Appoint one student to moderate the debate if you don't want to fill this role yourself. How to Start an Introduction for a Debate. I myself have little experience, and has never competed in a competition. While I was head coach, over the years I tried to promote students to leadership roles (just like at PHC) while also bringing in many guests, such as Dr. Farris to teach on CX, many topic experts, and other college debaters. Choose a topic to which your students can relate and perhaps one with practical application. All debates start with a topic, or resolution. National Forensic League, Recruiting students. Team policy was the heart of this club. Research your part of the debate. The two key factors involved in offering debate for children are (1) finding a teacher who is intrested in the activity and (2) locating a curriculum that is appropriate. Competing in Public Forum Debate, senior Quentin Levin and junior William Thompson just missed winning the championship in a highly competitive round vs. Pinecrest High School (NC). Make sure all of the students but especially the moderator understand the protocol for the debate. Research your part of the debate. Middle School Public Debate Program, Debate Skills. Education Scotland, Debating in schools . A proposal to push back start times for middle and high school students could have unintended consequences for elementary school students. Try to find out how you can register your high school to that organization so that you can start competing at tournaments. Students are introduced to debate, public speaking, and various speech and debate formats through fun workshops, programs, and tournaments. I would be very pleased to offer you some assistance. Participating in a classroom debate teaches students skills they can't get from a textbook, such as critical thinking, organizational, research, presentation and teamwork skills. Maybe, there is a teacher that used to do Speech and Debate and it died or there's a teacher that helped start another type of club that … The club teaches them vital life skills like project management, and working to be unbiased and… The New York City Urban Debate League founded the first elementary school summer debate institute and one of the first elementary school divisions in the country. On the day of debate, give students in the audience a blank rubric. I'm a sophomore at a high school in the Seattle Schools District, and my high school doesn't have a debate team. How to Start an Introduction for a Debate.