Examples of Exposition from Literature and Film In Star Wars, the film begins with scrolling text that explains previous events. Novels have longer expositions than short stories owing to sheer length and the fact novesl require greater time investments from readers than short stories. When delivering the exposition of a story, give the audience something to look at. The beginning of the story where the characters and setting are introduced is called the exposition. So here’s the first thing to understand about handling the exposition of a story: a reader is primarily interested in the story itself… Yes, they want to find out about the inner workings of your advertising agency, or the folklore of Planet Zorg. As you probably know, language can be used in a million possible ways to convey a point. Exposition, or the introduction, is just one of a plot's many parts. Rising action refers to the events that occur in the story to advance the conflict and bring the conflict to a crucial point. Exposition sets up the story, including the setting, conflict and characters. Exposition Rising Action F alling action Climax Resolution A plot chart is a chart that shows each part of a story. For example, in a conversation between two characters, they discuss some things for the readers’ benefit that are already known to them. There are countless exposition examples where the story opens with a concise description of a key event that set the story in motion. Exposition/Introduction: In the exposition stage of the plot of a story, the setting and characters (especially the main character, known as the protagonist) are introduced, as well as the main problem, conflict or goal of the story. This helps us to understand the background before we meet Luke Skywalker, the main character. A good example of exposition via distracting visuals is Game of Thrones (2011). Writers use this to make a story with a plot. The plot is the sequence of events in the story or drama. (Note: In the above example, I used only the opening lines to make my point. Exposition Examples. Exposition is crucial to any story, for without it nothing makes sense. This is not the entire exposition from the novel.) The exposition … Examples of Exposition By YourDictionary Exposition can be seen in music, films, television shows, plays, and written text. 2. Exposition is the first part of the plot sequence in a story. This vital part of the plot not only indicates what the story will be about, but also draws the reader into the story. Writing story exposition: Examples and tips October 9, 2017 Writing the exposition of a story – the narration introducing key scenarios, themes, characters or settings – takes skill. Showing gives the reader concrete examples. Yes, they want to hear … ), a protagonist ’s thoughts, or a narrator’s explanation of past events. Plot CHart. There are several elements that are common to all plots: The introduction, or exposition, is the beginning of the story where the characters and the conflict are introduced.. This is an easy way to write an exposition. 5: Describe key events that took place before your novel begins. Plot refers to the storyline of the text. Expositions of novels might run into a few pages. The information is given to the readers in a very cliched manner. Remember: Film is a visual medium. Yet well-written exposition also broadens the reader’s understanding of characters’ natures. Maybe an example is best - exposition might be two characters talking about what happened at school today. That said, authors generally depend on a few common ways to insert exposition into the text of the story: Any and all storytelling requires exposition – the explanation of how Character X got from Point A to Point B and then later to Point C. In other words, exposition provides crucial information about the characters, their motives and the setting of your story. What are some exposition examples in literature? MASTERING THE SCREENPLAY: WRITING EXPOSITION IN FILM 2. Use Exciting and Distracting Visuals. There are many ways to present an exposition, including monologues, dialogues, in-universe media (newspapers, letters, reports, journals, etc. The exposition continues as we learn that Luke lives with his uncle, his father is … Sometimes it provides information about events that happened before the story began, but are key to understanding the story and the people in it. Exposition. 1. Exposition, Rising action, climax, falling action, resolution By Anna Martens and Hannah Cohen. In this type, the background information is usually not tightly woven in the story.