Another allusion to more rings is made when Sauron invaded Eregion to reclaim by force all the rings he had sought to rule by the forging and wearing of the One: "There Sauron took the Nine Rings and the lesser works of the Mírdain; but the Seven and the Three he could not find." He apparently wanted to use the Rings to control those races. So the more I think about it, the more I think forging/ helping Celebrimbor learn how to forge the Rings of Power was a bad idea for Sauron. Rings of Power: A bust for Sauron. They were originally intended to seduce the Elves, as Sauron hated them. The Nine, Sauron said, would give the bearers power over other men and extend their lives. The Nine, Sauron said, would give the bearers power over other men and extend their lives. After the One Ring, they are the most powerful of the twenty Rings of Power.. So, I've been reading Lord of The Rings, and other Tolkien books, and I've always wondered something. The Rings of Power are the twenty magical rings created by the Elves of Eregion under Sauron's tutelage in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium; Three were intended for the Elves, Seven for Dwarves, Nine for Men, and one, the One Ring, was created by Sauron himself in Mount Doom. Only time will tell if the Dark Lord Sauron will be returning to the silver screen. He is the main antagonist of the franchise, and a fallen Maia who wishes to find his lost One Ring and use it to bring Middle Earth into darkness. Sauron is the Dark Lord from Lord of the Rings. In Tolkien's mythology, the Three Rings are magical artifacts forged by the Elves of Eregion. But Sauron was ready to begin his own plans, and in S.A. 1600 - ten years after the completion of the Rings of Power - he created The One Ring to control the bearers of the other Rings. Of the Nature of Sauron and The Rings of Power What is the nature of the Nine, the Seven and the Three? Whoever wields the Ring has access… Given his power over the Ring, it is likely he can. But the Great Rings, the Rings of Power, they were perilous." The Rings of Power were the masterwork of the Elven smiths of Eregion headed by Celebrimbor, a descendant of Fëanor. It is often stated that Sauron in fact held the 9 rings of the Nazgul in his possession and needed them to control the Nazgul. Sauron was trying to retain as much power from the rings as possible. Tolkien never explained, so far as I know, why Sauron decided to take back the Rings of Power he had given to the Dwarves.We only know that he seized Thrain and took his Ring from him, “the last of the Seven”, according to Thrain. By the end of the Third Age, Sauron had recovered three of the Seven Rings to himself, and the other four had been consumed by dragons. The Dwarves proved too hardy to be lured in this way, though, and the Rings did little more than increase their native lust for gold. Amazon’s “Lord of the Rings” series is slated to run for five seasons and arrive sometime in 2021, according to SyFyWire. This decisions made the ring a conduit that made Sauron even stronger than before. However, some "Lord of the Rings" fans believe map details imply the streaming company must now have rights to "Silmarillion" content. The reason for their creation came from Sauron, who assumed the appearance of'Annatar' to deceive the Elves and trick them into forging the rings. The Three Rings were made by Celebrimbor after Sauron, in the guise of Annatar, had left Eregion.These were free of Sauron's influence, as he did not have a hand in their making. What do they do for their bearers? When the dark lord Sauron forged the One Ring he poured, “his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life”. The One Ring, the central plot element in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (1954–55), is a malevolent Ring of Power made by the Dark Lord Sauron to enslave the whole of Middle-earth.An earlier story, The Hobbit (1937), describes it as a magic ring of invisibility. What did the other rings of power, given to the various races by Sauron actually do? Sauron took the Seven and the Nine back to Mordor after he seized them in the War of the Elves and Sauron. The plan never worked well. However, Sauron has never shown being invisible whilst wearing the Ring, and it is unknown if he can will this invisibility if he wishes. Sauron was born as the Maia Mairon, servant to the Vala Aulë.