. God has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. He was zealous for my sake . 14:2,4). Fasting Applies Extra Pressure to the Spiritual Realm; 6 Keys to Building Faith to See in the Spirit Realm He persisted in prayer, and eventually the answer came. Understanding the Spirit Realm: Your Spiritual Mind. It is strange that the world accepts enthusiasm in every realm but the spiritual. —Numbers 25:11. The spiritual realms operate in continuity with the physical/natural world that we observe. written by Colin Dye May 3, 2012. Then use the 7 tools God gives us to fight. I pray that the eyes of your heart may… Spiritual Power – How Can Operating in the Spiritual Realm Bring Prosperity on Earth? If you are not praying, nothing is happening in your spirit realm, and consequently, your destiny will be a drag. We are speaking mysteries to God, and we are building ourselves up in the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. With the increase in belief in technology and machines, people are slowly forgetting everything about the spirit realm. Related Articles. However, events in our physical world are shaped by activities in the spiritual realm. All the time. The Spiritual Realm is the unseen state of our spirit, yet it is exactly the ‘force’ that affects everything in our lives. In that conflict, he reminds the Ephesians that—important though it is—the Christian armor is not enough. Find Out How You Can Increase Your Spiritual Powers. Most humans cannot see into the spiritual dimensions, so we can only observe the physical side of existence. As if God is a corrupt government worker that I have to bribe to do his/her job. There are many ways we may be fighting spiritual battles in our lives and world today, but here are 5 examples from Scripture that may reveal you’re under attack and caught in spiritual warfare. One of the visions Eva shared powerfully illustrates what is going on in the spirit world when we pray. 15 Secrets Of Spirit Realm You Need To Know. "When we refuse to pray, it's like having a refrigerator without plugging it in. In order to understand spiritual realms, we must understand realms of authority. You have the potential to have the mind of Christ. Though unseen, the spiritual realm is never a myth, its a reality. Our imagination is our “spiritual eyes” or as the following verse refers to as the “eyes of our heart”. But we should stand fast, knowing that our prayers are impacting things in the unseen world. "When Paul talks about spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6, prayer is the seventh piece of armor. When Jesus died and rose again He appeared to … There is a battle raging, and our prayers are shifting things in the heavenly realm. In this realm it is possible to actually pray against principalities, powers, high places and strongholds. It activates all of the rest of the spiritual armor," she said. However, spiritual prayer is not for the faint in heart. I could say this: the spirit realm is the software required to run the hardware of your physical realm, and for the child of God, prayer is its power source. Our imagination is another word for using our mind. It is powerful! And one thing that helped me arrive at this truth was asking the question, “what happens in the spirit realm when we pray? According to Paul in Ephesians 6, all of life is spiritual warfare. How to Fight and Win Spiritual Battles for Eternity,Whitney Hopler - Read more about spiritual life growth, Christian living, and faith.