west game cheat sheet

Level -> To increase the Sheriff level, you need Sheriff EXP. an explanation about all this? If i suicide my sheriff then resurrect him to get him back do i lose anything? In an attack, you may lose loads of trained troops and resources. As well as alliance boosts? The easiest way to generate resources is to devote buildings to producing them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Infantry defeats Calvary. 2) Build more cabins to produce more silver yourself. Fighting outlaws or hunting wild animals doesnt require an entire army. West Game 2022 Cheats & Hacks available for free download in 2022. 2) Everyone has their own way to play. Yup, Cabins again, so important that they were mentioned twice. As you progress, youll unlock an alliance warehouse, where everyone can deposit and take resources as needed, as well as special alliance resource nodes which are far more effective than the nodes that spawn in the wild. West Game has 5 main resources 4 of which are grain, logs, rubble, and iron. 1) Send at least 20k level 2 Range to match his level 2 Range. The Main Quest is the most important one, so dont forget to complete as many tasks as you can. You wana recall them fast. As I recall, I just scrolled down and there was an option to increase back pack. In the bottom left corner you will see a lower case i tap it. To build a resource building, tap one of the plots of land below the railway tracks that split your town in two. I cant stress that enough. Where do we get ammunition chests for wicked gangs ammunition refills? This handy building can let you see, at a glance, if there are any imminent attacks on your settlement, as well as if anyone is sending you anything. Or can you. It should have the option to buy more spaces with gold when you scroll down to locked spaces. You just have to scroll around and look for them. Other than the town quests, quests such as daily, alliance, and VIP can be completed automatically. Send sufficient troops of the highest level and type to defeat them. Note that the Warehouse does not protect silver until level 21! If the Resources you owned have Exceeded the Max Conveyable Resources, you cant move your Town to the Target State. If you missed the section above, you can get hero shards from the Saloon, or acquire them in other ways, such as clearing quests. I suggest that you use these speed-ups later on in the game when it takes a few hours to complete an upgrade. T4 troops takes lots of research u can change states by purchase at loyalty store under alliance button. Also whats the advantage to selling metals? If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game. High-level Outlaws drop more rewards. how do i find location of someone that attacked me? You can build your own city, recruit members to fight for you. Heal and resurrect your troops (at the hospital and memorial) and repair your traps (at the Defense factory). Over 5,000 Free Cheat Sheets, Revision Aids and Quick References! Can you reinforce an alliance member being attacked while you have shield on? Then lets get right into the West Game tips and tricks right here below! Once your town is strong enough, you will most definitely find an Alliance much easier. How do I increase my force quickly without paying actual money? Ive sent multiple emails that I was out of the country and didnt have access to internet and they are ignored. With these options I can gain 10s of millions of rss a day. Alliances are a great two-way street: you provide the alliance with help and resources, and in turn, you get a bunch of people who have your back in a fight. The best way to do that is to upgrade each building to the maximum, as soon as you can (even if the game doesnt actually require it yet). If mobile gaming is your passion and you want to get paid to create guides, youre in the right place. purchase an 8 hour shield in loyalty store, or 24 hour or 5 day shield using gold from shop. Yellow arrows mean that your troops are returning to you. I found the following under other, how to play the game, Permanent State Teleport So, on your expeditions make sure you send out Mortars to fill up on resources, and train other troops to carry out the battles. Farms can produce grain, Logging Camps can make logs, Quarries generate rubble, and Mines make iron. It doesnt cause any damage while its burning. Ranged units are armed with rifles, allowing them to fight from a greater distance. Higher levels of Sentry Stations reveal more intel what area is going to be hit, how long before the attackers arrive, the name of your attacker, their army composition and size, and if they have a hero. To do that, tap the VIP button beside your portrait in the upper left, then tap the plus button by the bar. The object is to send them on a camping trip on the other side of the kingdom. Just make all the upgrades as I have suggested above and soon you will have a very powerful town. How do I increase my backpack in blacksmithing when I want to forge says I have no room plz increase back packwhere do I go todo this..and if Im on fire..can it be put outor most burn out? Silver mines pop up in water or at the edges. The Monument allows you to revive some of your fallen units, allowing you to bounce back after a failed attack or a pitched defense. I agree state 8 strong .Ruger44 ccc state8, What will happen to the sherif after execution. Afterward, focus on any other skill that you can acquire because eventually, you should learn all of them. The total summary is to develop the town, increase the army power, max out the researches, and survive in the West apocalypse where other Sheriffs can raid your town anytime and loot the resources. If you take a look at your heros stats, youll notice they also have a force and march size stat. Each round will consume chips, which you get for free every day depending on the level of your town center. Hit dead towns (no troops no traps) to get rss. We are a big alliance with big players, but there is one alliance, our fierce competition, that keeps us on our toes & will strike when they see any weakness. These outlaws are one of the best ways to amass experience points for your sheriffs. This begins with an alliance fortress, which marks an area as belonging to you and your alliance. The skills you learn in Research are basically your towns core since they will help you in every battle. If A Chancellor is inactive for 5 days the #1 Vice Chancellor will be automatically promoted and the old Chancellor will be moved to member happended to my alliance. In my town, its just north of the tracks on the left side of town. All you need to do is start and then collect the reward. Also , show how much resources and other items need per level to upgrade Medical center, training centre, research centre, and all others. This factory is responsible for traps, trap repairing, and the guards. Total 1 Answers. Gems provide more passive bonuses on top of what the base equipment already provides. This building provides an overview of all the sectors, for example production status, buildings, troops, traps, etc. Where is the decision makeing game play? Logging in, thats usually where one goes wrong in this game ?? Rules and etiquette will differ from server to server, so if in doubt, ask senior players what your servers policies are. How can I do that? Once you build a structure in the town, tap it and check what it does, what will happen if you upgrade it. And don't worry resources are deposited directly into your stockpile. How to Move to Another State Permanently. When I first started playing this game, I was really upset with being zeroed by the bigger players too. Random teleports being you to a random location and advance teleport being you to specific location. There are three ways to invest in your Sheriff giving them gear, learning skills, and using skins. Stone is for original town upgrades and rubble is for suburban town upgrades. To immigrate to another State permanently, you will need a certain amount of Permanent State Teleport items. Also, theres really no point in building multiple Barracks unless you really want that troop defense bonus that comes into play at level 21. Dont miss any of these quests and grab all the precious items(for gears) and resources for free. And, to unlock new troops, research in the academy. Ayaan, Jul 7, 2021 Answer this Question Im resetting my skill tree and need to know if I still need merc research. Understand all of its core concepts with this West Game guide packed with tips, cheats & strategies for beginners. Here you will see quite a few quests and you can see their requirements for completion. Why is the Chancellor of our new alliance being taxed? Please help :), Is there anyway I can get more advanced teleports without paying 600,000 loyalty points or 1500 gold bars its too costly to attack somebody By tapping them, you gain buffs that increase your resource production (among other things), and you get to watch your men fight Dalys gang. Or info appreciated, Keep clicking and reading. This event gives out a lot of prizes, and isnt particularly hard to complete. In answering some questions I have read from readers, I have these comments: You must be logged in to view this content. If you have any comments or tricks of your own to share, let us know in the comment area below! Most basic buildings can be upgraded for free a couple of times so do this immediately with your resource generation buildings! The easiest way to generate resources is to devote buildings to producing them. Stay until shield is back. Feature also available if use emulator on pc/desktop. Click your market then choose transport, it shows you the alliance members list, choose the member you want to send it to. In West Game, the player takes the role of Sheriff and develop the town by constructing and upgrading various town buildings. Use the speed ups mostly on the Town Center and other buildings that are super important, because they are basically the key featurein your town. Upgrade it to reduce the tax rate, increase capacity, and request limit. If the target defends the town successfully, the enemys sheriff may end up in jail. Do you have enough troops to gather enough? As your troops grow in numbers, youll bring back more goods from these expeditions. Safely Storing Resources (rss) That is extremely important before you close the game. Theres a bunch of other tips weve compiled that dont really fit anywhere else, so here they are. Send at least as many as the total count of the enemys troops. I have searched everywhere. principle: For example Increase in trap attack, research time reduction, construction time reduction, etc. However, each time you or an alliance member fulfills that condition, youll contribute to your alliances goal and once you complete certain thresholds, everyone who participated gets a reward. Were regularly recruit but you a need to have a force of 3 million. * If you want to move to another State permanently, please make sure: 2) You have left your Alliance already (if there is one); 3) You have recalled all your troops (if there is any); Why sell hero medals? You gain enough gold each day from quests & such to buy a shield. Try to fill out each slot as soon as you can any bonus is better than no bonus at all. 4. Instead, you get to play three card monte youll be shown 3 cards, and after theyre shuffled around a bit, you need to pick the card with the highest value, with 2 as the lowest, and the joker as the highest. Lastly, if you have some powerful troops, you can try to attack other players. Artillery use powerful mounted guns to crush foes from a distance. Gathering will never gonna help you. I learned the hard way. How often is this tax going to occur? Why cant I buy bullets? why isnt the stone that I gather is not incrementing the Rubbles count?! Here you shoot the target and earn rewards. Keep upgrading it and get benefits. Ive been trying to get enough resources to upgrade my Town Center to lvl. I am needing this question answered as well thanks. Odds: 75,000 to 1. There are departments inside the alliance: combat, logistics, diplomatic. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ATP2FzftMtQ, volevo sapere se sapevate cosa fosse rvp truppa io e un mio amico siamo entrambi al level 50 sherif e 19 quartiere generama io ho 193% rvp truppa e sono a 11M forza lui ha 2680% ed a 21M forza Always be shielded! Alliance members can request help on any project theyre currently undertaking, whether thats training units, building new infrastructure, or just healing people. You have to have an advance teleport to move to a specific location. Unlike Outlaws, Gang of Bandits drops treasure maps. You can pick fights with the giant entities on the world map and theyre really more like pinatas, waiting to be beaten up so they can drop some sweet, sweet loot. Just like real life- bullies only pick on those that cant defend themselves. When you cancel a task why doesnt it end? Constantly upgrade, train troops & research. Always treat war as an inevitability, not a possibility. You need an advance teleport to go to a spacific state you will need to enter the coordinance number in by clicking up top right corner microphone glass. If my town is on fire how do I put it out or can i? However, he read some guides, talked to people, and made friends. Hero insight up the level of hero star boost items. Also, if you are starting a Town Center upgrade (which takes longer than the other buildings) you should focus on doing other stuff in the game and start up the upgrade before you go to bed, and that way it will be finished by the time you wake up (this applies if you dont want to use speed-ups). Ambush Arrow: The next arrow stuns the target for 5 seconds. Under my items, I have some with a Use button and others which shows that I own 204 of them but no use button. We have some bullies who love tile-hitting, so I have yet to have any wounded go to hospital they just die and go to the monument. The train that occasionally pulls into your town also gives you small amounts of resources or boosts whenever you tap it. The lowest things you send get attacked first, thus traps will get hit while your troops survive to attack the enemy. There are different types of troops, and each of them has different strengths and weaknesses. You can also just tap on them (on the main screen in the middle bottom side), and that will take you exactly where you need to be for completing that quest. Education Cheat Sheets. How do I collect the 1000 hold it Saturday is available at this website? It should show you what each troops on marches are doing and there should be a recall option to click. This structure allows you to both send and receive resources from your alliance members, and upgrading the market also reduces the tax rate and increases the number of transport routes you can maintain at once. As mentioned earlier, their primary purpose is to produce Silver for your war machine, but Cabins also give a decent training speed boost to your units. I suggest that you take your time and find a good and active Alliance to join because it is a super important feature. This also means that youll have just 3 days to build a solid foundation. Research trees are divided into economics, combat, traps, sheriff, and forging categories. And dont worry resources are deposited directly into your stockpile. Send the army to occupy it the more troops you send, the more you can gather. These cheats will allow you to quickly level up your character, and move through the game much faster. Hold it until the silly shuffling stops then slide it left & right and notice which card goes a dark shade- thats your card. West Game has multiple quests that can be categorized by type. Each time theyre sent out, they spend some stamina to damage the target, all while netting prizes. Does it cost a percentage of my resources or do I gain interest on them? Im here to tell you right now do this judiciously. The closer you get to the centre of the map the higher the resources. I have revel spell in My Items but i cant use in mounment??? Is there a scenario where I could potentially lose them? All the resources around my hive are level 1-3, up north the levels are 3-6. Once the fortress shield goes down, reinforce with everyones troops. Calvary defeats Range Unit stats are instead represented by stars, which give a rough idea of how the unit performs in each category. You only get the opportunity to clear this once, so be sure to nab everything you can. To initiate a rally attack, find the target player(go to the map and find level 10+ town or Gang of Bandits) -> rally war -> now, other alliance members will be able to join you. These nodes are considered neutral territory, so while no one can truly lay claim to them, you might be attacked by other players while your men are gathering. The Sheriff can carry equipment and give special buffs which help the town. make hyperfarms. Avoid players who are in an Alliance, because then you might bring about the wrath of their entire Alliance upon yourself! Of course, you can set up the defense and put the heroes on guard to protect the town. So these are the basic West Game tips for beginners. Is it possible to delete dead cowboys, rather than resurrect them in the monument. Go to the blacksmith -> all equipment -> tap the detail option to check the details of the material. What is hyper farming. Im doing the same. Or pay with gold if you have none. text mining cheatsheet. I really urge you to go to the Academy (next to the Town Center) and start researching some extra skills there, because they will come in handy later on. How does camping your troops protect them? The resources such as food, wood, stone, iron, etc can be protected in the warehouse. Theyre strong against both cavalry and artillery, but bad against ranged units and traps. where only enter is functional. I do not have a clue where Pendleton is. Any thoughts? How do you get these materials? How many farms per resource should I have on base. Skills At every level upgrade, you get the skill points. These would be the Mortars. While West Game doesnt have enough information to make detailed comparisons, it does helpfully list some other things on the unit stat board, such as overall bonuses, upkeep cost, troop load (how many resources each unit of this type can carry), and what resources they can harvest. Check out our job ad today! Were at level 15 with only level two troops. To increase the star rank of your heroes, youll need to gather enough medals of that hero, then use the hero interface to increase their rank. To fight level 1 outlaws and wild animals, youll need Wild Hunt Mastery I, and so on. Straight flush: Any sequence of five cards from the same suit (such as the 2-3-4-5-6 of clubs). You can forge these weapons in the blacksmith building and find the materials required to craft those gears from the Outlaws. Keep all silver there when not in use. join a big gang and PYOS!! Check Out Best mobile games. Tap skills at the bottom under the icons for all the skills for that hero. Any advise? 1. With that in mind, youll need to be prepared when your shield goes up, but you also dont want to be too hasty in upgrading your Town Hall, since that can leave you vulnerable. When your troops inevitable get wounded, theyll need a Hospital to recover and get back on their feet. Town Quests serve as developmental milestones for your town. maxed out. Dont worry, I know its a lot to take in, but this isnt a simple game. Read more about this here. Wait he will be released when that person applies a peace shield or is released by that person or is captured and released by someone else attacking that person who first captured your sheriff he can be executed but you have to be at certain levels in the game, Any tips on beating bandit gangs I can solo lvl 2 gangs I have an army of 160k t3 and was wondering if mixing t1&t2 units in there would be a good idea someone mentioned that meat shields are pretty effective? Is there a way to unlock level 4 troops without doing hundreds of hours of building, or literally days on days of researching?? These would be all of our West Game tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Purchase at loyalty store under alliance button it and check what it does, what will happen to centre! Time and find the materials required to craft those gears from the same suit ( as... Because eventually, you can gather count? an entire army clear this once, so if doubt! 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