Ecology and Evolution 6: 5087–5092. Journal of Coastal Conservation 15: 629–638. RESEARCH PAPER Ecological role and services of tropical mangrove ecosystems: a reassessment Shing Yip Lee1*, Jurgene H. Primavera2,3, Farid Dahdouh-Guebas4, Karen McKee 5, Jared O. Bosire6, Stefano Cannicci7, Karen Diele8, Francois Fromard9, Nico Koedam10, Cyril Marchand11, Irving Mendelssohn12, Nibedita Mukherjee4 and Sydne Record13 1Australian Rivers Institute and School of Multi-temporal radar mosaics were manually interpreted for … Whereas the general trend for mangroves across the tropics and sub-tropics is one of decline, the broader picture of the true state of the world’s mangroves is more nuanced and complex. Mangroves, seagrass meadows, and salt marshes, collectively termed “Blue Forests,” are counted among the most valuable and productive coastal ecosystems on the planet. Proc Nat Acad Sci 106: 7357–7360. Their location has often placed them “in the way of” development and large areas of mangroves have been lost in recent decades to aquaculture, agriculture and urban expansion [, , ].By contrast, mangroves are now recognised as being among the most important … Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113: 344–349. For mangroves in the Indo-Pacific, Lovelock et al. Note. Research on mangroves and climate change interactions has increased in Asia in the last decade, with a rapidly expanding network of RSETs allowing a greater understanding of Asian mangrove resilience to sea level rise. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14: 307–316. We expect that, given the many published citations of damage in parts of the world for which we could find no documented losses, the reductions in total mangrove … They protect them from storm surges and provide food and wood supplies to families. The rate of sea level rise has doubled from 1.8 millimeters per year over the 20th century to ∼3.4 millimeters per year in recent years. López-Medellín, X., E. Ezcurra, C. González-Abraham, J. Hak, L. S. Santiago & J. O. Sickman, 2011. For Avicennia germinans along the northern Gulf of Mexico, Langston et al. Annual deforestation rates (Table 1; Hamilton & Casey, 2016) between 2000 and 2012 were perhaps not surprisingly highest in nations with small mangrove extent. Our intent is to provide a balanced message about the global state of mangrove wetlands by describing recent reductions in net mangrove area losses and highlighting primary research studies presented at MMM4 through a collection of papers. Hydrobiologia. A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Straits Times on September 19, 2020, with the headline 'NParks' research shines light on 'mother' of northern mangroves'. Wade, D., J. Ewel & R. Hofstetter, 1980. PubMed Google Scholar. Some of this apparent reduction may be due to methodological differences between surveys and studies, though improved conservation successes can be an important factor as a number of countries have introduced conservation and sustainable forest-management laws and pursued community-based management (e.g., Chen et al., 2009; Friess et al., 2016), which may explain some of the reduction in deforestation rates. Based on results from the Gulf of Mexico, Yando et al. What are the ecosystem service implications of mangrove encroachment into salt marshes? Mangrove forests: one of the world’s threatened major tropical environments. Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 143–151. This impact is already causing coastal erosion in the Indo-Pacific and the Caribbean (Lovelock et al., 2015). Mangroves have been lost and disturbed due to human use for centuries, though most assessments of mangrove area and rates of change originate from estimates from the second half of the 20th century onwards. How mangrove forests adjust to rising sea level. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3309-x. Mangrove forests aren’t moving fast enough to escape rising sea levels and could disappear by 2050, according to new research. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3252-x. Integrating physiological threshold experiments with climate modeling to project mangrove species’ range expansion. Lovelock, C. E., I. C. Feller, R. Reef, S. Hickey & M. C. Ball, 2017b. This venue now amasses the largest collection of mangrove specialists working across disciplines, from benthic invertebrate ecology and soil biogeochemistry to macroclimatic drivers, latitudinal limits, and ecophysiological constraints to regional and local mangrove expansion. Ecological Restoration 23: 276–277. This collection of papers represents studies presented at the fourth such meeting (MMM4) held in St. Augustine, Florida, USA, on July 18–22, 2016. Rather, mangroves moved inland and adjusted vertically along the fringes, resulting in a 35% increase in total mangrove coverage in some portions of the Ten Thousand Islands region of Florida (Krauss et al., 2011). Hydrobiologia 803, 1–12 (2017). A. Langley, W. Walker, I. C. Feller, R. Schaub & S. K. Chapman, 2016. Word Atlas of Mangroves. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 64 pp. What are mangroves? doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3106-6. Alleman, L. K. & M. W. Hester, 2011. Chen, L., W. Wang, Y. Zhang & G. Lin, 2009. Krauss, K. W., A. S. From, T. W. Doyle, T. J. Doyle & M. J. Barry, 2011. Wetlands Ecology and Management 16: 345–358. Primavera, J. H., 2006. Contributions in Marine Science 28: 129–140. Projecting global mangrove species and community distributions under climate change. In Australia’s Botany Bay, both above- and belowground biomass increased dramatically with mangrove encroachment into saltmarsh over 70 years, with the highest rates of increase in a mesohaline riverine location (Kelleway et al., 2016). We would like thank the major sponsors of MMM4; U.S. Geological Survey, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s Institute for Coastal and Water Research, USDA Forest Service, China Green, Indian River Lagoon Program, Unisense, Scheda Ecological Associates, and Flagler College, as well as Tamar Ditzian, Beth Miller-Tipton, Todd Osborne, Mike Shirley, Nikki Dix, Gary Raulerson, Jessica Veenstra, Valerie Paul, and the late Glenn Graham, whose tireless effort brought MMM4 to St. Augustine. Restoration Ecology. However, this expansion of mangrove area may be short-lived if it is followed by a large-scale drought, as has more recently occurred along the Gulf of Carpentaria (Duke et al., 2017). Mangrove systems are recognized as one of the most fragile ecosystems, hence they are amongst the most threatened ecosystems globally (Taylor et al., 2003; Martinuzzi et al., 2009). Mangroves are often nutrient limited and show tight coupling between nutrient availability and tree photosynthesis. However, in an analysis of historical aerial photographs and recent satellite imagery of the coastal marshes near the range edge of mangroves in northeast Florida from 1942 to 2014, Rodriguez et al. A mass balance shows that mangroves rely on soil ammonification, nitrification, and dissimilatory reduction to ammonium for available nitrogen. Scientific Reports 7: 1680. B. Hodgson & G. S. Mauseth, 2005. Gilman, E. L., J. Ellison, N. C. Duke & C. Field, 2008. PubMed Nature Geoscience 4: 293–297. Hydrobiologia. 115, NO. We also thank the mangrove scientists who volunteered their time during MMM4 to work the registration and information desks, serve as guides, arrange poster sessions, lead field trips, and run errands during the main conference and workshop. Chinese scientists have conducted a great deal of research on mangroves since 1950s (Lin 1997a). Register to receive personalised research and resources by email, Mangrove research and coastal ecosystem studies with SPOT-4 HRVIR and TERRA ASTER in the Arabian Gulf, Remote Sensing Laboratory , Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute , Ibaraki , 805-8687 , Japan E-mail:, Laboratoire d'Ecologie Terrestre , CNRS/Université Toulouse III , France, Centre of Environmental Research , Health and Safety Environmental Division , PO Box 270 , Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates, /doi/full/10.1080/0143116021000035030?needAccess=true. Firstly, mangroves may respond to sea-level rise in at least three ways: by submerging, by building vertically, and if vertical building is sufficient and corridors exist, by migrating into adjacent wetlands (Krauss et al., 2014). It was found that the best practical results were produced by the Maximum Likelihood and Mahalanobis classifications although some limitations remain unsolved, especially in open ecosystems, which are common in arid areas. Global Change Biology. Krauss, K. W., K. L. McKee, C. E. Lovelock, D. R. Cahoon, N. Saintilan, R. Reef & L. Chen, 2014. Similar to the spatial distribution of loss rates, drivers are also spatially heterogeneous in Southeast Asia. (2017) found that propagules and seedlings experienced mild to fatal herbivory, which suggested that biotic interaction may also play an important role in the ability of mangroves to expand into saltmarshes. New research shows protective value of mangroves for coastlines. & R. R. Lewis, 2006. Feller, I. C., C. E. Lovelock, U. Berger, K. L. McKee, S. B. Joye & M. C. Ball, 2010. Mangrove forests require urgent research, management, public attention, and rehabilitation; although when estimating the true state of the world’s mangroves, it is important that scientists present a balanced viewpoint of mangrove loss that includes solutions to these global problems. CAS Methods and criteria for successful mangrove forest restoration. Donnelly, M., M. Shaffer, S. Connor, P. Sacks & L. Walters, 2017. 5. Because they constitute the only available evergreen forest in hyper-arid warm coastal areas, the main wetlands for migratory birds and essential nursery ground for many species of fish, it is imperative to produce a sufficiently accurate map for monitoring their changes and for their protection. 110, NO. Ilka C. Feller. For example, it was once thought that sea-level rise involved gains associated with inland encroachment of mangroves in the Everglades region of Florida that balanced appreciably by losses along the seaward fringe from submergence (Egler, 1952). These papers serve not only to highlight on-going global research advancements, but also provide an overview of the vast amount of data on mangrove ecosystem ecology, biology and rehabilitation that emphasizes the uniqueness of the mangrove community. mangroves were lost from 1980 to 2000 (MA, 2005), and the forests have been declining at a faster rate than inland tropical forests and coral reefs (Duke et al., 2007). Funding was provided by NASA’s Climate and Biological Response Program (NNX11AO94G, NNX12AF55G) and New Investigator Program (NNX16AN04G), and NSF (EF 1065821). This is compounded by a number of socio-political issues, such as land tenure arrangements constraining where mangrove rehabilitation can or cannot be conducted. Meeder, J. F., R. W. Parkinson, P. L. Ruiz & M. S. Ross, 2017. Mangrove species, seedling age, salinity, and the presence/absence of marsh grass can influence mangrove survival outcomes to such events (Coldren & Proffitt, 2017). doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3318-9. Hydrobiologia. Lewis, R. R., B. M. Brown & L. L. Flynn, 2017. Elliott, M., L. Mander, K. Mazik, C. Simenstad, F. Valesini, A. Whitfield & E. Wolanski, 2016. Saltmarsh-mangrove interactions in Australasia and the Americas. But new research suggests sea levels may rise faster than mangroves can adapt. Modelling above ground biomass accumulation of mangrove plantations in Vietnam. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3201-8. Google Scholar. This prediction was recently borne out by large diebacks of mangroves along Australia’s Gulf of Carpentaria (Duke et al., 2017) and the coast of Western Australia (Lovelock et al., 2017b) in response to a prolonged drought. PH-based research institute favors mangroves over white sand for Manila Bay Staff Report October 11, 2020 Planting mangroves for the ongoing rehabilitation of the Manila Bay will provide more benefits to the Philippine capital, instead of placing crushed dolomite. Lewis, R. R., 2009. The morphology and development of tropical coastal wetlands. Rodriguez, W., I. C. Feller & K. C. Cavanaugh, 2016. More Information For more information on satellite instruments used to study forests and biodiversity, check out the Biological Diversity and Ecological Forecasting Pathfinder , which includes a summary of radar and lidar datasets used to study vegetation characteristics and processes. Large-scale dieback of mangroves in Australia’s Gulf of Carpentaria: a severe ecosystem response, coincidental with an unusually extreme weather event. PLoS ONE 12: e0179302. United Nations Environment Programme. Story: Mangrove forests are natural protectors, shielding coasts from storms, sheltering species, and soaking up carbon. 7 M angroves are salt-tolerant, woody plants that form low-diversity forests with complex food webs and ecosys-tem dynamics (Macnae 1968, Tomlinson 1986). Strong bottlenecks and fine-scale genetic structure in mangrove populations of the Cameroon Estuary complex. Yet, the magnitude and temporal scale of these impacts are largely unknown. In addition to sea-level rise, climate change is expected to result in increased frequency and intensity of rainfall and associated flooding that can discharge massive amounts of sediment into nearshore environments, which then provide favorable new substrate for rapid seaward expansion of mangroves, as has been observed in Northern Australia along the Gulf of Carpentaria (Ashbridge et al., 2016). An inventory of the saltmarsh mosquito control impoundments in Florida. Hydrobiologia. Hydrological controls on the biogeochemical dynamics in a Peruvian mangrove forest. & P. Strickland, 2015. Biophysical controls on accretion and elevation change in Caribbean mangrove ecosystems. Articles 602 BioScience † July/August 2009 / Vol. As the salty water evaporates, noticeable salt crystals often form on the surface of the leaves. Have mangrove restoration projects worked An in-depth study in Sri Lanka. investigated the likely effects of this increasing rate of rise on coastal mangrove forest, a tropical ecosystem of key importance for coastal protection (see the Perspective by Lovelock). This article is brought to you by the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP).Read our other articles on the National Geographic Voices blog featuring the work of our iLCP Fellow Photographers all around the world. Conversion and recovery of Puerto Rican mangroves: 200 years of change. Article CAS Sea level and global ice volumes from the last glacial maximum to the Holocene. Altered river flows, regional water extraction, dykes and berms, and road construction are among the most prominent of such influences, documented the world over. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. Diskin, M. S. & D. L. Smee, 2017. Doughty, C. L., K. C. Cavanaugh, C. R. Hall, I. C. Feller & S. K. Chapman, 2017. Determine what you know about mangroves with this study quiz and worksheet combo. Mangroves categorized as secretors, including species in the black mangrove genus Avicennia, push salt from the ocean water out through special pores or salt glands within their leaves. Additional losses are expected to occur as a result of coastal squeeze, in regions where sea level rises and pushes mangroves landward into areas where the lack of suitable space (e.g., due to natural or anthropogenic barriers) hampers up-slope dispersal and subsequent establishment (Alongi, 2015). Mangrove dieback during fluctuating sea levels. In terms of absolute loss, Southeast Asian countries are heavily affected, accounting for five of the top 10 countries (Table 2; Hamilton & Casey, 2016). Lewis III, R. R., E. C. Milbrandt, B. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23: 726–743. Recent expansion of mangroves into saltmarshes is likely to have large impacts on the structure, function and service provisioning of coastal wetlands (Kelleway et al., 2017). One of the areas where pollution has been taking a huge toll is the Kingston Harbour and some coastal areas of Portmore (St Catherine). The mangroves have long been a lifeline for the coastal communities of Colombia. Ecological Applications 7: 770–801. The impact of climate change on mangrove forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111: 15296–15303. Mangrove range expansion rapidly increases coastal wetland carbon storage. A global-scale quantitative assessment of the proximate drivers of mangrove deforestation has only recently been produced (Thomas et al., 2017), and a qualitative survey of 10 mangrove experts by UNEP (2014) suggested that aquaculture is still one of the largest threats to mangroves globally, though other drivers such as overexploitation, pollution and coastal development are also important. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3150-2. Mangrove forests and communities are distributed worldwide in tropical and warm temperate coastal areas. Introduction. Duke, N. C., J.-O. Mangroves: 11 facts you need to know These unique trees lead tough lives — but we’re all the better for it. Hydrobiologia. Palacios, M. L. & J. R. Cantera, 2017. Rising seas will drown mangrove forests. Trees 2: 129–142. Mangrove expansion and salt marsh decline at mangrove poleward limits. Predation restricts black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) colonization at its northern range limit along Florida’s Gulf Coast. That’s because … Fish communities and juvenile habitat associated with non-native Rhizophora mangle L. in Hawai’i. Mangrove sedimentation and response to relative sea-level rise. doi:10.1111/gcb.13727. For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on this website. Jamaica is such a beautiful country, but garbage seems to be plaguing almost all neighbourhoods. Simpson, L. T., I. C. Feller & S. K. Chapman, 2013. Spatio-temporal changes of a mangrove-saltmarsh ecotone in the northeastern coast of Florida, USA. Saintilan, N., K. Rogers & K. L. McKee, 2009. Modeling trophic flows in the wettest mangroves of the world: the case of Bahía Málaga in the Colombian Pacific coast. They are responsible for coastal protection from hurricanes, floods, sea level rise, wave action and erosion (Kathiresan and Bingham, 2001; Sherman et al., 2001). A mass balance shows that mangroves rely on soil ammonification, nitrification, and dissimilatory reduction to ammonium for available nitrogen. Benzeev, R., N. Hutchinson & D. A. Friess, 2017. (2014b). (2017) regarding the importance of good engineering to achieve these successes. The climate-driven expansion of mangroves has been hypothesized to reduce gene diversity and cause founder effects or a genetic bottleneck at the range edge (Triest, 2008; Pil et al., 2011; Sandoval-Castro et al., 2012). However, the rate of spread varied significantly among the five inlets to the IRL as a function of hydrodynamics, habitat distributions, and species-specific traits (Hamilton et al., 2017). Coldren, G. A. The distribution of mangroves stretches north to Cedar Key on the Gulf Coast and Ponce de Leon Inlet on the Atlantic Coast, both at … Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 96: 81–96. Mangroves thus have superpowers: They help remove carbon while mitigating the effects of sea level rise. Matsui, N., J. Suekuni, M. Nogami, S. Havanond & P. Salikul, 2010. The main objective of this research was to study the effect of salinity on seed germination of selected mangrove species and the application of a hydrotime model to explain the relationship between water potential of the medium and rate of seed germination. Version 3. The MMM series eventually developed a broader focus, with subsequent meetings held in Australia (2006) and Sri Lanka (2012). Effects of competition and nutrient enrichment on Avicennia germinans in the salt marsh-mangrove ecotone. In the Tampa Bay estuary of South Florida, mangrove creation has been widely successful, with most techniques using a combination of heavy equipment to grade the intertidal platform to an acceptable sea-level datum, followed by planting of nurse species (Lewis et al., 2005; Begam et al., 2017). (2017) hypothesized that declines will occur in habitat availability for fauna requiring open vegetation structure, as well as in the recreational and cultural activities associated with this fauna. (2015) reported that 69% of their sites were not building surface elevations at rates that equaled or exceeded sea-level rise. Sheng, Y. P. & R. Zou, 2017. Your name. Lovelock, C. E., D. R. Cahoon, D. A. Friess, G. R. Guntenspergen, K. W. Krauss, R. Reef, K. Rogers, M. L. Saunders, F. Sidik, A. Swales, N. Saintilan, A. X. Thuyen & T. Triet, 2015. Approximately 270 scientists from 32 countries attended MMM4. It is currently unknown how ecosystem processes will differ when saltmarshes are replaced by mangroves under a changing climate, which is now a well-documented global phenomenon (Saintilan et al., 2014). Samson, M. S. & R. N. Rollon, 2008. An in-depth review on Chinese mangrove research was conducted by Li and Lee (1997). More information: Cheryl L. Doughty et al. Sixteen of the sam-pling plots were located in natural mangroves and four plots were laid in plantation area considering species composition, density and environmental conditions. Using mangroves to stabilize coastal historic sites: deployment success versus natural recruitment. Springer, New York: 311–327. Meynecke, S. Dittmann, A. M. Ellison, K. Anger, U. Berger, S. Cannicci, K. Diele, K. C. Ewel, C. D. Field, N. Koedam, S. Y. Lee, C. Marchand, I. Nordhaus & F. Dahdouh-Guebas, 2007. Michener, W. K., E. R. Blood, K. L. Bildstein, M. M. Brinson & L. R. Gardner, 1997. Modeling theoretical expansion and discerning drivers on a large scale are important, but local site adaptability is ultimately dictated by many other attributes (e.g., hydrology, biogeochemical condition, substrate, migration barriers, salinity). Huge efforts are being put into mangrove rehabilitation and creation at landscape scales. There is a particularly active research community focusing on the role of mangrove invertebrates and their biology (Bakkar et al., 2017; Castellanos-Galindo et al., 2017; Fusi et al., 2017; Hendy & Cragg, 2017; Pestana et al., 2017; Raw et al., 2017; Saintilan & Mazumder, 2017). PubMed Central Rogers, K., L. Lymburner, R. Salum, B. P. Brooke & C. D. Woodroffe, 2017. A world without mangroves? 1. This location along the Atlantic Coast of Florida was chosen because it represents the transition between temperate and tropical zones where the pressures of climate change on mangroves are very visible. Based on 28 years of Landsat imagery coupled with gridded climate data, Cavanaugh et al. A. Allen, K. C. Ewel, J. C. Lynch & N. Cormier, 2010. Concerted mangrove research and rehabilitation efforts over the last several decades have prompted a better understanding of the important ecosystem attributes worthy of protection and a better conservation ethic toward mangrove wetlands globally. In Perillo, G. M. E., E. Wolanski, D. R. Cahoon & M. M. Brinson (eds), Coastal Wetlands: An Integrated Ecosystem Approach. Hydrobiologia. And TERRA ASTER in the Indo-Pacific and the potential expansion of mangroves and fauna! To stabilize coastal historic sites: deployment success versus natural recruitment history ecology. Colombian Pacific coast biomonitor and sentinel bivalve species for pollution monitoring and ecosystem health assessment... Percent.Half of the saltmarsh mosquito control impoundments in Florida: environmental concerns and health! 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