Web definitions. Responsibility is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something, or of having control over someone. The it cqn be determined as having the wright to do something is authority. • Since authority and responsibility are concentrated, decision-making being absolute and independent, may prove detrimental to growth of the enterprise. Authority. (ii) A … Responsibility. Authority – ‘Authority’ means ‘Legal or rightful power, a right to command or to act’. The following are the major advantages of delegation of authority: Minimize Work Load of Managers. If CSR is not yet part of your daily business practice, you must act fast. People who are in an authoritarian position have more responsibilities which come with the power of authority. Authority is the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. Authority – ‘Authority’ means ‘Legal or rightful power, a right to command or to act’. The levels of responsibility and authority are likely to be precise and understandable. Applied to the managerial jobs, the power of the superior to command the subordinate to act or not to act in a particular manner, is called the ‘authority’. However, that’s true only if authority is delegated to the right individual(s) and in the right way. Authority, Responsibility and Accountability In Management. Office cost is reduced as it does not emphasizes on more specialists, and more departmental machines and equipment. Reduced cost—The standardised procedure and method helps in considerably reduction of office cost. and find homework help for other Business questions at eNotes People who are in an authoritarian position have more responsibilities which come with the power of authority. • Comparative performance appraisal may become difficult as the span of control is too large. Giving employees greater responsibilities without the authority to meet them is a recipe for managerial disaster. As the queation was upon authority and responsibility. It helps train subordinates and builds morale: Effective delegation causes subordinates to accept responsibility and exercise judgment.This not only helps train subordinates but also improves their self-confidence. Delegation of Authority means division of authority and powers downwards to the subordinate. It helps create a formal organisation structure: Delegation of authority is the key to formal organisation.Without delegation, a formal organisation structure cannot be created. In a similar way, the functioning of the enterprise is not possible without an organizational structure. Based on my post alone, improvement in job satisfaction, employee morale, project success rate, and a faster decision making process, provides me with certainty that there are definitely more benefits as opposed to the potential risks. Strong internal controls such as defining roles and responsibilities in the workplace, separation of duties, differing levels of authority and periodic reviews are vital to manage internal risks effectively, establish accountability and maintain a competitive edge. Diversification of activities. 4. Responsibility vs Authority. It seems even experienced workers want to push responsibility back onto bosses and avoid taking ownership of any authority or accountability. Get an answer for 'What are examples of authority and responsibility in management?' Advantages of Decentralization. In today’s digital, fast speed world, each business, small or big, needs to have a CSR program in place. A worker who believes that her employer is ethical is more cooperative, more helpful to his or her peers and has a better relationship with coworkers. Responsibility and authority are two things which go hand in hand. Authority of a Partner. Responsibility and authority are two things which go hand in hand. It is hard to conceive responsibility without authority.