The surrender cross is an experiential product that allows you to leave your fears and burdens at the cross. God’s word should influence your conduct and be used to interpret your partner’s behavior. Let God’s Word Guide Your Steps “Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway.” —PSALM 119:105. God knows exactly what He is doing and as Christians we should be able to trust Him no matter how grim the situation may look. Adam started out as one. Believe in your heart that although this relationship ended, it is not the end. I wish for you to live your life joy, peace, power and purpose. In fact, praise and worship is the key that opens God's heart. To your healing and transformation when you let go and let God love you, lead you and guide you. Each day, you can physically leave whatever you're struggling with at the cross. Spend most of your time with God in praise and worship. I have been running this same thought through my own mind and sometimes fretting over it. May God continue to bless your ministry and your life for the Lord. Let’s face it, letting go and letting God is not an easy thing to do, however, it’s a simple choice. To ensure God is an important part of your relationship with your partner, choose someone godly, try to embody God’s love in the way you treat each other, and make time to worship together each day. That tension was not meant to be immediately resolved. When that’s true of you, every other relationship will be blessed by God’s presence. Our prayer is that it will help you surrender everything to the One who surrendered His life for us. Your situation can do the same thing when you let go and let God. Here are six lessons on how to accept God’s will in your relationship: Pray about your relationship. If so, it is time to let God handle it. Relationships define us. In a godly relationship, both persons should submit to God and be willing to let Him guide the relationship. You can always contact me. God If our relationship with God is in faith, Letting go to God is a matter of letting go unto HIS will and HIS glory.. The first and most important lesson is for us to bring every relationship in our lives before the throne of grace. A great relationship with God is not all about talks and ceremonies, … How to Find Out If Your Relationship is the Will of God When you think you’ve found the right one, always remember the biblical definition of love and how Jesus gave his life for you. Make sure the relationship that defines you best is the one you have with God. In God’s dealings with Adam, we discover two realities: 1) God established marriage as the antidote to a basic human need (“It is not good for the man to be alone”); 2) God was concerned about the individual fit of the relationship (“a helper suitable for him”). Have questions? Reflect on Your Relationship. Come to God just as you are with an open heart. When He’s a part of who you are, the world knows who He is. P.S. Why have most humans not succeeded in finding true peace and happiness? There’s no need to cling to a dying relationship because of fear of the unknown. As A Relationship With God Goals Cup Of Suffering Submission Headship Christ's Relationship To God For You are my God; Let Your, Letting Go to God. Whether it is an emotional upset, a mental block, a physical challenge, or a relationship problem, the solution for each is the same: Your relationship conflicts truly take a toll on your physical health and affect your emotional well-being as well. If you both put God first, you’ll strengthen your relationship with Him while building a deep connection as a couple.