So, eventually I did my own count and found that heaven is mentioned many more times by Jesus than hell (or any similar description thereof). Any time you see "hell" in the Old Testament, the original word was sheol, and it is used to refer to the grave or "death" or the literal earth where you are buried. Hades is essentially the Greek equivalent of sheol. The wider context of its teaching is the abuse of wealth. Where is hell mentioned in the Bible? (Matthew 27:50-53, Acts 1:8-12, Hebrews 12:1) Jesus has the key of hell and of death! Hell is not a Biblical concept. Well, to get technical, He doesn't speak of "hell" in the gospels at all. How Many Times Is Heaven Mentioned in the Bible? Why would Jesus, the Lord of Life, speak more about what is, at best, a perversion of life, … more than he would speak of the fulfilled life in Him ? A premier text about hell from the mouth of Jesus is Luke 16:19–31. Lazarus and the Rich Fool. Here are some verses. Answer: Jesus talked about hell more often than he talked about heaven. The wider context of its teaching is the abuse of wealth. How often does the word "hell" appear in the Hebrew Bible and the original Christian Bible? however, i think the bible teaches that hell is a place where the unrepentant are destroyed rather than tormented forever. i dont know how many times its mentioned but i know its many. Sheol is a Hebrew word which is translated to "hell" in English. Jesus' Teaching on Hell by Samuel G. Dawson. hell is the form of a nightmare world and is generally used in our lords holy book it is mentioned 462 times to be exact and is used to describe the worst place any1 can ever go. Jesus also compared hell to a prison and to outer darkness. Since the Bible was written in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic, translations vary greatly, and so there is no single count for the occurrence of the word "heaven." That means Jesus has the power of who dies and goes to hell! Although Jesus made it clear that God greatly loves us, much of what we know about Hell and judgment comes from his own words. As the table below demonstrates, according to t he consensus opinion of modern Bible scholars, the word "hell" as a place of eternal suffering was never mentioned, not even a single time , in the Hebrew Bible! Jesus also compared hell to a prison and to outer darkness. Much of the Bible is debatable. Number of Times Hell is Mentioned in the Bible Salvation Read Bible Online The King James has more verses than all the other Bibles because it renders three words (gahenna, hades, tartaros) into "hell" where modern Bibles render them as hell and hades. There is a great deal of confusion among religious folks regarding this word due to the fact that the English form “hell” actually represents three different terms in the Greek New Testament. no i would not want to go to a church that never talked about hell. The word "wedding" is mentioned 7 times in the bible The word "weddings" is not mentioned; then another variation of the word such as "marriage" is mentioned 19 times in the bible. It appears only in the New Testament. Very interesting that Jesus never preaches hell or about the devil to the masses, was all about Love and relationship with God and our fellow man, and for our righteousness to surpass that of the Religious of that day….Even explaining about the “Tares of the field….He mentioned the devil only to the disciples: Mt 13: 39. I was righteously indignant when, a number of years ago, a caller uttered these words on a call-in radio show I was conducting. A premier text about hell from the mouth of Jesus is Luke 16:19–31. There are references to hades and gehenna, both of which have been translated as "hell," originally by the King James translators; a less than accurate tradition that has carried over into our more modern translations. after his resurrection, many bodies of the saints which slept arose and preached in Jerusalem and testified for 40 days and then ascended up with Jesus into heaven! Apparently someone made the statement that Jesus spoke about hell more than heaven, so John at Verum Serum checked it out to see if it was true and he came to the conclusion, just be doing a word count that Jesus speaks more about heaven than hell. Much of the Bible is open to numerous interpretations. Depending upon which version of the Bible is consulted (Old Testament versus New testament) the estimate will vary between 140 and 240 times.