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Hosea and Gomer’s Story. We do well to recall the story, especially given the … Continue reading "The Story of Hosea and What It Teaches About God and Holy Matrimony" The story of Hosea and Gomer is incredible. But of course the real story of this book isn’t the story of Hosea and Gomer, it’s the story of God and Israel. Hosea’s love for Gomer is only a picture of God’s love for Israel, because all the while that Israel was unfaithful to God, he was providing for them, and they … The story I am about to share with you is a true. We are Gomer. Why on earth would God want Hosea to do this? They recently finished a six part series on the book of Hosea, and before each message the media team prepared a short video that offers a deeply emotional, contemporary portrait of Hosea's commitment to Gomer and the convenant love of God toward his people that it so powerfully depicts. We are often faithless, prone to wander. This story is that of Hosea and Gomer. In Hosea 1, God comes to the prophet Hosea and tells him to choose a woman to marry. But God, who wastes nothing, uses their hardships to call them to their senses. The story of the Prophet Hosea’s troubled marriage is a powerful testimony to two things: our own tendency to be unfaithful to God, but also of God’s passionate love for us. Michael Card has a song called "Song Of Gomer" on his album The Word. We are promiscuous Gomer, who continues to leave her husband over and over to sin. It is also our story. 7/28/13. Francine Rivers' 1991 novel Redeeming Love tells the story of a prostitute named Angel in the 1850s American West, based on the story of Gomer. Gomer was part of a soft, easy going life of her time, but Hosea brought much to this marriage. In time, they will remember the wonderful story of Gomer and Hosea, and the words of the prophet, who said: Come, let us return to the Lord. Because God is a forgiving God, and not even a woman who deserts her family and prostitutes herself, is beyond forgiveness and redemption. The Scandal of God’s Love Hosea 1:2-9, 3:1-5 Steve Hanchett, pastor Berry Road Baptist Church January 14, 2001 Offended. Estonian writer Ain Kalmus' 1950 novel Prophet tells the tragic love story of Gomer and Hosea. The precise details of Hosea’s troubled marriage are sketchy and we are left to fill in some of the details with our … Continue reading "The Story of Hosea and a Glimpse into the Heart of God" Hosea’s love for Gomer is only a picture of God’s love for Israel, because all the while that Israel was unfaithful to God, he was providing for them, and they took his blessings and used them for their idol worship. In the story of Hosea and Gomer we are not to identify with the hero, Hosea. Hosea repeatedly forgave Gomer… That is how one feels when one first reads the story of Hosea and Gomer. God does. We are Gomer. God is the faithful lover of our souls. Hosea, a young preacher, is led by God to meet and woo and win a young woman by the name of Gomer. His loyal love, not deterred by Gomer’s blatant unfaithfulness, was used by God to show us a picture of His own love for His wayward, rebellious, idolatrous people. We are currently reading from the Book of the Prophet Hosea at daily Mass. This story is that of Hosea and Gomer. While no one wants to be “The Gomer,” we all literally are “The Gomer” in the stories of our own lives. pure, mental, short. Hosea was a faithful husband; Gomer was an unfaithful wife. A brief outline of the concepts presented in the Book of Hosea exist below: Chapters 1–2; Account of Hosea's marriage with Gomer biographically which is a metaphor for the relationship with YHWH and Israel. I love the story of Gomer and Hosea because I was also called to be a Hosea – not like a prophet, but called to love a Gomer. When we, like Gomer, were enslaved, God bought us back. Hosea is faithful; he finds her, redeems her and brings her back home to him. Gomer was part of a soft, easy going life of her time, but Hosea brought much to this marriage. The Story of Hosea and Gomer. The story of Hosea and Gomer is incredible. Many who read this story want to hate Gomer, but we can’t do that without consequently hating the sin within ourselves. It happened in Western Illinois but it may have happened right here, in Long Point and Flanagan, as well! Part One: The Covenant Love of God Hosea and Gomer's story is the story of God and Israel. God instructs Hosea, a preacher, to marry Gomer, a prostitute. We are often faithless, prone to wander. Hosea 1:2-10. “Then I said to her, ‘You shall stay with me for many days. Download story: Hosea and Gomer The illustrations are the copyright of Arabs for Christ and are made available for free download under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license . Hosea repeatedly forgave Gomer… God does. Now, let’s get real for a second. Jamie and Kris's story is a beautiful story of love, forgiveness and redemption; however, I want to remind everyone firstly that Hosea was a PROPHET representing God to the people of Israel and Gomer represented Israel who had fallen into the sins listed in chapter 4 of Hosea (we are all NOT prophets).