Strip your old way of thinking, and give me the next few moments of your time. 860 Words 4 Pages. Question. shamspotato. Thrasymachus makes two critical points in his argument. In your own words, define restorative justice, and provide an example of a restorative justice theory (or theories) in use by identifying a public or private program utilizing principles of restorative justice. It is not revenge, but it is punishment. If either side of an argument uses false and misleading arguments then wins then to me the conclusion is unjust. Define The Criminal Justice System In Your Own Words. This was most common among sex trafficking survivors, with 52 percent of those respondents referred to service providers by the criminal justice system. 0. Middle English justice from Old French justise, justice (Modern French justice), from Latin iustitia 'righteousness, equity', from iustus "just", from ius 'right', from Old Latin ious, perhaps literally "sacred formula", a word peculiar to Latin (not general Italic) that originated in the religious cults, from Proto-Indo-European *yews-. What is the most unjust occurrence you’ve ever heard about or witnessed? Justice basically means every member of a society getting what they deserve, and giving something equally important to the community in return. Provide the Web site address (URL) for the program. In this piece of writing Plato reveals the sentiments of Socrates as they define how humans function and interact with one another. Justice can be thought of as distinct from benevolence, charity, prudence, mercy, generosity, or compassion, although these dimensions are regularly understood to also be interlinked. Putting things in FAIR order. Research the concept known as restorative justice, and discuss the following: In your own words, define restorative justice, and provide an example of a restorative justice theory (or theories) in use by identifying a public or private program utilizing principles of restorative justice. WRITE ABOUT. I am interested to hear what individuals define as justice. What is the most unjust occurrence you’ve ever heard about or witnessed? The Criminal Justice System CJA/204 August 8, 2012 The Criminal Justice System The word crime is defined as conduct in violation of the criminal laws of a state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction for which there is no legally acceptable justification or excuse (Schmallager, 2011, p. 7). I'm not interested in text book definitions or something out of a dictionary. Definition of justice: Fairness in protection of rights and punishment of wrongs. Provide the Web site address (URL) for the program. In its economical aspect, justice is a way of distributing material and intangible goods in a way that does not insult anyone. If Joe Bloe says I’ll pay the debt for Adolf Hitler’s crimes, justice is not met. Justice is, in fact, the glue that holds societies together. Behind the concept of justice lies the notion of balance - that people get what is right, fair and appropriate. Your definition fails. The Definition of Justice Essay; The Definition of Justice Essay. As you can see, justice is multifaceted.