THE UNIQUE ROLE AND VALUE OF INFORMATION PROFESSIONALS IN SPECIAL LIBRARIES 3 INTRODUCTION The sheer amount of information – and indeed misinformation in what is becoming an era of “post-truth” – that is produced on a daily basis makes the presence of a librarian more vital than perhaps at any point in history. These typically arise in applications such as communication systems, electro-optics, nonlinear wave propagation, electromagnetic theory, electric circuit theory, and quantum mechanics. Public libraries serve communities of all sizes and types. In large libraries, the librarian might take on an even more specialized function, such as cataloging, acquisitions, reference materials, special collections, bibliography, or administration. For a broader overview of potential special library-related job titles and employers, see the iSchools annual report, MLIS Skills at Work: A Snapshot of Job Postings Spring 2018, especially the information on Emerging Technologies (slide 25), Corporations and Business (slide 26), and Special Libraries (slide 27). It is their function to interpret the body of literature in the collection for the clientele.‘ These concepts and criteria for special libraries were not derived overnight. Taking as a starting point this regard, it is possible to identify a number of differences between special libraries and other libraries. Modern engineering and physical science applications demand a thorough knowledge of applied mathematics, particularly special functions. They play an integral role in the success of the organisations’ they represent and the delivery of important research outcomes. The function of public libraries in the preservation and public presentation of cultural heritage, e.g. In large libraries, the librarian might take on an even more specialized function, such as cataloging, acquisitions, reference materials, special collections, bibliography, or administration. library. Libraries and Abstracting and Indexing Services information system, is designed to cope with the tremendous growth of biomedical literature and the corresponding information require- ments of health scientists, practitioners, and educators. They recognise the changing landscape for special libraries and the opportunities and challenges presented by digital content, delivery platforms and communications. As the name implies, public libraries serve the general public, "from cradle to grave" as more than one public librarian has been heard to say. These typically arise in applications such as communication systems, electro-optics, nonlinear wave propagation, electromagnetic theory, electric circuit theory, and quantum mechanics. The type of library they work in, such as those in schools, public libraries, colleges, or other special facilities, categorizes many librarians. Special Libraries and Information Services Group (SLIS) SLIS currently has over 300 personal and institutional members drawn mainly from special libraries and information centers in the private and public sectors, profit and non-profit making organizations and academic institutions. The role of libraries in modern society The information society development demands to re-define the position and objectives of all the institutions which work with information, knowledge, and culture. In 1973 IFLA published Standards for public libraries, reissued with slight revisions in 1977. special library includes libraries primarily serving a specific category of users, or primarily devoted to a specific form of document, or libraries sponsored by an organization to serve its own work-related objectives.” From the above two definitions it is clear that special libraries differ fundamentally with other libraries. Foreword by the Minister of Arts and Culture 2. Many special libraries are for the specific use of the people who work for the organizations that have them; others are open to the public, although they may not provide the exact same level of service to the public as to their specific client pool. special library includes libraries primarily serving a specific category of users, or primarily devoted to a specific form of document, or libraries sponsored by an organization to serve its own work-related objectives.” From the above two definitions it is clear that special libraries differ fundamentally with other libraries. They recognise the changing landscape for special libraries and the opportunities and challenges presented by digital content, delivery platforms and communications. The development of networks between public libraries and educational institutions and Other than that, it usually provides similar functions to any library. Jesse . Standards for Special Libraries LOGAN 0. The creation of electronic networks between public libraries and research libraries, school libraries and special libraries.