How to Attract Friends with Law of Attraction This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I may get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. We all want our friendships to add … To Have Healthy Non-Flaky Friendships, Know What a Healthy Friendship Looks Like “I think friendship looks like any other healthy relationship where it’s mutual,” says Green. The key to creating lasting friendships is to think about what you can do for friends. They give out positive vibes of openness and receptivity, which open the door to friendship. Unhealthy friendships will suck the life energy right out of you and bring you down in a hurry. In other words, how we treat ourselves is almost always how our partner will treat us. But when you settle – either in a romantic relationship or a friendship – you will undoubtedly end up disappointed. Liz Morrison, LCSW – Having healthy relationships starts with you. People who have many friends attract other people because of the way they think. A few proven trustworthy friends can be an essential part of a healthy life. 4 Tips to Help You Attract the Right Kinds of Friends But it is worth it. The good news is that you can always attract new friends that are in perfect alignment with you if you use the Law of Attraction. By Bibi Deitz. “There’s not one person who is listening more than another person. Having and attracting friends who are of the same positive life view as you can be done by harnessing a few simple skills which are greatly overlooked. And the flip side of that is equally true: if you have any friendship that isn't feeling meaningful or healthy, I can guarantee it's because at least one of these three requirements is in lack in that relationship. Jamie believes that optimism wins out, that people are inherently good, and that yoga heals. If you don't have all three: then you don't have a healthy friendship. In order to attract a healthy, reciprocally loving and respectful relationship, it is vital that we do our inner work and heal our unworthiness. However, it is easy to generate negative vibrations unintentionally if you are lonely. How to Attract Positive Relationships Learn how the 4 laws of energetic attraction can improve your life. Implementing these tips listed below will help you find and keep the right friends and relationships. I’m not saying that any relationship is perfect, but you need to define your standards. In order for a relationship to be satisfying, it must have a foundation of positivity: While positive feelings are necessary in all healthy relationships; they are paramount to our friendships because these are the relationships we are entering by choice. 3. They key question is: what do they need? Define them, enforce them, and live up to them! 10 Things To Do Right Now To Attract A Healthy Relationship, Because Emotional Push Ups May Be What You Need . Because of this, Jamie has two beautiful children with some of the sweetest personalities on Earth, a partner who not only adores her – but respects her, a colorful cozy home, a fruitful career working in the creative field, and is loved by everyone that she knows. At a time like that, help is important. Bustle. Ultimately, improving confidence to attract healthy love can take time, effort, and dedication.