city of the spider queen 5e conversion

During the fight, one sentry spends a round moving to the edge of the cliff and shouts A character who falls that entire distance (which takes loudly down to S4 if no sentries from D15 have yet carriedalmost an entire round) takes 20d6 points of damage and is the alarm below.swept away by the water, carried at the rate of 100 feet per The spellguard is rather more cautious about intruders, so heround into lightless, airless caverns far under the drow outpost is happy to assist the quth-maren with his magic. No unusual features mark this cavern, beyond the graves Female Human Barbarian: Masterwork breastplate, mas- carved into the walls all around. Sometime on the second orthey adapt their tactics (possibly including the clerics spell se- third day of travel from Szith Morcane, the characters reachlections) to best effect against the characters as they remem- the first fork.ber them. The sentries crouch by the old wall at the entrance to The maurezhis deathwatch ability allows it to see when its D15. dash for the chambers door. A small, shuttered window is set D Szith Morcane Sentries (2): hp 43, 35; see page 134. into each door. Szith Morcane. Treasure: Chahir has killed more than one traveler camping Where is Szith Morcane? If Zedarr drops to 30 hita fact that only adds to the consuming points or below, he uses darkness to cover ahatred she feels for her twin. They gain no spells. someone uses animate dead, create undead, or create greater If the maurezhi manages to consume the PC, it assumes undead within this cavern. Distributed to thehobby, toy, and comic trade in the United States and Canada by regional distributors. Since the body is far from the mostly intact state required D Large Wraith Spider: hp 35; see Appendix 1.for a speak with dead spell, this corpse is almost entirely This chamber is open to cavern S22. PRISON CELLS (EL 9) The sentries wear the livery of Irae Tsarran (white tabardswith leering black skulls). 13 new monsters. heady incense. They have only one holiday: the Graverending, celebrated on Midwinter Eve. hundreds of years, and I have no idea what has stirred them up now. Unbeknownst to them, servants of Irae ing you to a comfortable study lined with bookshelves, heTsarran had infiltrated the group. City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern. 29Part 1 D Tooman Thendrik, Cleric of Ghaunadar: hp 77; see page 136. If he can Who killed you? The Depending on how the characters have progressed on the lord of Shadowdale sealed off the Underdark connectionstimeline of the adventure, the Weave disruptions described in under Old Skull after the incidents of 1367 DR, but other en-Part 3: Maerimydra may by now have expanded beyond the trances to this complex of caverns and tunnels are thought tocitys cavern. It uses its invisibility to remain out of sight. On horse- and ravages Battledale. Those caves connect to the Underdark in the vicinity phrase the text below to the players:of Szith Morcane, an outpost built a few centuries ago by drowfrom the deep realm of Maerimydra. Illustration by Vince Lockepurposes. As long as the characters stay reasonably quiet D Pack Lizards (2): hp 89, 79; see FORGOTTEN REALMSoutside the door, they can surprise the drow here. These two are clerics, and their web nests (to which Three wooden coffins lie in state on the floor of this room. Adventure[1] There are three different Szith Morcane Sentry stat blocks (only one uses a +1 rapier) to add a little variety. Creatures: If the maurezhi has killed a character andretreated to its lair to consume the corpse, it has left a Female Drow Cleric: +1 elven chainmail, +1 large steeldozen animated skeletons in this room, both to slow down shield, masterwork dagger, +1 cloak of resistance.pursuers and to give him early warning of their impend-ing arrival. DC 28.Randal Morn urges them to look into the situation beforethe drow launch another raid, but beyond that he is willing Walls: Walls in the freestanding mausoleums (and their ex-to provide lodging, mounts, porters, or other such resources terior walls) and the surface level of the crypts (D1D6) areas requested. Depending on the speed of the party, it takes anywhereories of their final battles against the player characters, so from one day to almost three. Any given toad- stool house is home to 2d6 of these lowborn drow, usually with The cave mouth in the chasm winds back deep into the a mix of occupations. The realm flourished for a century or so walls overgrown with briars and brush. He alsowall, which forms a false back to the D11 cavern. In addition to the items carried on his person, the treasure here includes sacks in his wifes coffin that contain 4,850 sp, 950 gp, a garnet ring worth 140 gp, and a fine emer- ald worth 800 gp. It is not too late for Trap (EL 5): The three Szith Morcane spellguards share a you or for our bond of blood. Within Szith Morcane, the party stumble across the true cause of the raids, a newly installed cult of Kiaransalee. 0-7869-2874-3 EMPTY FAMILY VAULT holds a +1 shocking shortspear and a wand of neutralize poison with 6 charges left. mold.) If the sentries detect the heroes approach, they use the These are hunting spiders, so they cannot use webs againstremnants of the wall for 50% cover and engage the intruders opponents.with missile weapons for as long as possible. None of them This abandoned merchant residence has been appropriated forhave treasure. GUARD BARRACKS steel shield and a rapier. When the Tsarran drow decided to sary (6d6), +10 melee (1d4 spikes for 1d4+5 points of damageuse the upper caverns again, they opened the webbing seal and per successful hit); Reflex DC 20 avoids; Will DC 16 disbeliefused a wall of stone to trap the driders in their own caves. They are completelySzith Morcane about what has happened recently, both here under Dorinas control as long as she is alive, and they areand in Maerimydra. Alerted by the gust of wind blowing outside his private A large round table surrounded by chairs dominates onechambers, Solom Nedrazak casts clairaudience/clairvoyance corner of this room. WebAddeddate 2019-08-14 23:47:48 Coverleaf 0 Identifier tsr09179gdq17queenofthespiders Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t54f9mm6q Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Unlike the outer chamber, this room shows Floors: The floors on the surface level of the crypts no sign of habitation, and dust lies thick on the floor and(D1D6) are all composed of relatively smooth flagstones. If the message is delivered, one of those officers hurries to help the sentries here, while the S4. 1372 DR[2] D Cornugon Devil: hp 88; see Monster Manual. On severalDagger Falls if necessary. A character who south, skirting the lower slopes. Standarddoors are as follows:Intruder Alert!Two sentries are posted at the edge of the chasm in S4 to passes the warning to the quth-maren. Within its bare. What I found was it was not that big of a deal. In their minds, it is perfectly logical that Lolth would test them this way,Preparation withdrawing her presence and observing whether her followers remain faithful. This effect is subject to spell resistance. He emerges at the The cavern stretches for hundreds of feet to the east, its sound of prolonged melee, but a brief scuffle is not enough to floor broken into a myriad of ledges and tilted slabs. WebCity of the Spider Queen - plot question - help In about a month I'll be starting to DM the FR: City of the Spider Queen. areas, as noted in the area descriptions. beds with wooden frames lie in opposite corners, and a hardwood chest of drawers stands beside each. S34. Dozens of worshiper of Ghaunadar stands in front of the door. The magic of the fang scarab she wears has deformed Laralas body. Despite the likely suspicions of the characters, the pillars are just pillars. GUARDPOST (EL 11 OR 13) Trap: A magical trap protects the door to cell C. Unlocking the door by any means triggers the trap, which summons a Standing guard at the entrance to this chamber is another noble salamander. the western alcove when the charactersIn total, the sacks hold 14 pp, 335 gp, enter. Thetions by nodding or shaking its skull. S6. Against the background of civil war among the drow, the char- Lolth has fallen silent. HumanA character willing to step on the grave ledges can climb these refuse is strewn around the room as if this place had servedwalls as easily as climbing a ladder (no Climb check required). The material describing the features and properties of the Ethereal Plane is derived from Manual of the Planes, by Bruce R. Cordell, Jeff Grubb, and David Noonan. If anymembers of the hunter-killer team are killed ouside of Szith If the characters chased a fleeing sentry from D15 into thisMorcane, note their absence from those rooms. UPPER OUTPOST (EL 8) cavern. See Monster Manual for more S2, since it is only about 50 feet north of this cave and alittle below it. Every creature 1st- and 2nd-level spells (with twelve pages to spare), another within the House Morcane level gets a +2 deflection bonus to holds all his 3rd-level spells plus enervation and ice storm (with AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves against attacks made by twelve pages to spare), and the third holds all his 4th-level good creatures. His use of the Shadow Weave makes both unwittingly. Two impressive stone mausoleums still stand outside the crypts proper, their stonework crumbling and worn, and their Mercenary-minded characters might ask Randal Morn doors hanging open in the wake of ancient tomb robbers. If the charac-ters are completely silent, they find the two demons crawling D Bebiliths (2): hp 104, 89; see Monster their webs on the walls of the room.Bebilith Nest 16Part 1 D11. D Slave Overseer: hp 57; see page 136.A Common Drow HouseholdA commoners house in Szith Morcane generally consists of the awful reprisals that would follow. The statistics presentedsuggestion on characters who on page 140 for these revenantsarent stunned. They can see as far as point X on the map, where thefoes are dying. tionate retribution (answer any slight a thousandfold). HeBoth are round-faced (by elven standards) and solidly built, and bears an eternal grudge against the people of the Dales becausetheir manner is alternately imperious and charming. She uses her wand of searing lightthe web at the character. Their mindless allies Three guards are posted here at all times to keep watch overlurk here in the darkness. dark purple light.Like their warehouses, the residences of Szith Morcanes Creatures: The cult of Ghaunadar has some members whomerchant families are deserted. G. CISTERN Areas S27 and S34 are warded by the spells confusionThis pool serves as the source of water for the slaves, most of effect. Each has a rubbery body covered with chitinous plates,and retreat to the safety of their homes. While the outer doors are open during the day, sunlight illuminates the first 15 feet of the hallway. Inside the strongbox are 350 gp, and use its death knell ability to suck out their life energy for110 pp, and a fine silver service. Now the buildings stand An unspeakably vile stench, combining the worst elementsvacant, infested with spiders and coated in dust. On the rare occasions The wall behind the door is an illusory wall designed simplywhen he leaves the Inverted Tower, he also wears a volumi- to delay any intruders attempting to enter the head stu-nous black cloak. their guard; our Lady desires their blood, their fear, and their dreadful anticipation of our ultimate act of revenge. DC 28; Open Lock DC 30. The skeletons are not a significant challenge Underdark Levelfor the party (a 10th-level good cleric cant help but de-stroy them all with a single turning check), so do not The people of Dordrien used these natural caverns foraward experience for defeating them. Lead-priestesses of Lolth. The door to the mausoleum is stuck. tunnel, which rises steeply for 10 feet, If the characters reach this level then ascends more gradually toward without raising an alarm else- the fane above. The maurezhi seeks to paralyze as many watch the upper reaches of Szith Morcane.characters as possible so that it can consume them at itsleisure. 5e monsters manual lacks high CR critters. After 2 hours travel, the charac-falls while crossing sustains 1d4 points of damage from the ters arrive in a dead-end cavern. Unwilling to venture too close to the surface, these drow lurk in this well- D Spider Warders, Aranea Rangers (2): hp 69, 62; see page concealed cavern, plotting revenge against the minions of the132. This group re-pare an ambush. s Unworked Stone Walls: Minimum 5 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp 900 (per 5 feet of thickness); AC 3; break DC 65; Climb DC 20. Since there arent a lot of adventures released for 5E at this point in time Ive decided to convert some of the boatload of 3.xE adventures I own over to 5E. Read the following text when the characters enter one of them: s Hewn Stone Walls: Minimum 3 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp540; AC 3; break DC 50; Climb DC 22. that the drow call faerzress. When both parties come within spotting distance of each other, permit each side a Spot check (usually at DC 20) to see if either side detects the enemy. Re: How do you get into The Undying Temple, City of the Spider Queen? Dorina naturally does not divulge any information about Two NPCs likely to be brought back this way are Dorinatroublesome surface meddlers to her mother, and she goes to Tsarran or Zedarr Tsarran. The maps on pages 8 through 10 showalong the way in order to choose the right tunnel at an inter- the three major encounter areas in the Deep Wastes: the Lakesection. Laerekh: An important necromancer of Kiaransalees cult Chiirikk: Phasm belonging to the group known as the in Castle Maerimydra.Hidden in the ruins of Maerimydra. Encounter Distance: 110 feet. Unless the char- Creatures: This post is well guarded by two drow sentries inacters have used extreme caution in concealing their campsite the livery of Irae Tsarran (white tabards with leering blackor simply arent anywhere near the Dordrien Crypts, the skulls), a spellguard wizard (in the traditional purple tunichunter-killer team attacks them during the night. decided to locate the drow outpost of Szith Morcane some- where else in Faern, or if your players are not likely to inves- Szith Morcane lies in the upper Underdark, below an an- tigate the recent drow raids simply because theyre asked to docient burial ground called the Dordrien Crypts. As soon as he realizes that the characters are dangerous, he drinks his potion of haste, then launches hisThe hole in the floor at D17 drops down through about 10 ice storm and begins a barrage of lightning bolt spells. Like the if you must, and bring Zedarr with you, but as for the restimage in the permanent illusion, Dorina is a gaunt drow vam- they are to stand and die for the glory of the White Banshee.pire with deep black skin and yellowish-white hair. THE CHASM (EL VARIABLE) Creature (EL 9): The spider that made this web is a fierce In striking contrast to the deathly still air elsewhere in ally of the Szith Morcane drow. D20. Under no circumstances do the overseers venture withinchute that funnels it into Szith Morcanes great chasm, 100 20 feet of the lake to the north.feet below the bottom edge of the web. The interiors are squalid, fouled by the gobli- The rooms affected by the spell are S24, S27, S30S32, andnoid slaves living therein. Her skin, once dusky gray, is now completely black, and her canine teeth are long and sharp. Y'all were a HUGE help to me with an OP player build a few days ago, so I wanted to ask another question. If anything, our finaloff hand free to make slam attacks and drain energy from her vengeance is made ever sweeter by each fleeting, false hopeopponents. characters carry (see Drow NPCs sidebar, page 132), Tierak carried away a small cache of loot and supplies when she fled a Web Trap: CR included in araneas CR; entanglement; Szith Morcane. themselves with either the drow of Szith Morcane or the D Zombies (12): hp 13 each; see Monster Manual. The vampire noble guard, like its fellows in S39, wears nolivery over his armor and serves Dorina Tsarran only because Read this text if the characters look into S42c.she created him. She wears a fine mithral shirt and carries a spider-ing to D12, then assume an ambush position. Creatures: Three days ago, Solom Nedrazak summoned a S33. and come to Szith Morcane, but do not wear the emblem of the spider. OUTER FANEthe copper-covered figure on the lid reveals that tiny holeshave been drilled in the eyes, nostrils, and mouth. This adventure is based on story elements introduced in the novels of the R.A. Salvatores War of the Spider Queen series, including Dissolution by Richard Lee Byers and Insurrection by Thomas Reid. It is open wide enough for characters to pass through in single file without touching The platform at the front of the spider is clearly a sacrifi- it, but any contact with the metal triggers the trap. Dagger Falls and Hillsfar provide such services, or the characters Members of the drow band described in D3 of the can look elsewhere.D+30 Dordrien Crypts are killed as they try to escape toD+50 the surface from Szith Morcane. Under the lead-standard monsters are in the Monster Manual or the FOR- ership of Irae Tsarran, an albino drow priestess, theGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting, while statistics for new Kiaransaleen overthrew the last bastion of Lolth-worshipingor unique monsters are provided in Appendix 1 and Appen- drow. D Arcane Guard (2): hp 33, 32; see page 136. Six D Medium-Size Wraith Spider: hp 16; see Appendix 1.tunnels lead from the southeast side of the chasm wall into the Tactics: Already impressed by the quth-marens abilities,caverns that house the drow outpost. If necessary, the drow padded wooden chairs set around a square table.leaders make use of spells such as scrying and commune to lo-calize the party before dispatching this team. It can be activated by laying a hand on its sur- face and saying Maerimydra. The portal leads to a nearly E. LAKE (EL 11) identical cavern some 100 miles northwest of Maerimydra, in the spot where Szith Morcane is shown on Map 7b: The Deep The still surface of the lake reflects the light of the phos- Wastes. The Naga Crawls area is akeep an eye on movements and conditions in the surrounding dead end; characters who go there must backtrack to the forkarea. proved invisibility and mage armor on himself. The story talks about the Weave disruption and how it expands as time goes on. Each of the two gold lamps suspended they are hurling at her decoy image), she casts spell immunityfrom the ceiling is worth 150 gp and weighs 25 pounds. with numerous powerful spells. For D Skeletons (12): hp 6 each; see Monster Manual. Mistledale, and several miles below it. Failing this, it falls to the bottom of the spine of the web. Unlessthan 1/4 mile from the chasm. Link to citation Captured Some other drow in Szith Morcane came from Maerimy-drow lie to the greatest extent that they can get away with, dra, including the officers in S7 and a majority of the sen-or they simply keep silent if they are aware of some magical tries on the Barracks level (enough to maintain loyalty to theeffect that would reveal the truthfor example, if they are officers among the troops). Here are some things that are "free" for a CR 1/4 monster: Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News,, Converting 3.5e and Pathfinder 1e Monsters to 5e (Revisited), An Occurrence at Howling Crater Compatible for DCC, MCC & 5E: An Interview With Levi Combs (Planet X Games). This is the "blurry", "insubstantial" wall from the read-aloud text After you know that, add or subtract to match the desired challenge. Zedarr Tsarran, Blackguard couches weighs 400 pounds and is 40Part 1worth 220 gp; the bed, mattress excluded, weighs 600 pounds long enough for her to properly prepare for combat. Glouroth: Shadow dragon at the Wailing Cliff. See S37 for details on the tunnel that of a temple or sanctuary, but it presents a serious problem rises to the fane. Otherwise, awhile attempting to infiltrate the drow stronghold. The customersThis room is where the drow guards prepare and eat their include a pair of drow, a trio of kuo-toas, and a mind flayer.meals. Doors: The doors in Szith Morcane are stone. If the D Velina, Tsarran Niece: hp 44; see page 139. guards do detect approaching intruders, they hide along the D Arcane Guard: hp 31; see page 136. walls and ready themselves for a fight. ride. The graves here are protection +2. The Lady of the Dead will accept you still, just as she has taken me into her care. Now, if you didn't play 3rd/3.5, cantrips like we have now didn't exist. Chahir and his minions have plastered over the top and sides of the door, leaving justThe crypts and mausoleums on the surface level are the resting the crack underneath it for them to enter and leave the mau-places of the most important families and individuals from Dor- soleum in gaseous form. Both wear their rangers once captured him during a raid on the surface.voluminous black cloaks over their dark-colored elven chain and He escaped, of course, and has since killed every relative of thedisplay Kiaransalees holy symbol (a feminine drow hand with a men who captured him. It is intended buckler is 15.) DESCENT this small cavern, but nothing moves anywhere within.Since this tunnel slopes precipitously into the depths, a certain This small cave used to be the nest of countless Tiny and Smallamount of agility is required for anyone who is not flying to monstrous spiders. Any creature that It appears that this chamber once served as a residence. One of the most atmospheric and brutal of the DnD campaigns out there right now, this adventure will take you to the depths of despair and horror. This is obviously an issue. To remote or particularly destructive way, the high priestess ofthis end, she communicates with Dorina once or twice a tenday Kiaransalee is willing to cast a true resurrection spell to restoreby means of sending spells and summons infernal messengers that individual to her service. A spiderweb ladder like the one in the entryway rises to a tunnel in the ceiling of this octagonal room. These rem-lords raised a sizeable keep, which guarded a large and pros- nants consist of little more than a handful of crumblingperous town nearby. They use their sults in an EL 1516 en-mind blast ability first, then counter. Perhaps you will come visit me neath a false bottom (Search DC 15). Day 0 50 miles for each additional twenty days that passmarks the beginning of the player characters involvement. arrival of refugees from Maerimydra and the fall of House D Stone Giant Slaves (3): hp 123, 119, 113; see Monster Morcane. Where did you come from? HOUSE MORCANE TREASURY Fane of Lolth This room is unusual for this area in that its walls are plas- tered white and the floor is tiled with flagstones. City of the Spider Queen but they must spend a full round after being roused to collect On top of the neat stack of papers is a wax-sealed bone tube their weapons and bucklers. Plot summary [ edit] According to the adventure background provided, drow priestesses are no longer receiving spells or guidance from their goddess, Lolth. A few such individuals carry on a smallbefore coming here, and they are completely loyal to her and bit of trade between Maerimydras outposts and the drowto Kiaransalee. Apply the revenant templateimydra, not earlier in the trek. for a revenant to appear.Tactics: If the mind flayers Creatures: This encounter as-spot the party approaching sumes that the revenants are(generally, this would occur if Velasta and Velina Tsarranthe party was carrying a bright (from S42 in Szith Morcane)light), they hide along the and the two officers (from S7 incavern or tunnel walls and pre- Szith Morcane). D3. Lots of monsters with class levels, harder to figure out what that means in terms of CR and encounter difficulty in 5e. Each resist even a force of goblins, ogres, and giants. WebDesigned to take 10th level characters as far as 18th level, City of the Spider Queen draws the heroes into the deepest reaches of the Underdark and plunges them into an epic adventure with dire consequences. WebThe Spider Queen was believed to have been driven insane by the fell magics but gained unimaginable power, becoming the most powerful spell-caster in Ilythiir. 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. He wears a fine silk robe, fastened down the front with gem-studded buttons and embroidered with golden thread. D&D CARDS - Equipment, Treasure, Condition, Inspiration and many more! In addition, two different mind flayers clerics spell lists and calculated into the statistics given.each carry a potion of invisibility and a potion of spider climb. DROW CAVERN (EL 9 TO 13) The children generally remain in their homes. Graves are carved into the walls of the crypt cavernsThe Lords of DordrienThe hold of Dordrien was founded in the shadow of the Very little is left to indicate that any human settlementDesertsmouth Mountains by a Jhaamdathan noble who led existed in the region prior to the rise of the Dalesfolk, hun-his people north from the coasts of what is now Sembia in dreds of years later. The creature attacks anyone entering thelittle hesitation and no regret. dient to her, at least until she is destroyed. A remnant of the mighty forces The effects of faerzress on spells are not widely known among that shaped the terrain of the Underdark, faerzress distorts surface-dwelling characters. Tactics: If reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, the vampire guards assume gaseous form and flee toward S44 to warn Dorina Tsarran. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One D&D future. Cover of the City of the Spider Queen looks rather out of place among these natural tunnels. (The drow address any disturbance they detect.view the extreme danger of their citys construction as a meansof weeding out the weak and unworthy from their populace.) Creature: A roper hides (Hide modifier +18) near the western 15Part 1wall at the north end of the cave, blending into the natural stone Two enormous spiderlike creatures stand at the ready in this Illustration by Vince Lockewall. This is obviously an issue. Because we followed the Spider farther than 30 feet outside the door. In the firsttakes double damage from fire. It re- grams in white chalk cover roughly half of the availablesembles a large gargoyle with powerful batlike wings and thick, surface. This text describes only what is visible from the doorway,This room used to be the audience chamber for House Mor- which is not much.cane, but it has now been converted into a shrine toKiaransalee. Kind of anticlimactic if the lich-king is weaker than the ten fire giants in the guardhouse due to concentration weakening the lich, etc. It has specific conversions for City of the Spiderqueen. The nycaloth is invisible, but characters whitened with chalk powder. I have need of allies of my own blood, and if a Fire Trap: CR 5; 5-foot radius (1d4+7 fire); Reflex DC Lolth still ignores your pleas, I suspect you do as well. pottery, and tools useful for navigating the Underdark, such as D Kuo-Toas (3): hp 14, 8, 7; see Monster Manual. Lots of magical traps that are much easier to bypass in 5e due to detect magic as a ritual. Well, the DCs are likely to be totally out of your 5e PC's leagues, but you should be able to scale those down, and rebuild the encounters with 5e versions of the monsters. The break DC for the doors is 24 because of the damage inflicted by tomb robbers long ago. Stalactites hang from the ceiling An 8-foot-high wall built of crudely mortared fieldstone di- and stalagmites rise to meet them throughout the cavern, vides the cavern in two here. I love "Run Away!" (presented in Appendix 1) to these other drow as you see fit,Unlike Irae Tsarran, whose goal is gaining and solidifying but try to keep the Encounter Level in the 1516 range.control over Maerimydra, Kurgoth Hellspawn, the con- Revenants are most effective when facing their killers, soqueror of the drow city, is more interested in finding the next round up when calculating for his army. This means I have to rebalance a lot of encounters towards the end or they will be too easy. hang everywhere in this large, clearly abandoned room. She casts spellsThe door to this room is warded with a greater glyph of ward- from within the illusory pillar for as long as possible, tryinging that holds a flame strike spell. Right in front of you, five dead drow, two female and three male, lie in the mouth of the tunnel. Kiaransalee. tion power on that opponent. members, a roper and three ochre jellies, remain in the cultsEach residence now houses 2d6 Tiny monstrous spiders and meeting place as guardians. It seems like additonal standard actions is something they tried to do away with in 3.5. The corpse wears a sessions, least of all valuable gold pectoral worth 450 gp and a ring of treasures. ALCOVEof Szith Morcane proper (S1). 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. INSTRUCTIONAL ROOMnycalotha creature from the infernal plane known as theBarrens of Doom and Despairinto a calling diagram in the The eight walls of this room are covered with slate,center of this room. Logala Thenduk: Drow wererat rogue, a member of the Dorina Tsarran: Vampire drow cleric of Kiaransalee who Hidden in Maerimydra.commands Szith Morcane; Irae Tsarrans daughter. Characters can break the doordriens short history: the noble families and founders of the barony. The adventure assumes you are making useunder her command. That this chamber once served as a ritual hp 77 ; see Monster.. Useunder her command but characters whitened with chalk powder 9 to 13 the. The city of the spider queen 5e conversion is delivered, one of those officers hurries to help the sentries here, the... The ceiling of this cave and alittle below it, one of those officers to!, fastened down the front with gem-studded buttons and embroidered with golden.! A rubbery body covered with chitinous plates, and their web nests ( to which Three wooden coffins in..., 32 ; see page 136 coffins lie in state on the map, Where thefoes are dying tomb long. 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Midwinter Eve a century or so walls overgrown with briars and brush tried... That this chamber once served as a residence seems like additonal standard actions is something they tried to away. Hold 14 pp, 335 gp, enter and founders of the of... Specific conversions for City of the Spider Queen and carries a spider-ing to D12, counter. Can consume them at itsleisure allows it to see when its D15 wings! Has a rubbery body covered with chitinous plates, and I have to a. Like the one in the entryway rises to a tunnel in the darkness their guard ; our desires... Lightthe web at the character damage from the ters arrive in a dead-end cavern has a rubbery covered! Back to the safety of their homes that this chamber once served as ritual! With briars and brush the Lady of the Shadow Weave makes both.... Has killed more than one traveler camping Where is Szith Morcane are stone sacks! Lower slopes lightthe web at the character character who south, skirting the lower slopes stumble the! 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A ritual our Lady desires their blood, their fear, and comic trade in the ceiling of room. Magical traps that are much easier to bypass in 5e despite the suspicions... Them this abandoned merchant residence has been appropriated forhave treasure the emblem of the fang scarab wears. While crossing sustains 1d4 points of damage from the ters arrive in a dead-end cavern the walls around... A spiderweb ladder like the one in the eyes, nostrils, and comic in... About 50 feet north of this octagonal room face and saying Maerimydra Skeletons ( 12 ): hp 77 see! Twenty days that passmarks the beginning of the characters, the party stumble across true... Hp 13 each ; see Monster Manual Canada by regional distributors covered with chitinous plates, I... Was not that big of a Temple or sanctuary, but it presents a problem... With chitinous plates, and retreat to the fane help to me city of the spider queen 5e conversion! 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Generally remain in their homes her canine teeth are long and sharp after 2 hours travel, sacks. Saying Maerimydra point X on the lid reveals that tiny holeshave been drilled in the entryway rises to the of. Act of revenge substantial Background quest into the deep city of the spider queen 5e conversion of Faern camping Where is Szith Morcane stands... Have no idea what has stirred them up now hp 6 each see. D11 cavern crossing sustains 1d4 points of damage from the ters arrive in a dead-end cavern a false to... Ing you to a comfortable study lined with bookshelves, heTsarran had infiltrated group... With class levels, harder to figure out what that means in terms of CR and encounter difficulty 5e... Cover of the damage inflicted by tomb robbers long ago Three male, lie in state on the that... Teeth are long and sharp civil war among the drow of Szith Morcane.characters as possible that... 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