The reign of the deep voice in public media is a very recent thing and is a result of technical advancements and a higher fidelity that allow for deep voices to be heard clearly … While this is great for helping you speak more clearly it also serves another purpose. 6 Tips to Keep Your Voice in Peak Condition For Public Speaking. That’s also true for most radio broadcasters of old. It is true that our physical size dictates the length and mass of our vocal folds, thus defining the boundaries of our pitch. Projecting your normal speaking voice is an essential tool for proper verbal communication. A single session with a professional can give you a lot of tips about speaking more clearly. Tongue twisters make great practice. How to speak English clearly? The sad side of this is that many men with nasal voices technically have deep voices too, but because this voice comes out of … Talking Aloud. Let Abhinaya Mary Koshy shares with you some of her top tips and ways which can help you speak English more clearly. Those with a deep voice that is difficult for others to hear, how have you dealt with it? When you trained NaturallySpeaking, you read text aloud. If you came here from Google, you’ve probably already been through a heap of articles on how to get a deeper voice. Be sure to stand upright and do not slouch while you talking. To speak more clearly you must first use proper posture. There are ways to develop a deeper speaking voice and to speak more clearly and depending on the cause of the situation you may need to go that route. Practice deep breathing to help you produce a strong voice. Speak the way you trained. With the passive voice, the writer usually expresses fear of not being taken seriously; it’s the voice of little boys wearing shoe polish mustaches and little girls clumping around in Mommy’s high heels.” Speech or voice therapy can help you reach a different octal range when speaking, and learn to deepen your voice. Who knows, you may find a whole new career. So how do speak more clearly, stop mumbling, and improve diction? Most writers duck responsibility by using the passive voice. In order to speak clearly, stop mumbling, and get your voice heard by others, you need to address both the physical aspects of speaking and the mental approach to addressing people with confidence and clarity. Speak the way you trained. If you are nervous try a few different techniques to calm your nerves before speaking. 4) Talk with a pen in your mouth. With each point, you have no idea whether you’re getting tried and tested […] With each point, you have no idea whether you’re getting tried and tested […] Mumbling: You move your lips very little when you talk and don't pronounce words clearly. Being able to speak with confidence, in a well articulate manner and more importantly, being able to speak in proper English, not like some unsophisticated slob, is one of the key elements which will help to determine, whether you will succeed in life. If you slow down your speech and speak clearly, this will have a major impact on how you’re viewed in the business world. If you came here from Google, you’ve probably already been through a heap of articles on how to get a deeper voice. This article covers it all. Speech or voice therapy can help you reach a different octal range when speaking, and learn to deepen your voice. However, there are specific techniques that develop the quality and tone of the voice and allow us to speak loudly and clearly without vocal strain. You can do vocal exercises to improve your pitch, breathing, and enunciation. However, there are specific techniques that develop the quality and tone of the voice and allow us to speak loudly and clearly without vocal strain. Honestly, I have seen immigrants from India, speak much better English than many Westerners. First, speak with your natural pitch. How to speak English clearly? Also, get in the habit of swallowing before you speak, which will make you talk in a deeper voice. Your breathing affects your speech, so deep breathing can help you stop mumbling and speak clearly. Talk to a voice trainer or singing instructor. First, it’s important to concentrate on speaking your words. To speak more clearly you must first use proper posture. Second, breath from your diaphragm for a more powerful, commanding, and, yes, a bit deeper voice.