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Content analysis was used to identify themes. Less acculturated minorities were more likely to have health beliefs that may impede prevention, have greater perceived susceptibility to disease, and believe in an external locus of control. The authors wished to design a learning activity that would provide meaningful experiences and stimulate critical thinking among nontraditional, culturally diverse students who must learn to care for many clients of diverse cultural backgrounds. Patient-centered nutrition education and counseling can improve the health of HIV-positive persons. Although researchers have conducted a vast amount of research about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), few have addressed how Latino families experience ADHD. 1.�{B��Ԙ�I�@ (T�[8�R��f����=Fr���J'܅�����BYS��:�����[�L�s����`Q&4���������+�����?��@��!���C3(yzvʔ��]��J�㬷�m�~�P�b� The purpose of this study was to examine delay in seeking care for ACS symptoms in a Lebanese sample and identify predictors of delay. The International Journal of Nursing Studies (IJNS) provides a forum for original research and scholarship about health care delivery, organisation, management, workforce, policy and research methods relevant to nursing, midwifery and other health related professions. Journal of Transcultural Nursing serves as a peer-reviewed forum for nurses, health care professionals, and practitioners in ⦠Transcultural nursing has started from the mid 1950s .Since Leininger started her conceptualization of culture and development of her transcultural nursing theory in 1960s , transcultural nursing has become a major field of nursing.When the literature during the past 10 years was roughly searched using the PubMed database, more than 950 articles related to transcultural nursing ⦠However, for some time, nursing education in China has been overly focused on basic medical education to the neglect of education in the humanities, resulting in an absence or shortage of transcultural nursing ⦠The purpose of this study was to examine the association between acculturation and health beliefs, barriers, and perceptions related to cardiovascular disease prevention. Important considerations made in serving this population include low acculturation to U.S. culture, monolingual Spanish speaking, cross-border mobility, and dietary behaviors influenced by access to culturally preferred regional foods, some of which may not be nutritionally optimal. A brief overview of the PCME and the health-related programs in which it is involved is provided. Using semistructured interviews and participant observation, 6 key informants and 12 general informants were interviewed in their home in Amharic language. About the Journal. Measurement of psychological acculturation is discussed in the context of defining attributes. endstream
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Although nurses have considerable awareness and concern about child abuse, additional education related to this issue is needed. Data were collected by means of 21 qualitative interviews, and analysis followed grounded theory procedures. Higher education, presence of dyspnea, intermittent symptoms, and waiting for symptoms to go away predicted longer delays, whereas intensity of symptoms and active response (going to the hospital) predicted shorter delays. This study was used analytical descriptive with a cross-sectional approach. This article describes a systematic and replicable process used in adapting and modifying A Short Acculturation Scale for Hispanics (ASASH) for use with Filipino Americans. 1997. Index Copernicus Value 63.44. The purpose: An academic-community partnership was formed to develop multifaceted programs and support across school and community agency systems. Impact Factors were just released, and Journal of Transcultural Nursing had a great showing: 1.441! Implemented over an eight week period, Cultural Discovery assisted beginning nursing students to systematically conduct a basic general cultural assessment, identify some similarities and differences among individuals within cultural groups, distinguish between varying dimensions of acculturation, and discover the importance of culturally congruent nursing care. Improving hospital nursesâ transcultural nursing skills and, thus, their perceived transcultural self-efficacy has become a pressing issue for Chinese nursing management. To explore the predictors of water-pipe smoking among American Arab Yemeni adolescents, a descriptive correlational design was used, and regression models representing the proposed relationships in the study were tested from a convenience sample of 297 adolescents who attended a teen health clinic and two high schools. 2�f���;�f���x�0� �V?L宜ժ���{�S�zh~��|g
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1981. The Journal of Transcultural Nursing is the official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society. Transcripts of interviews were coded using N-VIVO and analyzed thematically. Challenges to curriculum implementation and lessons learned for replication of the curriculum in other clinical settings are discussed. Transcultural Nursing in South Africa: Prospects for the 1990's, Transcultural Nursing Goals and Challenges for 1991 and Beyond, Moving Transcultural Nursing into the 21st Century: Major Themes from the Annual Transcultural Nursing Society Conference: Royal Waikoloan Hotel, Ahupua'a Waikoloa, Hawaii, October 26-28, 1995, Sixth Annual Post-Graduate Transcultural Nursing Seminar: Royal Waikoloan Hotel, Ahupua'a Waikoloa, Hawaii, October 25, 1995. From the 18 registered nurses interviewed, four major categorical themes emerged that were integral to nurses' experiences working with abused children: the meaning of child abuse, conflict, feeling frustrated, and nurses' roles. Defining attributes include interaction between two cultures, change, learning, adaptation, and sociocultural context. 318 Journal of Transcultural Nursing 22(4) Table 1. Postpartum depression was studied in 66 multiparous Mexican American women using a prospective longitudinal design. The purpose of this study was to explore nurses' experiences and perspectives regarding child abuse in Taiwan. �( �+x���n�Ϲ��R��iE�?���?�������~)%��e�HF�A�ל0MI ���)a!O5�n9A&�S�#���@'�����{0-˵mRJ��1+��lf�Q�|��[݇�"f����2A8��f&i���x �&��4���?���L��;�r Nicotine dependence, acculturation, and tobacco use questionnaires were used to measure the major variables. Three focus groups, consisting of 12 mothers, 12 fathers, and 8 boys and 4 girls ages 10-12, participated. © The Author(s) 2014. Is this Korean-translated version of the PHQ-9K tool useful in screening for depression in KAs? In 2017, the journal ranked 48 out of 114 in Nursing (Social Sciences) and 51 out of 116 in Nursing (Sciences), with an impact factor of 1.262. (�Z�@�i�h�P�,� �985J
��N�%T;OM�w��0R��0)-��Y������c8���ET?O��t�1y�j��¨���+`�ҭ�`Gjg�G����� Barriers to effective HIV prevention may be related to a failure to develop educational programs based on the cultural competencies of vulnerable populations such as adolescents who are at risk for HIV. ��v�19>���0�䝾��u�+6#,dy|�Ğ�� ����jb3r�\����q����榖���r{��-�0ݘ�iŤ�ec�hxu� B,�>.�. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Regarding an adolescent as immature or in a process of becoming might hinder adolescents' distinctive culture and circumstances. Maternal and child care in an Iranian village. For men who have lived in the United States for 12 years or more, their adherence should be closely monitored. An effective approach to promoting widespread cultural competence is to work at the system level in which coalitions of community agencies partner with academic and health care organizations. Other titles: JCD Start year: 1994 Frequency: Quarterly Country: United States Language: English Topics: Cross-Cultural Comparison Transcultural Nursing Publisher: Lisle, Ill. : Tucker Publications, c1994-Publication type: Periodicals. )a��H��~��=q��yG��N0@�� �E����w�R��sԥ�:�T� '͙�i�����@v4� K��Z�Z�y@��NPڬ�XS�,c��=D�݀��/.�����c,D�^��o���v�{@�Zk^�s
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Work on cultural competence has a long history in nursing, yet we have not successfully institutionalized these attitudes and skills throughout education and practice. Analysis (paired t tests) of the Block Screening Questionnaire, General Acculturation Index, and Self-Rated Health Subindex of the Multilevel Assessment Instrument showed significant differences: Daughters ate more fat (p = .04) and were more acculturated than their mothers (p = .0001). The study reveals that adolescent pregnancy occurs in the context of a "genuine love affair" in which ideas of romantic love and gender rules guide young women's behaviour. --Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare This volume is the first to examine and promote the application of current, major transcultural nursing (TCN) theory and models and assessment tools in nursing education, practice, and administration. This trend has occurred despite the fact that 89% of schools have educational programs on HIV/AIDS. Antecedents, defining attributes, and consequences are identified, discussed, and summarized. Health professionals and researchers should be cognizant of factors related to the process of stress adaptation to help families cope with their circumstances. Transcultural nursing means being sensitive to cultural differences as you focus on individual patients, their needs, and their preferences. The findings of this analysis indicate the significance of transcultural knowledge in nursing practice and the legal accountability nurses hold on the issue of child maltreatment. Articles regarding library searches, web page listings, internet resources, computer software packages and topics on informatics related to the journalâs subject matter are encouraged. Titles: journal of multicultural nursing and health care will be the major emphasis of this study was to delay! Tcn is ranked 59/123 in the family caregivers and PLWAs in the United States was a predictor nonadherence... 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