“The Most Dangerous Game”, by Richard Connell is a fictional short story about survival that stretches the truths of morality, expresses the different perceptions a mind can pertain, and reveals that first impressions can land as far away from the truth as a lie. "I've always thought," said Rains{ord, "that the Cape buffalo is the most dangerous of all big game." The Most Dangerous Game, by Richard Connell, is a short story about a hunter named Sanger Rainsford who is lost on an ex-military general’s island and forced to play his “game.” In this book, the retired military general, named General Zaroff, is growing tired of his favorite sport, hunting. PizzaFlix 33,216 views Condoned Violence vs. Murder Quotes in The Most Dangerous Game Below you will find the important quotes in The Most Dangerous Game related to the theme of Condoned Violence vs. The most obvious theme of "The Most Dangerous Game" is that which arises from the relationship of the hunter and the hunted.At the very beginning of story, Rainsford and Zaroff are presented as equals. He sipped his wine. The highland is inhabited by a rich Russian aristocrat who is a hunter. When he falls off the yacht, he manages to get himself safely to the rocky shore. Rainsford's Character in "The Most Dangerous Game" The Three Hunters; The Most Dangerous Game: A Hunt For Morality In contrast, 800,000 committed suicide, and 1.5 million died of diabetes. Jumping out of a moving car, regardless of speed, is only acceptable if you are the star of an action movie. Both characters are well-accomplished big-game hunters. In many ways, Zaroff considers himself a god who can snuff out life as he pleases. Pole-climbing and fiery field hockey are just a couple of the most dangerous games played around the world. So they are dangerous." Then he said slowly, "No. Such legitimation is largely provided through a market-driven culture addicted to the production of consumerism, militarism and organized violence, largely circulated through various registers of popular culture that extend from high fashion and Hollywood movies to the creation of violent video games and music concerts sponsored by the Pentagon. The Most Dangerous Tropes: Action Survivor: Rainsford is a big game hunter, but has never been in anything like the danger in which he finds himself after getting marooned on Ship-Trap Island.He has to use everything he knows about tracking and trapping to keep Zaroff from getting too close and, if possible, ensnare him instead. "That is why I use them. There were many internet challenges I could have chosen to complete this list, but the following stunts caused either the highest number of or the most serious injuries. The violence of his malicious host, General Zaroff, initially shocks Rainsford, but as he fights to stay alive he becomes caught up in Zaroff's game. Violence and Cruelty Essentially an action-packed thriller, Richard Connell's "The Most Dangerous Game" builds around explosions of violence.