Tears of a Tiger. Want to add some juice to your work? They decided to get together and go celebrate their victory. The Tears of a Tiger . An examination of the Washington and Jackson families reveals what makes a strong family and what leads to a … We will write a custom essay sample on. Andrew lost control of his car and crashed into a retaining wall on I-75. Carson, celebrate a win by going out drinking and driving. Tears of a tiger is about four high school boys Robbie, Andy, Tyrone, and B.J. Tears of a Tiger is a novel that reflects on the life of teens and the possible consequences that can take place due to bad decisions. Tears of a Tiger by Sharon Draper Anthony Avila ENG 3 Honors Period 3 The novel Tears of a Tiger is about a high school student named Andy Jackson going through a life of pain and guilt.The story begins with a newspaper article on an accident that killed a basketball player named Robbie Washington.They were all coming from a party and they have been drinking. At Paperap.com you will find a wide variety of top-notch essay and term paper samples on any possible topics absolutely for free. He tells his brother that their parents split up and live in different houses now; their mom cries all the time and it's super annoying. Here you will also find the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your research paper well-formatted and your essay highly evaluated. While Tears of a Tiger is the first book that Draper wrote and published in her Hazelwood High trilogy, it is not the first chronologically. Essay title: Tears of a Tiger. Essay Tears Of A Tiger By Sharon Draper Tears of a Tiger Compare and Contrast In “Tears of a Tiger” by Sharon Draper two family environments are seen. Monty's not sure if Andy can hear him, but he talks to the gravestone anyway. Tears of a Tiger After a basketball game, four kids, Andrew Jackson, Tyrone Mills, Robert Washington and B.J. After the success of Tears, Draper went back in time with Forged by Fire, the second novel of her trilogy, to tell Gerald's story. Alcoholism affects the lives of many people as well as the lives of people around them. Tears of a Tiger. Carson, celebrate a win by going out drinking and driving. They just had an important basketball game. Tears of a Tiger depicts a story of a group of popular basketball players, who win their game and go to celebrate. Andy, Tyrone, and B.J. No problem! Tears of a Tiger by Sharon Draper After a basketball game, four kids, Andrew Jackson, Tyrone Mills, Robert Washington and B.J. Andy, Tyrone, and B.J. escaped from the four-door Chevy right after the accident. The novel was written by Sharon M. Draper and first published in 1994. They start drinking, expect for B.J who has never drunk in his life. escaped from the four-door Chevy right after the accident. Andrew lost control of his car and crashed into a retaining wall on I-75. He wonders who will teach him stuff, like basketball and about kissing girls. * Body (at least 3 paragraphs) – The format for your body paragraphs will vary depending upon if you choose a substance of abuse, a disease or a current issue.