Find your Support Network “Surround yourself with others that are like-minded. Some choose to work, most do not. “I was five months pregnant and raising two young boys. That perception is changing, but, in our society, some still think staying home isn’t work. 5. We are part of affiliate programs which means clicking on ads and links may earn us a small commission at no additional cost to you. But I found the transition into parenthood painful. Weigh the pros and cons to decide which role is right for your family. It allows me to help with homework, participate in bedtime routines, and introduce my co-workers to my kids. Okay, so … And actually I don't need to be. We’d like to be able to assist our child (and possibly children) with large expenses like a college education, a down payment on a home, or possibly an investment in a solid business idea once they’re adults. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love my child. By Rachelle Lappinen. Honestly, I truly believe my workload is more than his, even though we both have jobs. As soon as we can make trade-offs to prioritise our families we do. Generational wealth is an important goal for our family. “Four years, four months and four days.” She’s done a lot in her life — run half marathons, earned a master’s degree, even changed the oil on fifty trucks a day for a summer job, but nothing has challenged her as much as being a stepmother to my two boys who come every weekend. Can a working mom have a career, a marriage, health, happiness, and a relationship with her children simultaneously? The sooner I accepted this, the more peace I felt. But on the other hand, the time I do squeeze in, I enjoy more now than when I stayed home. Writing about why I am a working mom was inspired by two things. When you become pregnant you begin to think in stages. in San Diego is $1200 - $1500 per kid, per month. Someone once told me that having children was like having your heart outside of your body, and that you’re constantly consumed with desperately protecting it. For us, that means I go to work by day and enjoy snuggles at night. financial benefits. Being a stay at home parent can be a very worthwhile experience for you and your child. Looking back, it is easy to understand why I was so opposed to my mom working. Although I think my husband prefers that I earn money because it alleviates some of the pressure. As my maternity leave came to a close, I felt an anxiety like I never felt before. A mother’s choice to be a working mom or a stay-at-home mom takes a whole lot into consideration. I’m encouraged to see that as family dynamics progress and change, this generation is seeing more and more men who choose to be stay-at-home dads. Starting a business does require more initial investment than traditional work, such as gaining a working knowledge of basic accounting practices, marketing, and money for the equipment you need. english. But a friend at work recommended an in-home daycare and preschool that he sent both his kids to and loved. She worked harder (and still works harder) than anyone else that I know. Every mom is different, but for me, knowing myself means knowing that I need to be a working mom. In families with these highly educated, affluent non-working moms, it may be the husbands who are bringing home the bacon, but in 37% of the cases, it is the stay-at-home wives who actually have a higher level of education. Why I choose to be a working mom when I could stay at home with my 4 children. Then comes the sleep deprivation that leaves you disheveled and out of sorts when you first return to work. Yet regardless of the reasons, there is a ton of guilt surrounding the notion of the working mother. Domestically Challenged: A Working Mom's Survival Guide to Becoming a Stay-at-home Mom by Alana Morales (Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, May 2006) ... How to Choose Between Home and Work. This is tough, but we’ve resigned ourselves to being happy with possibly catching the third or fourth step versus the first one and allowing someone else to play a major role in raising our children. She may wonder if daycare is the best place for her child. Here are the reasons why. Here are the top 7 reasons FlexPath worked for them, and why it could work for you. Others prefer the one-on-one attention a child receives from a private babysitter or nanny who watches only their family's children. Why did my friend receive an SMS from MOM to update contact details, but I didn’t? There are many reasons that mothers choose to stay at home with their children. I wanted to choose something I would love to do that could provide me the flexibility to work from home if circumstances changed. Of course I’m kidding but also exposing the assumption that many stay at home moms (SAHM) have. The second reason is in response to the NPR podcast, 'Mommy, You Can Do That': Navigating Work-Life Balance Thousands Of Miles From Home, featuring two climate scientists and mothers, Zoe Courville and Lora Koenig. Share this Article. Personally, she writes true stories on uncomfortable topics like faith, politics, race, relationships, and current events. . I choose to work because I like what my life looks like with 9-5 work in it, at least for now. Sure there are the looks and comments from people that judge you for not ‘raising’ your children. These women are far from alone in having days when they feel conflicted about their choices, according to What Moms Choose: The Working Mother Report, a new study of more than 3,700 mothers prepared by Ernst & Young for the Working Mother Research Institute. I bring home new ideas, new understandings of how the world works, and insights that can supplement my children’s education. Note* I said mother, not father. I was a successful industrial engineer who had graduated summa cum laude. Your email address will not be published. Many of my friends did it, and I know countless other women who did it. | Powered by WordPress, and originally thought that once I became a mom, I would stay home. Disclaimer: this is not a stay-at-home mom vs working moms debate. In fact, studies have shown that many Americans think this is the best option. I was worried that it would be hard for me to return to the same salary and position if I took a long-term leave from my field. Working makes you a good mom. Who knew that if you cradled him in your arms, he would open his mouth wide ready for milk? In a Working Mother exclusive, the mom opened up about what's changed for her in the COVID era. Why do us working mothers attempt to juggle these various duties? I wanted to choose something catchy. Because all of us, deep down, know that our roles as wife and a mom trump our role in the boardroom. Two college best friends married  nerdy husbands, started a family and went, how am I supposed to write? My hope is that what I lose by not being the one to put him down for a nap is balanced by what he gains in attitudes about gender equality. I struggled with, and my desire to write resurfaced. While our family has decided having two working parents makes the most sense for us, there are things we miss out on. Then I had to choose. Working outside of the home, particularly in my fast-paced industry, forces me to think critically, exposes me to a broad diversity of people I wouldn’t otherwise encounter, and expands my worldview in a way that ensures I bring home more than just the bacon. Balancing motherhood with my work as … Why It's So Hard to Be a Working Mom. I stayed home with my kids because I wanted to be with them. We'd love to have you! A working mom (WM) never cooks, their house is messy, and they can’t possibly have a bond with their kids. Plus, I’m still their favorite person (little trailing shadows). Remember to join our community of parents and writers and grab your freebies. I want my child(ren) to know that life is about more than pursuing what they have to do; it’s also about doing what makes them happy and fulfilling their purpose in life, even if it means that there are sacrifices and trade-offs. There are some days that go smoothly and you think, “Wow, I can do this!” But then there are days when you have an early morning meeting and need to scramble for bus coverage. Reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that 40% of mothers with children under age 6 are currently doing it.. Maybe you’re considering being a stay at home mom, too. Posted on May 26, 2011 by Where is the Binky? We'd love to have you! Great article. In fact, this goal seems too lofty. Maurie Backman. I asked her whether she’d be willing to share it with our readers and her modest answer was ‘I don’t think it’s impressive enough‘. For some, staying home with the kiddos is an easy decision. This seems like evidence that families are making choices that fit versus ones that follow a traditional path. My career helps challenge me to be my best self—and my children deserve the best version of their mom. To inform and inspire people who have a passion for using business as a force for good in the world. I make the most of our weekends with quality family time and fun activities. Research that Kathleen McGinn, a Harvard economist, conducted in 2015 found that the daughters of mothers who work outside … Plus, we’ll keep you informed on the latest news impacting women and issues of justice and advocacy. Themes I went back to work full-time just three months after having my first child. The thought of giving up my teaching and writing career left a hole in my. You can read that here. Yes, I’d be lying if I said the money doesn’t matter at all, or that I don’t enjoy some of the perks of having a dual-income household; BUT, that has very little to do with why I work. All I heard was how exhausting, frustrating, and all-around difficult it is to be a mom. As a little girl, I remember my friends wanting to play school and teach planning lessons. Copyright text 2018 by Pen and Parent. Why Missy Martinez as your porn name? Emails are annoying. In Oslo, I’ve never met a stay-at-home mom. Crystal Marie loves a good story, which is why professionally she helps major brands tell their own. But I don’t think there is enough shared and said on why it is okay to be a working mom. In McCord's world, she is not an anomaly, “I do know quite a few moms that have started working by selling jewelry, make up, or candles from home. Ever since I elected my major in university, I knew I wanted to choose a study that I would still be able to practice even if I had a dozen children. I hope your question wasn’t precipitated by a perception moms who choose to make home their work are less valuable or less important than people who work outside the home. Why choose to bear the almost constant burden of guilt? My mother did it. A Juggle & A Journey. I did it. And, of course, how was he going to be guaranteed enough nutritious breast milk if the direct source of said nutrients was sequestered away in an office, earning a living? The pressure is there to be a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM as the lingo goes). I wanted to tell you why I’m a working mom to help you decide what’s right for you. I went to graduate school with the intention of using my degree. The answer is so individualized and complicated that a universal answer seems impossible, but, from my perspective, as a full-time 9th grade teacher and a mother to a 20-month old son, “having it all” is pretty tough. Remember to join our community of parents and writers and grab your freebies. Editor’s note: I bumped into Ranjini on Quora and found her story interesting. Knowing that they are so well-taken care of makes being away from them easier. I might lose the part that used to be “me” before becoming “we.” The part that’s just me. Pinterest. A Need to Work? Choosing to work full time when you have kids is one of the most important decisions a mother can make. There are many downsides when you have, or choose, to be a working mom. You can work from a different location, change your schedule, or re-prioritize the order of the tasks you have to do. Try as you might, it will always feel like you’re sacrificing something. Now, I still don’t love throwing the term, “working mom” around, because all mom’s work. Who would know to distract him with the ceiling fan on a medium setting while changing his diaper to keep him from squirming? And I must mention that I grew up with a single-father who wore many hats, so I know that this isn't always true. Photo Credit: @GESHelms . I just asked my wife how long she has been a stepmom. Even with three daughters at home. In honor of International Women’s Day, I wanted to explore the financial and emotional impacts of being a working mom, or at least this working mom. One of the most stressful parts of a job search is preparing for job interviews, and this gets even harder when you are a stay-at-home mom trying to return to the workforce. I like to think I’m an example for my kids as a working mom. Opinion: I was a data scientist and mom. How Working Moms and Moms Returning to Work Can Succeed in Job Interviews. And during the hardest hours of the day. Most of us work because we have to. Blogs, articles, chat rooms, friends, relatives all offer up the advantages to being a SAHM. Hold up! Why did I receive an SMS from MOM to update my contact details? It is an emotional choice, with (hopefully!) You'll also get access to exclusive discounts to female-led brands we love, and enjoy 15% off your first Iridescent Shop purchase! Whatever you choose, I’m guessing it will be the right one for your family. Unless you choose to stay in the same role and level you stand a better chance of moving up the career ladder if you return to work whilst bringing up your children. After all, my mom was, and still is to this day, my absolute best friend and favorite person on the planet. I just started back at work last week and it’s been a smooth transition thus far but partly because I left baby at home with someone who is doing a good job taking care of her. But, perhaps the strongest reason for me is that going to work helps me retain a sense of myself; otherwise, I might become lost in the wilds of parenthood. Graduate school is … Views. The recent post, "Why I Regret Being a Stay-at-Home Mom," was viewed as depressing by many stay-at-home moms in my circle of friends.We were saddened not because any of us could identify with the author, but because she seems to have made decisions that made her unhappy, day after day, year after year, without having the confidence to change a thing about her life. ... 10 reasons why I decided to be a working-mom! Email. Since you work alone, there is no office politics and deadlines imposed by your boss. The 10 Best Books for 3-Year-Olds. Every family has to consider their individual goals, budgets, and needs before determining if both parents should work outside of the home. I’m grateful to have the option and salute all parents’ choices to do what works for their household. All too quickly, our son will be a teenager and then, hopefully, an independent adult and we’ll long for the days when we could rock him in our arms. My guest post in Parent Palace: I grew up with a mother who always worked. Another trade-off is that we simply can’t get back the time we miss. Before we dive in, join our community of parents and writers and grab your freebies. There are days that my kids, During the week, I see them only a few hours a day. I didn’t have that freedom when I first entered adulthood, but it’s our family’s desire to provide for our children and hopefully empower them to do even more for their children as well. My husband and I, like many Black American families are wealthy in love and health but financially speaking, we are responsible for creating our own destinies. Let me know if you’re a SAHM or Working Mom or Dad and why in the comments below. For working parents, many feel guilty about not spending as much time with their kids as stay-at-home parents. I always thought I would really enjoy being a stay at home mom, not a working mom. It hadn’t occurred to me not to return to work until just before it was time to do so, but after some soul-searching, hand-wringing, and much prayer and counsel from friends, I decided I would be a working mom. Luckily, I do have a choice (I know this isn’t true for a lot of working parents). You're wondering if you should become a stay-at-home parent.But you're on the fence about making the transition from working parent to stay-at-home parent. In the 11 years I’ve been a mom, I have experienced drastic changes in how much I want to work and the work I want to do, but I always wanted and needed to be a working mom. It is very rare that mothers choose to be stay-at-home moms, and many who do feel that they are looked down on. Why I Like Being a Working Mom. Yes, with parenthood comes a the lack of sleep, vacation, and official sick days. This was when I was about 16 or 17 years old. Every situation is different. The first, second and third trimesters — and then your baby is born and is his own being. Kaity Velez. Pause or accelerate as you wish. And most importantly I want him to realize that whether a mom chooses to stay at home or go to work (or to school ) it will never change how much she loves her child. His comment made her wonder if he was ever asked the same question by one of his peers. Start with these 10 reasons why you should stay home with the kids. I hope after reading the 9 amazing reasons to be a working mom you feel great about working and less guilty. Subscribe to get top articles, videos, and podcast episodes sent directly to your inbox. Working in my flower beds as my children gleefully played in the yard. I've spent the past six months focusing on my family and I realise that my daughter is a very happy child, and was happy when I was working… Daycare costs are literally your house payment. 1. The mom who works may often wonder if she is providing enough care to her children. And who could possibly pick up on all the little details that parents only learn with time? I love applying what I learned during 6 years in higher education, … That argument is for another day. She knew almost down to the second., It doesn't matter if you're a stay at home mom, working mom, part-time working mom, or something in-between them all, because no matter the situation motherhood is hard and each scenario comes with its own challenges.On the flip side, each situation also comes with its own set of perks. Who could replace me for eight hours a day? Faith Evans’ song lyrics “I never knew there was a love like this before” has taken on a whole new meaning since I became a mother. Also, once you are a working woman and has established the financial independence, it hurts the self respect to depend financially on the family for even small or personal things though it should not be the situation. In 45% of these families, the spouses have equal educational attainment, and in about 18% of the cases, the husbands have more education than their wives. 1. -  Designed by Thrive Activity One Research aside, for some parents, having their kids with a caregiver during the day simply doesn’t sit right. I did not choose to become a stay-at-home-mom for a number of reasons, but the biggest one is because I know I would not be happy and thrive as a wife, mother or friend if I become a stay at home mom. Find out why a former successful educator, Angel Hamilton, doesn't regret quitting her job and becoming a stay-at-home mom. Some working moms and dads feel their babies will benefit from interacting with other children and therefore choose a childcare center or other group setting. What's it really like to be a working mom? 3.6K. Now both my kids are there and love it. Others desire more time in the morning so that they can fetch their children to the And men who had a working mom were more likely to contribute to household chores and spend time taking care of family members. I make use of technology to stay connected. I started this blog because being a working mom can be hard, but breaking down my job as a higher education fundraiser into elements and activities that might resonate with 90 first graders gave me the opportunity to reflect on why I love my job and why I choose to be a working mom. Here’s the reasons why: I want my son to have an up-close view of a woman working outside the home. Why Freelance Writers Should Blog to Land Clients, Surviving an Empty Nest After Being a SAHM, Tips on Teaching Kids About Money Management. Twitter. I wish more moms would post about the imperfections, the bad days, the mom guilt. It hadn’t occurred to me not to return to work until just before it was time to do so, but after some soul-searching, hand-wringing, and much prayer and counsel from friends, I decided I would be a working mom. Why Working Moms Can’t Have It All, From a Working Mom Who Tried to Achieve the Impossible. It’s extremely important to me that my son understands both men and women are responsible for managing household and fiscal responsibilities. I was starting to feel the weight of that statement and I didn’t know what to do. Facebook. In my case, I am choosing to be a working mom. Professional mother, mom with a job, mompreneur – whatever you want to call her, it’s cool with me. Would I be a working mom who would continue to provide for my family and further advance my career, or would I stay at home as the full-time care provider? Both women spend weeks away from their kids in Antartica to further their research. You know, after a long day or right before dinner. How can I check expiry date of a work permit? RELATED: 10 Tricks To Successfully Work From Home Full-Time While Caring For Kids So, both of these things got me thinking about why I’m a working mom instead of a SAHM. You can follow her on Instagram /Twitter at @crystalmariecom. I like to think the love is mutual. By Quinn Fish posted Nov 20th, 2020. Let’s talk about it! By. It’s likely that at some point, our child will reach a milestone while both of his parents are away at work. For me, I enjoy the major satisfaction of writing a killer speech in the same way that I’m filled with joy at watching my kid take his first steps. If maternity leave taught me anything, it was that being home with a child is arguably one of the hardest jobs in the world—it certainly has the highest stakes. They do their own businesses. 15 working mom confessions Know you’re not alone “When the balancing act becomes overwhelming, we can take solace knowing we’re not the only one,” says a friend of mine, a mother of two. Your email address will not be published. Ours aren’t. I would love to hear from you. Why do we not choose to simply be stay-at-home mothers or simply career women and not have any (more) children? Circumstances also change over time. Most of the time, I’m so tired I could cry. So, they teamed up to help parents follow their passion while navigating the wilds of parenthood. This is something that’s exponentially more difficult on one income. flexi-time arrangement, employees can choose to report at 8.00 am, 9.00 am or 9.30 am and end their working day at 4.50 pm, 5.50 pm or 6.20 pm respectively. The question of being a working mom or SAHM is a personal one, made up of many different factors. I am a work pass holder. I once heard a woman proclaim, “I wouldn’t dare leave my child with someone else just so that we can have a bigger house or a second car.” While I understand that (sort-of-judgy) sentiment, I believe that with financial resources comes freedom—the freedom to pursue passion versus pragmatism. I hadn’t spent more than a few hours away from my son and the thought of handing him over to anyone—even a family member, close friend or trained professional seemed like a ridiculously dangerous idea. I want my girls to know that they have the same career opportunities and freedoms that men do.’” – Crystal Henry, writer and mother of two girls. One day I was working on the massive trading floor of a London bank, the next I was on the floor of my children’s playroom. why i choose to be a work at home mom October 10, 2018 by caringforcamille When Avery was born on April 01, 2017, I took 2 months off from work to care for him. Would I really just “throw it all away”? I see that already with the love and attention my daycare provider slathers on them. The mom got real about how the pandemic has challenged her views on parenting. Why, indeed? Maybe it is because all the moms ... Read More about 6 Reasons Why It’s Okay To Be A Working Mom They'll want you to read these again and again; luckily, so will you. But I also love solving problems in the workplace and spending time with colleagues and clients. The thing about being a working mom, in my opinion, is the fact that you’re never going to be able to give 100% percent to both at once. These insights had had a profound effect on the direction of my life. I don’t have internet access or don't use the computer. Before I go any further, please know I’m not pitting sides however, I do want to be a voice for all moms who choose to or must work. Not that                   being a SAHM isn’t a good role model. Why I Like Being A Working Mom. Even at Facebook. For the first time I seriously question why I want to do this alone. I envisioned having 2, maybe 3 kids the natural way. And men who had a working mom were more likely to contribute to household chores and spend time taking care of family members. Part of navigating this traveling, working-mom arena comes with knowing my boundaries and making my requirements clear to my employer from day one. But all of this being said, my situation isn’t ideal. For the first time in my life, I thoroughly understood why ambitious, intelligent women who have much to offer to the workplace elect to stay at home with their kids. The cost was cut in half. You can work while staying at home to care for a sick child, or continue to work late at night after preparing and sharing dinner with the family. Many working adults who have already experienced FlexPath have found it to be an ideal way to earn their degree. When I refer to a working mom though, you know exactly what I’m talking about. For others, being a working mom is the only choice. I did not have a job well suited to part-time work, and work at home was technologically impossible at the time. I call this time period, I might lose the part that used to be “me” before becoming “we.” The part that’s, Remember to join our community of parents and writers and, 'Mommy, You Can Do That': Navigating Work-Life Balance Thousands Of Miles From Home. Before I became a mother, I didn't understand why any woman would choose to take on the role of parent. Research aside, for some parents, having their kids with a caregiver during the day simply doesn’t sit right. Yet, I wish I had tried to keep a finger, a toe or a hand in the working world to ease an eventual return. Contrary to my younger self though, I now have an incredible appreciation and admiration for my mom as well as working moms everywhere. Learn about going back to work, how to make money from home, stay at home mom issues, and whether working or staying home is right for you. Find out everything you need to know about parenting.,, Why I’m a “Journaler” and Maybe You Could Be, Too, 6 Nonprofits to Consider Supporting This #GivingTuesday, The Power of Girls: Interview with Founder and CEO Tameka Kee, ‘The Queen’s Gambit’ and the Price of Perfection, When the Theatre Goes Dark, the Screen Brightness Goes Up. What got me the most about the podcast was that Corville discusses an unsolicited remark by a fellow scientist about how he appreciated his wife staying home with the kids because they really need their mother. 14. Why did you make the choice to be a working or stay-at-home mom? Required fields are marked *. Whatever you choose, I’m guessing it will be the right one for your family. Let me know if you’re a SAHM or Working Mom or Dad and why in the comments below. Why I’m Choosing to be a Working Mom. Being a working mom is hard, but by putting in the effort to excel at this role regardless of if it’s one you have because you want to or because you need to, is an amazing example to set for your child. I would love to hear from you. But the top three are finances, desire, and pragmatism. #LetUsWorship: What Worship Does God Require of Me. Working Mom – What’s Right for You? Her mother did it. Linkedin . But I choose to work because I have two daughters. Or you have to explain to your oldest child why you can’t volunteer in the classroom like Aidan’s mom. Every mom is different. As parents who work, we’ll likely have less of those memories to fall back on. : The Financials. I may not be the one to comfort my son after his first skinned knee. A lot of older moms don't judge.Believe it or not, other moms just want to talk about mommy things with you, regardless of your age. I loved and rejoiced in them, but I couldn’t fathom the thought of not working. Read writing about Working Moms in B The Change. It connected back to something I had been told about myself earlier that I had a special gift of love, and that many would come to me for counsel and guidance. When I come home from work and see my son, he literally squeals with joy and attempts to jump out of whoever’s hands are holding him. Stay at Home Mom vs. Every family is different and no configuration is one-size-fits-all. Choose the pace of your progress. And while it meant I would forgo a paycheck, not once did I think, at age 33, of what the job market would look like for me in years hence and therein lies my most expensive mistake. Here’s the reasons why: I want my son to have an up-close view of a woman working outside the home. As any working mom knows, some weeks are tougher than others. According to Pew Research Center's Social and Demographic Trends, 60% of Americans say a child is better off with at least one parent at home. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. That night I told my mom that that was what I wanted to do with my life. I’m a foreign worker. Working at home can reduce the stress of juggling the demands of your work life with those of your private life. Nevertheless, a Harvard study, conducted with 50,000 people across 25 countries, found that sons of women who work for any amount of time before age 14 spend more time on housework and child raising as adults. Nursing my babies and staying home with them. There are days that I wish I was a SAHM and then there’s a long weekend, and I can’t wait to get back to work. Eliza Khuner is a data scientist who worked at Facebook from November 2017 to July 2018 and knew that the day she started at Facebook she would have to make a choice. I was just a kid, and I selfishly wanted her all to myself, 24/7. Some of its employees choose the scheme, as they want to avoid the morning and evening rush hours. I know we have some amazing dads that read our blog, so I don’t want to point fingers, but moms usually do the bulk of the household duties, even when they are a working parent too. First, my writing bestie wrote a reflective piece on why she’s a SAHM. FaceTime has been huge for my family. For as long as we have to. And there are trade-offs. Those social media accounts are out there, so seek them out. FlexPath offers the ultimate flexibility in online education. And, yes, for you. Taking care of children is the                    hardest “job” I’ve ever had, so I hope that one-day parenthood will finally              be admired, other than on Mother’s Day. To comfort my son why i choose to be a working mom have an up-close view of a woman working outside the home the... Angel Hamilton, Does n't regret quitting her job and becoming a mom... Self—And my children gleefully played in the COVID era sit right technologically Impossible at the we... 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Met a stay-at-home mom ready for milk parents and writers and grab your freebies when! Profound effect on the latest news impacting women and issues of justice and advocacy we not choose to work I! Post in parent Palace: I bumped into Ranjini on Quora and her... Fact, studies have shown that many Americans think this is something that ’ s right for you your... ’ s just me Ranjini on Quora and found her story interesting their individual goals,,. Work because I have two daughters work from a working mother exclusive, time! Require of me why a former successful educator, Angel Hamilton, Does n't regret quitting her and... Know this isn ’ t have it all, my mom working while both of his.... Spend time taking care of family members to stay at home moms SAHM!
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