Ok. Let me try to answer this question. The first two, "The Greatest Thing in the World" and "Pax Vobiscum" were excellent. There are the Calvinists and the Arminians and the Dispensationalists -- these are some of the things that are held up as the "summum bonum," the highest good, in theology. It was in this environment that both Michael and Judy were steeped. He contrasts it with faith. Then the challenge to their faith—which never really expected an advance towards a summum bonum—but only played that expectation, that hope—will now face up to the sacrifice demanded. Ok. Let me try to answer this question. The phrase ‘supreme personality of Godhead’ simply means ‘The Supreme God’. The question that comes to mind is whether an outsider that visits my church quickly perceives that love is the summum bonum of the group. If everyone tried to follow Krishna’s teachings, everyone would be happy. We are to love God with our entire being and love our neighbor as ourselves. Once only you can live it. In all the liberal and ingenious arts, in painting, in poetry, in music, in eloquence, in philosophy, the great artist feels always the real imperfection, of his own best works, and is more sensible than any man how much they fall short of that ideal perfection, of which he has formed some conception, which he imitates as well as he can, but which he despairs of ever equalling. The highest good, the summum bonum is love. xiii. If there is no love, there is no Christianity. The Greatest Thing In The World -by Henry Drummond. He began his writing career in his early 30s. Every one has asked himself the great question of antiquity as of the modern world: What is the summum bonum—the supreme good? Drummond goes to 1 Corinthians 13 to show that love is the greatest thing and the ultimate thing in the Christian's life. He contrasts it with charity. Summum Bonum Under evolution, the highest moral good,— the summum bonum ,— is the achievement of differential reproductive success. Thomas Hobbes (1588 - 1679) Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, in some older texts Thomas Hobbs of Malmsbury, was an English philosopher, best known today for his work on political philosophy. You have life before you. In "The Greatest thing in the World," Rev. ToC. The question that comes to mind is whether an outsider that visits my church quickly perceives that love is the summum bonum of the group. Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil—commonly referred to as Leviathan—is a book written by Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) and published in 1651 (revised Latin edition 1668). Given all the sorrows this round world has seen in its various revolutions, this directive actually has been adopted by some people as their goal in life. Everyone has asked himself the great question of antiquity as of the modern world: What is the summum bonum-- the supreme good? LOVE: THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD. His 1651 book Leviathan established the foundation for most of Western political philosophy from the perspective of social contract theory.