I know a lot of you will say that they were breastfed, but what about mothers such as myself that never really produced any milk? Previously: What to Expect When You're Expecting (100 Years Ago) Up until the mid-19th century, childbirth was something men avoided. It is extremely rare for a mother not to be able to nurse her baby. Every day, our world and the way we live changes, and life 100 Years ago vs life now is very different. What else? For example, I recently found a hundred-year-old recipe for Canned Fruit Custard that at first appeared very simple – Make a thin (soft) custard and pour it over drained canned fruit. What Did People Eat On LA's Beaches 100 Years Ago? There was a tavern in the village, which was open only to men,where beer and whiskey was sold. Here's exactly what it was like giving birth 100 years ago. If cow's milk is your answer, then where did they babies get their nutrition? If the bread was eaten early in the day, that was it, there was nothing more to eat until the workday was over. So I asked myself, “A hundred years ago what would people have eaten during the Super Bowl?” And, I immediately realized that it was a stupid question – the first Super Bowl wasn’t held until 1967. What life was like in Ireland 100 years ago in Ireland has been revealed by new statistics.. I am 73 years old and quite alert and more functional that MOST others my age. Photographs by Matthieu Paley. What did people eat 500+ years ago? I can imagine they’d eat a lot of meat, bread that wasn’t that nice, fruit was probably like a dessert. A lot of tragedy could befall a lady in the 19th century. ... For babies born with birth defects, there were few medical remedies. Often I will wake about 4 or 5 AM and do the same routine. Generations ago, it was not so easy to function during the winter. A lot of tragedy could befall a woman in the 19th century. Meat, Eggs & Dairy. We need you to answer this question! ... s Pskov region would sleep for one-half of the year. I travel more, read more, research a wide variety of subjects when between sleep periods (as I am doing right now). In 1915, a newborn baby’s future was uncertain By Anita Manning. A lot of tragedy could befall a lady in the 19th century. The wives of merchants, lawyers, and doctors also did not breastfeed because it was less expensive to employ a wet nurse than it was to hire a woman to run their husband's business or take care of the household in their place (Fildes, 1986). 14. I suspect there are many factors. So I revised my question, “Are there hundred-year-old recipes that might make a crowd pleasing snack for Super Bowl LIV?” Success. Though the universal rules of child-rearing still apply, today's parents are dealing with an entirely new playing field when it comes to their children.