While intellect and other visual processing generally are unaffected, some people with face blindness also have difficulty recognizing animals, distinguishing between objects (e.g., cars), and navigating. People who have it can only see in black and white, but it's estimated that only 0.00003% of the world's population is affected by this particular condition. Face blindness patients are able to understand that a face is a face – they can perceive it. Face Blindness (Prosopagnosia) Do you suffer from face blindness? They all just have a mild case of it. What they seem to lack is the ability to put a name to that face, to identify it. What Is Face Blindness? By Alexa Tsoulis-Reay. I was in the hospital for few weeks. The problem lies in putting it together. The majority of face-blindness cases are what's known as acquired prosopagnosia, since it forms from brain damage due to things like head trauma, stroke, or neurodegenerative disease. Face blindness seems to run in families unless an injury causes it. I was operated on the left side temple. Everyone is guilty of forgetting the name of someone they've met before, although people are generally quite good at remembering faces, and especially those of friends and family at a glance. It can have a severe impact on everyday life. ?” The answer, of course, is nothing. It's common for a sighted person to wonder what blind people see or for a blind person to wonder whether the experience is the same for others without sight. Total color blindness (Monochromacy) Total color blindness, or Monochromacy, is the rarest form of color vision deficiency. Both my sister and my dad had to deal with it. That’s what face-blindness is like for me. It’s also known as face-blindness, and those who are afflicted lack a skill that comes naturally to most humans, forcing them to find ways to work around this deficit. It’s not that we cannot remember what someone looks like. The person’s face doesn’t form inside my mind. If you have followed our work over the years here and at faceblind.org, you'll know that we've worked with a lot of folks who suffer from severe difficulties recognizing faces: a condition known as prosopagnosia or face blindness. Just as blind people do not sense the color black, we do not sense anything at all in place of our lack of sensations for magnetic fields … They can live with it, as do I. It’s characterized by the inability to recognize or differentiate faces. The majority of face-blindness cases are what's known as acquired prosopagnosia, since it forms from brain damage due to things like head trauma, stroke, or neurodegenerative disease.