Read Esther commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). This study guide on the book of Esther was written by Thomas Klock of Harvest Christian Fellowship in 2005. The book of Esther has served the Jewish people as support of their national hope and especially so … The book of Esther is one of only two books in the Bible named for women. In the story of Esther, you'll meet a beautiful, young queen who risked her life to serve God and save her people. It was shared with in 2008. THE BOOK OF ESTHER AND ANCIENT STORYTELLING ADELE BERLIN University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Very few twentieth-century Bible scholars believed in the historicity of the book of Esther, but they certainly expended a lot of effort justifying their posi- tion. Thus, the deeds of Queen Esther cast a ray of light forward into Israel’s history from a dark time. Esther A2 Classic Bible Study Guide 2 INTRODUCTION The Book of Esther is a graphic narrative, which relates how God's people were preserved from ruin during the fifth century B.C. was averted, constitute the subject matter of the book, and they present a most remarkable series of divine providences. In Esther the name of God is not once mentioned. It is a Syro-Arabian modification of the Persian word satarah, which means a star. The author of the book of Esther is unknown, though some attribute the work to Mordecai. Click Download or Read Online button to get book of esther book now. Esther 1 – A Queen Is Deposed. Click here to download a copy of our 10-Day Esther Bible Study! But when we look closer we see something greater emerge. Esther is the last of the historical books of the Bible, so its main character is named Esther – that is, Venus, the morning star, which sheds its light after all the other stars have ceased to shine, and while the sun still delays rising. She was a Jewess named Hadas’sah (the myrtle), but when she entered the royal harem she received the name by which she henceforth became known (Esther 2:7). Number 1 Rated Commentary - Esther- An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries)- Joyce G. Baldwin Rosscup is a bit less enamored with Karen Jobes' commentary writing "Jobes will not be clear to some in her view that a biblical book can have legitimate errors in historical matters for the sake of poetic license, without distorting the truth (34). Study Notes on Ezra, Nehemiah, & Esther Page #6 Notes to the Reader To save space and for other reasons, I have chosen not to include the Bible text in these notes (please use your Bible to follow along). The other is the book of Ruth. What we really have in the book of Esther is a God who speaks through His followers, a woman humble enough to listen, and a divine solution for a very human problem. ADAM CLARKE Commentary on Esther (1760-1832) Clarke was Methodist, Wesleyan, Arminian, (e.g., Clarke "suggested that although God can know all future events, he chooses not to know some events beforehand" Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, page 808).He did not always interpret Scripture l iterally and so was amillennial (he interpreted Revelation as a Historicist) which led him to … It was shared with and Salem Web Network in 2008. This paper examines the Book of Esther, deriving important insights about a variety of approaches to leadership that can be applied to today‘s crisis in leadership. Study the bible online using commentary on Esther and more! Listen to this description in The Five Megilloth, a Jewish commentary published by the Soncino Press: “Esther is, among the generality of Jews, the best known of all the Books of the Bible” (p. 193).