etc. Integrity is a personal trait that has strong moral principles and core values … Textbooks are produced to meet the needs of educators, usually at educational institutions. Twelve Characteristics of an Effective Teacher A Longitudinal, Qualitative, Quasi-Research Study of In-service and Pre-service Teachers’ Opinions by Robert J. Walker Abstract For fifteen years, the presenter has engaged college students in dis-cussions and writing assignments that pertain to the outstanding charac- The textbook should be written in simple and… I invite you to look over this character traits list and pick at least one of these good qualities to begin working on: 1. By Anita Nirmal. 2. Qualities of textbook 1. The bindingof the book should be strong and durable. To be good, I think a book should relate to life experiences, give the audience something they can relate to and empathize with, to help them learn something that will help them in their life. There should be diagram and figures wherever needed. One popular feature, for example, is discussion questions for students to test knowledge at the end of every chapter. INTRODUCTION The mathematics textbook is an important source for learning mathematics and it plays a key role in effective teaching and learning. Define Textbook and also discuss the characteristics of a good textbook. Other desirable features of a good textbook include interactivity, the ability to arouse the interest of students, and the capacity to actively engage and involve them in the learning process. The external impression of a textbook matters much for a lay man. QUALITIES OF A GOOD MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOK 1. Schoolbooks are textbooks and other books used in schools. The following are the qualities of a good math textbook: A mathematics textbook should be written in accordance with the aims and objectives of teaching the subject in that particular class. Describe the characteristics of a good (reliable) theory. The paper used in the textbook should be of superior quality. Fred Sanders explains how they choose their Great Books Curriculum at Biola’s Torrey Honors Institute: The book has to speak from an important original setting. To my mind, a textbook provides foundation for the instructional process. Personally, I think the qualities of a good book are many, and diverse. Not only ethical books are said as good books. According to the textbook on page twenty- six, a theory “explains with principle that organize with observations and predict behaviors or events.” ONLINE ASSIGNMENT PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY JASMIN. But not so. 3. The appearance of the textbook should be appealing with an attractive cover page. Research says you should look for these traits (but, be warned, not all of them make someone easy to work with). Let's look at 25 good character traits that impact your happiness. It should be well illustrated. Qualities of a Good Mathematics Text Book 1. Its content decides the destination of the both. 7 Characteristics of Highly Creative People Looking to hire for creativity? J OPTION: MATHEMATICS KUCTE, ARYAD 2013-2014 2. 3. So, what constitutes good writing? A good grammar presentation: 1. In 1968 Norman Anderson came up with the 555 personal characteristics (listed below) and had hundreds of students rank order the 555 words from most desirable (Note the top 4 are Sincere, Honest, Understanding, and Loyal) to most distasteful (the last 4 are cruel, mean, phony, and liar). The external impression of a good textbook is always impressive and absorbing. However, we can cull together a general list of the characteristics of good writing … Everyone are mature enough to understand the difference between good and bad. A great book is one that provokes excellent discussion. Integrity. The external impression includes printing on good quality paper, attractive title, appropriate volume, reasonable price and easily availability in the market. But a great book is one that is not trapped in its original setting. So what’s the difference between a mediocre children’s book and a great one? Opinions on the matter vary widely. Today, many textbooks are published in both print format and digital formats. Must have topics of interest in history, morals, ethics, stories , essays on eminent persons , authors, and poems etc. The printing should be boldand easily readable. There will be different traits that make good fiction versus good poetry or good nonfiction. A textbook is a comprehensive compilation of content in a branch of study. 4. A textbook serves as a guide for a teacher and s student as well. 5. characteristics of a good test 1. non standardized test meaning, characteristics, objectivity,validity,reliability, usability,norms,construction of test prepared by, christian jenet daniel ikdrc college of nursing