Guatemalan accent is way different than Mexico's, there are many words that have a different meaning, the way in which spanish is spoken is also very different. One thing to realize about the pronunciation of Spanish, is that certain sounds may have at least two different versions, depending on what comes right before them, that is, a strong version and a weak version of the sound. There are a number of Indian languages still used in isolated regions of the country. Estoy preparando un chirmol buenísimo. It was a case of I say tomato, you say tomah-toe, but with totally different words. (You know what? I will be studying ways they teach Spanish in Cuba and hope to write a paper about it. Spanish or Mexican?” While they’re both delicious sausages, they’re both actually quite different, so here’s what you need to know! Is Argentine Spanish different from Mexican Spanish? Castilian Spanish is spoken in … I've also lived in El Salvador in my teens and visit frequently. Let's find out! Mexican Spanish verses Guatemalan Spanish There are a lot of things about Mexico that remind me of home. Let’s learn some Guatemalan Insults! Being so close to Mexico, the Mexican variety of Spanish is not that different, and it should be quite influential given its size. if you speak spanish fluently you will hear the differences. Guatemalan Spanish vs. Mexican Spanish. The two major ones are Castilian and Latin American Spanish, which includes Mexican and Puerto Rician. Translate Guatemala. Also the farther south you go, the faster they speak spanish. My husband is from El Salvador (and has a Mexican mother), so I'm answering with his input. Mexican and Guatemalan accents are not that differents in pronunciation, but Guatemalan Spanish has a few variations that makes it more close to their Central American counterparts. There are several Spanish dialects. 1. So the spanish you hear in america is actually very slow compared to Chiapas, … Guatemalan Spanish (Spanish: Español guatemalteco) is the national variant of Spanish spoken in the Central American country of Guatemala.About 13.7 million of the 16 million population speak Spanish. I am wondering why Cuban Spanish is so different. Mexico is an erstwhile Spanish colony, which is why there are so many things in common between Spanish and Mexican people. If yes, what is the difference between Spanish in Spain and Latin America? Honestly, with prices like that, there’s absolutely no excuse not to learn Spanish in Guatemala if you’re going to be passing through on the backpacker trail. How it’s made and sold: Mexican chorizo is a spicy ground meat sausage that is most commonly sold fresh and uncooked, either loose or in a casing, although dried versions do exist. So, here is our guide to communicating across cultures: (English in black, Mexican Spanish in Green, Guatemalan Spanish in Blue) The short answer is: the closer geographically speaking, the closer in general. Equally so, if you want to go to a Spanish speaking country specifically to study Spanish, you won’t find a better option than this!