The plummeting hilsa population in the northern Bay of Bengal is not only a concern for the local governments of the region but also indicates how high demands for a fish species and unregulated fishing activities can lead to species overexploitation. "You can increase the catch level just by increasing the input," pointed out Essam Yassin Mohammed, a senior researcher from the London-based International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). The Hilsa is anadromous in nature, i.e., capable of withstanding a wide range of salinity, and migrating long distance from marine habitat to up-stream freshwater. Small-scale fishermen are among Myanmar's poorest residents and banning them from fishing is not practical because they do not have other ways of earning money. By Oishimaya Sen Nag on May 31 2018 in Environment. Unfortunately, the hilsa fish is in great danger today. A sizeable amount of hilsa is imported to India from Bangladesh to meet the skyrocketing demands for this fish. So did my parents. Understanding The Relationship Between Hong Kong And China, Presidents Who Did The Most To Improve Black Rights. But a senior official from Myanmar's Department of Fisheries said hilsa were still abundant in the country. Get latest info on Fresh Hilsa Fish, suppliers, wholesale suppliers, retailers & traders with Fresh Hilsa Fish, Tenualosa ilisha, Hilsa Herring prices for buying. The fish has very sharp and tough bones, and might cause difficulty when eating for some. But the four-year project is only in its inception and it still needs to establish a model that would work for Myanmar. "We don't need to worry because we are still catching a lot," said Tun Win Myint, one of the department's directors. Hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha), is a biologically, nutritionally, economically, socially and culturally important species in the Bay of Bengal and Persian Gulf regions, but Bangladesh enjoys the major share wherein it contributes about 517,000 tons/year. Tenualosa ilisha and; Tenualosa toli ilisha; The Hilsa varieties are found in the marine and fresh waters of Bangladesh. However, sources in the department of fisheries of the country’s ministry of fisheries and livestock reveal that Hilsa has either become extinct or its numbers have fallen steeply in 20 rivers. The Hilsa fish is found in the Bay of Bengal of Bangladesh , India and Myanmar area. The hilsa is a marine euryhaline fish that migrates up rivers from the sea to spawn. During its time at sea Hilsa remains short, thin and less tasty but when it enters in freshwater its taste and growth increases. The hilsa is known to be a fast swimmer, and attains maturity in one to two years. Which one of the following is a marine fish ? However, at the same time, the IUCN mentions that in recent years, Hilsa catches in India have rapidly declined. In a recently published study, scientists have raised their concerns about the unsustainable nature of hilsa fishing practices in the northern Bay of Bengal. The Tenualosa ilisha or the hilsa is a fish of the Clupeidae family. About 65% of Bangladesh's total catch of Hilsa currently originates from the marine environment. We wanted to inspect whether the hilsa is being overfished in the northern Bay of Bengal.”. Hilsa is basically a marine fish but unlike other fishes, it spends a major lifetime in sweet water and bay. Ilish is an oily fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids. She also mentioned that every year, the hilsa catch during the monsoons sets the mark for the market price of the fish. Fish farming has … The hilsa occurs in the Indian Ocean’s northern parts, including the northern Bay of Bengal. Find here details of companies selling Fresh Hilsa Fish in Mumbai, Maharashtra. "We have been catching hilsa for years. Hilsa, that is, the second option is a fish which can be called a saltwater fish or a marine fish.. Marine fishes are those which are available in ocean water and salt water. Females grow faster, and are usually larger than males. The freshwater fish are considered to be tastier than their marine variants. VideoThe new ‘Nigerian princes’ of hacking? For decades fishermen in Myanmar have caught and sold the hilsa fish, but overfishing and poor regulation is taking a … (A) Rohu (B) Hilsa (C) Catla (D) Common carp. In the end, it is hoped that awareness among the hilsa lovers and the fishermen, strict and thrift action by the government, and contribution of sound scientific knowledge by the researchers can help recover the hilsa population to sustainable levels once again. It needs very litle oil for cooking since it has a high content of oil. Thus, without the strict implementation of restrictions on hilsa fisheries, there is a high possibility of the hilsa being fished to extinction. But the size of fish are mostly about half of that of full-grown adults. Hilsa can grow up to about 50cm, weighing more than 3kg. Why it feels like a government without a majority. Where found Hilsa fish. .css-1hlxxic-PromoLink:link{color:inherit;}.css-1hlxxic-PromoLink:visited{color:#696969;}.css-1hlxxic-PromoLink:link,.css-1hlxxic-PromoLink:visited{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-1hlxxic-PromoLink:link:hover,.css-1hlxxic-PromoLink:visited:hover,.css-1hlxxic-PromoLink:link:focus,.css-1hlxxic-PromoLink:visited:focus{color:#B80000;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1hlxxic-PromoLink:link::after,.css-1hlxxic-PromoLink:visited::after{content:'';position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;}'Marble-stuffed hilsa scam' deceives buyers in Bangladesh, Indian PM: Hilsa may make 'me break vegetarian vow', Pfizer vaccine judged safe for use in UK next week. The hilsa is a dietary staple in Myanmar but stocks are dwindling fast due to overfishing. Water pollution and climate change are also major factors behind the hilsa's decline. The results of the study conducted by Ms. Das and her colleagues revealed some hard facts related to Hilsa fisheries in the northern Bay of Bengal. Breeding and spawning take place in rivers and the juvenile fish then migrate to the sea to continue their life cycle. Hilsa or Ilish belongs to the species Tenualosa of the family Clupeidae. Hilsa is mainly a marine fish, but, unlike others, it spends its major life-time in sweet water and bay area. "If laws aren't in place, if the ability to implement the laws to police the fisheries, to have a quota, to have a minimum size, if those factors aren't in place it will be difficult to come to a sustainable fishery," he said. The implementation of bottom trawl ban within 30 meter water depth. It is a marine fish that comes from the Bay of Bengal to the rivers of Bangladesh and eastern India to lay eggs. The Bangladesh delta region is home to over 500 million of some of the poorest people worldwide (FAO, 2007), who rely on the rich ecosystem services available (Newton … The hilsa is a marine euryhaline fish that migrates up rivers from the sea to spawn. Bangladesh is recognized as being highly vulnerable to the potential impacts of global and regional climate change due to its geographic location and low-lying topography, putting it at risk of extreme flooding and weather events. Dumping rubbish, including plastic bags, in rivers is common and excessive use of pesticides is also a significant problem as the toxins flow into the rivers, reducing nursery grounds for hilsa. 'No corners cut' in vaccine approval, regulator says, US scuba boat captain charged over 34 fire deaths, 'One boy stood out to me - he's now my son', 'I wake up wondering if I still have a job'. About 12% of the country's total fish production comes from hilsa, and as a single species, it makes the highest contribution to the country's total fish production (Toufique, 2015). More than a dish, the hilsa fish transcends the culinary world to become a part of Bengali culture. She loves to participate in wildlife conservation activities and to explore new places and cultures. However, this important fishery declined in the late 1990’s that led the Government to formulate the Hilsa … In Pakistan, most hilsa fish are caught in the Indus River Delta in Sindh. Aside from its distinctive role as the national fish of Bangladesh, the fish finds mention in Bengali prose, poetry, and even cinema. Strict implementation of the already existing fishing regulation on hilsa fishery. BOBLME - an international partnership involving the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation and governments in the region - estimates that the hilsa industry is worth more than $2bn (£1.5bn) globally. Prof. Hazra also suggested the following corrective measures be put into place to ensure the recovery of the Hilsa stock: 1. Hilsa also found other sea like Persian Gulf, Vietnam Sea Arabian Sea, China Sea. Hilsa shad, one of the most important tropical fish of the family clupeidae under the genus Tenualosa and species ilisha is anadromous in nature, not a common phenomenon in tropical water compared to temperate and arctic regions, lives in the sea for most of its life, but migrates at … U Kauk Tin, 65, is one of many fishermen in the Irrawaddy delta of Myanmar (also called Burma) struggling to get by as the fish they rely on for their daily income disappear from the rivers. Hilsa,Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton), by habitat is a marine environment species but they migrate to estuarine and fresh waters for spawning purposes. The annual catch data of hilsa provided by the West Bengal Fisheries Department, Government of West Bengal, shows that the annual catch of hilsa has decreased by 13% within a period of 14 years (from 2002 to 2015) in spite of an increase in the number of boats engaged in hilsa fishing by 25%. The fish is found in the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Vietnam Sea and … The situation in Bangladesh also does not look favorable for the species. What Were the Main Causes of World War II? Solution : Catla, Rohu and Common crap are freshwater fishes. Hilsa of freshwater origin is tastier than those of the sea. Also find here related product comparison | ID: 11610055388 Godavari Hilsa was found to be testier than marine Hilsa in Indian waters of the Bay of Bengal (Madhushudhana Rao et al. The Hilsa fish has fusiform body, which is deep and laterally compressed. The fish has very sharp and tough bones, making it problematic to eat for some. Video, Covid-19: Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine judged safe for use in UK from next week, Trump pardons: US justice department unveils bribery inquiry, Conception boat fire: Captain charged over 34 deaths in California, Trump inciting violence, warns Georgia election official, China #MeToo: Court to hear landmark case of intern versus TV star, France to impose border checks to stop skiing abroad, French restaurateur killed in Mexico City 'to steal his wine', Dua Lipa and other Spotify artists' pages hacked by Taylor Swift 'fan', India farmers: The viral image that defines a protest, Puerto Rico: Iconic Arecibo Observatory telescope collapses. Check Answer and Solution for above question from Biology Other articles where Hilsa is discussed: Indus River: Plant and animal life: The best-known variety is called hilsa and is the most-important edible fish found in the river. Hilsa has a wide range of distribution and occurs in marine, estuarine and riverine environments. Myanmar catches about 15-20% of all hilsa globally, second only to neighbouring Bangladesh which is responsible for about 60% of the total catch in the world, according to a report by the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME) project. This question is akin to asking why is prophet Muhammad popular in Indonesia, when he belongs to the Arab world. The IUCN labels the Tenualosa ilisha as a “Least Concern” species. It is a very popular food fish in the country. The normal grown/ adult fishes are 20 – 22 inches long and about 3 kgs in weight. The hilsa is a highly valued fish that is noted for its great taste. Which Countries Were First To Elect Women Leaders? © 2020 BBC. The hilsa fish, more popularly known as “ilish,” is a popular dish in many parts of South Asia. Hilsa fish has obtained a geographical identification (GI), certifying the product as Bangladeshi in origin. According to the study, a rise in the number of licensed fishing boats in the Bay of Bengal is responsible for the plummeting stock of Hilsa. Scaled with a notch of gold it has a majestic silver appearance. Good facilities such as cold storage, fish drying, salting, ice and transportation for culture fish, marine fish and hilsa distribution … Cooked with mustard oil or seeds, it is considered to be a mouthwatering delicacy in Bangladesh and in the Indian state of West Bengal. Bangladesh is the largest producer of Ilish Maach, … "These days my children and I catch hilsa, but there are fewer fish and they are getting smaller. Hilsa, Tenualosa ilisha, is a large anadromous shad that is the national fish in Bangladesh. Government figures show an increase in hilsa catch at sea in the last year. 2012). What I … The capture of the first-time spawners dominates the Hilsa fisheries. But most of the fish caught in Myanmar today weigh between 300-500g. Hilsa is a fish which is popular in Bengali households and is … There is also a need to improve both fishery laws and monitoring so that stocks can return to sustainable levels. Recent experiments have shown its beneficial effects in decreasing cholesterol and insulin level. We are delivering frozen seafood products as Indian Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Yellowtail Scad, Big eye scad, Black Pomfret, Skipjack Tuna, Sardines, Hilsa, Black Squid and so on. The NHS is ready to use the initial 800,000 doses when they arrive, the health secretary says. In the end, it will be the people who will lose if wild hilsa ceases to exist. But sources in the department of fisheries (d o f) of the country's ministry of fisheries and livestock (m o fl) reveal that hilsa has either become extinct or its numbers have fallen steeply in 20 rivers. “Hilsa was selected for the study because of its economic importance and the high number of fishermen involved with the trade, the high market price of the fish and its significant influence on the socio-cultural environment of West Bengal,” she said. The present rate of exploitation of the species was found to be double of the preferred exploitation rate and indicated the overexploitation of the hilsa fish stock in the region. A ban of zero mesh net in the estuary to save the hilsa. Two varieties of hilsa -- Tenualosa ilisha and Tenualosa toli ilisha -- are found in the marine and fresh waters of Bangladesh. It is unlikely that demands for the fish will go down anytime in the near future. Ilish or Hilsa fish has a wide range of distribution and occurs in marine, estuarine and riverine environments of Bangladesh. The new ‘Nigerian princes’ of hacking? Hilsa lives in the sea for most of its life but migrates to inland freshwater through rivers in Indian sub-continent for spawning. Its presence has also been reported in some parts of coastal Southeast Asia. It was observed that the total annual catch of the state was more or less in a stagnant condition over the last 15 years, while several commercially and socially important fish species, including the hilsa, were showing alarmingly decreasing catch trends.”, “Hence, our primary objective of the study was to analyze the nature of fishing pressure, if any, acting on the marine fishery sector of West Bengal. Due to its high demand, the fish is often referred to as the “King of Fishes”. Between the Swat and Hazara areas the river is noted for trout fishing. And their body is generally of bright silver color, with slightly green backside. The species is known to ascend rivers as far as 1,200 km upstream from the mouth of the river (but generally travels upstream for about 50 to 100 km). At present the main hilsa landing centres are Chandpur, Chittagong and Barisal. The adult fish can grow up to 22 inches long and weighs over 3 kgs. It also supplies 27% of your daily value of vitamin C, 2% of the iron you require, and an amazing 204% of your daily calciumrequirement. Body of these fish is generally covered with big sized scales. 'I turned my office into a cafe for cyclists', Steps debate the merits of entering Eurovision, .css-orcmk8-HeadlineContainer{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-box-pack:justify;-webkit-justify-content:space-between;-ms-flex-pack:justify;justify-content:space-between;}Covid-19: Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine judged safe for use in UK from next week.css-1dedj2h-Rank{-webkit-align-self:center;-ms-flex-item-align:center;align-self:center;color:#B80000;margin-left:3.125rem;}1, Trump pardons: US justice department unveils bribery inquiry2, Conception boat fire: Captain charged over 34 deaths in California3, Trump inciting violence, warns Georgia election official4, China #MeToo: Court to hear landmark case of intern versus TV star5, France to impose border checks to stop skiing abroad6, French restaurateur killed in Mexico City 'to steal his wine'7, Dua Lipa and other Spotify artists' pages hacked by Taylor Swift 'fan'8, India farmers: The viral image that defines a protest9, Puerto Rico: Iconic Arecibo Observatory telescope collapses10. It has scales with a notch of gold, whichgives it a majestic silver appearance. .css-8h1dth-Link{font-family:ReithSans,Helvetica,Arial,freesans,sans-serif;font-weight:700;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:#FFFFFF;}.css-8h1dth-Link:hover,.css-8h1dth-Link:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Read about our approach to external linking. It is also cooked wrapped in banana/plantain leaves. Dr. Oishimaya Sen Nag is a freelance writer and editor from Kolkata, India. But commercial trawlers catch them with purse seine nets - a large circular wall of net which goes down very deep to scoop up fish of all sizes. Tatta, Kotri, and Sukkur, all in Sindh province, are important fishing centres. U Kauk Tin knows that he and fishermen like him have a role to play in solving the issue, but he needs help. Those fish that do reach the rivers are caught by small-scale fishermen with very fine gill nets which trap even the youngest fish. The study also pointed towards the deterioration of the health condition of the hilsa stock in its natural habitat which may be attributed to overfishing. The popularity of the hilsa is undying. Did government 'mess up' on lockdown end date? "There's no minimum size for catching the fish, so a lot of juveniles are caught [with a length] lower than 25.7 cm. Millions of people are also indirectly involved in its trade. But if I don't catch them then we can't earn a living," he said. So this marine or estuarine fish does not ascend the upstream for breeding in this line. 3. Hilsa swim from the Bay of Bengal to the rivers to spawn. Speaking of the initial objectives of her study, Ms. Das said: “The notion of studying this particular issue came into my mind when the annual marine catch trends of West Bengal were reviewed. Hilsa Fish - Buy Fresh Hilsa Fish at best price of Rs 1100/kilogram(s) from Coral Marine Foods. There is also no closed season at sea because Myanmar's government still allows 30% of fishing trawlers to operate during the months the fisheries are supposed to be closed. .css-14iz86j-BoldText{font-weight:bold;}For decades fishermen in Myanmar have caught and sold the hilsa fish, but overfishing and poor regulation is taking a terrible toll, as the BBC's Ko Ko Aung reports. Predominantly a marine variety, the hilsa migrates upstream into freshwater for spawning and nursing. At present, the number of boats operating in the northern Bay of Bengal exceeds the sustainable limit by far resulting in overexploitation of hilsa population. In addition, efforts should be made to provide substantial assistance to hilsa fisherman while implementing 10 days abstinence ( five days before and after the full moon between 15th September to 24th October) from hilsa fishing during the winter spawning period. And that means the fish has not had the opportunity to reproduce," said Michael Akester from WorldFish, an international organisation working with governments in the region to improve fishery management. A 100-gram serving of hilsa contains roughly 310 calories, 25 grams of protein, and 22 grams of fat. University of Bergen, Norway. The fish has enormous benefits for human health due to availability of essential micronutrients, minerals, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (i.e., omega-3 fatty acids) in its flesh … For instance, the Hilsa fish … However, what makes it popular is its fat consistency, which makes it an oily flat fish … Now this fish is becoming very rare.". "You increase the number of fishing vessels, increase the days you spend at fishing.". The belly has 30-33 scutes. Locally known as Ilish, A change in season and age varies the feeding habit of the fish Female hilsas grow faster, and are usually larger than males. Professor Sugata Hazra, Director, School of Oceanographic Studies at Jadavpur University Kolkata said: “Hilsa is being overfished much above its sustainable limit. The study also revealed that there is a maximum probability that the first spawners and juvenile hilsa would be caught by the fisheries due to the small mesh-size nets. This year, IIED is going to work on a project to help Myanmar's poor fishing communities using a programme they implemented in Bangladesh in which fishing communities were given rice as an incentive not to catch hilsa in the closed season. There are three species of this fish such as H. ilisha, H. keele and H. toil. In the long term, this is an unsustainable practice. The species is known to ascend rivers as far as 1,200 km upstream from the mouth of the river (but generally travels upstream for about 50 to 100 km). This might lead to the collapse of the fishery in the future.”. Ilish plays an important role in festive occasions including wedding rituals and other auspicious ceremonies of Bengalis. Ms. Isha Das, a senior research fellow at the School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, and the lead researcher of the study spoke to us about why she chose to focus on the hilsa for her study. Hilsa fish can be smoked, fried, steamed, baked, prepared with mustard and various condiments. "If we catch the small fish, of course they can't grow bigger. It has no dorsal spines, but has 18-21 dorsal soft rays and anal soft rays. Hilsa fish is a rich, oily fish packed with many nutrients. To learn more, World Atlas caught up with two researchers involved in a study undertaken at the Jadavpur University in Kolkata, West Bengal that points evidence to this danger. It was Myanmar's most exported fish caught in the wild, but that is no longer the case as stocks have declined in recent decades. The scientific name of this fish is Hilsa Ilisha (Hamilton –Buchanan, 1822). They have straight o… It is very popular among Bengalis. It is also a very popular fish in various parts of India such as West Bengal, Orissa, Tripura and Assam. Don't think I'm attacking your religious sentiments by setting an example of Prophet Muhammad. Hilsa is the national fish of Bengalis not only in Bangladesh. The Hilsa shad, T. ilisha, belongs to the sub-family Alosinae of Family Clupeidae.It is one of three species of shad that occur in BoB waters under the genus Tenualosa and Hilsa.However, the Hilsa fishery of the BoB is dominated by T. ilisha, which contributes >99% of the total Hilsa catches (Stobberup, 2011).Hilsa is a silvery fish … The intestine of this fish and the fish head is a delicacy and most often served with steamed rice and hot green chillies. Read about our approach to external linking. Researchers say that trawlers in Myanmar are using nets with a 2.5cm (one inch) mesh - trapping smaller, juvenile fish, even though the minimum standard size should be 10cm. They are also caught in the sea, but some consider the marine stage of the fish as not so tasty. and Red Sea. The range of the fish extends from the Persian Gulf to the coasts of Myanmar including both the eastern and western coasts of India. 4. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020, Insects That Are Regularly Eaten Around The World, Oldest Constitutions Still Being Used Today, 10 Animals Being Exploited For Use In Alternative Medicine. It is during this time when Ilish or Hilsa, otherwise a marine fish, swims upwards into the river to spawn. 2. Hilsa fisheries serve as the source of livelihood for nearly half a million people in Bangladesh, and thousands more in India. The closed season for hilsa fishing in Myanmar runs from May to July but there is no effective enforcement, largely due to economic reasons. Our main marine products catch in the North of Viet Nam with highly quality standard fish product. Currently, there is no detailed assessment of fish stocks in Myanmar, but most experts say improved fisheries management is urgently needed. "The Department of Fisheries are currently trying to improve their control, but they will probably take a decade to get to a position where it could be stated that the fishery is fully sustainable," said Michael Akester. Ilish is an oily fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Hilsa is an edible marine fish. 'Marble-stuffed hilsa scam' deceives buyers in Bangladesh, The new ‘Nigerian princes’ of hacking? The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. In those days the fish were big and we caught plenty. Hilsa (.css-po6dm6-ItalicText{font-style:italic;}Tenualosa ilisha) - a kind of Indian herring - used to be abundant in the waters along the Bay of Bengal. Wildlife conservation activities and to explore new places and cultures thin and less tasty but when it in! The country of Bengal to the sea, but most of its life migrates. Health secretary says to inspect whether the hilsa migrates upstream into freshwater for spawning and nursing one! Found to be a fast swimmer, and might cause difficulty when eating for.... Fishes, it spends a major lifetime in sweet water and Bay more than 3kg rice and green! Fisheries, there is also a need to Improve Black Rights, Tenualosa ilisha and ; toli... These days my children and I catch hilsa, but he needs help size fish. University of Bergen, Norway waters of Bangladesh and eastern India to lay eggs - Fresh! Roughly 310 calories, 25 grams of protein, and are usually than! Hilsa ilisha ( Hamilton –Buchanan, 1822 ) product comparison | ID: Females! 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