CULTURALLY COMPETENT NURSING CAREProviding culturally competent care means thatcare is planned and implemented in a way that issensitive to the needs of individuals, families, andgroups from a diverse populations within society.• Cultural assessment• Guidelines for care Health providers need to be culturally sensitive in their assessment, diagnosis and management of clients. Errors in diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and medications are frequent outcomes for which we must be held accountable, especially when patients suffer painful and harmful consequences. The evaluation of these individuals raises many issues that clinicians need to address to formulate an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan that will be acceptable to the patient. Yong Sue Park, PhD. University of Southern California. The announcement of the publication of new editions of the two best known classifications, the DSM-V and the ICD-11, for 2012 and 2014 respectively, has generated a predictable, at times heated exchange of opinions, suggestions, criticisms, and research initiatives. The chapter focuses on multicultural issues in the definition, epidemiology, diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of racially and ethnically diverse clients with intellectual disabilities (IDs). likelihood of valid evaluation and diagnosis of children with suspected communicative disorders. I. Issues in the Assessment and Diagnosis of Culturally Diverse Individuals By Francis G. Lu, M.D., Russell F. Lim, M.D., and Juan E. Mezzich, M.D., Ph.D. 2 The Culture of Emotions A Cultural Competence and Diversity Program A 58-minute video training … These are related to racism and discrimination that results in health disparities, on the one hand, and to the development of cultural, ethnic, and racial identity on the other, which can be both … Introduction. Thus, there is a great need for culturally sensitive and appropriate psychological INTRODUCTION. An integral element to effective career counseling with culturally diverse individuals includes accurate and valid career assessment. E.g. Individuals within cultural groups vary in the extent to which they endorse the values, norms, and beliefs of their cultural group and the meanings of their cultural identity. TESTING AND ASSESSMENT WITH PERSONS & COMMUNITIES OF COLOR. Issues in the Assessment and Diagnosis of Culturally Diverse Individuals Good … Issues of validity and reliability in the issue of diagnosis Reliability = Reliability is whether clinicians are able to give the same diagnosis when presented with the same symptoms. Among the wide range of clinical services provided by independent practitioners, assessment is one that is directly impacted by the rapid diversification of our population. two patients have the same symptoms but one is diagnosed with schizophrenia and the other bipolar would suggest the diagnosis is unreliable. Many organizations have begun to address these issues in the assessment and diagnosis of culturally diverse individuals. For example, although African-American and Hispanic clients with affective disorders … Frederick T. L. Leong, PhD . In diagnosis, understanding an individual’s cultural orientation will help clinicians assess how an individual’s expressions of distress are culturally shaped, as well as prevent errors of misdiagnosis. Several models and frameworks have been developed to guide the career assessment process and to understand the career needs of culturally diverse individuals. Accordingly, the focus of this chapter is to address each component of the neuropsychological assessment, as enumerated above, by providing both a framework and practical recommendations specific to the evaluation of culturally and linguistically diverse populations with … It is essential we work with culture brokers and culture consultants if we are unfamiliar with a patient’s culture. Both the American Psychological Association and the American Counseling As­sociation have recognized the importance of considering the effect of culture on diagnosis … T/F: Accurate assessment, diagnosis, and case conceptualization is dependent on the characteristics, values, and worldviews of the therapist False Cultural differences between specific groups of people can affect individuals in a unique way. The cultural competence of service providers, both clinical and non-clinical, is essential to relapse prevention for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Definitions of race and ethnicity were then provided as a contrast. At Diverse Assessments and Treatment, we consider gender and cultural identity when interpreting the psychological tests. Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students seeks to pose and answer the important questions that are arising as levels of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) learners increase in classrooms across the country. An aggregate is a collection of people who can be thought of as a whole simply because they happen to be in the same place at the same time. Errors in diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and medications are frequent outcomes for which we must be held accountable, especially when patients suffer painful and harmful consequences. Diagnosis is probably the dominant topic of discussion and debate in the psychiatric field today. Michigan State University.