Some people ask, “Does God have favorites?” I don’t believe God has favorites, but I do believe God has intimates—people who know Him intimately. When you do that daily, we will not only have a revelation knowledge of Him. A. Obedience results in … ... you’ll know His will. Do they? Or it may mean saying yes to His will before we even know what that means. We may not be able to know everything about Him now, but that does not mean we can’t know Him better. (John 17:3) Know - "to become acquainted with, to know" (Thayer, 117); "to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of" (Online Bible Dictionary). Getting to know God Better, Personally, Intimately & Through Prayer; How to become a Christian, How to accept Jesus Christ as Savior, How to start a relationship with God. 1:8-9. As logical as that thought may seem, it’s completely untrue and disproven by Scripture. You see, not only does God want to have long times of communion with us, but He wants to spill over throughout our day. To know God is eternal life - Jno. What Does It Mean To Know God? Being known by God is another way of talking about election—God’s freely choosing us for himself, in spite of our not deserving it. God becomes our shelter in life’s storms when we crawl under His wings of protection and cling to Him in total dependence (vv. However, once we have accepted the gift of Christ through faith, we can begin to truly know God. To Know God’s Will, You Must Know His Ways . He means what He says and He says what He means. And—good news—God wants you to know Him intimately. Frankly, God likes it this way because He doesn’t want any contenders for your heart; He’s jealous for your affection (Ex. Now this is eternal life; that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. Whatever need we may have already has it’s provision in God, even before we know we need it ourselves. Those who do not know God are eternally punished - 2 Ths. Those who know intimacy with Him feel the safety that comes with submission to His will. Without the sacrifice of Jesus, we are dead in sin (Colossians 2:13). Their relationship with God is just infatuation. ... God knew long before. Since they know His heart and trust His goodness and wisdom, they have no … We may not be able to know everything about Him now, but that does not mean we can’t know Him better. It the kind of knowing referred to in Amos 3:2: ‘You only have I known of all the families of the earth.’ God had chosen Israel as his people, though they were no … But, we don’t demand an explanation. His knowing it means He has already prepared for it. 17:3. b. All they see are His works. This is what I mean by being simple: If you struggle with a certain area in your life and need to know God’s thoughts on the matter, find a Scripture befitting the need and do the same exercise. 2. Do you? God knows us intimately and completely.There isn't a single detail of our lives He has not noted and prepared for. If Tozer was right, then Martyn Lloyd-Jones was also right when he said, “Our supreme need is to know God” (God’s Ultimate Purpose [Baker], p. 342; he said this often in his writings). You see, not only does God want to have long times of communion with us, but He wants to spill over throughout our day. What does it mean to know God? How can I come to really know God? 34:14). This post discusses: There are two levels of knowing God, two levels of knowledge about Him: Know God’s works, what He does, Or know God’s ways, who He is. So for the Lord to say that the very hairs of your head are all numbered means that He wants you to know that He is very interested in you and has intimate knowledge about you—your body, family, ... God knows you intimately. As logical as that thought may seem, it’s completely untrue and disproven by Scripture. 3. Obedience yields three benefits: God will love us; Jesus will reveal Himself to us; and, we’ll enjoy a relationship with God that the world cannot know. They don’t know His ways. Remember, He lives in you. Then we can know the joy and peace that comes from trusting Him and yielding to His will, just as Jesus did. Step Two: Accept That a Fulfilling Intimate Love Relationship With God is Personal. 4. Surrender to God comes before intimacy with God. It is important, because: a. A dead person cannot raise himself to life in order to come to know anyone. And His life in you is not to be suppressed but expressed. ... A person who becomes a Christian moves from knowing about God distantly to knowing Him directly and intimately. You will also see His life manifesting in you. Steps to Knowing God Itimately. To know Him intimately, eat with Him daily at His table. Yes, God is so great and vast that there will always be something we’re discovering about Him in this lifetime. There can only be intimacy with God when we are in good fellowship with Him through obedience. Yes, God is so great and vast that there will always be something we’re discovering about Him in this lifetime. Knowing God is intimacy; knowing about God is merely evaluation.