The Giants, were the chief enemies of the gods, particularly the Aesir. While treated as a nominal member of the gods, Loki occupies a highly ambivalent and ultimately unique position among the gods, giants, and the other kinds of spiritual beings that populate the pre-Christian … Continue reading Loki → Ask Question ... this movie does convey a visual analogue to how giants were idiosyncratically treated in myths and fairy tales. The translation for jotnar to giant isnt entirely accurate and likely based on just a few stories. The Bible describes many individuals as giants, and it also mentions several giant people groups. There are several different types of giants. Italy. Were the Norse gods huge? Native American Mythology . Different types of the giants appeared in Norse mythology. The Giants were often confused with the Titans, who were a previous set of offspring by Uranus and Gaea. Dear Viking Answer Lady: How tall were the Vikings? A jötunn was not necessarily an antagonist to the Norse gods either, but myths show they were more often than not. Interpreters have speculated about the size of these people with guesses ranging anywhere from 6 feet to more than 30 feet in height. I just posted a Question: How much would a man weigh at 100 ft tall? Many giants in English folklore were noted for their stupidity. Famous Si-Te-Cah: Paiute and his wife Norse mythology . Introduction: Giants in the Bible. The word jötnar is often translated into English to mean ‘giants’, though this is somewhat misleading, as not all of the jötnar are large in physical stature. A jötunn was not necessarily an antagonist to the Norse gods either, but myths show they were more often than not. * The Bible account says that “the sons of the true God began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful.”Genesis 6:2 The word jötnar is often translated into English to mean ‘giants’, though this is somewhat misleading, as not all of the jötnar are large in physical stature. There are countless tales of giants from all over the world: from Norse, Indian, Mayan, Aztec, Incan, and Greek lore. (signed) Wondering If I Measure Up Gentle Reader: When medieval writers from Europe and other lands wrote about the frightning Norse raiders, they frequently mentioned that the invading Vikings were very tall.