As of this date, Scribd will manage your SlideShare account and any content you may have on SlideShare, and Scribd's General Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will apply. Independently retentive holes with parallel walls (for “amalgam pins”) and/or horizontal slots (with internal converging walls) may be eectively used when there is moderate vertical loss When discussing or writing a term denoting a combination of two or more surfaces, the -al ending of the prex word is changed to an –o. CHAPTER 4 Fundamentals of Tooth Preparation 135 the restorative sequence. e relatively horizontal pulpal and gingival walls, prepared per-pendicular to the tooth’s long axis, help the restoration resist occlusal forces and limit the likelihood of tooth fracture from wedging eects caused by opposing cusps. It has been suggested that this technique may limit the likelihood of the development of postoperative sensitivity, staining of the dental structure, secondary caries, fracture of the tooth, or partial/total loss of the restora-tion. Severe caries destruction may necessitate the extension of distal, mesial, facial, or lingual walls so as to gain adequate access to deeper areas of the preparation. 6. Sturdevant CM: e art and science of operative dentistry, ed 1, New York, 1968, McGraw-Hill.7. Craig RG, Powers JM, editors: Restorative dental materials, 11th ed, St. Louis, 2002, Mosby.19. Caries removal in advanced lesions usually is immediately followed by eorts to aord protection to the pulp tissue adjacent to the deepest area of the preparation.Step 6: Pulp ProtectionDeep dentin is very porous and susceptible to desiccation. J Dent Res 89:1063–1068, 2010, doi:10.1177/0022034510376071.41. In dentin, a hybrid layer is formed, which is characterized by an intermingling of the resin adhesive with exposed collagen brils of the intertubular dentin. Minimal restorativematerial angleCavosurfaceangle• Fig. An appropriate text focused on the emergency management of dental trauma should be consulted for current treatment strategies.Step 7: Secondary Retention and Resistance FormsPlacement of secondary retention and resistance forms, as part of a preparation, follows management of the caries lesion and any indicated pulpal protection. Fundamental principles of Tooth Preparation prezi com. Features that enhance the retention form of a preparation also enhance the resistance form (e.g., slots or pins placed in a manner such that, upon completion of the restoration, the structural integrity of the restoration enhances the structural integrity of the remaining tooth structure).Use of Adhesives to Increase Retention and ResistanceSupercial demineralization of preparation walls and subsequent inltration of the altered surface with resin-based adhesives allows for increased retention and resistance of restorations. Agnihotry A, Fedorowicz Z, Nasser M: Adhesively bonded versus non-bonded amalgam restorations for dental caries. e ability of a hard-setting CaOH2 material to stimulate the formation of reparative dentin when in contact with pulpal tissue makes it the usual material of choice for applica-tion to very deep excavations and known pulpal exposures (direct pulp cap procedures).16 Alternatively, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) liners have been found to be eective for direct pulp capping.17,20 Liners and bases in exposure areas should be applied without pressure.Usually, a RMGI is used for “base” needs. Linn J, Messer HH: Eect of restorative procedures on the strength of endodontically treated molars. However, it has been identied that the bond to dentin deteriorates over time as a result of hydrolysis of the adhesive resin component of the hybrid layer and proteolytic degradation of the collagen compo-nent of the hybrid layer.38 erefore stabilization of the exposed collagen may be appropriate as an initial step in the restorative sequence.Ongoing dental research has sought to optimize the long-term stability of the hybrid layer. Occasionally the tooth preparation outline for a new restora-tion contacts or extends slightly into a sound, existing restoration (e.g., a new MO abutting a sound DO). Evid Based Dent 17(3):94–95, 2016, doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6401194.21. ; Practical, scientific approach to content is supported by sound clinical and laboratory research and incorporates both theory and practice. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Additionally, when the conditions in the lesion have allowed remineralization to occur, the dentin may be distinctly discolored or “stained.” In this case host defenses not only have enabled remineralization of the dentin, which is often clinically comparable in rmness (hard-ness) with surrounding normal dentin, but also have, for the most part, successfully lled in the dentinal tubules with mineral. Old restorative material may remain on the pulpal or axial walls after initial tooth preparation. Comprehensive coverage spans the entire spectrum of operative dentistry, including fundamentals, diagnosis, instrumentation, preparation, restoration, and prevention. dldfdfpfpafpafafgfg ag lgdpdlplpapalpalalg• Fig. erefore it may become necessary to strategically modify internal aspects of the preparation so as to mechanically retain the restoration.Because many preparation features that improve retention form also improve resistance form, and the reverse is true, they are presented together. Extreme prudence was exercised in the selection of these areas and in the depth of enamel removed. Fundamentals of Tooth Preparation Flashcards Quizlet. e thin restoration will ex as needed. e level or position of the wall peripheral to the excavation should not be altered.Clinical decisions that guide carious tissue removal are based on the relative tactile hardness (rmness) of the dentin associated with the caries lesion. Removal of a carious tissue in an advanced lesion (i.e., a lesion that has reached the inner one third of dentin) has a higher risk of pulpal involve-ment. Objectives of Tooth Preparation  Remove all defects and provide necessary protection to the pulp. e durable attachment between enamel and dentin, (the dentinoenamel junction [DEJ]) enables enamel to withstand, the rigors of mastication. 122 CHAPTER 4 Fundamentals of Tooth PreparationWhen carious destruction of the clinical crown is severe (i.e., the remaining enamel has lost a large amount of the dentinal support), additional eorts to encircle and reinforce the remaining tooth structure are required. Endod Topics 5:49–56, 2003.17. e extracoronal r, anatomic crown, depending on whether any enamel is r, from the carious loss of tooth structure. Scribd will begin operating the SlideShare business on December 1, 2020 It may be necessary to reduce cusps that no longer have sucient dentin support and cover (or envelope) them with an adequate thickness of restorative material in order to provide resistance to fracture of the tooth and/or the restorative material. Such an extension, when performed for cast-metal restorations, results in additional vertical (almost parallel) walls for retention. Axis of preparation• Fig. When properly prepared, skirts provide additional, opposing vertical walls that increase retention of the restoration. 4.4 Extracoronal “stumplike” tooth preparation with dentin (d) and dentin substitute (core component of a cast post and core, ds). Fundamentals of extracoronal tooth preparation Part I. Sturdevant s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry. Carious dentin in more peripheral areas is removed until the dentin is rm.In dentin, as the caries lesion progresses, a zone of deminer-alization precedes the invasion of, or infection by, bacteria. مترجم للعربية principles of tooth preparation : 1. preservation of tooth structure 2. retention and resistance 3. structural durabilit CHAPTER 4 Fundamentals of Tooth Preparation 133 preparation joins an occlusal lesion with a proximal lesion by means of a prepared tunnel under the involved marginal ridge. Tooth preparation features that are per-pendicular (or nearly so) to the long axis of the tooth are termed horizontal or transverse.e junction of two or more prepared surfaces is referred to as the angle. This is a genuine PDF e-book file. e extracoronal restoration generally reestablishes the anatomy of the crown of the tooth (clinical or anatomic crown, depending on whether any enamel is remaining) and is therefore termed a “crown.” e crown must extend well clinical crown knowing that the tooth has already been weakened from the carious loss of tooth structure. e outward ow of dentinal tubular uid may also tend to limit the potential for free glutaraldehyde and/or HEMA to diuse toward and negatively impact pulpal tissue. 4.10 Occlusal contact areas identied through the use of articulat-ing paper. e secondary retention and resistance forms are of two types: (1) mechanical preparation features and (2) treatments of the preparation walls with etching, priming, and adhesive materials. J Dent Res 35:25, 1956.32. All external enamel surfaces are involved and the preparation eort is therefore referred to as an extracoronal preparation. principles of tooth preparation. Smales RJ, Wetherell JD: Review of bonded amalgam restorations, and assessment in a general practice over ve years. An even more durable wall conguration results when the preparation has full-length enamel rods buttressed by shorter enamel rods on the preparation side of the wall (Fig. Dent Mater 27:1–16, 2011.39. e dentin substitute, along with remaining healthy, dentin, acts to support the new restorative materi, the enamel. is transition area from one surface to another is designed to be smooth and rounded, rather than abrupt or sharp, to limit stress concentration. Chlorhexidine (2 weight percent [wt%]) solutions have been successfully used in preparations for disinfection purposes. injured, or diseased tooth to receive a restorative material that Major dierences that exist for other types of minimally invasive tooth preparations for polymeric restorative materials (composite resin) are noted.Occlusal Contact Identication and Rotary Instrument Axis AlignmentClass I, II, III, IV, and VI preparations may involve surfaces that are brought into direct occlusal contact with opposing tooth structure during function. is change has fostered a more conservative tooth preparation philosophy. When a bevel is used for indirect cast gold restorations, it may allow a better marginal seal in slightly undersized castings and may assist in the adaptation of castings that fail to seat by a small amount. Additionally, retention form may be slightly improved when opposing bevels are present. Ben-Amar A: Reduction of microleakage around new amalgam restora-tions. Also, it was thought that retention grooves may increase the resistance form of the restoration against fracture at the junction of the proximal and occlusal portions. Preparations required to correct caries lesions that develop in the proximal surfaces of posterior teeth are termed Class II preparations. Because of the low edge strength of amalgam and glass-ceramic, a 90-degree cavosurface angle produces maximal strength for these materials. Mjör IA: Clinical diagnosis of recurrent caries. Primary resistance form is obtained through use of a preparation design that conserves as much healthy tooth structure as possible. 4.5). Swift EJ, Trope M, Ritter AV: Vital pulp therapy for the mature tooth—can it work? Demineralization of the exposed dentin surface results in exposure of the dentin matrix (collagen), which may then be inltrated with adhesive resin materials. Polymeric restorative materials (e.g., composite resins) have no minimal thickness.When developing the outline form in Class I and II preparations, the end of the cutting instrument prepares a relatively horizontal pulpal wall of uniform depth into the tooth (i.e., the pulpal wall follows the original occlusal surface contours and the DEJ, which are approximately parallel; see Fig. AB• Fig. Oral Surg 22:59, 1966.14. Likewise, minimal restorative material angle rm is equal to angle rm′. Extent of caries lesion, defect, or faulty old restoration affects outline form of tooth prep because OBJECTIVE is to extend to sound tooth structure EXCEPT in pulpal direction. When the defect results in a preparation outline form that places the marginal interface at the point of contact, then the nal position of the preparation outline is modied slightly so that the marginal junction is away from the occlusal contact (review section Occlusal Contact Identication and Rotary Instrument Axis Alignment).It is appropriate, for clinical practicality, to consider that enamel rods are oriented perpendicular to the external tooth surface. e term, pendicular (or nearly so) to the long axis of the tooth are termed, to be smooth and rounded, rather than abrupt or sharp, to limit, surfaces of dierent orientation along a line (, the junction of a prepared wall and the external surface of the, tooth. 4.1 and 4.2C). into consideration the nature of the tooth (the structure of enamel, the structure of dentin, the position of the pulp in the pulp–dentin, complex, the enamel connection to the dentin), material to be used for restoration of the defect. An exception to this initial depth of 0.2 mm internal to the DEJ is when the enamel is thin and greater depth is necessary for the strength of the restorative material that will be used. ese ndings, as well as the decision to incorporate chlorhexidine or other dentin protease inhibitors as an initial restorative step for hybrid layer stabiliza-tion, are to be considered in light of clinical studies that reveal the clinical performance of composite systems that did not use chlorhexidine is comparable with that of amalgam in patients who are low caries risk.40 However, it has been found that, in high caries risk patients, composite restorations do not perform as well as amalgam restorations.40,41 erefore there may be advan-tages to the use of agents that stabilize and increase hybrid layer resistance to proteolytic activity as a rst step of the restoration sequence.The use of a 5% glutaraldehyde/35% HEMA solution theoretically may be used immediately after etching and before priming of the dentin for the following reasons: (1) to occlude dentinal tubules and, thereby, limit tubular uid contamination during hybrid layer formation, (2) to cross-link the acid-exposed intertubular collagen so as to render it resistant to proteolytic degradation, and (3) to cross-link and inactivate noncollagenous proteins that are able to degrade collagen (MMPs and cathepsins). e periphery of preparations for polycrystalline materials are designed to allow thickness (i.e., bulk) of the margins (edges) of the planned restoration. 4.10).e anatomic orientation of caries lesion formation in the pit and ssure areas of posterior teeth requires alignment of the rotary instrument shank axis (through proper positioning of the handpiece) so that it is parallel with the long axis of the tooth crown prior to initiation of the preparation (see Online Chapter 14 for information on handpieces and rotary instruments, specically Fig. Preparations for polymeric restoratives generally only require removal of the diseased tooth structure as these materials have no minimum material thickness requirement. Although proposed bonding techniques vary, the essential procedure is to prepare the tooth in a fashion similar to that typical for amalgam and then utilize an adhesive to bond the amalgam restoration into the preparation. Lastly, the desired cavosurface marginal conguration of the proposed restoration aects the outline form. e periphery of preparations for polycrystalline, (edges) of the planned restoration. Polycrystalline materials generally require a minimum thickness of 1.5 to 2.0 mm so as to withstand occlusal loading without exure. Denaturation of the collagen, by host proteolytic enzymes, allows subsequent collagen degradation (of the denatured collagen) by bacterial proteases. is technique remains controversial and is not supported in this textbook.12,21Adhesive Amalgam RestorationsIn vitro research studies suggest that the use of adhesive systems may enhance resistance and retention forms of teeth with com-pound and complex amalgam preparations/restorations.22,23 ese techniques mechanically bond the amalgam material to tooth structure in the hope that this will increase the overall strength of the remaining tooth structure and improve the overall perfor-mance of the restoration. e process of denaturation and degradation changes the three-dimensional structure of the collagen such that remineralization is no longer possible. J Dent Res 69:1236–1239, 1990.35. During the initial tooth preparation, the preparation walls are designed not only to provide for draw (for the casting to be placed into the tooth) but also to provide for an appropriate small angle of divergence (2–5 degrees per wall) from the line of draw (to enable retention of the luted restoration). Qin C, Xu J, Zhang Y: Spectroscopic investigation of the function of aqueous 2- hydroxyethylmethacrylate/glutaraldehyde solution as a dentin desensitizer. 4.12 Initial tooth preparation stage for conventional preparations. When caries (or any defect) has com-promised the DEJ, then associated supercial enamel becomes prone to fracture under cyclic occlusal loading. 4.12B).Enameloplasty is accomplished as part of the initial preparation stage but does not involve extension of the preparation outline form and may be useful when creating a preparation to be restored with amalgam or glass-ceramic. erefore they are prone to fracture when occlusal loading causes material exure. 4.14). - Preparation of the axial surfaces so that a maximal thickness of residual tooth structure surrounding pulpal tissues is retained (if necessary ortho is done before to provide optimal alignment for fixed dental prostheses) - Selection of a margin geometry that is conservative and yet compatible with the other principles of tooth preparation • Fig. INITIAL TOOTH PREPARATION STAGE: Step 1: Outline form and initial depth Step 2: Primary resistance form Step 3: Primary retention form Step 4: Convenience form FINAL TOOTH PREPARATION STAGE: Step 5: Removal of any remaining infected dentin and/or old restorative material, if indicated Step 6: Pulp protection, if indicated Step 7: Secondary resistance and retention forms Step … In addition to richly illustrated, step-by-step descriptions of procedures, it offers essential information on basic topics, such as dental instruments and equipment, nomenclature and general principles of tooth preparation, isolation of the operating field, matrix and wedge systems, light curing, and pulpal protection. is approach diers from including adjacent faulty (decalcied, dis-colored, poorly contoured) enamel areas, during preparation steps for composite restorations, as these defective areas are physically covered with adhesively bonded composite material as part of the restoration. e goal of the extracoronal preparation is to cr, enough physical space for the planned restorative material to r, the natural anatomy of the aected tooth. A presentation on fundamentals in tooth preparation. e use of sharp spoon excavators and sharp rotary instru-ments, with intermittent light pressure, may help limit pulpal irritation. Polycrystalline restorative materials require rm to approach 90 degrees. As previously noted, beveling will result in the strongest DEJOcclusal view Vertical section Unsupportedenamel rodsSupportedenamel rods15°-20°90°• Fig. e ability to utilize the information, solid understanding of concepts presented in, that had progressed to the point that ther, surface integrity of the tooth. Following preparation of the abutment teeth in accordance with the main biomechanical principles of teeth preparation (Davenport et al. e durable attachment between enamel and dentin (the dentinoenamel junction [DEJ]) enables enamel to withstand the rigors of mastication. Carious dentin that has had some mineral loss, but not to the point of collagen exposure, is not as clinically hard as normal dentin and is referred to as rm dentin. e preparation involving the mesial, occlusal, and distal surfaces is a mesioocclusodistal preparation. 4.15).When a preparation has extended onto the root surface (i.e., no enamel present), the root-surface cavosurface angle should be either 90 degrees (for amalgam, composite, or ceramic restorations) or beveled (for intracoronal cast-metal restorations). Marzouk MA: Operative dentistry, St Louis, 1985, Ishiyaku EuroAmerica.10. e esthetic quality of composite restorations of anterior teeth may be improved by use of a bevel to create an area of gradual increase in composite thickness from the margin to the bulk of the restoration. Restorative material will not be placed into the recontoured area. 4.11 Diagram of a carious ssure. Fundamentals of Tooth Preparation in Fpd authorSTREAM. Zidan O, Abdel-Keriem U: e eect of amalgam bonding on the stiness of teeth weakened by cavity preparation. In this way, when the amalgam is placed in the preparation and hardens, it cannot be dislodged. Cochran Database of Systematic Reviews (3):Art. Diamond instruments are utilized to create the bevel so as to maximize the surface area for bonding. Sturdevant JR, Wilder AD, Roberson TM, et al: Clinical study of conservative designs for Class II amalgams (abstract 1549). The preparation is based on biological and mechanical principles, protecting the pulp vitality and periodontal health while creating a strong restoration that protects the restored tooth. Occlusion of the dentinal tubules limits the potential for rapid tubular uid movement. Nishing of the tooth uoride or placement of metal pins laboratory research and both... 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