The movie's title comes from the Irish toast, 'May you be in Heaven half an hour before the Devil knows you're dead.' Unfortunately, everyone in the film is running about 35 minutes late. When Charles kills Andy in the end, is it because of revenge for his wife's death or to spare his son jail time? With his mother dead and him partially responsible for it, his corruption at his work threatening to be exposed, and Gina's confession about cheating on him, he has lost a lot that he cares about in a short time. I can't even begin to hint at why without jumping feet first into spoiler territory, but consider that my word of caution. Sidney Lumet's "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead" is such a superb crime melodrama that I almost want to leave it at that.To just stop writing right now and advise you to go out and see it as soon as you can. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead is an intense crime thriller that turns the emotional violence of families into real physical violence, a gut-wrenching look at the lengths some people will go to and how they'll hurt others along the way. You can read this review without having watched the movie. Trivia The film title translation in Spanish is "Antes de que el diablo sepa que has muerto", however both in Mexico and in Spain, the film title was the grammatically incorrect "Antes que el diablo sepa que has muerto" which literally means "Beforehand, let the devil knows you are dead", almost exactly the opposite meaning of its original title. Cornered by the DEA, convicted New York drug dealer Montgomery Brogan reevaluates his life in the 24 remaining hours before facing a seven-year jail term. Dog Day Afternoon was a classic of the heist that went wrong with a performance by Al Pacino that went right. On top of everything else going on, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead is the most explicitly tragic film I've seen in quite a while, to the point where it shades uncomfortably into melodrama; but this is a brutal movie. I thought it was an okay film, nothing great, but when I looked it up, it's considered very influential and one of … Sidney Lumet s Before the Devil Knows You re Dead is an exceptionally dark story about a crime gone wrong and the complicated reasons behind it. Much like the previous book, it didn't fully grasp my attention, but I did like it better. Andy then turns the gun on him and tells Hank he knows about Hank and Gina and that maybe he should shoot him. The movie's title comes from the Irish toast, 'May you be in Heaven half an hour before the Devil knows you're dead.' Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)-- Why did this movie get a lot of acclaim?