People are manipulative for many reasons. First, manipulators know how to detect your weaknesses. As a person within the NPD diagnosis framework, you are manipulative. But the question is how do manipulative people play their mental games? Though everyone may behave this way when stressed, some women are prone to this behavior. Jealousy greatly harms us. The second thing they’ll do is figure out how to use those weaknesses against you. They are hated when discovered, and they cannot be trusted after. Have you dealt with manipulation? Manipulators: Do They Really Believe What They’re Saying? Listen to your intuition. Manipulation functions around rules one partner rigidly places upon the other, but the manipulator does not at all live by the same rules they apply. They know what’s best for you. They will attempt to control you. If they can convince you to feel guilty for your actions (even when you’ve done nothing wrong), then they know you’ll be more willing to do what they say. You can prevent a lot of wasted time and emotional pain and trauma. When you are in the grips of a manipulator, what we miss out on is you—all bright and shining and beautiful in this world. They are saints in their own minds, so you’d better agree. How to Tell If Someone Is Manipulating You—And What to Do About It. Manipulators claim that they know how the world should be, how you should act and of course by their rules. They tell you how lucky they are to know you, and then act as though you’re a burden. Manipulative people will say some of the most unsettling things. The single most important guideline when you’re dealing with a psychologically manipulative person is to know your rights, and recognize when they’re being violated. They are virtuous and righteous. When you object, manipulators turn the tables on you so that they’re the injured party. Manipulation always start with guilt. They don’t do it because they’re terrible people, and they might not even do it on purpose, but that doesn’t make it any less of a tragedy. Manipulators can be traumatizing, even to the strongest of us. Whenever the manipulator is confronted on this hypocrisy, they become immediately defensive, deflect, and project all the problems, in a circular fashion, back onto the other person. They are virtuous and righteous. #1 Being deceptive. Manipulators pretending to be victims are not seeking kindness and compassion, but they are after a goal, so coolly and in control, they tell you their story. Below, we describe 7 ways to identify a master of manipulation: 1. Manipulators claim that they know how the world should be, how you should act and of course by their rules. They do this because they have no desire in having authentic, real communication with you. If yes, then you are dealing with a manipulator. They’ll ask you very pointed and leading questions to discover things about you that you might not want people to know. They make you feel guilty and you don’t know why. They know they have a good chance of hooking you into a relationship because you are a kind, feeling, caring person, and, of course, because you want to help. Manipulative people encourage jealousy. Sometimes people learn early how to get what they want and the behaviours become so ingrained that they do not manipulate consciously.