Type 2. By swapping soda out for a low sugar alternative, you can not only reduce your sugar intake, but by making the right choices, you can also add many beneficial antioxidants to your diet. As he states in his blog: Obesity-related diseases are the worst health epidemic America has ever faced. Start by cutting out sugar. Once, a science reporter on a newspaper where I worked showed me a medical journal that said some diet drinks caused holes in the brains of lab rats. But is Diet Coke actually bad for you? If you have any concerns about the accuracy or timeliness of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing editors@eathis.com. and I'd really like to know the dirty deets on why it's so bad for me to consume so much of it. I drink a couple coke zeros and a couple diet cokes. As you may have heard, drinking Coca-Cola is bad for you. Type 2 . My doctor told me to drink diet sodas, but i don't know if 4 is too much. And diet soda is so unhealthy that it may lead to other health problems, too. This is a great first step. Here's what drinking that much diet soda might do to your heart, mind and body She also smokes and doesn't exercises at all. 6 Teas That Block Fat And Prevent Obesity. Is drinking 4 diet cokes a day bad for you? Tuesday 2020-02-04 2:13:33 am : Are Diet Cokes Bad For You | Are Diet Cokes Bad For You | | Can-You-Do-Keto-Diet-Long-Term Close • Posted by 5 minutes ago. Fortunately, you don’t have to go to such extreme lengths to find out, because 50-year-old Los Angeles resident George Prior has done it for you. 10 Cokes a Day. And unfortunately, the sugar he consumed is easily matched by the average American. The holidays are over, and many of us have packed on a few extra pounds from all the pies and casseroles. What Swapping One Soda a Day Can Do For Your Health Posted by Todd Mansfield on July 13th, 2017 Soda, pop, coke, soft drinks…no matter what you call it, too much of it can wreak havoc on your health. George Prior drank 10 cans of Coke a day (that's 1,400 calories!) President Donald Trump reportedly drinks 12 Diet Cokes a day. Drinking just 12 ounces of soda a day can boost your chance of dying from heart disease by one-third, but what would happen if you downed 10 sugar-filled cans of Coca-Cola every day for 30 days? However, a 12-ounce can of Diet Coke contains only 46 mg of caffeine, which easily falls below the 400-milligram limit set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).. All of this from ten Cokes a day. 8 Foods Rich In Healthy Fats That We Should Add To Our Meals. All of this from ten Cokes a day. 7 Amazing Things That Will Happen When You Do Plank Every Day. President Donald Trump reportedly drinks 12 Diet Cokes a day. Side Effects of Caffeine. So with that math 2 cokes a day would equal 1.56 pounds a year. If you’re trying to lose weight and currently drinking regular soda, the switch to diet would be a good move. All input is appreciated. The Dangers of Drinking Just 1 Soda a Day It's time to break up with your fizzy friend. I don't like water all the time. And unfortunately, the sugar he consumed is easily matched by the average American. Here's what drinking that much diet soda might do to your heart, mind and body This effect is particularly pronounced in women. Here Is What 2 Cans A Day Do To Your Body What Happens One Hour After Drinking A Can of Diet Coke. Diet Coke is a source of caffeine, a widely-consumed stimulant also found in coffee and tea. Do you dismiss them, as the beverage industry does, as bad science and media hype? I wanna say.. like, 10 or 11. Trending in Health 1 The Best Refreshing Morning Routine: Have a Vegan Breakfast … Unless your concerned about a pound and a half a year I would say no it's not bad for you. These Portraits Will Make You Rethink The Issue Of Homelessness In America. They say if you have a coke a day for a year that it equals ten pounds. She eats crap all day (chips, cookies, fried food, fast food) every day and also drinks at least 4 or 5 Cokes a day. We already know that drinking regular soda isn't that great for you.But one guy took this idea to a whole new level.