed! I appreciate your post on this topic. There is something very curious going on that is discussed in the video. And yes, openly disagreeing with them just creates a huge shit storm. No one cares that you deleted your account, and Ravelry is a better place without the likes of you. But it’s under consideration. All I care about is how you treat me. It just makes sense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2WRSepMM3s&app=desktop. I come from a long line of southerners (though I live in CA) and I am a Christian also. Why is a Fuck Trump pattern allowed on Ravelry but not a God is Love pattern that was banned? No wonder then, that in 2016, the big social media outlets assumed that conservatives would continue to be cowed. As you can guess, many of the actors we sew for are gay and we know each other’s beliefs. Rachael (Rashieknits). If a platform calls itself “inclusive” and then starts excluding and banning people because they don’t agree with their political views, I have lost all respect for them. I just heard about this today from Crochet O’Clock and I am saddened by this accusation of being a white supremacist. Oh nice I’ll check out that FB group for sure!! It’s unnecessary and really quite stupid!! Different strokes, different folks. I agree with everything you said. They have excluded anyone whose opinion differs from theirs. To claim Trump supporters are white supremacists is libelous; to censor one side of a political discussion and not the other on a platform that bangs on endlessly about “inclusivity” suggests they need a new dictionary. It’s not even about making money or having a successful business. Right. This organization has a special system for helping get personal messages to refugees who are far from their family members. It’s about breaking down society and making people distrust their neighbors. You have a long way. Ravelry isn’t a safe space. They are trying to be a space that is exclusionary. Thanks for this, you have put it very well. Has anyone here received an invitation to Ravelry? I’m deleting my account as well, as soon as I get my patterns downloaded. It has a page where you can keep track of your hooks, another where you can queue patterns that you find online that you want to make. It makes me so sad to read your post and I applaud every sentiment you have so eloquently expressed. Thank you Woolfarmgal, your post said exactly what my I have not been able to put into words. When owners of the largest watering hole for knitters now say to millions of knitters that because you do not agree with our politics..that you are not welcome. I respect your decision, as I respect theirs. At least one good thing came from this Ravelry nonsense! I have better things to do so I deleted my account and hope Ravelry goes down the tubes. Well said! I wish we could all come together and just share what we love and let all the rest of the stuff go instead of separating ourselves into exclusive groups. Yesterday, Ravelry, one of the largest fiber arts social media sites, with a member roster 8,000,000 strong, made the equivalent of a loud, rude farting sound in the conservative blogosphere. I’ve seen name calling and vulgarity on both sides, and my respectful posts disagreeing with the policy have simply disappeared. For years, I loved adding my projects with a lot of detail that I thought might help others. Since this whole mess started, I have been struggling to find the words to express the sadness in my heart. Because I tried to leave a tip last night and it wouldn’t connect to PayPal. Thank you Gregory for your thoughtful post; I have been struggling with the decision to leave Raverly, its hard because the knowledge base is helpful to a mediocre knitter like me. Likewise, our moderators simply deleted troll posts. Some people are uncomfortable with that, and I let ’em be. I am deeply disappointed that Ravelry has gone the way of the insane and alienated so many. Before the fake Trump comments came along the discussion was fairly civilized. We need to bridge the gaps. Now you can be as crappy as you want about Trump, and it’s applauded. Just have felt curious how the designers who sell on rav feel about the hateful new policy. I go with that I’ll treat everyone with dignity and respect, as long as I get the same from them. It is very common for shareholders to lose touch with the companies they invest in. However, it’s time to go. They were not interested in allowing us to come together as knitters and start healing. Others have announced their leaving and are being told that they aren’t airports so they don’t need to announce their departures. Makes me sad. https://www.fiberocity.com/. To me they are racists and gender biased by just putting so much emphasis on it. We have to stand strong in the face of opposition, even though it can be so, so wearisome. That is truly my happy place and has been for many years. I have so much in my pattern library, and I feel so stuck. Was even contemplating giving up knitting for a while. 479 reviews for Ravelry, 3.3 stars: 'Ravelry no longer accepts Trump projects or supporters EXCEPT if you make projects that say "$#*! It’s all water under the bridge now, but I would love to live to be old enough to see Obama’s transcripts released to prove or disprove my theory.). Damn all others. The way he treats women, people of minority. It is a favorite of mine when knitting hats for charity. Thank you for being a voice of reason!!!!! But the conservatives aren’t the ones that are obsessed with talking about POTUS it’s the other side. Support of the Trump administration is unambiguously support for white supremacy.”, I just slowly shook my head and looked over at my yarn and thought, “Oh, you poor skeins….you were not spun to be weapons.”. I’ve been reading and listening to many reflections on this sad state of affairs with ravelry’s divisive new policy…your words are my favorite and capture my sentiment exactly. new forum sites in the works right now. I’m proud of you. Those groups very quickly became social. As Arizona has been experiencing a surge in the number of COVID-19 cases, a Valley man says his family has been especially impacted by the virus. It’s a talking point left wingers continue to use and they are LYING.. At least Greg’s words give me momentary solace and have reassured me there are at least a few reasonable people left in the knitting world. There are not enough skeins in the world to calm me enough to speak when it comes to his policies, words, and actions. Nooo. We are over 50, different political and religious views, and not once has anyone ever said a cross word to another. As we got more and more unwanted attention from “opposition groups” such as LSG & RR, we got unwarranted “flags” on posts, claiming bigotry, racism, hate speech … I saw the posts that were flagged, and I saw the “reasons” for said flags … apart from a couple (mostly from new members who didn’t “get” the group yet and hadn’t read our rules) they were spurious at best … anything truly flag-worthy was deleted and the member who’d posted it was “talked to” by a moderator. And I think doxxing should carry stuff legal penalties no matter who does it. One woman said the # should be I support them not stand with them because of the people who can’t stand up. How is that NO politics? There have been a couple of Presidents who outright purged their Cabinets. Kudos to you for NOT making your decision or this blog entry a political statement, but rather a statement about the close-mindedness of a site meant to bring people together. I’m going to look on the bright side. Thank you for posting such an eloquent response. I can’t go to my local LYS anymore for the same reason. I just want to chat, make things, and build bridges. You said it all, and SO BEAUTIFULLY!!!! Finding inspiration and patterns for our creativity and even help and guidance with patterns. Well said and I agree with you completely. For anyone looking to exit, you can export your data by hovering over your profile svstsr. AD. EXACTLY! I’m so sad not to be associated with the good parts of Ravelry any more. It was so well written that I wanted to remind people how vile this type hatred is & how deeply it affects all of us on every level. I think a lot of people fail to realize that behind many wonderful conservatives are people who just want to let others get on with their lives, and expect others allow them to do the same. Shutting down speech does not change hearts and minds. Today’s tech titans were all good students who ended up at good universities — places such as Harvard and Yale, where the Leftist infection runs deep and strong. Ravelry did this same thing to conservatives 10 years ago. I downloaded 115 purchased patterns and deleted my acct. May your intarsia be flexible and lie flat. This is exactly how I feel! I look at blog and YouTube tip jars as nothing more than what I would pay to rent a movie, buy a magazine, etc. AND, politics should be avoided on a site like this and that would have been the best way to handle it. But just two days after the service announced its $9.95 deal … Yes, I am discouraged with both political parties but I love our country (most of the time) and I do believe most people are just doing the best they know how. The hatred and division that it has created is heartbreaking. 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