Quickly find that inspire student learning. Find Out of the Dust activities lesson plans and teaching resources. Out of the Dust A variety of reading strategies to use with the book, including an anticipation guide, a guided imagery activity, and practice with vocabulary. Complete lesson plans for teaching Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse. The book ends on an optimistic note: Billie Jo's hands heal, and she can once again play the piano. Out of the Dust, written by Karen Hesse, uses verse to tell the story of Billie Jo Kelby’s life on a farm during the Dust Bowl years. The Dust Bowl: Maybe you've heard of it? Below are some examples. Use the Out of the Dust Analyzing Theme printable to support students in examining the themes in Out of the Dust. It's one of the most important events of the 20th century, and you don't have to be Ken Burns to grasp how it impacted American culture—all you have to do is read Karen Hesse's Out of the Dust. Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse is a popular novel to use in the classroom. Out of the Dust (Teaching Unit) (Prestwick House) ... Out of the Dust (Lesson Plan) (Prestwick House / Teacher's Pet) Download .pdf from eNotes $30. She must deal with her mother's death, her father's decline, and her burned hands. Out of the Dust Three activities related to the book. In this Out of the Dust lesson, students have a choice of creative projects to complete after they have finished the reading. Out of the Dust is a 1997 novel by Karen Hesse, which you'll understand better with the help of this quiz/worksheet. Step #2 ~ Compare and Contrast Out of the Dust The Outsiders Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry Tuck Everlasting Twelve Angry Men Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone Out of the Dust Lesson 3.docx Out of the Dust Lesson 3.docx Out of the Dust Lesson 4.docx Out of the Dust Lesson 5.docx Out of the Dust Lesson 6.docx Out Of The Dust Unit Plan 2013-2014.docx Teaching Guides, Lesson Plans & more. All exercises, activities, and assignments in the unit will develop students’ reading, writing, thinking, and language skills. Written in spare, first-person free-verse poems, the book is about how Billie Jo survives during the Dust bowl during the Depression. In Out of the Dust This unit plan has been carefully designed to give teachers all of the tools they need to present twenty-four daily lessons on Karen Hesse’s novel, Out of the Dust. You can create vocabulary lists for your students or ask them to make their own. This Dust Bowl resource for teachers provides lesson plans in which using Karen Hesse's book, Out of the Dust, students gain an understanding of Dust Bowl history through the eyes of a child. ... Students choose an individual project or a group project to culminate the reading of Out of the Dust. Step #1 ~ Observe Photos. About This Quiz & Worksheet. Lesson Plan/Art Project. Ask them to answer the questions on the resource as they read and discuss their responses with a partner. And if that's too hard for you, there's always our Shmoop resources about Karen Hesse's Out of the Dust. Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse Lesson plans and teaching resources Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943 Color photographs of American life during the Depression.