The Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) mandates that employers offer group health insurance benefits to full time or the equivalent employees, and at least 95% of their workers, so this leaves things to their discretion for the remaining percentage. I don't care if you've been single for several decades or several days. Don't let yourself buy into the ridiculous myths, like "It's more likely to get abducted by an alien than it is to get married after 40." But they can’t help her all the time. Remember, anything and everything is possible. It can be easy to get down on yourself over the "odds" finding that perfect partner. Feel like shouting “I don’t care” to certain things in life? Why the Most Successful Leaders Don't Care About Being Liked. Everyone experiences moments in life where you get so hurt, that you officially don’t care anymore. Rather than spending your time thinking about and obsessing over this person you can’t have, try to focus on the other person who actually deserves your love—you! T o try and compress 437 dense pages of Being and Time into eight brief blogs was obviously a difficult exercise from the start. But, I must admit, this was also part of the attraction. ... "If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing." If they could afford it, Beatrice and William would hire a home care aide to help during the day. So she stays scared. By pampering yourself and practicing acts of self-love and self-care, you can put your energy and focus to better use by working to improve your own life. Helping others isn't just a commendable thing to do, it may also extend your life, according to new research Be Nice, Because People Who Care for Others Live Longer Subscribe