When I told my manager that I was now available to do full-time hours , he told me with a mixture of contempt and amusement that there weren't any positions for me and I'd have to look elsewhere. AfterCollege - Entry-level jobs and internships for students of nursing, engineering, business and all disciplines. Deciding what to do after college can seem like a daunting decision how are you supposed to decide what you want to do with the rest of your life? You strolled across the stage and picked up your well-earned diploma. Nearly half of new graduates are underemployed, working jobs that don’t require a … If possible, visit every college that you are strongly considering. What Should You Do After You Graduate? Yet, so many of you are so hungry for short term gains right after college. You could apply to university, go on a gap year, take on an apprenticeship, find an internship, or start your working career. Find Out Where College Graduates Go After Graduation Based on U.S. News data, college graduates choose graduate education programs over law or medical school. Gorilla Crab eats #Saltwater #Aquarium #Fish and Coral. Where Graduates Move After College Which cities have the most drawing power among college grads? Getting prepared for a college interview? About AfterCollege. No website, guidebook, or testimonial will give you a better feel for a school than you'll get by seeing it for yourself. A DO graduate may become licensed as an osteopathic physician, having equivalent rights, privileges, and responsibilities as a physician who has earned the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. Employment rates of college graduates. Get started by asking yourself these questions. Congratulations! Ten Pieces of Advice for Graduates 1. Many students change their minds after a campus visit. Small metros lose out to big ones in gaining graduates, but some buck the trend. Life After College: 7 Things to Do After Graduation You just spent several years getting your college degree and now the reality of adulthood is setting in. Even if the company for which you shadow does not have a current opening, they may remember you when they do have one. If you?ve received acceptance offers from more than one college, congratulations! The best time to travel is after college when you are free of obligations to a job. Check for job-shadowing opportunities with your college or local chamber of commerce. Getting prepared for a college interview? One obvious option is to go after what you spent four long years working toward: your first job.