Thanks for reading. Experts are targeting issues and world leaders are taking calculated steps to implement solutions … These simple solutions to everyday problems we all face are so obvious, it’s mind boggling to me that I don’t see these every day, come on world! What the world needs is AI safeguards, or protocols to make sure AIs, or rogue AIs, can be contained. 2. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! 1. Why no one Why are all of these not being used everywhere in the world. 23 Solutions To Your Most Pressing First World Problems Now you know what to do when utter tragedy strikes. 10 Hilarious And Awesome Pics To Brighten Your Day. In part two, I’ll describe how trying to solve 50 problems in 50 days taught me it’s OK to be an utter fool… and how it’s OK for Terrorism. Sometimes you don’t need an electric car or to fly to mars, sometimes, you just want to pump your gas … Homelessness is one of the oldest problems in the world, but it really took off during the Industrial Revolution. Stay tuned for more problems, solutions and learning from my 2517-mile adventure. Learn what the biggest problems are facing the world today, like global health and environmental issues, and how you can help by partnering with GVI. SUNY New Paltz. These are all things that need to come to an end. These simple solutions to everyday problems we all face are so obvious, it's mind boggling to me that I don't see these every day, come on world! Why no one is funding these. In order to make our earth a better place to live for our children and our children’s children, we need to know what problems our world faces and how we can solve them. This website uses cookies for an improved user experience. Washing dishes is easy, but can be time-consuming for some. But what about the everyday problems we constantly face in the safety of our own homes? Sexism. 4. The World’s First Driving Dog. I think it's time we stepped our game up. Below, we have put together a list of creative life solutions to problems you never knew needed solving and some absolutely needful things, after seeing which you just couldn't live without them anymore. This Blew My Mind! But surprisingly they seem to have no real solutions too. 18 Problems That Should Have Been Solved Already Its 2016. EXCEPT THAT $10.25 ISN’T A 20% TIP — IT’S LIKE A 50% TIP. While Most Scribble Garbage On Their School Desks, This Guy Scribbles Masterpieces. This whole list is full of genius ideas that'll make your life easier in no time! 3. In the US, which has the highest GDP in the world, there were over 610,000 people who were in homeless shelters on. Images: Not all images in every story are owned by us or by our contributing authors. Oh! This Will Blow Your Mind. Affordable Dishwashers for Every Home. Obsessed with travel? Just because a problem is small or superficial doesn't mean it can't annoy the living crap out of you. Now you don’t need to calculate the tip. First-world problems, white whines—call it whatever you want—but knowing a problem is trivial doesn't make it any less frustrating. We all face these real life problems in our lives, at one point or the other. That’s convenient! 1. Let’s take a look at the most common small business challenges that new entrepreneurs often have to deal with, in addition to finding solutions. Others may think you're overreacting, or even have the audacity to roll their eyes, but you're in your own personal hell. From drones to autonomous robots used for soldiering, there is a lot to be concerned about . Lauren Alberti . It is imperative that the world prioritize certain problems in order to dedicate enough resources to identify and solve the top problems in the world that can be solved. The detergent eats away our skin too. It would be great if automatic dishwashers are made considerably common and affordable. 1. Mar 14, 2016. imgur 69660 Racism. All the other "isms." By Ethan Benjamin Entrepreneurship is fraught with a lot of challenges.